Headphones for metal music - ultimate solution
Jun 5, 2015 at 12:28 PM Post #1,396 of 12,322
I think it's worth mentioning that the LCD-2F is pretty darn good. It's quite a bit cleaner and more detailed than the non-fazor. 

That's great if you use LCD-2 with no partners, but as 2nd or 3rd cans I absolutely prefer non-fazors, they have far more character, than fazor-version.
Jun 5, 2015 at 12:29 PM Post #1,397 of 12,322
I really liked the 407 I tried for metal. Extra dry but ultra tight. Was great with tech death.

I like them more on power and progressive. They're on their way to spreadsheet.
Jun 5, 2015 at 3:01 PM Post #1,399 of 12,322
  LCD-X then! (it's a solid in between)

I have the LCD-X and XC and I've had the LCD-2F in the past. These are incredible headphones and I prefer them for metal because I like a cleaner and precise sound. Analytical is a good word to describe them. They are very detailed and the bass goes down very deep. They aren't as smooth as the 2/3 but wow are they incredible to my ears. 
The HE6 is a great headphone but for my ears and gear the LCD-X is better suited for me. I know the X's aren't a very popular headphone in this forum but there are people who love them and I'd suggest giving them a whirl especially if you like analytical sound signatures. 
Jun 5, 2015 at 3:08 PM Post #1,400 of 12,322
I've been playing almost exclusively metal on my HFM HE-400i for the past few weeks. Such a killer headphone for metal. In my opinion it's better for most metal than the HE-400 due to the more aggressive midrange on the 400i. Guitars sound way better and the music as whole really retains the aggression of the metal genre. The 400 has more bass but I still even prefer the 400i for doom just to the guitars sounding better.  400i still has plenty of bass for doom. The 400 does do better with music that benefits from its great bass and superior soundstage (as opposed to the 400i). I like Sunn o))) and most drone music with the 400, just a bit more enveloping.
Jun 5, 2015 at 3:20 PM Post #1,401 of 12,322
  I've been playing almost exclusively metal on my HFM HE-400i for the past few weeks. Such a killer headphone for metal. In my opinion it's better for most metal than the HE-400 due to the more aggressive midrange on the 400i. Guitars sound way better and the music as whole really retains the aggression of the metal genre. The 400 has more bass but I still even prefer the 400i for doom just to the guitars sounding better.  400i still has plenty of bass for doom. The 400 does do better with music that benefits from its great bass and superior soundstage (as opposed to the 400i). I like Sunn o))) and most drone music with the 400, just a bit more enveloping.

Did I influence you to get the HE400i? Just curious.
Does yours have punchy, impactful bass? Mine had good bass presence, but lacked punch and impact.
Jun 5, 2015 at 4:41 PM Post #1,402 of 12,322
Jun 5, 2015 at 6:01 PM Post #1,403 of 12,322
Did I influence you to get the HE400i? Just curious.
Does yours have punchy, impactful bass? Mine had good bass presence, but lacked punch and impact.

Well you're brief positive impression kept it on my radar for sure. I wasn't really planning on springing for it as soon as I did (only got the 400 last November) but a good deal came up locally. So I got to meet another awesome local head-fier and try out the 400i on various sources and I was sold.
Bass is great on my rig, especially some of my vinyl albums. I will say the 400 is more forgiving of records who may have been mixed a bit thin in the lower bass department. The bass on the 400i is where I like it for probably 80% of the music I listen to. Plenty of punch and impact in the mid-bass but rolls off a bit quicker than the 400 as you get lower.
Jun 6, 2015 at 12:50 AM Post #1,404 of 12,322
I do not recommend the Audio-Technica ATH-M50x for metal or anything else. The more I listen to it, the more I realize how bad it sounds to me. Ironically, it sounded even worse with a calibration profile that was supposed to make it sound more accurate. The Yamaha HPH-MT220 is far superior, and for $150, it's a steal. (It used to be $399, though, so it's kind of unfair.)
Jun 6, 2015 at 2:05 AM Post #1,405 of 12,322
That's great if you use LCD-2 with no partners, but as 2nd or 3rd cans I absolutely prefer non-fazors, they have far more character, than fazor-version.

I feel exactly the same. Didn't think that much of my LCD-2.2c, only reason it stayed in my collection so long was the very special quality it brought to a small number of my albums. The fazor version just kinda ends of nowhere for me, lacks what classic had and it's improved clarity etc just not enough still compared to headphones of comparable cost.

(none of which is to say it is a bad headphone, one man's trash is anothers treasure, IMO, YMMV and other usual caveats apply)
Jun 8, 2015 at 10:25 AM Post #1,406 of 12,322
Sony MDR-Z7
First of all it is necessary to admit that I don't like these cans. Subjectively - I'm not fan of "dark" sound signature (with some really prominent exceptions). Objectively - we have far from neutral pretentious headphones with commercial, comfortable sound made to tempt unsophisticated listener. Well, anyway, 650-Senns-fan-reader can safely add 0,5 - 1 points to my marks. For the others, I will risk to assume, it will be okay only with rather bright amplifier - I stopped on the Soloist, with Zen (really dark amp) it was physically impossible to listen Z7 for me. The huge field for recable activity also detected, with a serious custom cable everything can appear not so bad.
So. The bass is clearly elevated, powerful, rather fast, but slightly soft. Mids are slightly on the cool side, not to tell that mids are recessed, but with a delicate hint of it. Tops are "comfortable", too much "comfortable", a lot of "veil" here. The soundstage is not stadium-wide, but also far from chamber style, something standart-ish for closed cans.
I like it.
Doom: Abilities of cans hit the mark accurately, shortcomings turn to pluses. The viscous, dark, fat sound - all is as is should to be on Doom.
Heavy Metal: I am surprised. The cans that look unbalanced on majority of other subgenres look opposite here - the sound picture is well balanced. Nothing sticks out, doesn't draw in anywhere. Obviously cans were deliberatly tuned for music material like this.
Sludge, Stoner: The result is predictable for genre, that sonically combines  Doom and Heavy Metal. Balanced as on the Heavy-metal with a little dash of Doom-y fat bass.
Thrash: A bit slow, but not over the border slow (like i.e. on Grindcore). Some untidy/soft notes look nice here, as well as a cheerful bass slam.
I do not like it.
Industrial: Under-over-spicy ) Midbass is okay in quantity, but it would be good to have more subbass, adequate massage of a liver doesn't happen. Plus softish character of bass - not quite that is necessary here, too soft for sharp industrial edges and blades.
Alternative: Darkness and softness inappropriate here. On the contrary, fun, transparency and brightness we would welcom.
Power: There is nothing to brag, alas. Rather heavyweight and gloomy. Soundstage is mediocre. Anti-synergy.
Progressive: Deja vu of impressions on Power. There is nothing to brag, alas. Rather heavyweight and gloomy. Soundstage is mediocre. Anti-synergy.
Symphonic: Deja vu again,,,,
Black: Too slow, too slow, than it should be. And slightly a bit too soft, than it would be desirable. But on the general atmosphere quite gets to expectations.
Death: Again too slow, too soft. Instead of the bright splashes of clean blood we have flow of dark muddy substance.
Grindcore: Each nail being hammered into a brain by music will be wrapped up in a velvet tissue. And it is told to hammer owner not to hurry. The familiar picture, not becoming from it is more pleasant. 
Goth: Instead of pure grief we have fluffy, heavyweight presentation.
Total. Dark headphones with commercial, comfortable soundsignature.
Jun 8, 2015 at 1:33 PM Post #1,407 of 12,322
I would love to read a review of yours on the Dharma when it becomes official, if you feel so inclined!
Jun 8, 2015 at 1:36 PM Post #1,408 of 12,322
Death: Again too slow, too soft. Instead of the bright splashes of clean blood we have flow of dark muddy substance. Grindcore: Each nail being hammered into a brain by music will be wrapped up in a velvet tissue. And it is told to hammer owner not to hurry. The familiar picture, not becoming from it is more pleasant.

Those metaphors.

Jun 8, 2015 at 3:34 PM Post #1,409 of 12,322
  Sony MDR-Z7
First of all it is necessary to admit that I don't like these cans. Subjectively - I'm not fan of "dark" sound signature (with some really prominent exceptions).

Huh, from most of your reviews I gathered that you generally like the bass quite a bit. If not I'd have expected the SR009 and HD800 to do better, I suppose. Is it the laid back side of the phones that you didn't like here?
Jun 8, 2015 at 4:03 PM Post #1,410 of 12,322
OMG, my Stax Lambdas just arrived. So far jus listened to: 
Necrophaegist - Stabwound
Sophicide - Of Lust and Vengance
Meshuggah - Obzen
All I can say is PERFECT, PERFECT, PERFECT. Tonally perfect. Unbelievable speed and precision. Gorgeous, aggressive chainsaw-like midrange. The perfect amount of bass with good impact. Amazingly layered and nuanced without losing the aggression. 
These are going to give the HD800 a major run for their money!!! My jaw was literally dropped, the whole time.

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