Most POWERFUL DAC/Amp all-in-one?
Looking for the most powerful DAC/Amp "all-in-one". Any suggestions? So far it's looking like the Burson Conductor but that bad boy costs $1,850.00.... Hopefully something as powerful but not as expensive? Under $1200.00?- bareyb
- Thread
- audio-gd-nfb-27 asus-xonar-essence-one-muses-edition audio-gd-compass-2 benchmark-dac-1-pre-preamplifier-dac-headphone-amp lynx-hilo grace-design-m903-reference-headphone-amplifier-dac burson-audio-soloist-amp audio-gd-nfb-10 grace-design-m905 burson-audio-the-conductor-reference-class-dac-headphone-amp-pre-amp centrance-dacmini benchmark-dac2-hgc
- Replies: 59
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Headphones for metal music - ultimate solution
This is the summary post on my metal music listening experience with a couple of headphones )) Primary targets: - to find the best of the best - to find hidden synergy treasures for headphones traditionaly not reccomended for metal - to have fun in a process ) Marks in a table below were taken...- levap
- Thread
- burson-audio-soloist-amp
- Replies: 12,516
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Which cable upgrade made the most difference in your system? Power cord, interconnects or headphone cables?
I have assembled a decent system and looking to make cable upgrades. Thanks Larry- dguitarnut
- Thread
- emotiva-stealth-dc-1-balanced-24-192-fully-differential-dac burson-audio-soloist-amp fostex-th-900
- Replies: 54
- Forum: Cables, Power, Tweaks, Speakers, Accessories (DBT-Free Forum)
HPA Suggestions
First post....great forum. Looking for an Amp for my Q701's So far I have read that the Schiit Lyr is an excellent choice. What others would you recommend ? Liking the SPL auditor,Musical Fidelity M1HPAP, Burson Soloist and the Beyerdynamic A1 Thanks- Ozarksteve
- Thread
- schiit-lyr burson-audio-soloist-amp beyerdynamic-a1-headphone-amp akg-q701-premium-class-reference-headphones-quincy-jones-signature-line musical-fidelity-m1 spl-auditor
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Portable Headphone Amps
Optical DAC for less than $500. Suggestions?
I am looking for a DAC upgrade for my current setup. My setup is as follows PC - ODAC - Burson Soloist - Beyer T1s. I would really like a DAC that has optical inputs. If I can get a DAC/AMP that performs as well as my current setup that would be even better. My budget is around $500 so...- draven5494
- Thread
- burson-audio-soloist-amp beyerdynamic-tesla-t1 schiit-audio-bifrost-dac
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Dedicated Source Components
Best Amp for k702
Hello, i'm new, sorry for my language. I read lot of threads but i'm very very confused. Schiit Lyr, Burson Audio, woo audio, rsa, Alo.... what's the best for them? I like neutral sound without any coloration, transparency and soundstage, maybe a little warmth would not hurt... i...- ilpiepa
- Thread
- schiit-lyr akg-k-702-headphones burson-audio-soloist-amp
- Replies: 31
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Best amp for low impedance headphones under $650
I'm looking for a good quality (non Chinese made) amp for low impedance and efficient headphones specifically the Audio Technica W1000X. I'd want something neutral to warm since I can't stand bright. I've been looking at the WA6 and the Burson Soloist SL but I'd like other suggestions. Please...- technica18
- Thread
- burson-audio-soloist-amp woo-audio-wa6 audio-technica-w1000x
- Replies: 6
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Head Fi's Favourite Amp for the Audeze LCD 2: $1000-$2000 [POLL]
Votes for Other Amps - KSA5 clone: 1 ----------------------------- I thought it would be fun/informative to see which amps are the most loved among the Head Fi community for driving the Audeze LCD 2. The winning amp should sound great with the LCD 2 and also have a large following...- PTom
- Thread
- bryston-bha-1-balanced-headphone-amplifier bryston amb-labs-beta22 audeze-brand burson-audio decware m2tech accutone-taurus burson auralic audeze-lcd2-planar-magnetic-headphones audeze burson-audio-soloist-amp decware-zen-taboo-mkiii burson-audio-the-conductor-reference-class-dac-headphone-amp-pre-amp amb-laboratories audeze-lcd2-rev-2-planar-magnetic-headphones
- Replies: 4
- Forum: High-end Audio Forum
Item Audio & Burson Soloist / Fostex TH-900
I have been fortunate to have had on home dem, the Burson Soloist and Fostex Th-900 headphones from Mark @: Item Audio for the last week. It has been quite a revelatory experience. Firstly, a massive thanks to Mark/Item. They don't know me from Adam, I have never bought anything form them...- sumofallparts
- Thread
- burson-audio-soloist-amp fostex-th-900
- Replies: 5
- Forum: High-end Audio Forum
are High Watts Output Amps really necessary?
Amps Comparison Burson Soloist 4W output Burson HA-160 0.25W output as far as i know the highest impedance on a headphone is 600ohm both the Burson amp could drive the 600ohm headphone perfectly loud, isnt the Burson Soloist (4W) bit of an overkill? with another example...- Couch Potato
- Thread
- burson-audio-soloist-amp burson-ha-160
- Replies: 16
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Burson or Schiit amplifier?
i know they have huge differences in price, but should i invest money into Burson Amp?- Couch Potato
- Thread
- schiit-asgard-headphone-amplifier hrt-music-streamer-ii-high-resolution-usb-d-a-converter burson-audio-soloist-amp burson-audio-the-conductor-reference-class-dac-headphone-amp-pre-amp burson-ha-160 violectric-hpa-v200
- Replies: 36
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Mjolnir vs. V200 (vs. Soloist)
Hello, I am not completely satisfied with my Violectric V200 and I am thinking to buy a new amp. My current setup is: - Sony X707ES CD player - Violectric HPA V200 (hooked to the CD player with Monster Cable M550i balanced cables) - HiFiMAN HE-500 (with stock cable) I think...- Malefiz
- Thread
- schiit-mjolnir burson-audio-soloist-amp violectric-hpa-v200 hifiman-he-500
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Seeking advice from experts
I'm looking for a headphone amp with enough juice to drive my brand new Senn HD800's. I've only ever used integrated's, but mine is on its last legs, so I think I want to go with a dedicated to replace it. For example, I was just looking at the Burston Soloist preamp/headphone amp. All it has is...- Sweets2TheSweet
- Thread
- schiit-lyr rogue-audio-cronus sennheiser-hd-800-headphones burson-audio-soloist-amp fiio-e17 luxman-sq-n10
- Replies: 26
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Amplifier for HD700 ???
Please, could you recommendme a Headphone Amplifier for my Sennheiser HD700 ?? Budget is about 1000 USD My Preamp is McIntosh C46 and my CD Player is Classé Thanks a lot- jmspns
- Thread
- burson-audio-soloist-amp sennheiser-hd-700-headphone burson-ha-160 cary-audio-nighthawk cary-audio-hh-1
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Transitional amp from DT990 to Planars (Later On)
Wondering what amps you would all suggest that would drive my DT990/600s to their full potential, that would also work with some hifiman or Audeze cans later down the road. If getting one with a built in DAC, or even a seperate external DAC would help over my TiHD, let me know. I'd probably...- Zoomer13
- Thread
- schiit-asgard-headphone-amplifier beyerdynamic-dt-990-pro-headphones beyerdynamic-dt990-250-ohm beyerdynamic-dt-990-600-ohm audeze-lcd2-planar-magnetic-headphones burson-audio-soloist-amp beyer-dynamic-dt-990-premium-600-ohm-headphones asus-xonar-essence-one
- Replies: 7
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
DAC/AMP suggestion for the Beyerdynamic T1?
I've been using my T1 together with my nuforce icon hdp for a while now, but I think its time for an update. I've been thinking about purchasing the Musical Fidelity M1 HPA headphone amp which I've read does pretty well on its own included DAC and I might buy an external DAC for it later...- dolor
- Thread
- burson-audio-soloist-amp amb-labs-beta22 amp-dacs woo-audio-2 beyerdynamic-tesla-t1 burson-ha-160 musical-fidelity-m1hpa hrt-istreamer spl-auditor
- Replies: 6
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
headamp for beyer T1
Hello, I gonna buy the beyerdynamic T1, but I don't realy know what headamp should i buy. My budget is something like 800 $ (500--600 euros). I have now a CD player marantz which works very nice, and a stereo amplifier NAD. I know nothing in headamps, that's why I request your...- novasound
- Thread
- lake-people-phone-amp-g109-p headphone-amplifiers burson-audio-soloist-amp beyerdynamic-tesla-t1 meier-audio-corda-classic woo-audio-2 violectric-hpa-v200 violectric-hpa-v100 musical-fidelity-m1hpa
- Replies: 10
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Amp for HE-5LE's in the UK?
Looking for a powerful amp on a budget for these things, and must be obtainable in the UK. Currently using a Maverick D1, but the bass clips when i start EQ'ing it up a few notches. I've seen the Hifiman HE adaptor that you can plug into a speaker amp, but wouldn't know where to...- ilikepooters
- Thread
- schiit-lyr he-5le maverick-audio-tubemagic-d1 burson-audio-soloist-amp
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
impact of 1/8th impedance rule on sound
What is the sonic impact of violating the 1/8th rule with matching headphone impedance to amplfier output impedance? Does the bass get mushy? Distortion? Is it linear where the worse the ratio is the worse the sound? I have an amp that has an output impedance of 10 ohms and headphones that...- domes
- Thread
- audioengine-d1-premium-24-bit-dac hrt-music-streamer-ii-high-resolution-usb-d-a-converter burson-audio-soloist-amp sennheiser-hd-598 asus-xonar-essence-stx matrix-m-stage audinst-hud-mx1 centrance-dacport-lx-ultra-low-noise-portable-usb-dac
- Replies: 16
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Should I get the Audio-gd Ref-10 Amp/Dac/Preamp or the Schiit Mjolnir+Gungnir combo?
I currently own a modded pair of Denon D5000, Audez'e LCD2 R2, and Grado SR325 (the gold one). I can't really seem to decide which to get, and I can only afford one of the two above options (although I am open to other set-ups, but my budget is about 2k). Can anyone help me decide which to get...- nailbunny7
- Thread
- schiit-gungnir audio-gd-reference-10 schiit-mjolnir burson-audio-soloist-amp amp-dacs
- Replies: 8
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Is the Beyerdynamic A1 Headphone Amplifier worth the $750 price tag, today?
The headphones amp market has a lot of options today. Is the now long in the tooth Beyer A1 still worth the high price tag? I am seeking a neutral, dynamic sound for all types of cans. I do own the T1 & HD800. Your thoughts?- HiFiGuy528
- Thread
- headphone-amplifiers beyerdynamic-a1-headphone-amp burson-audio-soloist-amp burson-ha-160 musical-fidelity-m1hpa
- Replies: 19
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Good Amp for Denon D7000
I'm looking for a good amp for D7000...budget is below 1500$. Thanks for help!- cufei
- Thread
- headphone-amplifiers denon-ah-d7000-headphones amb-labs-beta22 burson-audio-soloist-amp woo-audio-2 burson-audio-ha-160ds-headphone-amp-dac-with-usb-input woo-audio-wa22
- Replies: 19
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Burson HA-160 users: What are your favorite cans?
I currently own the DA-160 and I hope to buy the matching HA-160 amp and a new set of cans shortly. I'm curious to what people are using with their Burson.- robertsong
- Thread
- burson-audio-da-160-4-input-dac-with-2-usb-inputs-dac-160 burson-audio-soloist-amp burson-audio-ha-160d burson-ha-160 centrance-dacport-lx-ultra-low-noise-portable-usb-dac
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
V200 Vs Soloist?
As the thread title says - how are they different? Cheers.- cactus_farmer
- Thread
- headphone-amplifiers burson-audio-soloist-amp violectric-hpa-v200
- Replies: 22
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Audeze LCD-3 and $1K amp or Audeze LCD-2 and $2K, where is the sweet spot?
Hello all, First and foremost, if this is the wrong place to post this type of question, please move or delete as needed. So, I just sold off my Manley Stingray and Merlin TSM speakers which I have used for the last few years. I have a 20 month old at home and another on the way in 7...- cogt3
- Thread
- audeze-lcd2-planar-magnetic-headphones headphone-amplifiers schiit-mjolnir audeze-lcd3-planar-magnetic-headphone burson-audio-soloist-amp woo-audio-wa-6-se woo-audio-wa22 ray-samuels-emmeline-the-apache
- Replies: 209
- Forum: High-end Audio Forum