Going fully Wireless IEMs. Too soon? Or are we there yet?
Jan 14, 2022 at 10:26 AM Post #41,686 of 63,213
Oh, and I also really like that the stock tips for the AZ60s got a wax/debris protection! Maybe I'll just stick to the stock tips this time :)
Couldn't help but open my AZ60's today as well, I wanted to treat myself a little. :') Just put them in, needed to do an update... after i've listened a bit more i'll post my verdict on the buds.
Maybe I should try to get rid of some of my other earbuds. It sucks that one of my "hobbies" is buying things that are difficult to sell when you need money :D Would really want to sell my Devialet Geminis but I don't think enough people know of them to want to try them out.
Jan 14, 2022 at 10:47 AM Post #41,687 of 63,213
Honestly, people saying that the AZ60's don't have any bass really need to switch eartips.
I think I read some people saying that they had no mid-bass which is a weird statement.

I would even say that it sounds a tad bloated in the mid-bass on the standard preset without any EQ.
I think I could agree with someone saying that the bass is the weakest point of the earbuds though, it lacks a little bit in sub bass and the mid-bass lacks in speed and is just a bit too boomy. Had to dial the 100 and 315 frequency bands down by a bit, and I love bass... so uh. yeah.

The rest I like though, I think one thing that strikes me with these is that while the soundstage isn't the WIDEST, it has a surprising amount of depth too it, I feel like I can hear sounds coming from a distance but in front of me, I haven't had that experience with TWS's that much so far.
This isn't very objective, but I like how CLEAN they sound. They're very smooth without being dull, and definitely far from being harsh.


I'm glad that they included the XL eartips. I feel like I got the best sound out of them with those eartips as well as the ANC being improved by a bit, the comfort was slightly better with the L eartips though. The XLs feel like they potentially could pop out of my ear, but I've done the headshake test and I couldn't make them move... so I don't know!
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Jan 14, 2022 at 11:03 AM Post #41,688 of 63,213
Honestly, people saying that the AZ60's don't have any bass really need to switch eartips.
I think I read some people saying that they had no mid-bass which is a weird statement.

I would even say that it sounds a tad bloated in the mid-bass on the standard preset without any EQ.
I think I could agree with someone saying that the bass is the weakest point of the earbuds though, it lacks a little bit in sub bass and the mid-bass lacks in speed and is just a bit too boomy. Had to dial the 100 and 315 frequency bands down by a bit, and I love bass... so uh. yeah.

The rest I like though, I think one thing that strikes me with these is that while the soundstage isn't the WIDEST, it has a surprising amount of depth too it, I feel like I can hear sounds coming from a distance but in front of me, I haven't had that experience with TWS's that much so far.
This isn't very objective, but I like how CLEAN they sound. They're very smooth without being dull, and definitely far from being harsh.
I most definitely had a lack of bass and trust me I am a eartip changing fanatic... Lol. Really man, some songs just had next to nothing and that is with EQ'ing. Who knows maybe there is variations and some sets are just not up to other sets... I've certainly seen it before and will prob see it again... QC. I wouldn't think so with a brand like that but crazier things have happened. Ya it seemed I could not do anything, none of my tricks worked to Increase the low end, and I don't need pulse pounding bass either, I like strong bass but controlled, I like good bass and for whatever reason the AZ60 set that I had was really weak in that area. Also sibilance was a problem. I can normally mod or eq sibilance out but with that set I could not get it to stop being sibilant. I think I had a bad set... Ugh
Jan 14, 2022 at 12:20 PM Post #41,689 of 63,213
Ahh gotcha, the Comet isn't bad at all. For a single BA it stretches what you'd think it could do. I don't think it has the musicality of the Aria... Just my opinion. The Aria however isn't a bass canon, it can be good, just not a head banger but like you said it can be when called for. One you may want to look at is the TinHifi T3+. I have it and I like it a bit better than Aria. Or even the KZ ZAS.... I freaking love the ZAS. Good clean and powerful bass without leaving the other areas behind too bad. Anyways, there are too many options and I was just curious man.
Any thoughts on the KZ ZS10 Pro? It’s $44 on Amazon and seems awfully tempting to pair with the Kz Az09
Jan 14, 2022 at 12:32 PM Post #41,690 of 63,213
Any thoughts on the KZ ZS10 Pro? It’s $44 on Amazon and seems awfully tempting to pair with the Kz Az09
The kz zs10 pro is one of those legend sets. It has a V-shaped tuning, decent to good sub-bass extension and a more laid back mid-bass. The Mids have good clarity, resolution, are a bit held back but not unnatural and are crisp. The treble can get a bit sharp man, which can be eq'd. Or maybe you like a slightly brighter area in the highs. The treble is detailed enough and for the price I'd say they are pretty good. Everything is crisp and clear and V-shaped. This set literally improved upon everything that held back the original ZS10. It has great build quality and truthfully if the signature is one you like then I'd say it is a great set even still in that price point. It certainly doesn't suck, there is a reason that so many people purchased it and enjoyed it.
Jan 14, 2022 at 2:47 PM Post #41,691 of 63,213
Hi all,

Haven't posted much as I've been pretty happy with the Senn IE80s over the last couple of years. But I'm getting a bit fed up with having to replace the cable every 8-12 months. The IE80s are fantastic sound-wise, and I have custom-moulded sleeves which give a wonderful fit and great sound isolation. I was originally looking for a wireless lanyard like the Westone BT cable 78548, but unfortunately the IE80s use a custom connector, and I can't find an equivalent wireless converter that'll fit the Senns (there's some $5 ones on Alibaba, but I've no confidence that they'll have decent SQ, battery life or reliability).

I use the IEMs primarily for music/movies during my commute; it's walking and sitting, so they don't have to be exercise-proof or waterproof - although that would be good for listening sessions while I work in the garden. Battery life is reasonably important; I don't want to have to charge them every day, and if I forget to charge them once they need to last for a second commute (so at least 3hrs+ in total).

So the question is, are we at the point yet where it's feasible to go for fully-wireless IEM buds. There seem to be a lot of devices out there which very nearly cut the mustard, but all so far seem to have caveats. But there's also some interesting kit being released in the next few weeks, and I'm wondering whether anyone has experienced them and can help encourage me to take the plunge. :wink:

Current possibilities/shortlist seems to be:
  • Sony WF-1000X - has a few great (p)reviews, and the noice cancellation appears to be a great extra feature. Haven't seen any reports on battery life, but stated claims of 3hrs + 9 extra from the case seem 'okay'.
  • Bragi The Headphone - seem to be generally well-liked and a good feature-set. No charging case seems problematic though.
  • Bragi Dash Pro - super cool, but super-expensive (and reviews on head-fi indicate that the SQ is not good).
  • Zolo Liberty Plus - very promising, I'm looking forward to hearing what these sound like. I nearly pulled the trigger on a speculative punt via the Kickstarter, but missed the deadline.
  • Bose SoundSport Free - again, seem like they might be good, waiting to see reviews. No UK release date as yet.
  • B&O Beoplay E8 - look like they'll be good, but expensive too.

Anything else I should add to the list and consider? Are there any fully wireless IEMs with custom sleeves yet for a perfect fit?
what do you think bought getting a normal pair of IEM's and ad the UTWS5? otherwise I'd suggest the Sony since they are good though they have a litlebid strange form
Jan 14, 2022 at 3:05 PM Post #41,692 of 63,213
Finally got through enough AB testing and can report on my experiences with UTSW5 with 2pin and MMCX and the Shure TW2. I tested these using my iPhone 12 Pro Max and my iBasso dx300 as sources and my Tin Hifi P1 Plus, Fiio FH7 and Moondrop Blessing 2.
Everything is subjective according to my taste and the physiology of my hearing. I tested using Incognito, Big Audio Dynamite, Govt Mule, Albinoni’s Complete Oboe Concertos, and Brian Eno’s 4 album Ambient Music Series.

UTSW5 vs TW2 - wow. Truly a matter of taste! The Fiio is certainly louder but more on that in a minute. The DAC/AMPs in the two brands are actually quite different. The Fiio has a sound that feels more blended to me. The bass does thrum to me clearly and I definitely could focus on the details of the highs. The middle though really didn’t work for me. I had a harder time sorting the instruments out and identifying them. I would say for me it was really good but not great. Swap to the Shures and it’s obvious that the bass isn’t as refined as the Fiio in the sub range but it is fantastic for the popping and slapping basses in my preferred music. The highs are crisp but not ear piercing. The Shures were a much better match for me.
And then there’s the Fiio feature bugs. It is an aggressive blue-tooth connector. I would swap back to the TW2 and the Fiio in the closed case would reconnect to my source, disconnecting the Shures. This morning I popped them into my ears and music blared into my ears. Grabbing my dx300, I found that I could not turn the volume down. I had to open the Fiio app and turn down the device volume. The Shure feature experience is great. Not as many features as I would like but they work.
The Fiios are going back. The Shures are staying. Maybe I’ll use the Mmcx to 2 pin adapters. Or maybe I’ll stick with MMCX IEMs. Doesn’t sound like punishment to me!
Thanks for reading my novella!
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Jan 14, 2022 at 3:51 PM Post #41,694 of 63,213
Oh! And nothing beats the wires. With my Fokus Pros I don’t know why I even keep the Shures.
For ambient! That's the only reason, right?

As for my continuing experience with Solaris+TW2:
  • Getting BT lag with YT videos which is exceptionally annoying. Haven't tried a zoom meeting yet but concerned about lag there, will have to report back.
  • The 846 is more than enough power for the Solaris, which has approximately the same impedance. When I set it to the 425 or 215 there's an audible hiss with nothing playing, and I'm not interested in that noise (no pun intended).
  • SQ remains fantastic.
  • Testing of calls continues. I like to do calls with only one earphone in, and I don't love that I have to remember which one is the master or the person can't hear me anymore? Is that a thing? Seems annoying. Will have to keep testing this. With my Buds+, I can take out or leave in whichever one I want and it just works for calls. So again, need more testing on this.
  • Ambient continues to amaze the crap out of me, although I admit I'm new to this feature. I do find it a bit loud for close sounds, like filling a glass of water, and a bit too low for someone talking to me from 10+ feet away, but I wonder if the app can adjust that? Will need to keep tweaking.
Overall, I'm enjoying the ability to use Solaris wirelessly, so happy with the purchase so far. More to come.
Jan 14, 2022 at 5:01 PM Post #41,695 of 63,213
Any other AZ60 owner have an issue with the left bud making a tiny beep/tick sound that happens when walking when using ANC?

I have turned off music and just walked and it definitely is there and only when in ANC mode. Very annoying. The notes on the December firmware update actually mention a bug around this issue was fixed. Going to see if I can reset my pair, hopefully that will resolve the issue.
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Jan 14, 2022 at 5:16 PM Post #41,696 of 63,213
Any other AZ60 owner have an issue with the left bud making a tiny beep/tick sound that happens when walking when using ANC?

I have turned off music and just walked and it definitely is there and only when in ANC mode. Very annoying. The notes on the December firmware update actually mention a bug around this issue was fixed. Going to see if I can reset my pair, hopefully that will resolve the issue.
I will try and test mine out this weekend. Can't say that I have noticed that yet, but have not walked around in silence per se.
Jan 14, 2022 at 5:30 PM Post #41,697 of 63,213
OK, just reset my AZ60 to no effect. But further testing shows it is definitely the left bud because I hear it if I put that bud (awkwardly) in my right ear. But I hear it in all 3 modes, not just ANC but its most pronounced in ANC mode.

Its weird because it almost like a weird seal issue because I can recreate the sound by moving the bud around in my ear and I can do that from either left or right ear (using the left bud) but it does not do it from the right bud at all. All I have to do is move the left bud up and down like your toggling a switch and I can recreate the sound almost every time. But again only on the left bud.

I will try a different size tip and maybe some other tips I have on hand and see if they all do it. If they do its something with the bud. Will update as I get more information.
Jan 14, 2022 at 5:46 PM Post #41,699 of 63,213
I was actually surprised how well they actually blocked out your footsteps when walking outside, I didn't hear any beep/sound or anything unusual.
thats the way they were initially and then this started to happen. I even swapped the tips from left to wright to see if that was the issue versus the bud itself, but the issue always happens on the left earbud only.
Jan 14, 2022 at 5:48 PM Post #41,700 of 63,213
thats the way they were initially and then this started to happen. I even swapped the tips from left to wright to see if that was the issue versus the bud itself, but the issue always happens on the left earbud only.

Hmm, guess you got no options left but RMA, hopefully Technicas/Panasonic are great at after-sale support :)

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