Jun 25, 2011 at 7:02 PM Post #571 of 1,167

fantastic Explanation. This is such an education for me and a humbling one ta boot. My puny little mind was telling me that people into dance music don;t really care too much about tone and sound, as long as the bass kicks. The W3's really shine in Rock and Hard Rock, blues and so on. 

The main difference between the superb W3's and the even better I.M.O Sm3's is the mid bass and Highs . The Mid bass hump on the W3's is not there on the SM3's .And the Highs are not so prominent on the SM3's as the W3's .
Imagine the V shape that represents the W3's frequency signature .In direct comparison the SM3's are simply not as V'd and don't have that extra added mid-bass hump . This also brings out more Mids which you may like or not (but of course the SM3's freq signature is not an inverted V as this would sound very ..... technical word..crap .They are just less V'd than others) .For example  adding   lots of bass and highs on a EQ will veil the mids because all that is being added is actually volume and not quality /clarity.
What led me onto the SM3's from the W3's was initially that Mid-bass hump over production of the W3's . With some tracks I noticed a over production in that freq area, even compared to Big headphones like Audio technica M50's . The SM3's definitely reproduce the bass more evenly than the W3's whilst still giving the depth of lows like the W3's .
So my advice is if you don't have the means to do a direct comparison and if you personally don't have any issues with the W3's ,then your not missing out on anything other than a different frequency signature .
For me personally that Different freq signature of the SM3 was the slight difference to one part of the sound that made a Big difference to the whole .
Hope you catch my Drift

Jun 25, 2011 at 7:13 PM Post #572 of 1,167

The main difference between the superb W3's and the even better I.M.O Sm3's is the mid bass and Highs . The Mid bass hump on the W3's is not there on the SM3's .And the Highs are not so prominent on the SM3's as the W3's .
Imagine the V shape that represents the W3's frequency signature .In direct comparison the SM3's are simply not as V'd and don't have that extra added mid-bass hump . This also brings out more Mids which you may like or not (but of course the SM3's freq signature is not an inverted V as this would sound very ..... technical word..crap .They are just less V'd than others) .For example  adding   lots of bass and highs on a EQ will veil the mids because all that is being added is actually volume and not quality /clarity.
What led me onto the SM3's from the W3's was initially that Mid-bass hump over production of the W3's . With some tracks I noticed a over production in that freq area, even compared to Big headphones like Audio technica M50's . The SM3's definitely reproduce the bass more evenly than the W3's whilst still giving the depth of lows like the W3's .
So my advice is if you don't have the means to do a direct comparison and if you personally don't have any issues with the W3's ,then your not missing out on anything other than a different frequency signature .
For me personally that Different freq signature of the SM3 was the slight difference to one part of the sound that made a Big difference to the whole .
Hope you catch my Drift


For me the Y splitter  is visible ,in line with my shoulders behind my neck, it dosn't bother me at all .I also always use a small clip to take the weight of the cable from pulling down on the I.E.M's .Ever since the westone 3's cable I owned developed a fault right next to the I.E.M . I suppose at least with the V2 the cable can be replaced .But I'd still use a clip as I don't like any tension pulling at the I.E.M's .
I see thats a pretty good idea,  
I should just take the plunge for a good used pair of the V1's and see if I will like it or not. So you still wear in front right. Can you do those dance moves with this like this, ya know Ib lighting up the dance floor"?  Thanks for your help my friend

I wear the y-splitter behind my neck .
My Dance floor is usually Rocks (Big boulders that are quite flat on top) or Grass.Though I'm going to a Big Music Festival soon where I will be dancing in a large circus tent whilst music is playing that is arguably too loud to be healthy for my ears .
I'm not into moves for image, for me it's all about feeling the Rhythm .I move to feel the groove .Or technically I listen to the music with my ears, then use my brain to control my body in time with the music . I find this gives me a enormous sense of self control ,agility etc and keeps my brain focused on what it was primarily designed to do - Control my body's function & Dancing is  fun .
Dancing is like Sex, everybody would naturally do it if they only knew how
Jun 26, 2011 at 1:02 AM Post #573 of 1,167

The eq-7's use the same moving armatures as the eq5's,  some say the sound signature is noticeable different between the 2 .I have only heard the eq-5 .
The frequency signature of the eq-5 is very noticeably different than that of the  SM3's . I don't have the eq-5's to compare with any more so I can not go into any great detail of any other  subtle differences .
The obvious difference  is that the eq-5 sounded brighter & some perceive that  as clearer thus favor these types of freq signature .
To put that in some context . Like the CK10's, the eq-5's have a certain frequency characteristic that makes them sound bright in direct comparison to the SM3's and other less bright I.E.M's .At first listen ,depending on the music,this brightness can sound...well nice and bright and Airy . But then play music that does not originally sound so Bright ,like a Tribal House track, it also having plenty of moving sub bass along with  higher frequency instruments like snares,sticks,cowbells etc   .
All of a sudden the CK10's, & to a slightly lessor extent, the eq-5's , sound not  Bright but ....... well SSHSSssshsshss and the bass gets veiled by the highs . The Bass - sub bass ,sounds at best recessed and weak .
As SM3's Fans know . The Highs on the SM3's are tuned very accurately to how highs are naturally played .So when you hear a cymbal it sounds natural without any artificial added brightness .
Of course everyone as there own particular tastes and the SM3 will not be for everyone .
Unless everyone begins to seek balance ,unity and equality and realize that living a balanced lifestyle is the only way to have lasting security .In that case the SM3's frequency signature may become one of the most copied of all I.E.M's , as it sets a benchmark that many agree upon is a benchmark of balance .

How could a SM4 improve on the SM3?

How do you improve a generally balance sound . Refine it ! 

Never heard either of the Ortofons so cant really say much but I do agree with the comparison with the Ck10s. That's mirrors what I've experienced with them.
If they ever do come up with an SM4 I'd be sure to test it out as I'd be curious to see how they built upon / refined from the Sm3's sig. But considering that they're dont seem to have much interest to update their pro custom line beyond the Em3pro yet, I wouldnt hold my breath for an Sm4. IMO, they can afford to rest on their laurels for a bit wrt the Sm3 as I think they certainly hit the nail on the head with that one.
Jun 26, 2011 at 1:04 AM Post #574 of 1,167

'I' tries to be bright but sumtims just reverts to being primate
I'm sure you are capable of great genius or great stupidity, as am I & all human beings .Use your intelligence to choose the Right path .And since your here on Head-fi seeking information, that is a very clever thing to do when your looking for answers

P.S - I know you were joking but I could not resist .Because...?  some really don't act like there burning very bright .And maybe these non bright people will read our thread and a switch will go on inside there skulls and they well begin to really read information,listen & learn rather than be told stuff and accept it .
Sorry thread back on course .
SM3's are very Good in my opinion and also many other peoples opinion but that does not mean that in your opinion you will agree with our opinion .

As it turns out, in my opinion I DO agree with your opinion and many other people's opnion! :D
Jun 26, 2011 at 1:06 AM Post #575 of 1,167

How can you sit down whilst listening to Metallica? That kind of music used to make me feel like getting up and ..... Smashing Chairs hehe .
Or is the S&M are more laid back vibe?

I work in an office which eschew the open office concept. No cubicles, no fixed places...hot-desking as they call it. Rocking out to a jam is hard without others just looking at you like you're a bigger freak than you already are. LOL. As it is, they give me looks as they cant figure out what it is i have plugged in my ears (the SM3, of course).
besides, I'm past the chair-smashing age. And no, it is not a laid back album. Very very not laidback. hehe.
Jun 26, 2011 at 1:11 AM Post #576 of 1,167

Could you explain the difference in sound between the tri flange and the ES Bi's?

Cant remember exactly as I dont have that tip with my now but it just didnt fit right. And i guess i'm not a fan of too much tip-eardrum intimacy? Also, it didnt sound quite as nice as the ES biflanges did. Cant really get into details about the sound as its been a while since I tried out those tips with the Sm3 at Jaben.

And...I also get an education in psychology. Here's the only thing that is keeping me way from the Sm3. The short length with at the Y splitter. I understand the new version is about the same length. Does this bother anyone?

Bothered me at first but just got used to it eventually. Now its length feels normal for me. Going back to the Ck10, the Y-splitter is of normal length but feels ridiculously long to me after getting used to the Sm3 Y-splitter. How's THAT for psychology? LOL
Jun 27, 2011 at 1:36 PM Post #577 of 1,167

Never heard either of the Ortofons so cant really say much but I do agree with the comparison with the Ck10s. That's mirrors what I've experienced with them.
If they ever do come up with an SM4 I'd be sure to test it out as I'd be curious to see how they built upon / refined from the Sm3's sig. But considering that they're dont seem to have much interest to update their pro custom line beyond the Em3pro yet, I wouldnt hold my breath for an Sm4. IMO, they can afford to rest on their laurels for a bit wrt the Sm3 as I think they certainly hit the nail on the head with that one.

Certainly & there will be a optimal number of drivers with balanced Armature designs . If SQ quality was merely about how many Drivers you had the best speakers would have as many crammed in as possible .Which they don't as it's about quality not quantity .
Jun 27, 2011 at 8:44 PM Post #578 of 1,167

Certainly & there will be a optimal number of drivers with balanced Armature designs . If SQ quality was merely about how many Drivers you had the best speakers would have as many crammed in as possible .Which they don't as it's about quality not quantity .


Jun 28, 2011 at 8:06 PM Post #581 of 1,167

Could anyone please verify if the hd650 and the sm3 sound similar?  I read on Head-Fi somewhere that someone said that they do.  

Dont own any full-size cans but have auditioned the 650s a bit, Can't really see the similarities except that theyre both excellent at what they do and are warm-ish sounding phones. I agree with knubbe in that its hard to compare IEMs and full size cans, tho.
Jun 29, 2011 at 12:44 AM Post #583 of 1,167

Don't own any full-size cans but have auditioned the 650s a bit, Can't really see the similarities except that they're both excellent at what they do and are warm-ish sounding phones. I agree with knubbe in that its hard to compare IEMs and full size cans, tho.


SM3 is way more forward than the 650s. It's hard to compare IEMs to full size open phones. The experience is completely different.

Thanks guys.  Thats a good point about the difference in types of headphones.  I know I read somewhere on here that it was mentioned that the SM3 was the miniature version of the 650 but I've only seen one person say that.  I guess I'll just need to get my hands on the hd650 someday to see, until then Im gna jam with my SM3!  MUAHAHAhahahahahaaa
Jun 29, 2011 at 1:29 AM Post #584 of 1,167
With the comply tips, the mids are certainly far more forward.  Using the double-flange stock tips, them sound very similar to the HD650's; noting that both presentations are different but the sound is similar.  Imo.
Jun 29, 2011 at 3:12 PM Post #585 of 1,167
I think the SM3 is fighting its way into becoming the most controversial iem of all time (dethroning the TF10). I really did like the SM3, but enjoyed it's baby brother more, the SM2 (a little bit more space to stretch out my listening legs)

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