Fender IEM (Aurisonics) Impressions, Reviews & Discussions Thread
Aug 3, 2012 at 6:39 PM Post #1,666 of 6,413
Met with Dale today in Chicago, Great guy! Saw some of the finished AS-2 customs. I'll just tell you guys these photos don't do the actual products justice. These IEMs are like beautiful pieces of jewelry that sound simply fantastic! AS-2 is astounding with its craftsmanship. More thoughts later. You think you know about audio and sound until you sit down with Dale and realize you know nothing. Somehow he has a way of not letting you feel totally stupid...lol. But then again, he's a great source to learn from. Being a journalist, I absorb information anyway. Aurisonics is here to stay for the long haul.

Aug 4, 2012 at 3:01 PM Post #1,667 of 6,413
Can you hear the harshness in her voice from the recordings? I hear the faults in the mastering/recordings of the Florence and the Machine CD's on the AS-2's. Beautiful, but a bit annoying it's not better quality. Gonna try my vinyl versions sometime this weekend. I've been saving them for a special occasion. Been really enjoying my AS-2's more than ever so I'm gonna treat myself. 
Wait on the group buy, maybe it will help

Hmm, not so much? Being a singer I really appreciate that I can actually understand her lyrics spot-on. I feel like I do hear the mic effects she's choosing to use on certain songs (reverb, etc.) and it comes through exactly that way as opposed to being distorted or sounding weird.  Hope that makes sense, lol.
I'm keeping an eye out for the group buy and crossing my fingers it will help but if not, it's okay. 
Aug 4, 2012 at 3:04 PM Post #1,668 of 6,413
I believe it's right around the 6khz region for a lot of her recordings (the thing I'm hearing). The reverb and other microphone effects are mesmerizing on the AS-2's. I'm listening right now and it's absolutely intoxicating how beautiful it is. I can get drunk off her vocals all day and still be good to drive.
Hmm, not so much? Being a singer I really appreciate that I can actually understand her lyrics spot-on. I feel like I do hear the mic effects she's choosing to use on certain songs (reverb, etc.) and it comes through exactly that way as opposed to being distorted or sounding weird.  Hope that makes sense, lol.
I'm keeping an eye out for the group buy and crossing my fingers it will help but if not, it's okay. 

Aug 4, 2012 at 3:36 PM Post #1,669 of 6,413
I have my original ASG-1 for sale if anyone is interested. Seems like some prefer the older tuning over the revisions, so they may be worth a shot. I couldn't get a great fit so I have to let them go.
Aug 5, 2012 at 1:49 PM Post #1,670 of 6,413
well I have had my 1.2s for a few weeks now, and I have been burning them in very agressively! white, pink and acoustical noises/sound, at a high level of volume, attached to me iPod>GS Voyager amp set up, with 3/4s of the volume! over 200 hours of it! and may i just say that it has done wonders to the heavy bass and thick mids? the sound is much much more balacned out, not so much heavy bass, it has lessened considerably, along with the mids aswell! so that has brought out the treble to just where I like it, perfecto! and the freakishly awesome soundstage is now ALOT more enjoyable! hhmmmm go figure!
the sound no longer has the semi distorted effect, of having all the contributing factors, with the heavy bass, thick mids, and humungeous soundstage all working  at once! there is a great synergy at work here! the music is very well balanced and has a sound to it that is beyond toe taping! which is what my first set had, never new that there was a level of listening to music beyond toe taping? of course my portable rig is not of the conventional! iPod Classic 7th gen>CLAS>LISA3>ZOv1>ASG-1.2
it is like when I had the RE262s, and the amount of burn in that they needed to reach there full potential! but when you got there it made the time invested all worth it, about 100 hours of pink, white, and acoustical sounds,
so these big beauties are in my opinion a very very very great investment, makes all the chasing tail/burn in hub bub all worth it, I think the sound that I have now is even more enjoyable then the original version that I started with! now I need to hear/get the ASG-2s! Dale is ingenious, hook you in with the 1.2s, and then go in for the kill with the 2s? a sound that I will chase to the ends of the earth! bu wa ha ha ha ha! 
here'e some pics. of my brick and mortor therapy on the run!






and of course the star of the show! a close up Mr. Demil

Aug 5, 2012 at 2:01 PM Post #1,671 of 6,413
looks like I can now sell off some of my other chasing the sound IEMs? EX600s, EX1000s, and my brand new W4rs?
well after I give them a listen with some custom cables that will be here soon, a solid copper/gold plated one for the EX sereis, and an all silver one to chime in with the W4s, and the ASG-1.2s!
good luck in all of everyone elses chasing the sound endeavours? in the end (yea right like it will ever end) lol, but may you find yourselves in a state of balanced serenity, with a big heaping side of peace and tranquility, or with the beauty of chaos and destrucion, with a big side of electrified excitement! can't have Ying without Yang! opposite sides of the same coin, hate isn't the opposite of love, indifference is! as for me I love bothe sides! bu wa ha ha ha ha! lol, well as far as music goes that is! you name it I love it
well Happy Listening everyone! PEACE!
Aug 7, 2012 at 11:11 AM Post #1,675 of 6,413
i am interested in the 1.2, but i am afraid, that they might be too midcentric. for example the se535s mids seem shouty to me.

These are not mid-centric anymore. They used to be though. Now they are bass-focused.

Sent from an iPod touch with TapaTalk... Autocorrect may alter the meaning of this message :p
Aug 7, 2012 at 1:07 PM Post #1,677 of 6,413
any chance to get a cable without memory wire?

I don't see any in the future :frowning2:  This memory wire isn't bad though, and I'm glad it's there for comfort reasons.  It is used to keep the IEM stable in your ear.  
Aug 7, 2012 at 1:58 PM Post #1,678 of 6,413
Exactly....not likely you'll see that part of the cable not there at least from a stock Aurisonics cable
I don't see any in the future :frowning2:  This memory wire isn't bad though, and I'm glad it's there for comfort reasons.  It is used to keep the IEM stable in your ear.  

Aug 7, 2012 at 2:08 PM Post #1,679 of 6,413
i hate any kind of memory wire, because it is so stupid to handle everytime you put the phones out of their case. that is one reason, why i am not into customs anymore.
Aug 7, 2012 at 2:13 PM Post #1,680 of 6,413
i hate any kind of memory wire, because it is so stupid to handle everytime you put the phones out of their case. that is one reason, why i am not into customs anymore.

That is quite an interesting reason.  There are many external cable makers that create cables without memory wire.  I am currently using the Silver Poison offered by Toxic Cables.  He molds the cable to generally match the shape of the ear without the usage of any memory wire.  It facilitates fit while ignoring the disadvantages offered by memory wire.  Voila!

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