flinkenick's 17 Flagship IEM Shootout Thread (and general high-end portable audio discussion)
Jun 3, 2021 at 8:01 PM Post #32,341 of 39,431

PW1960 2w and Fourte. Sonic bliss.
Jun 3, 2021 at 8:21 PM Post #32,342 of 39,431
I try to be open-mineded, but really want DD bass. That plus the price puts the Bird and the new UM iem off my radar. The Thummim is more than I would like to spend, but it keeps calling to me. @RTodd loves his. We are similar in our taste , and he would be an easy target for me to blame (LOL) if I get and do not like the Thummims.

I have some gear I should sell, and feel like i would be entitled to bootstrap that money into a set of Thummims Thummimae(?) not sure what te plural is.
Oh boy, that is putting a lot of pressure on me. Starting to feel like work.

You should definitely demo, it took me 4 months and two demos to get past the sharp edges, and the Thummim only really hits its stride with lots of power. The first demo the sound stuck in my head, the second demo after yearning for that sound and 4 months later, I kept the demo for a week to make sure.

Anyway if you do buy one and it does not work out, sorry in advance, all I was doing was sharing what I found to be worth it and very engaging to me, particularly with the trio Jazz and Prog genres.
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Jun 3, 2021 at 8:59 PM Post #32,343 of 39,431
Yea, I had no idea if it was more aesthetically open or fully open to the point of leaking sound. That's good it's not as loud as their open backs. The LCD-X are so loud lol.
Yeah, my wife says it’s like there are real speakers in the room whenever I listen to Susvara 😁
Jun 3, 2021 at 9:12 PM Post #32,344 of 39,431
Yeah, my wife says it’s like there are real speakers in the room whenever I listen to Susvara 😁

Everything that wife says is 100% true and undisputable 😛
Jun 3, 2021 at 10:01 PM Post #32,345 of 39,431
I actually find that the i4s don’t leak all that much—much more than closed iems, which don’t leak at all, but I can listen to i4s at a moderate volume and my wife doesn’t hear it if she’s on the other side of our sectional couch. If you crank it up loud (which, let’s be honest, the i4 makes you want to do) someone in a relatively quiet room with you will be able to tell you are listening to music, but not necessarily what song you are listening to. To me the i4s are actually perfect for an office environment (what are those again?) where you want to be respectful, but also be able to hear if someone is trying to talk to you.

Unless that is you hate your coworkers, in which case, get the trailli (or Odin or other iem of your preference), and listen in blissful blissful ignorance of whoever is trying to talk to you—if they need you, they can send an email.
Jun 3, 2021 at 10:07 PM Post #32,346 of 39,431
Unless that is you hate your coworkers, in which case, get the trailli (or Odin or other iem of your preference), and listen in blissful blissful ignorance of whoever is trying to talk to you—if they need you, they can send an email.
I didn't hate my coworkers, but I much rather not to have talk to people when an email can suffice. One of the reasons why fatigue is such an important factor for me.
Jun 4, 2021 at 2:27 AM Post #32,348 of 39,431
Question… I’ve always been intrigued by these but have avoided them due to the open back design. It kind of renders them the antithesis of IEM’s for me; but, are they loud or do they disturb others around you?
It's pretty audible as others have said, none of the open back Audeze IEMs are usable in a quiet office for example
Jun 4, 2021 at 12:55 PM Post #32,351 of 39,431


Basal Travel case I picked up. Perfect for my collection and a couple cables, tips, charger etc.
Jun 4, 2021 at 1:01 PM Post #32,352 of 39,431
Basal Travel case I picked up. Perfect for my collection and a couple cables, tips, charger etc.
That Rosie case really takes me back, man. I got one at my very first CanJam in 2016. Jerry Harvey himself was there to sign it, and he took a photo with me afterwards too. 'Great times. Hopefully, it isn't too long 'til shows like these come back.

Jun 4, 2021 at 1:35 PM Post #32,353 of 39,431
Custom Tansio Mirai Spark incoming early next week ... fun times ahead considering how much I was dazzled by the Land... it's the new Tansio flagship with 7 BA and 4 EST

Jun 4, 2021 at 1:39 PM Post #32,354 of 39,431
Custom Tansio Mirai Spark incoming early next week ... fun times ahead considering how much I was dazzled by the Land... it's the new Tansio flagship with 7 BA and 4 EST

I'll eventually be getting one of these from @tgx78 to demo...really looking forward to it. I would love to hear your thoughts on the Oriolus Isabellae...it's my current bae and in its own way a mini-Elysium imho.
Jun 4, 2021 at 1:44 PM Post #32,355 of 39,431
I'll eventually be getting one of these from @tgx78 to demo...really looking forward to it. I would love to hear your thoughts on the Oriolus Isabellae...it's my current bae and in its own way a mini-Elysium imho.

Ohhh I had missed Oriolus single DD... how did you get it, it's on preorder at Musicteck... I am more focused on Custom Art Go One :)
But I am heavily partial to custom fit now...

Spark shares a lot of drivers with the Trailli btw : https://www.head-fi.org/threads/tansio-mirai-impressions-thread.897275/page-55#post-16388881
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