Grado Fan Club!
May 31, 2014 at 9:06 PM Post #15,196 of 66,744
all the way from athens, ga !  (sorry, can't help myself!)

May 31, 2014 at 10:03 PM Post #15,197 of 66,744
I can't believe I'm about to say this but... I've been sitting at my home desk ripping a friend's rather large classical music collection so they can have the music on a NAS and play it throughout their house. So most of the morning I was wearing my SR225i's switching between listening to music or using them with my xbox one for Call Of Duty. And I never even notice them on my head really. So I turned the Xbox off and went back to listening to music and decided to do some A/B testing between the SR225i's and the HF-2's. The clarity on the HF-2's is awesome. The bass is fully and controlled. But what is killing me is my ears from the weight of the HF-2's. 45mins-1 hr and my ears physically hurt.

Now I remember the weight of the SR325i's being substantially greater than the SR225i's. But man this is really starting to make me double think my purchase.

The 225i's are definitely really light. I don't tend to notice the PS500. The 325is, however, is definitely pretty chunky!
Jun 1, 2014 at 9:46 AM Post #15,198 of 66,744
are we the "cool kids" here ?, (i know we're geeks to the real world)

Jun 1, 2014 at 12:35 PM Post #15,199 of 66,744
dvr'ed "dead ahead" last night,  THANKS PBS!!!

let music fill the air !

Jun 1, 2014 at 12:57 PM Post #15,200 of 66,744
This reminds me of what Jerry Garcia said about people liking the  the Greatful Dead, years ago
"The Greatful Dead are like licorice"
"You either like licorice, or you don't!"...'and I like licorice"
Ha!......I like licorice too

Jun 1, 2014 at 1:38 PM Post #15,201 of 66,744
  This reminds me of what Jerry Garcia said about people liking the  the Greatful Dead, years ago
"The Greatful Dead are like licorice"
"You either like licorice, or you don't!"...'and I like licorice"
Ha!......I like licorice too

i like the dead a lot more than licorice, !
Jun 1, 2014 at 1:49 PM Post #15,203 of 66,744
Odly enough I mentioned Jay was trying the LCD X's to the McIntosh dealer that only carries Grados in his audition rooms and he is ordering a pair to try as planar speakers are such a good match to the Mc line. I'll have to give them a listen when they come in.
Jun 1, 2014 at 2:00 PM Post #15,204 of 66,744
Odly enough I mentioned Jay was trying the LCD X's to the McIntosh dealer that only carries Grados in his audition rooms and he is ordering a pair to try as planar speakers are such a good match to the Mc line. I'll have to give them a listen when they come in.

it may take an extended time to adjust, i really did not like the lcd2 at all when i first listened, but as time went on....then the X was MUCH more to my liking
Jun 1, 2014 at 5:50 PM Post #15,207 of 66,744
I thought the FiiO E18 sounded pretty good with the 325is. Tried taping the pads, but didn't notice a real difference, though I did put my sewing skills to use and make a soft Velcro headband attachment!
Jun 1, 2014 at 7:25 PM Post #15,209 of 66,744
  dvr'ed "dead ahead" last night,  THANKS PBS!!!
let music fill the air !

HBO aired the 2014 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame last night. I know a lot of people hate this institution-but you do get to see some of your rock gods play. I missed the beginning including Peter Gabriel and Glen Fry but saw Kiss who did not preform. But was able to catch mostly good performances from Cat Stevens (rare performance), Hall and Oats. The E Street Band was inducted and they sounded great-had a lot of air time. Nirvana was inducted and employed a great use of female vocalists for Kurt Cobain including Joan Jet (I thought she sounded killer-"Smells like Teen Sprit")-and St. Vinicent who I'm a fan of-clearly going for a Debborah Harry topic...but a lot of us here love rock music! I saw it last year as well-Rush FINALLY got recognized....they sounded so good. Love me some Rush when I'm in the mood.
Jun 1, 2014 at 7:33 PM Post #15,210 of 66,744
I am a big fan of Joan Jett's voice

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