Grado Fan Club!
Aug 26, 2011 at 1:15 AM Post #812 of 66,038

Will do
I tried them in the shop (soundhounds) running them through a 5k Mcintosh CD player hooked up to an Antique Sound Lab Tuba amp. Audio bliss for an almost new Grado listener. I'm probably gonna be getting the PS 100 before I know it



DON'T DOO IT!!!!! the PS1000 and GS1000 were terrible. The amount of money versus the sound was like 1 to 1000 return. Listing to them off of a set up that I'm still jealous of because my amp just cant match the warm sound the WU2+Paradiasa DAC had with my RS-2's and the GS1000 and PS were almost unlistenabal.
Aug 26, 2011 at 1:28 AM Post #813 of 66,038

DON'T DOO IT!!!!! the PS1000 and GS1000 were terrible. The amount of money versus the sound was like 1 to 1000 return. Listing to them off of a set up that I'm still jealous of because my amp just cant match the warm sound the WU2+Paradiasa DAC had with my RS-2's and the GS1000 and PS were almost unlistenabal.

Thanks for the warning... What are the best Grado headphones than? Besides the HP 1000s...
Aug 26, 2011 at 2:59 AM Post #815 of 66,038

Thanks for the warning... What are the best Grado headphones than? Besides the HP 1000s...

I was blown away by the early production HF-2's. The RS1/2 are also amazing. The 325is are not far behind them as well. If you upgrade I would hit the 325is or go to the RS, the HF2 were amazing but I cant find them for a "good" price. By that i man the RS1 are cheaper. I did do a write up on the RS2 versus the 325is, I decided to go for the RS2 just because I was in love with the bass texture they have over the 325is but the 325's are a fair bit cheaper and are satisfying as well. I did feel the RS1 were not a big upgrade fomr the rs2 for the $200 price hike but I didnt try them with one of the so called "paired amps" such as the Grado RA1.
Aug 26, 2011 at 4:43 AM Post #816 of 66,038

DON'T DOO IT!!!!! the PS1000 and GS1000 were terrible. The amount of money versus the sound was like 1 to 1000 return. Listing to them off of a set up that I'm still jealous of because my amp just cant match the warm sound the WU2+Paradiasa DAC had with my RS-2's and the GS1000 and PS were almost unlistenabal.

I'm going to cast my vote and say that the GS1000 might be the most polarizing Grado out there.
Friend of mine in Phoenix, Arizona loves his newly acquired GS1000i. If the Euro-reviewers are to be believed
then they also love the big woodied flagship, same goes for the sole Grado dealer in Melbourne.
(you'd expect that being a dealer but he talked me into a 325i instead of an RS2i so go figure)
Yet, a lot of people on here reckon they stink. Hmm, I'll never know for myself until a pair stumble upon my path!
Aug 26, 2011 at 4:49 AM Post #817 of 66,038
ask to try them in store? is what I did, tried every single grado one after another and A/B'ed the rs's and 325is to the rs's. the ps and gs just made my skin crawl.
Aug 26, 2011 at 2:35 PM Post #818 of 66,038

ask to try them in store? is what I did, tried every single grado one after another and A/B'ed the rs's and 325is to the rs's. the ps and gs just made my skin crawl.

What is it about he GS and PS that you don't like? Just curious, as I've never tried them.
Aug 26, 2011 at 3:13 PM Post #819 of 66,038
They were harsh, sibilant to no end. The bass was just odd, not really punchy but like still there. Everything sounded very edgy and peaky.
Aug 26, 2011 at 3:56 PM Post #820 of 66,038
my experience owning the PS1000 for the past month has been the complete opposite. run through HRT MS2+ and Burson 160. no sibilance at all. very detailed and it never breaks up with the highs at all. Wonderfully musical sound. 
bass is very good and detailed but does not shake your head like, say, D5000 or the LCD2. 
I also owned an RS2 and those had issues recreating deep bass and had a greater emphasis on the high end. sounded more sparkly than the PS1000 but also a bit less natural.
Aug 26, 2011 at 5:29 PM Post #821 of 66,038
I'm wondering if there's the classic grado "quality control" problems going on here, because that is about the exact opposite of what I heard with the ps1000, the RS2 do have a bit of trouble with the deep bass but I don't find them to be harsh in the high end. Granted I have the Buttons and relatively early production buttons at that #1237 where i have seen an RS2 button with the S# of 10,000 or about that.
Aug 26, 2011 at 5:56 PM Post #822 of 66,038
I guess QC might be an issue but I’d say it’s probably very, very rare to get one that would sound that bad. Most of the reviews and comments of the PS1000 are pretty positive about the quality of the treble. granted, it’s boosted along with the midrange but I’ve never heard it referred to as sibilant or piercing.
I have heard of others complaining about the GS1000 having piercing treble, though. But I’ve never demoed or owned one of those.
this may just be an issue with how different people hear things differently.
Aug 26, 2011 at 6:20 PM Post #824 of 66,038
Painkiller by Judas Priest
Over the Seas by AleStorm
Any Song by System of a Down
Space Odity by David Bowie.
Painkiller is a great song ot test sibilance on the senns versus the grados. I laughed the first time I tried it on my sr80i's.
Aug 26, 2011 at 10:00 PM Post #825 of 66,038

Painkiller is a great song to test sibilance on the senns versus the grados. I laughed the first time I tried it on my sr80i's.

This was hilarious, just quickly tested on Vevo with the 325i's and it's a rockin' hot track, not too harsh even with the Ytube compression.
Tested it on the other lap-top (HP Mini) through the stock oem speaker and nearly sent the thing to an early grave


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