HE-500 vs HE-4 | Comparison & Review
Jun 16, 2011 at 3:48 PM Post #32 of 91
Thank you for this wonderful review! I would get the HE-500 in a heart beat if they were the weight of HE-4 but I acknowledge this is impossible atm, at least not with sound characteristics of HE-500.
Jun 16, 2011 at 6:18 PM Post #33 of 91
Thank you for this wonderful review! I would get the HE-500 in a heart beat if they were the weight of HE-4 but I acknowledge this is impossible atm, at least not with sound characteristics of HE-500.

I thought weight would be a real problem too, but it really isn't. In fact, the HE-4 and HE-500 are both in my Top 5 most comfortable headphones I've ever tried, and the HE-500 really is just a nick behind the HE-4 in comfort. That is surprising with how much more weight it has than the HE-4, but you it really doesn't bother your head all that much. The weight is all in the cups and the clamp is about the same, so it's actually quite hard to detect any degrade in comfort due to the weight. Yeah, I will admit, it's really easy to tell which is which if you were given a blind test, but even the, I find I can wear both of them for the same amount of time before headband fatigue kicks in. HE-4 is only better in initial comfort for me; long term it's a tie.
Jun 17, 2011 at 3:40 PM Post #34 of 91
Great read! Don't think I will ever justify the over $400 dollar headphone mark, so maybe I can squeak out some HE-4's someday.
Jun 17, 2011 at 11:42 PM Post #35 of 91
Great read! Don't think I will ever justify the over $400 dollar headphone mark, so maybe I can squeak out some HE-4's someday.

You wouldn't be disappointed. :)
Jun 18, 2011 at 12:18 AM Post #36 of 91
Slightly on topic of the HE 500.
Got my new portable rig in the mail today. Currently powering these wonderful headphones and all I can say is wow. 
Jun 18, 2011 at 9:25 AM Post #37 of 91

Slightly on topic of the HE 500.
Got my new portable rig in the mail today. Currently powering these wonderful headphones and all I can say is wow. 

So, the HE-500 sounds just as good from your portable rigs as it does from your main rig?
Jun 18, 2011 at 12:06 PM Post #39 of 91
There's a few things they do better with gobs of power (ie. my 2238 or 255R), but they sound excellent from the Rx mk2. I'm very surprised. Bravo HiFiMan.

Nice!  You've got yourself a super powered portable rig there if you so choose.

Jun 23, 2011 at 4:53 AM Post #40 of 91
Thanks for the enthusiastic and engaging review of the HE-500s.  I began to grin uncontrollably as you described your initial listening experiences with these phones.
Someone should really make a video of the facial expressions while listening to the HE-500.  From one moment to another you think you're on drugs and there
is no hangover except for that giant hole in your wallet.  My initial impressions are echoed in every part of your review.  So I will simply touch on a few items
that stand out as quantitative differences between the HE 500 and headphones I have worked with for many years:  Senn HD600, Senn HD 650, AKG 701, ATH 900
The depth of the soundstage, from near field to the horizon is clearly palatable on the HEs.  The onset transient of instruments and their dimensionality in the
recorded space is uncanny.  The separation and subsequent blending of different harmonic tails in percussion and brass is a revelation.   It feels as if someone has
left an implant inside your brain and turned on a complete sphere of sound in your head.  This does happen with great headphone/amp combos, but the HE's personality and outstanding qualities right out of the box are  clearly evident.
I found myself mesmerized and glazed over as I listened for an initial hour, my jaw dropped, and my brain sucked far into the lush universe of the music.
If I didn't have to practice and teach music most of the day, I would be ensconsed in my couch with an IV and the HE-500 around my head.  Classical, Jazz and Acoustic samplings so far have left me breathless and awed.
Jun 23, 2011 at 2:22 PM Post #42 of 91
I see you are selling your HE-500... any reason why you are sellings those over HE-4? :)
Jul 5, 2011 at 7:46 AM Post #44 of 91
What a great review, thanks to OP!
I just bought the HE-4's and am very impressed with them, they punch well above their weight. However, having read this review/comparrison plus a few other HE-500 reviews I've decided to let the HE-4's go and have ordered the HE-500's instead.
Whilst the HE-4's are really nice, I really like a little more mid texture. I'm not in any rush to get rid of the HE-4's, they will get plenty of air whilst I await delivery of their big brother :)
Jul 5, 2011 at 11:28 AM Post #45 of 91
What a great review, thanks to OP!
I just bought the HE-4's and am very impressed with them, they punch well above their weight. However, having read this review/comparrison plus a few other HE-500 reviews I've decided to let the HE-4's go and have ordered the HE-500's instead.
Whilst the HE-4's are really nice, I really like a little more mid texture. I'm not in any rush to get rid of the HE-4's, they will get plenty of air whilst I await delivery of their big brother :)

Why stop at the 500s, go for the HE-6. :veryevil:

We're all enablers with no code of restraint. That's why it's with respect and admiration I read the conclusion and wish for better. One thing about hearing the best, you know what it takes and it's within your reach in better times should you so desire. And if in your journeys you find better comparable value, you can share your findings and make Head Fi that much more interesting. Thanks for your insight on this trip.

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