DIY Headphone Response Plots
Jan 15, 2003 at 10:09 PM Post #46 of 191
Beyerdynamic DT131
Jan 15, 2003 at 10:20 PM Post #54 of 191
Denon AH-G500

"What's a G500?", I hear you say...
Well, I included it only because when you consider their size and fully closed design, these little things go deep! I think it is done at the expense of sensitivity, for which I'd rank them no better than the HD580, although Denon claims 103 dB/mW. They have a beautiful gloss finish and don't sound too bad but the ergonomics are pretty lame, starting with a flimsy elasticized headband which fatigues after a few fat-heads have stretched it. The earpad cloth and shape is reminiscent of a D66 Eggo but there's nowhere to tuck your ears, so these are supra-aural = pain and/or poor isolation (budget Senn style!).
Jan 16, 2003 at 5:53 AM Post #55 of 191

seeing as so many Head-Fi'ers are ripping out the driver coverings on their HD600 in hopes of mitigating "the veil", I would love to see a "modified HD600" graph and see if there is any actual change in the graph. I guess we can call the modified HD600 a HD600SDC (Sans Driver Covering) to distinguish it from the HD600CR (Clou Red) or HD600E (Equinox)

the W100 and W1000 must be wrong. what test parameter changed?

you are scaring me with the K401 curve

thanks for the dt831. Now i'll have to compare it with Greg's dt831 curve (just to see if they're similar).

so how about the CD1700, now? (hee. hee. i never stop, do i?)

i can hear all the dt831 detractors saying "see I told you that the DT831 doesn't have bass".
(maybe it's time i took off the driver cover pads.
nah, i'll probably have to add a circular piece to re-inforce the bass.
) and yes, that HD600 curve makes me want to get a pair (albeit with the driver cover mod)

kcits, where you been hiding, man?
Jan 16, 2003 at 3:11 PM Post #57 of 191

wallijohn: I would love to see a "modified HD600" graph and see if there is any actual change in the graph.

How accurate do you think these graphs are? I suspect that if there was a change due to removing the foam it would be of the 1dB order, no? I never heard the difference. Still, I could do a test on the HD580.


wallijohn: the W100 and W1000 must be wrong. what test parameter changed?

You mean they don't stack up versus the HD580 reference? Or against each other? And in what way? There are many possible factors - this "testing" is hardly done under laboratory conditions(!)


wallijohn: so how about the CD1700, now?

Never seen one!
Jan 16, 2003 at 7:39 PM Post #58 of 191

regarding the w100 and w1000 curves, they just look like they were changed since the first time i saw them. were they changed? i thought i paid attention, maybe i was wrong.

you are right about the 1dB thing. it probably is only 1 dB, but what if it throws the overall balance off? and if it is only 1 dB, that's fine too, because it'll mean that many here are capable of hearing 1 dB changes. (i sometimes feel that some may not believe that i can detect a 0.3 dB change).
Jan 17, 2003 at 12:08 AM Post #59 of 191
I'm none too savvy about these things, but isn't a graph comparing Senn 580s to 600s kinda loaded? It seems to me that these charts are only meaningful if you consider the 580 to be ideal. Suppose we used a really crappy or really great headphone as the reference. Wouldn't this scramble things to hell?

Jan 17, 2003 at 5:48 PM Post #60 of 191

wallijonn: regarding the w100 and w1000 curves, they just look like they were changed since the first time i saw them.

Well you certainly were paying attention!
They were replaced due to low-frequency background noise in the original graphs. There's a note about it at the foot of the first post.


JonCovenant: ...but isn't a graph comparing Senn 580s to 600s kinda loaded? It seems to me that these charts are only meaningful if you consider the 580 to be ideal.

I think the HD600 graph is pretty fair. The few extra dB in the peak at 10kHz could just be the positioning of the drivers on my head, and the low frequency droop suggests that the HD600 test was done in a quieter environment. You don't have to consider the HD580 to be ideal - all you need is a familiarity with its sound.

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