Final Audio Design Impressions and Discussion Thread
Nov 21, 2012 at 12:58 PM Post #646 of 11,669
Nov 21, 2012 at 3:05 PM Post #647 of 11,669
Oh I'm not offended. :)
I've been eyeing the DACmini PX and matching speakers for some time as a kill three birds with one stone desktop system. But this is way too OT.

Yay!   I'm glad you are so gracious.  Thank you!
I think you'll be amazed how nice your Stepdance -> PF IX will sound with a CEntrance DAC driving them. 
Note:  You might want to order the CEntrance PX with the 1-Ohm output imedance mod, but hang onto your Stepdance, as I think you will prefer using it as your amp, instead of using the DACmini PX' headphone amp, even with the 1-Ohm output impedance mod.  If you're certain that you would stick with using the Stepdance to drive your PF IX, then you could avoid the expense of getting the 1-Ohm output impedance mod - sticking with the default 10-Ohm output impedance will give more warmth to the PX' headphone amp for use with less-sensitive, full-size headphones. 
I don't know for sure if your Piano Forte IX is as sensitive as the PF VIII, but James' older dc-1601 (stainless steel) was considerably more efficient (louder at any given volume setting) than the PF VIII.  When using the dc-1601 with the DACmini CX' DAC, line out to the Stepdance on Low Gain, I could barely move the Stepdance volume control beyond the off position.  I literally had a choice of about the first three steps using the Stepdance's digital volume control.  
With the PF VIII, I could go another couple of steps, but I was still confined to the bottom of the range - and again, that's with the Stepdance set for Low Gain, but with a full 2.0 Vrms coming in from the DAC.   I don't know the specs for the UD100, but judging by where I was setting the volume control on my Stepdance, I don't think the UD100 is putting out the same 2.0 Vrms that one gets from the DACmini CX line out or from the DACport LX.
One thing I can say about the Stepdance is that it delivers a completely black noise floor to the PF VIII, where the amp section of the DACmini CX, as well as my iBasso PB2 amp, both caused some hiss, even at low volumes, with the PF VIII.  My DACmini CX was ordered with the 1-Ohm output impedance, not the default 10-Ohm impedance, but the amp section still hisses with the 16-Ohm PF VIII and dc-1601, even though it sounds fine with the SE530 and certainly the LCD-2.
My favorite chain for the PF VIII, despite the limited range of volume control, was as follows:
WAV > Foobar with WASAPI > USB > DACmini CX line out > Stepdance > PF VIII      
Back to work, or some semblance there of, on this day before Thanksgiving...

Nov 21, 2012 at 3:54 PM Post #648 of 11,669
At left, James is lending us his brass Piano Forte VIII (a.k.a. dc-1602), and at right, the older dc-1601, in stainless steel.

Minor correction: both FAD models are brass, the 1601SB (at right) is just rhodium plated, therefore the difference in color.
Thanks @Mike for sharing your thoughts! 

Nov 21, 2012 at 5:34 PM Post #650 of 11,669
I'm listening to the PF VIII right now.
As I suspected, it strikes me as extremely similar to an experience I almost a year ago.
I remember asking a while back if there were any PF owners who would be willing to compare my ASG-1 and their PF, and it was for a legitimate reason.
Please read the first half of this:, and tell me if the basic  sound descriptions fit the PF.
Nov 22, 2012 at 12:09 AM Post #652 of 11,669
I've been listening to the FADs, and at this point I prefer the 1601. However, I'm forced to echo James' sentiments when he said this:

Originally Posted by james444 
This undeniably beautiful IEM/Earbud crossbreed is one controversial piece of equipment to say the least. In short, so far I feel kinda like standing in front of a modern painting pondering whether it's art or just birds**t. 

When they get it right though, it's nothing short of MAGIC. There are songs that literally force my eyes shut and sway my boy from side to side, all against my will. Examples:


Nov 22, 2012 at 1:04 AM Post #654 of 11,669
Now that is the amp I am currently saving for! I have had a few conversations with the designer, he assures me the amp will work really well with the PF's
Nov 22, 2012 at 1:25 AM Post #655 of 11,669
Mike, UD100 is about 2Vrms output. It is definitely louder than the iPod Classic out.
I usually use the UD100 + Stepdance + PF IX near the very bottom of the Stepdance volume control (although my Stepdance was adjusted down 6dB by Jan to unity gain, same as the 2Stepdance and Quickstep.) Foobar also allows for Keyboard Shortcuts that are Global Hotkeys (i.e. still work if another application is on top such as a web browser). So I have Ctrl + arrow keys available at all times if volume is too loud:  Left = lower by 1dB, Right = increase by 1dB, Down = drop to exactly -6dB. Up = return to 0dB.
Of course digital lowering of volume is not ideal as it reduces bit depth. It is nice to have when I need it which is not very often.
Nov 22, 2012 at 4:06 AM Post #656 of 11,669
Today is as good as any to announce that James444 has very generously initiated and equipped a demo tour of not one but two Final Audio Design earphones, circulating them to a few, very fortunate recipients he has invited to the tour, for our listening pleasure!

At left, James is lending us his brass Piano Forte VIII (a.k.a. dc-1602), and at right, the older dc-1601, in stainless steel.
As you might imagine, I was flabbergasted when I first received his invitation - I even turned it down initially, but somehow regained my senses and accepted, to my great delight when they arrived a week ago.
I've since forwarded them to another lucky Head-Fi member, who should be receiving them today.  I'll let him identify himself at his discretion.
By the way, I did secure James' permission to announce this tour that he has organized, so that I could post my impressions of the gear, but I would like to remind everyone, not at his asking, but from my own concern for his welfare, that this tour is by invitation.   I'm not without empathy for those who would like to be included in the tour, but I'm also concerned for James' peace of mind, should he be deluged with requests by PM.  Thus, my reminder (not his) that the tour is by his invitation only.  Lucky me.
And now, on to my impressions, which I have to admit, have gone through quite an evolution during the week that I've had the PFs...
I feel somewhat embarrassed sharing that late-night first reaction, publicly - mostly because it's so full of superlatives and I've since realized that it was a typical premature assessment, exhibiting the rush of emotion that can automatically accompany a new piece of gear that has an unfamiliar and thoroughly unique sound.
That said, I'm still in love with the Piano Forte VIII, but as a man who feels he needs at least one reference headphone that's linear in frequency response (for the most part), transparent, highly resolving, etc., I have to say that I cannot now imagine myself selling my LCD-2 to fund the purchase of a PF VIII.  I, for one, have a love of neutral, transparent transducers that eschew warmth and color.  I want to know that I'm hearing everything just as it was intended when mastered, adding as little as possible to the sound that's of my own doing.
That does not prevent me from saying, however, that I dearly want the PF VIII.   For those of you who have never heard them, and for lack of my having had much experience with a lot of other headphones, I still feel it somewhat accurate to equate them to the Ultrasone Pro 900.  While the Pro 900 and the PF VIII are only remotely similar, they are much more so than the LCD-2 and the PF VIII.  That which they have in common is an intense coloration that is very, very appealing.  They are both anything but neutral, but where the Pro 900 has that same, intense fun-factor, it's a bull in the china shop compared to the eloquent presentation offered by the PF VIII - a chain saw vs. a Samurai sword.  I'm talking about the precision and finesse, smoothness and transparency that greatly distinguishes the PF VIII from the Pro 900, while nevertheless emulating much of the coloration that makes them so musical and fun.  
Where the Ultrasone Pro 900 is comparatively brutish and heavy-handed in its attempt to reproduce music, the PF VIII is making music - like a duet of gossamer-winged fairies whispering in your ears!  As poetic as I strive to be, here, I can say there is not one shred of hyperbole in stating it this way.  It's metaphoric, of course, but the PF VIII is completely deserving of my choice of words!  They do what they do so effortlessly, with a presentation that is spectacularly transparent (as grainless as natural vision is in comparison to a newspaper photo) yet boldly, even courageously deviant - in the most wholesome interpretation of that word - yes, courageously deviant from the ubiquitous pursuit of neutrality - all to affect a making of music that sounds real, even surreal rather than reproduced, abandoning neutrality to make a statement that goes beyond reality - to a place engineered by the PF's designer with a level of craftsmanship and artistry akin to that of a sword smith - a place like nothing else these ears have heard before. Seriously.  
The PFs are amazing and I consider them to be a tremendous value, despite the cost of acquisition.  I can say that while currently lacking the funds to take the plunge myself. 
I've already thanked James profusely several times for making this opportunity available to me, but again, I must say, "Thank you, James!"
Well... I've run out of time for the moment - it's off to work I must go
More later,
[Edit:  Changed the word "reducer" to "transducer."]

Glad that you like it so much.

was in the same case with yours, finally took my plunge on PFVIII instead of JH13, although they are close price in my region =D, never regret ever since.
Nov 22, 2012 at 4:21 PM Post #657 of 11,669
Mike, UD100 is about 2Vrms output. It is definitely louder than the iPod Classic out.
I usually use the UD100 + Stepdance + PF IX near the very bottom of the Stepdance volume control (although my Stepdance was adjusted down 6dB by Jan to unity gain, same as the 2Stepdance and Quickstep.) Foobar also allows for Keyboard Shortcuts that are Global Hotkeys (i.e. still work if another application is on top such as a web browser). So I have Ctrl + arrow keys available at all times if volume is too loud:  Left = lower by 1dB, Right = increase by 1dB, Down = drop to exactly -6dB. Up = return to 0dB.
Of course digital lowering of volume is not ideal as it reduces bit depth. It is nice to have when I need it which is not very often.

That unity gain mod you have for your Stepdance is ideal for the PFs!    Hmmm, that's something for me to consider... 

The longer I hang on to the Stepdance, the more I find reasons to never sell it.  (I had two of them, but just sold one, recently.)
I thought the DACmini CX with 1-Ohm output impedance was black, until I started testing James' PFs.  Stepdance to the rescue!
Nov 22, 2012 at 4:37 PM Post #658 of 11,669
For a relatively low impedance at 16-ohm, did Stepdance sound significantly different with internal 9V batteries versus external batteries @ 12V / 15V by any chance?

Hi seeteeyou,
I did test the Stepance -> PF VIII while powering the Stepdance with a 9V internal battery vs. the 15V-regulated Energizer XP8000 external LiPo pack that I use with fullsize headphones, but I could not hear any difference with the PF VIII.  
The PF VIII is so efficient, it really doesn't need the additional Watts rms (had with a 15V supply voltage) that aids dynamics and bass extension with less efficient headphones.
I will add, however, that when I powered my DACmini CX using the Energizer XP8000, I was startled to hear a feint hum in the PF VIIIs that I don't hear with any other headphone (of the few that I have), including the SE530.  Powering the DACmini CX with its switch-mode AC power adapter, I don't hear any hum with the PF VIII, but I do hear a feint hiss.
Both the hum (of using the XP8000 with the DACmini CX) and the hiss (of using the DACmini's amp section with any power source) go away when using the XP8000 (or a 9V battery) to power the Meier Stepdance.  
Yet another testimony to just how great the Stepdance is.   
Again (from earlier), was my favorite chain for the PF VIII (of the gear I have):
WAV > Foobar with WASAPI > USB > DACmini CX line out > Stepdance > PF VIII

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