setting 2 was the best for me too. Just the right bass amount.
Yeah, setting 2 for me is it right now. I think your erlky review nailed it, @MrLocoLuciano, and i agree that bass is "just right" on setting 2.
my favorite thing to think about when listening to the erlky is to compare it to one of the other most well-known ba monsters, the a18t.
it is super interesting to hear the differences between what 64a did with their massive ba palette vs. what vision ears did. it's really all in the tuning.
the a18t remains one of my favorite iems with superb detail, accuracy, and a massive soundstage.
but, the erlky is almost doesn't sounds like regular bas making the sound. i don't know how ve achieved the kind of smoothness, power, and simply effortless detail that they sounds phenomenal.
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