Ceeluh7 posted a reply to a review on the item KEFINE Klean.@7in1 i don't doubt that at all. I totally agree with you that giving this set some clean power really does help it to reach its...
Ceeluh7 posted a reply to a review on the item Binary Audio Dynaquattro.Hey, nice review! Man I like this set a lot. It's one that I listen to fairly regularly and I think I completed my review months ago...
Ceeluh7 posted a reply to a review on the item Kinera Celest Phoenixcall 1DD+2BA+2 Micro Planar Drivers IEMs.@TheOnlyEgg ya, I wonder if that is a typo and probably a 8.9. I know I wouldn't give it that high of a Rating. In fact, I guarantee it...
Ceeluh7 reviewed the item Knowledge Zenith Sonata.
Ceeluh7 reviewed the item Dunu Kima 2.
Ceeluh7 reviewed the item QoA Mimosa.
Ceeluh7 reviewed the item Shanling TINO.
Ceeluh7 posted a reply to a review on the item MYER-AUDIO CKLVX D62 Hybrid Technology 2DD+6BA.@Robin Kyle Datiles thank you very much. That means a lot, I hope it helps.
Ceeluh7 reacted to Robin Kyle Datiles's reply to a review on item MYER-AUDIO CKLVX D62 Hybrid Technology 2DD+6BA with Like.Very detailed and informative review, thanks for this!
Ceeluh7 posted a reply to a review on the item QoA Adonis New 1DD+2BA.Great job Mars! I freaking love this set.