hd25-1 impressions thread
Nov 11, 2010 at 9:27 PM Post #1,051 of 3,351
I hope we see a sweet deal like I took advantage of several months ago. It might have been at Newegg or B&H Photo??? I can't remember now. $100 for the special edition which meant no velour pads but a zippered case. I bought the pads from Sennheiser afterward...so I spent around $125.
(edit)- Yes, Newegg and it's been 14 months...time flies.
Nov 13, 2010 at 7:38 AM Post #1,053 of 3,351
I tried to recable my HD25-1s with HD580/600 cable
The sound turned out to have the bass enhanced and be more smooth, especially the treble, but the it becomes some kind of muffled. Still analytical but not that crispy clear (detailed highs with treble recessed). 
I prefer the original sound.
Nov 14, 2010 at 5:35 PM Post #1,054 of 3,351
I just won a new pair on eBay for 160. I'm thrilled. I've already heard them and I've been waiting for the right opportunity to buy it. Anyone using a portable amp with theirs?
Nov 14, 2010 at 6:33 PM Post #1,055 of 3,351

I just won a new pair on eBay for 160. I'm thrilled. I've already heard them and I've been waiting for the right opportunity to buy it. Anyone using a portable amp with theirs?

Hey, congrats! Going back in this thread I know you've had your eye on these for a long time. I use an amp with mine. Amping isn't a must just like with IEMs but I have 3 DAP/amp combos and always amp for the small improvement in SQ and finer volume adjustments.
Currently my pairings are:
i7/Pico Slim/ PFE
Ipod Classic/SR-71A/DX1000 & HD25
Nov 15, 2010 at 4:10 AM Post #1,056 of 3,351

I just won a new pair on eBay for 160. I'm thrilled. I've already heard them and I've been waiting for the right opportunity to buy it. Anyone using a portable amp with theirs?

Hey, congrats! Going back in this thread I know you've had your eye on these for a long time. I use an amp with mine. Amping isn't a must just like with IEMs but I have 3 DAP/amp combos and always amp for the small improvement in SQ and finer volume adjustments.
Currently my pairings are:
i7/Pico Slim/ PFE
Ipod Classic/SR-71A/DX1000 & HD25

I told myself that I'd be my treat if I managed to get a job.
Believe it or not, next month marks the end of being unemployed.
that's 20 months straight without work.
400 is just too too much to amp these headphones.  I'm sure they sound wonderful with it (they sounded great with the ALO Rx), but I can't justify the expense right now.  I'm thinking of getting one of the iBasso cheapies, or I could just use my Icon Mobile.
Nov 15, 2010 at 8:46 AM Post #1,057 of 3,351
I had an old HD25SP cable laying around (with broken connection at one headphone plug) - so I decided to make it my short to-go cable - THIS STEEL IS FREAKING HARD TO CUT! - so far I was cutting all cables without problem with my scissors - I broke my scissors on this one.
Anyway - somehow I managed to cut it and reterminate with Neutrik angle plug (and repair the broken connection). Its a bit microphonic, but nice overall. I'll try to get some copper cables to try now.
Nov 16, 2010 at 6:55 PM Post #1,058 of 3,351
I got an email from the seller on eBay about my headphones saying that they're out of stock.
So I did what some head-fi'iers have recommended I do in the past:  I called up sellers of the headphones.
I managed to find someone who sold it to me for a price near what I was going to get it for on eBay, but I think that was a one time deal.
If anyone wants a quick 20 bucks off, PM me and I'll share it.  J&R had it for 170 but they're out of stock.  I'd keep a watchful eye on that too because it's a good price and if they go back up, give them a call.  J&R has given me prices better than retail in the past when I've called.
Nov 17, 2010 at 10:35 PM Post #1,059 of 3,351
I got my HD 25-1 II's in the mail today!
It took me about 15 minutes to wrestle the velour pads on, but they're a lot more comfortable than the other pads and I don't really notice a drop in the isolation, so I'm happy.
They do seem to clamp pretty snugly and my ears are getting hot but they're still very comfortable for on ear headphones. I LOVE the split headband though! With my beyerdynamic DT990, the middle of my head, under the band, starts hurting after a few hours because of the weight of the headphones hanging off my head. With this split headband I'm able to place the bands on different spots on my head, making it a lot ore comfortable.
They sound pretty darn nice, too, though some more bass impact would be nice (but that's to be expected, coming off the DT990. 

Nov 17, 2010 at 10:51 PM Post #1,060 of 3,351
BTW, if anyone sees these auctions on eBay by a seller called Unique Squared Inc, avoid at all costs.
I won a New pair of the HD25s for a low price (only one small bid against mine) and he conveniently doesn't have them in stock.  
So I canceled my order but noticed that he was still has at least 5 more auctions up and none of them have been taken down since then.  Not to mention he listed some more today!
My belief is that he didn't expect for it to go for as low as it did so he decided to back out.
Just a heads up.
Nov 18, 2010 at 9:14 PM Post #1,061 of 3,351
i've had these for a while and boy do i appreciate them - they feel unbreakable and i can drive the crap out of them... plus, support ireland!  in other news, what is an aftermarket cable that can still be used with the single entry cable? possible?
Nov 20, 2010 at 3:18 AM Post #1,062 of 3,351
I've been blasting these for the last couple of days and they're just as I remember:
-tight bass
-awesome mids
-great isolation
-light as hell
-still ugly (in fact, more ugly than I remember)
It's such a change of pace from the loose bass of the D2000s, not to mention the D2000s have those sparkly highs.  But the Prat is amazing on these, not to mention the return of vocals.  I love my D2000s, but the isolation of these headphones, portability, durability, and mids make them my current favorites.  I'll get back to the D2000s, but for right now, I need to familiarize myself with the sound of these headphones.
I know it's not fair to compare the two, but yeah, nice change of pace.  The D2000s are my Sunday morning relaxation headphones while the HD25 are my on-the-go get-out-of-my-way, everyday commute headphones.
Nov 20, 2010 at 6:20 AM Post #1,065 of 3,351
I was happy enough to wear mine in public. Looks loads better than the rest of the youth that walk around with horrible tacky plastic skullcandies and other various assorted junk. 
For me their simplistic, not in your face style - just works.

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