Getting "called-out" for not wearing the Beats
Jul 6, 2011 at 1:43 PM Post #946 of 5,506

i think im too old (31) to be called out by someone for wearing beats. Sounds like it happens between teenagers or younger.  Im 6'1' 200, if someone walks up on me and says some crap about what i am wearing whether it be headphones, shirt, a pink tutu, ill beat the ****ing crap out of them.  Bottom line , this is some younger people thing, that i think most older people will agree, will fade away.  If its bothering you, be creative and get them on tape and post it on the website cause i am bord and need a laugh. 

Jul 6, 2011 at 1:55 PM Post #947 of 5,506

First...on the whole "being called out" thing? I would like to be somewhere someone calls me out for wearing a pair of headphones that retail for $300 matter if they were the Dre's or not. I work in an office with 200 people and not one NOT ONE (and most listen to music in here) own a pair of headphones/buds that retail for more than $50. One guy owns a pair of Klipsch S4's. I won't even discuss the 128mps encoding and lousing music players they use. You know what that gets me? Scolded, scorned and downright "called out" because I  spent more than $50 on headphones. People thought I was odd when the TripleFi's showed up....pretty weird when the M50's showed up....downright crazy when each of those started getting hooked up to an amp. to that (and other) Amazon reviews I've read....the guy is right. The Dre's are not for audiophiles-and at whatever point I might own a pair, I will keep that in mind. BUT....they ARE better than what 90% of the 200 people in my office are walking around with and they likely would hide the artifacts from their crappy digital music files which means that the suppossed mission of the Beats (to introduce higher quality listening to the masses) would benefit them. At $300+? At $100? One other thing to keep in mind? Some claim the sound of fake Beats and real ones are the same-I don't buy that. There are fakes being sold all over Amazon by third parties, all over eBay and even in Best Buy (likely bait and switch returns-there's a YouTube video where the guy walks into Best Buy, pull the Beats off the shelf, pays, opens in the store and points out several telltale clues that they are fake (and the fakers have gotten good....its REALLY hard to tell visually) and I have to think the quaility IS worse if not sonically, certainly when it comes to hardware (cheaper plastics etc).
All that aside, I wanted to share an experience I just had last night. I'm sitting in the middle of my town's high school football stadium waiting for fireworks. Its noisy....REALLY blaring, people laughing, kids crying. I think to myself how nice it would be to have my M50's with me except the things are quite bulky around the neck or to be toting the 2+ mile round trip from where I parked, plus they look pretty big in public. First thing that popped into my head? The Beats. Lighter, smaller, more stylish, the sound leakage they have a non issue in such an setting-they would have been the PERFECT thing to have. My point? If you have the money or if you get a good deal on a pair, they might be worth owning as a special use unit. They don't need to be amped, they are more compact, they don't look incredibly goofy on you or your neck. Perfect for festivals, walk around the town, etc etc etc where you might want to listen to your music and the most ultra audiophile like sound isn't needed all without the hassle of amps, yanking IEM's in and out of you ears etc.
But that's just  me.

Aah, where to start... first of all, that video must be awesome, I'll check it out. Now: When you thought "the Beats", I would have thought "any sealed portable that sounds decent". OOh, wait, braistorm: "any sealed IEM that sounds decent". I can sure think of a lot of models on that list way cheaper. The thing is, the only point that Beat-fans seem to have going for them is 'swag'. If you want stylish headphones, I shall pack my things and leave the argument, because I really have no opinions on that (I'm not saying you want that, just... you know). I don't buy headphones because of their looks, and I doubt any of you do either. On any other quality, I can assure you there are literally hundreds of headphones out there that have them better for much less - and there are certainly a lot of them that have all of the qualities you wanted in a single model for much less.
One more thing, and this is what got me to quote you: saying the Beats aren't "the most ultra audiophile like sound" is a über-euphemism.
Jul 6, 2011 at 2:26 PM Post #948 of 5,506

@ Rock702
What in the world was he getting at exactly 

That is an extremely odd occurrence coupled with ignorance. Wearing headphones like a trophy while driving? Seriously?
Anyways, I would agree that men/women above a certain age just look silly when wearing them. I don't think I have ever witnessed someone over the age of 26 wearing them.
It still boggles my mind that a producer would endorse a product that sounds so horrible. I know that Monster puts out some good products (i.e. the Turbine line), so why does the Beats line sound so terrible [compared to cans the same price]? Is it because they are just trying to draw in mass appeal by having a sound-sig. that is, thought to be, well liked by the consumer? 
Jul 6, 2011 at 8:15 PM Post #949 of 5,506

Drop your Xoom on the ground, then Drop the Ipad on the ground see who laughs then*you*

the ipad's screen would shatter. who's laughing now?
Jul 6, 2011 at 10:45 PM Post #951 of 5,506

was saying this only happens to younger people.

I was calling the guy out for almost certainly lying about his age. Does that happen a lot to people who try to act a different age?
I don't mean to sound like an ass but I'm just wondering what you think I was trying to say with my "right....." statement
Jul 6, 2011 at 10:49 PM Post #952 of 5,506

the ipad's screen would shatter. who's laughing now?

 Facepalm that is what I was saying. If you take the time to read over my post you may notice the words "see who's laughing then*you*" as in he will be laughing at them due to the glass on the Ipad exploding like a water melon in the vicinity of Gallagher
Jul 6, 2011 at 10:56 PM Post #954 of 5,506

I actually saw a few people DJ-ing with beats pros in uni a few times :frowning2: glad i had my etys on cant imagine wat sound they made with those.

Even Tyll says that the Beats Pro's may actually be suitable for DJing. I personally think that they could be a bit cheaper, but I can't say that I disagree with him on that.
Jul 6, 2011 at 11:11 PM Post #955 of 5,506

 Facepalm that is what I was saying. If you take the time to read over my post you may notice the words "see who's laughing then*you*" as in he will be laughing at them due to the glass on the Ipad exploding like a water melon in the vicinity of Gallagher

ok sorry i didn't quite notice the *YOU*
Jul 7, 2011 at 12:34 AM Post #956 of 5,506


i was trying to make people feel better or pump them up lol   


I was calling the guy out for almost certainly lying about his age. Does that happen a lot to people who try to act a different age?
I don't mean to sound like an ass but I'm just wondering what you think I was trying to say with my "right....." statement

well yea i am 31, i don't see why someone would lie about that...
when you said "..right", i thought you were saying that i was trying to act hard or fronting.  I am not trying to act tuff or anything , i was just saying that if anyone, ****ing shaq and his bodyguards came up to me and told me what to wear, or blatantly made fun of me for something as simple as headphones, i would lay my middle finger on their face, and see what they thought about that.  thats it!  

point being....i wouldn't stand there and argue with the person.   .."no mine are better, wah wah blah blah."   WALK AWAY , LAUGH , OR BEAT THE crap OUT OF THEM.  
its not a discussion if someone is bullying you.  call the police, let them deal with them.
Jul 7, 2011 at 1:21 AM Post #958 of 5,506
Last I checked an unprovoked beating of someone is considered "assault." And them ridiculing you on your choice of headphone is not grounds for physical assault. Now if they touched you or grabbed anything on your person that is a completely different story. However I'd rather use words than get arrested for assault, thank you very much. If I'm in a position to ignore them or walk away I do, but usually in those situations no one says anything to me. And no one ridicules me at my Uni because they all know that I'm a crazy audiophile, so it would be pretty pointless (and those that don't know I wouldn't talk to them because they likely aren't science students).
Jul 7, 2011 at 3:38 AM Post #959 of 5,506
And no one ridicules me at my Uni because they all know that I'm a crazy audiophile, so it would be pretty pointless (and those that don't know I wouldn't talk to them because they likely aren't science students).

It goes pretty far for me, friends looked at the block fastened to my iPod and immediately assumed it "makes the sound better."
Jul 7, 2011 at 6:27 AM Post #960 of 5,506

No need to answer their provocations with sticks and stones. "Beating the crap out of someone" because he/she mocked you is painfully childish.

i doubt it would get that far, but their wouldn't be discussion.

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