Headphone Sightings 2
Feb 6, 2009 at 7:50 AM Post #1,261 of 12,415

Originally Posted by smeggy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I saw some cool guy in Seattle wearing these awesome woodied phones, then I laughed to myself as I realized I was looking in a mirror

are you sure it wasnt me?

I have seen a few grados in the wild in Seattle
Feb 6, 2009 at 4:56 PM Post #1,262 of 12,415
Nothing special.
Just a handful Koss PortaPro's and Skullcandy or two on the subway.
Feb 6, 2009 at 6:28 PM Post #1,264 of 12,415
Just saw a guy in the Atlanta airport get off a plane with SR-60s on his head. Actually here he comes by again.
Ok, he's not a member of head-fi but he's heard of us. He's driving them straight out of a little Sony DAP that I don't recognize. On his way to Montreal and sounded like it. Friendly guy, belongs here!
Feb 6, 2009 at 8:42 PM Post #1,265 of 12,415

Originally Posted by krmathis /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Nothing special.
Just a handful Koss PortaPro's and Skullcandy or two on the subway.


Originally Posted by RokasLTU /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Many PortaPro's

It amazes me that Northern Europe seems to be crawling with PortaPros and I've never seen one here in the US.
Feb 6, 2009 at 8:56 PM Post #1,266 of 12,415
Lots of Bose and ibuds around Northeastern. Wander towards Berklee and they gradually start getting replaced with PortaPros (at least they have a clue!). Although just noticed a guy in one of my classes sporting a pair of D1001K's.

Over the summer I actually saw a guy running on the Charles with HD595's on and an amp clipped to his shorts. THAT'S dedication! My girlfriend thinks I'm weird for seeing headphones from 30 feet away and spouting off the model. One day she'll understand (just converted her with some A700's - one less MDR in the world).
Feb 6, 2009 at 9:35 PM Post #1,268 of 12,415
Was at a LAN a few weeks ago. Saw some Grado's, although I couldn't tell what type they were. Probably the SR-80's.

Couldn't hear anything @ lan with my HD555's btw
Feb 6, 2009 at 9:38 PM Post #1,269 of 12,415
Saw a guy at the train station the other day with a pair of HD595's he was wearing them round his neck and it was clear he was wearing them as a fashion accessory rather than for listening. Especially considering he boarded a quite zone part of the train :p Also saw a guy in Brighton wearing a pair of AD700's, thats about it though.
Feb 6, 2009 at 11:07 PM Post #1,272 of 12,415

Originally Posted by jilgiljongiljing /img/forum/go_quote.gif

"The only negative that I found while testing the Dr. Dre Beats headphones is that I actually started to feel nauseous after a while."

lol what, how is that even possible.
Feb 6, 2009 at 11:13 PM Post #1,273 of 12,415

Originally Posted by jilgiljongiljing /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Excerpt from the review for Dr.Dre Beats from Geek.com

"The only negative that I found while testing the Dr. Dre Beats headphones is that I actually started to feel nauseous after a while."

Nuf said....

tried em at Best buy and all i can say is that they get pretty loud with low impedance but sound way too bloated, Fun pair of cans though, specially cause Im a Bass head.

Saw a guy standing at SDSU on centenial walkway with sunglasses on and a pair of A700s around his neck. Kinda odd cause that cord is really long.

Saw a Pair of MDR-V6s at the Aztec center of SDSU.

More skull candy, a few Senn CX*** whatever iems around.

If you go to SDSU, im the guy with the ES7s, you can see yourself in my cans, say hi. lol
Feb 6, 2009 at 11:38 PM Post #1,274 of 12,415
I go to UCSB and I've actually seen quite a few in my time here, one person with KSC75s, two or three portapros, a pair of Grados, and some kind of Sennheiser... I think it was either a HD555 or HD595, I couldn't tell cause the guy had really poofy hair blocking them.

I also saw someone with a pair of Dre. Beats in the dining commons one time. I sort of unconsciously sighed out loud and I think he looked at me XD

I've also see a few skullcandies every once in a while, just cause I recognize the logo :p

Aside from that, I know a few people on my school's network that own a pair of DT770, HD595, and HD201s

Edit: I totally forgot but my suitemate owns a pair of Bose QC2s and a friend of mine has ER4Ps. I've also noticed people with Triports all over the place. I never really noticed this before I hit Head-fi, but now it's sort of like birdwatching :p
Feb 7, 2009 at 12:01 AM Post #1,275 of 12,415

Originally Posted by Apple254 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Saw a guy at the train station the other day with a pair of HD595's he was wearing them round his neck and it was clear he was wearing them as a fashion accessory rather than for listening. Especially considering he boarded a quite zone part of the train :p Also saw a guy in Brighton wearing a pair of AD700's, thats about it though.

I will be luring people into the world of audio in this fashion; as soon as I receive my ESW10JPN. My triple-fi's don't get much attention; though apparently seem to compliment my eyes; losing them even more attention. lol.

As for sightings, I just see a bunch of silly Skullcandys. And a bunch of the low-end Sony noise-canceling headphones; the gray glossy circular ones; they do look really nice though. I think they were the Sony MDR-NC6 (after googling).

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