Email is fine. You can also call him at the main number in the website.That would be great! Would email be the best way to contact him? If so, do you have his email address handy?
His email is:
Email is fine. You can also call him at the main number in the website.That would be great! Would email be the best way to contact him? If so, do you have his email address handy?
I just received the Final Audio A8000 (priced at a hefty £2000) today.
It's part of a UK/EU review tour, so to my disappointment, I don't get to keep this one!
Awww....I didn’t realise this was happening - is it too late to sign up?
There are a few on this tread that have heard both briefly in show condition. With our extremely short audio memory (like twenty seconds) nothing is better than AB comparison. But from impressions on this thread, I have a feeling that the two may not even sound the same. One is spacious and bright, and one is on the warm side. I hope they are different then I will have two different sound to enjoy.
@doctorjuggles Hi there!
Been meaning to contact you anyway lol.
So, I've messaged the guy in charge of the tour to see if you can be added onto it.
It may well be too late, but I'll give it a shot since I owe you a coffee anyway
Yep you got it right. Looking forward to your review of the A8K. I just needed to have both in my auditory memory to make comments on the different between them. I am an armature singer and when I learn a new song sometimes I will listen to a certain piece over a hundred times. The point is I am very familiar with some songs and all the nuances in the music that goes with it. I will use the same dap either SP2K or WM1Z, same songs, same ears, same passages, may even the same cable and we will see how they fair. Sometimes it may not even be which one is better, sometimes it may just be personal preferences. We'll see.Yep, the former is A8k and the latter one is Luna Hopefully will have my full A8k review by the end of this weekend. With Luna, I can only go by memory of hearing it for 5-10min during CanJam. No plans for Luna review since it's only available on tour.
thanks and looking forward to reading it. I just received my Valk a couple of days ago - too early for meaningful impressions, but I've been very impressed so farFor those interested, I just posted my Valkyrie review:
In it, I admit that it has given me a sweet tooth that makes my other CIEMs feel bland when I try to go back. After hearing the new EST and Sub implementation, I knew I had to have one. I have offered some optimization thoughts as well as comparisons to my A18, LX, and ELYSIUM to offer some insight into its performance. Enjoy!
Yep, the former is A8k and the latter one is Luna Hopefully will have my full A8k review by the end of this weekend. With Luna, I can only go by memory of hearing it for 5-10min during CanJam. No plans for Luna review since it's only available on tour.
Amazing review!For those interested, I just posted my Valkyrie review:
In it, I admit that it has given me a sweet tooth that makes my other CIEMs feel bland when I try to go back. After hearing the new EST and Sub implementation, I knew I had to have one. I have offered some optimization thoughts as well as comparisons to my A18, LX, and ELYSIUM to offer some insight into its performance. Enjoy!
Yep you got it right. Looking forward to your review of the A8K. I just needed to have both in my auditory memory to make comments on the different between them. I am an armature singer and when I learn a new song sometimes I will listen to a certain piece over a hundred times. The point is I am very familiar with some songs and all the nuances in the music that goes with it. I will use the same dap either SP2K or WM1Z, same songs, same ears, same passages, may even the same cable and we will see how they fair. Sometimes it may not even be which one is better, sometimes it may just be personal preferences. We'll see.
@Deezel177 Thanks, hope you're having some doing great as well! Did you had a chance during your quality time to also give a brief listen to lately discussed FA A8K /Dunu Luna using Be DDs? I had to ask.Hey, folks. 'Hope everyone's been staying healthy and safe wherever you are in the world, and I hope y'all have been taking this opportunity to spend some quality time with your loved ones as well; audio gear included, of course.
I, for one, have used this time to push out some new content for you all, and this one's one that - quite literally - hits close to home. My hometown monitor makers Avara Custom have graciously given me the opportunity to review their latest flagship: The electrostatic hybrid EST-6. And, while it joins a long line of e-stat hybrids in 2019/2020, this one clearly stands out as one of the most balanced, coherent and beautiful in tone I've heard yet. It takes a near-colourless, reference tonality and injects it with a hint of zing, and the results are rather special. So, without further ado, I proudly present to you the pride of Surabaya, Indonesia: