HE-500 Review and Shoot out.
Jun 23, 2013 at 11:19 PM Post #751 of 846
Hey WhiteCrow, can you give us an updated "review" on the HE-500 with Lyr/Bifrost combo? Are you liking it more than when you originally made your review? Anything improved over time (or things you notice now but didn't earlier)?

Yeah he he he, I kind of slacked off on that didn't I. I have time this weekend if not sooner; been working a lot as of late.
Jun 24, 2013 at 6:41 PM Post #753 of 846
Well.  I am moving fast in this new hobby.
  My HE500 is coming tomorrow.  I'll let you guys know how i like it by this time tmr.
I bought it as a complement to my Q701 which I like a lot as of now.  At first, I was about to go for the HD800 but then after many days of reading,  I will defer the HD800 purchase for maybe a few months since its sound signature is somewhat similar to the Q701, just much better overall (this much I've gathered from many hours of reading). 
I do hope I've made the right choice again, just like with the Q701.
Jun 24, 2013 at 8:18 PM Post #754 of 846
Well.  I am moving fast in this new hobby. :D   My HE500 is coming tomorrow.  I'll let you guys know how i like it by this time tmr.
I bought it as a complement to my Q701 which I like a lot as of now.  At first, I was about to go for the HD800 but then after many days of reading,  I will defer the HD800 purchase for maybe a few months since its sound signature is somewhat similar to the Q701, just much better overall (this much I've gathered from many hours of reading). 
I do hope I've made the right choice again, just like with the Q701.

Yes, you won't regret, HE-500 is such a wonderful can :)
Jun 25, 2013 at 3:04 AM Post #755 of 846
Well.  I am moving fast in this new hobby.
  My HE500 is coming tomorrow.  I'll let you guys know how i like it by this time tmr.
I bought it as a complement to my Q701 which I like a lot as of now.  At first, I was about to go for the HD800 but then after many days of reading,  I will defer the HD800 purchase for maybe a few months since its sound signature is somewhat similar to the Q701, just much better overall (this much I've gathered from many hours of reading). 
I do hope I've made the right choice again, just like with the Q701.

There's little chance you'll be disappointed 

The Q701 is a good headphone but it is nowhere near as refined as the hifiman planar. If it's your first time with planar headphones, you'll be quite surprised!
I remember when I switched from the K-701 (no bass) to the HE-4, I was 
 "this is what bass sound like!".
Note that I recently purchased the Q701, just to try a "bassier K-701" and it, indeed, is much better than the old K-701 in almost every ways I can remember (it's been 2 years now).
Bass difference probably won't be as significant as what I experienced but the difference in refinement and technicalities will. The HE-500 is a warm headphone with wet midrange -> this is a rather big difference from the clean sound of the AKG (or HE-4).
Jun 25, 2013 at 11:26 AM Post #756 of 846
There's little chance you'll be disappointed 


Clemmaster,  you meant that I might be disappointed with the q701 that I currently have?
Jun 25, 2013 at 11:56 AM Post #757 of 846
Clemmaster,  you meant that I might be disappointed with the q701 that I currently have?

I meant the HE-500 is a good step up from the Q701's technicalities and its not too far in term of balance (meaning it's not dark like the LCD-2 or Mad Dogs, but rather airy like the Q701).
It is possible you actually don't like the HE-500 sound specific signature (which is warm and wet, when the Q701 is clean) but there's no chance you will say these are not a substantial step up in technicalities 
Jun 25, 2013 at 12:03 PM Post #758 of 846
Thx for clarifying that.  As I said in my previous post, the HE500 is more like a tangent purchase complementing the Q701 and at the same time giving me a new sound signature to enjoy while maintaining the strong characteristics of the Q701.  Also, it will be my 1st venture into ortho HPs which I have never owned in my life.  Overall, it's a decision that meet my various criteria.  Can't wait... 1hr till UPS delivery :)
Jun 25, 2013 at 1:12 PM Post #759 of 846
Thx for clarifying that.  As I said in my previous post, the HE500 is more like a tangent purchase complementing the Q701 and at the same time giving me a new sound signature to enjoy while maintaining the strong characteristics of the Q701.  Also, it will be my 1st venture into ortho HPs which I have never owned in my life.  Overall, it's a decision that meet my various criteria.  Can't wait... 1hr till UPS delivery :)

Just be sure to allow yourself plenty of time to adjust to the new sound. I went from the Q701 to the HE-500 and they are so vastly different that the first time I listened to the HE-500 I was pretty disappointed. A week later, after allowing myself to adjust and pick up on the subtleties that make the HE-500 so great, I was completely hooked. Unfortunately, my Q701 doesn't get much head time these days.
Jun 25, 2013 at 3:35 PM Post #761 of 846
Physical impression : OMG, holy moly ...This thing is a tank :) heavier for sure but just as comfortable for me with the default leather pads. Clamping force is just fine.  One annoyance regarding the cable, when I turn my head, the L/R cables rub and transfer the rubbing/cracking sound right to the cups.  Extra percussion anyone? 
Any remedy for this?
First sound impression
I left my little E17 on the exact same setting as it was for my Q701(gain +6, +2bass, +2 treble, same volume @38) just to compare the volume and see if the E17 can even drive the HE500.  Despite posts I've read about the HE500 might need something with more power to drive, the E17 is doing just fine.  So power-wise, HE500 is not any harder to drive than Q701.  However, about the notion of more power will bring the best of the HE500, I will have to compare when I get home.  My 1st worry about the E17 not able to drive the HE500 decently when I am on the go has been addressed.
Bass galore compared to the Q701.  Deep, precise, clean and yes, very punchy. Mid and treble so far seem to be a little softer, smoother and a touch warmer in comparison to Q701 but just as detailed.  The Q701 seems to have a little more "air" to the high frequencies. Sound stage is a bit less than Q701 for sure but centered and focused. Overall smoothness, neutrality and musicality, just wow is all I can say at this point. The HE500 even makes the 128bps mp3 I have listenable while not with the Q701.  This is a big plus for me because my music collection dates back several years and I unfortunately can't obtain several of these mp3's in higher quality.  What Clemmaster and others described regarding the sound signature of the HE500 is honestly pretty dead on to my ears so far.
One thing I noticed clearly is that, for some of the tracks I have, the Q701 will top out and the drivers will rattle a bit.  On the HE500, this is much less so.  I don't personally understand this but anyhow, it's a good thing for me.
Anyway, just dropping some quick first impressions on the HE500 to share with everyone.  If this thing improves even more as it breaks in then it's definitely a keeper for me.
Thx all for offering your honest reviews and inputs.  You helped me tremendously in choosing the HE500.
Jun 25, 2013 at 7:48 PM Post #762 of 846
Physical impression : OMG, holy moly ...This thing is a tank :) heavier for sure but just as comfortable for me with the default leather pads. Clamping force is just fine.  One annoyance regarding the cable, when I turn my head, the L/R cables rub and transfer the rubbing/cracking sound right to the cups.  Extra percussion anyone? 
Any remedy for this?
First sound impression
I left my little E17 on the exact same setting as it was for my Q701(gain +6, +2bass, +2 treble, same volume @38) just to compare the volume and see if the E17 can even drive the HE500.  Despite posts I've read about the HE500 might need something with more power to drive, the E17 is doing just fine.  So power-wise, HE500 is not any harder to drive than Q701.  However, about the notion of more power will bring the best of the HE500, I will have to compare when I get home.  My 1st worry about the E17 not able to drive the HE500 decently when I am on the go has been addressed.
Bass galore compared to the Q701.  Deep, precise, clean and yes, very punchy. Mid and treble so far seem to be a little softer, smoother and a touch warmer in comparison to Q701 but just as detailed.  The Q701 seems to have a little more "air" to the high frequencies. Sound stage is a bit less than Q701 for sure but centered and focused. Overall smoothness, neutrality and musicality, just wow is all I can say at this point. The HE500 even makes the 128bps mp3 I have listenable while not with the Q701.  This is a big plus for me because my music collection dates back several years and I unfortunately can't obtain several of these mp3's in higher quality.  What Clemmaster and others described regarding the sound signature of the HE500 is honestly pretty dead on to my ears so far.
One thing I noticed clearly is that, for some of the tracks I have, the Q701 will top out and the drivers will rattle a bit.  On the HE500, this is much less so.  I don't personally understand this but anyhow, it's a good thing for me.
Anyway, just dropping some quick first impressions on the HE500 to share with everyone.  If this thing improves even more as it breaks in then it's definitely a keeper for me.
Thx all for offering your honest reviews and inputs.  You helped me tremendously in choosing the HE500.

EHHHHHHHH we can be E17+HE500 buddies. (until either of us upgrade the upstream lol)
Jun 25, 2013 at 8:08 PM Post #763 of 846
This afternoon, I tried E17 at zero EQ and +12 gain.  This put quite a bit more pwr into the HE500 and still very satisfying.  The HE500 is really something else, no EQ and sounds amazing.  I am impressed.  Yes, we could be E17+HE500 for sure!  for now :)
Jun 26, 2013 at 3:52 AM Post #764 of 846
This afternoon, I tried E17 at zero EQ and +12 gain.  This put quite a bit more pwr into the HE500 and still very satisfying.  The HE500 is really something else, no EQ and sounds amazing.  I am impressed.  Yes, we could be E17+HE500 for sure!  for now :)

Now you might one to try new pads for them.
The stock pleather looked very nice on the HE-500 (and were quite comfy too) but sounded muffled to my ears. This has been a long term discussion around here.
Now, pads are something very personal and might work differently for different people (depending on the shape of the ear, the size and shape of the head that result in a different pressure applied to the pads, etc.).
What I suggest is that you try different pads and try to evaluate which one you like best.
The velours should give you more air (closer to the Q701) but, probably, less punch in the bass and an overall slightly brighter and thinner sound.
Then come the aftermarked pads (Jerg modded pleather, Alpha Pads, Brainwavz HM5 - that I'm yet to try on the HE-5LE -, etc.)

Jun 26, 2013 at 12:48 PM Post #765 of 846
@Clemmaster,  I did switch to the velours that came with the HE500 and liked it better so far.  Also, I took out the grill cloth too to open it up a touch.
After many hours on it, I do feel the difference in sound stage in comparison to the Q701 is quite a bit.  
The only one instrument I don't like to listen on the HE500 is violin which I've played since 6 and still do daily.  The HE500 smooths it out a little too much for my taste while the Q701 still retains the rawness of bow movements, string sounds and has a touch more "air" overall.  One thing I wanna add is that, the violin tracks did improve when I listen to same track on the E9K instead of the E17.  I now start seeing and believing in amp power pushing these ortho.  I've just discovered where it matters in my case.  Everything else from guitar, piano,sax, to trumpet sounds fine with much dynamic and energy.  Hopefully, as the HE500 breaks in it will improve more.

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