Crack;Bottlehead OTL
Aug 16, 2014 at 6:56 AM Post #5,791 of 12,352
  Thank you! Could you comment on this article of comparison between T1 and HD800 ?
Yeah, that is a good Idea! If I only had enough money... And I generally prefer to have only one pair of headphones. 

Wow. I really can't agree with the comments in the Headfonia article. I think source chain must have been playing a part because every time I've tried to like the HD800 I have found them drier and cooler sounding than the T1s and I've really wanted to like the HD800s so there's no bias here. The HD800s are exceptional, but they're just not warmer than the T1s!? I can only assume there was some synergy where the sources used were emphasising something about the T1s and /or neutralising some of the HD800's potentially challenging characteristics.
Given that we're talking about the Crack here, I'll leave it to others to comment specifically on the HD800 vs T1 comparison with the Crack because it's been way too long since I heard the HD800 with the Crack.
Aug 16, 2014 at 7:03 AM Post #5,792 of 12,352
   For those of you who upgraded the Electrolytic to Film Caps how did you guys attach those big caps on the plate and what materials did you used?I have 2 Mundorf 100uf 400V film Caps that i need to install,these things take up a lot of space.Thanks!

You can buy various adhesive tie-downs like this one - you'd need a longer cable-tie that the one shown though. One small recommendation is to mount the anchor point in advance and give it some time before attaching the weight of the capacitors so that the adhesive can really grip to the chassis plate before being pulled on.

Aug 16, 2014 at 9:04 AM Post #5,793 of 12,352
Who would have thought my thousandth post and I'm a bit of a antisocial git at heart, it must be the Bottlehead effect.
Wow. I really can't agree with the comments in the Headfonia article. I think source chain must have been playing a part because every time I've tried to like the HD800 I have found them drier and cooler sounding than the T1s and I've really wanted to like the HD800s so there's no bias here. The HD800s are exceptional, but they're just not warmer than the T1s!? I can only assume there was some synergy where the sources used were emphasising something about the T1s and /or neutralising some of the HD800's potentially challenging characteristics.
Given that we're talking about the Crack here, I'll leave it to others to comment specifically on the HD800 vs T1 comparison with the Crack because it's been way too long since I heard the HD800 with the Crack.

Interesting I had not seen the article and while I have never heard the HD800's I do know my T1's currently don't sound as they describe them in the article I can only assume due to the references of hot treble and lack of warmth in vocals the equipment they used was not the best synergistically with the T1.
I have experienced similar traits my own T1's on different amps so know what they can sound like poorly matched however with my Crack in its current guise that description does not fit with what I am experiencing most certainly there is no hot treble and vocal presentation is really just sublime by far the best I have heard so far, vocals that can be both delicate, nuanced and rich in texture & soul help to create a illusion of presence the like of which I have only heard with the T1's.
Aug 16, 2014 at 10:26 AM Post #5,794 of 12,352
  Thank you! Could you comment on this article of comparison between T1 and HD800 ?
Yeah, that is a good Idea! If I only had enough money... And I generally prefer to have only one pair of headphones. 

If I have to choose just ONE pair of headphones, it would be the T1. The T1 is the more 'complete' and relaxing sounding headphone to me, therefore it's better for general listening than the HD800.
About the HD800 vs T1 comparison, I think I should tell my little story which I already posted somewhere on head-fi too:
I've been a fan of HD800s for over two years now, and I have to admit that I hadn't heard the T1 when I was having the HD800s. I had a pair of HD800s, one has the early and one has the late serial number ( 2xxxx ) . Just recently, I bought a T1 from buydig. When I heard the T1 with my Bottlehead Crack for the 1st time, I nearly couldn't believe my ears, the T1 was better in many genres than the HD800s ( except for classical ), especially the midrange. I sold one of my HD800s right away.
So I guess maybe the HD800s are more superior in terms of 'accuracy' and 'technical factor', but I've never had the same feeling when I listened to vocals with the HD800s as I had with the T1s. I don't care if this headphone has a more balanced FR, it has a bigger soundstage or it provides a more 'accurate' sound, the only thing I care is how I feel about the music. We're all here, sharing experiences to each other on our passion, the love for 'music', NOT 'sound'. As long as I enjoy and have a good time listening to music, everything else doesn't matter to me. In that region, the T1s, IMHO, actually do a better job than the HD800s.
I'm not saying the T1s sound 'better' than the HD800s, they just match my 'taste' perfectly and give me the enjoyment I've never had with the HD800s.
In conclusion, I think each headphone has its own presentation. You can not say which headphone is BETTER. I personally use my HD800 for listening to classical ( which is not my main genre ), being the 'reference' headphone and testing, but I use the T1 whenever I want to just sit back, relax and ENJOY my music. The HD800 can not give me goosebumps or the emotion when I listen to my favorite music - vocals and country, mostly, like the T1 does.
The argument between the T1 and the HD800 will last forever...
Aug 16, 2014 at 10:58 AM Post #5,795 of 12,352
What do you like in the ODAC over the Modi ? 
I basically like deep bass and wide sound stage, I am afraid the ODAC will make my sound dry, bright and boring :O 
I mostly listen to electronic, and only in this genre I currently not fully satisfied.
And the most important thing for me is SILENT, I have a terrible hum from my laptop right now It drives me crazy, but I assume both ODAC and Modi will fix it so.. 

Detail, clean sound, and wider with airy music. I agree in EDM, Modi perform better unless you can find a tube that can tame ODAC brightness. BTW, I agree that ODAC is bright but I don't think it's dry. In fact they sound very musical IMO. For your kind of genre, I think Modi is the best DAC assuming you won't change your tube.
Aug 16, 2014 at 3:43 PM Post #5,796 of 12,352
Everything is an option in the future including tube rolling, everything is new to me and since i am low on budget I currently want to buy a DAC and continue from there.
Thanks for your opinion I guess the best way for me to know whats good for me is to try it by myself I hope I will manage to find a way to do it in my country before I buy.
Aug 16, 2014 at 8:20 PM Post #5,798 of 12,352
  For the Film Caps are they polarize?I was looking at them to see if  it have a Positive and negative on them and don't see any signs. Thanks!

Not strictly speaking, but some (like the Auricaps) do have a recommended orientation. Best to search around for discussions about your specific caps to see if there is a recommended direction of flow for them.
Aug 16, 2014 at 8:34 PM Post #5,799 of 12,352
  For the Film Caps are they polarize?I was looking at them to see if  it have a Positive and negative on them and don't see any signs. Thanks!

Not strictly speaking, but some (like the Auricaps) do have a recommended orientation. Best to search around for discussions about your specific caps to see if there is a recommended direction of flow for them.

Mine Is 
  For the Film Caps are they polarize?I was looking at them to see if  it have a Positive and negative on them and don't see any signs. Thanks!

Not strictly speaking, but some (like the Auricaps) do have a recommended orientation. Best to search around for discussions about your specific caps to see if there is a recommended direction of flow for them.

Mine is Mundorf 100uf 400V M-CAP MKP Series,THANK YOU!

Aug 16, 2014 at 9:02 PM Post #5,800 of 12,352
  I have done all my Upgrades now i need to stop here because some of these upgrades are not much of a defference compared to CRACK with SPEEDBALL all i have to do now is finish the BASE and enjoy these  wonderful Amplifier.Here is mine.Oh and i'am waiting for the aluminum volume knob maybe this upgrade will make it sound a lot better.LOL


I'am just kidding about the Knob.
Aug 16, 2014 at 9:30 PM Post #5,802 of 12,352
Oh lord... That's a fat caps! BTW, is it okay if I use floor coating paint to paint my base? It's like a varnish too when applied on wood.
Aug 16, 2014 at 10:55 PM Post #5,804 of 12,352
Don't knock the aluminum knob! My first one improved the sound 1.03%! I got a new one recently when I replaced the stock POT with an ALPS, and it was better than the first knob, at 1.4333% improvement!  Knobs rock! 

Aug 17, 2014 at 1:37 AM Post #5,805 of 12,352
What do you like in the ODAC over the Modi ? 
I basically like deep bass and wide sound stage, I am afraid the ODAC will make my sound dry, bright and boring :O 
I mostly listen to electronic, and only in this genre I currently not fully satisfied.
And the most important thing for me is SILENT, I have a terrible hum from my laptop right now It drives me crazy, but I assume both ODAC and Modi will fix it so.. 

IMO - Any sufficiently competent DAC will not audibly sound different than another. If it does, then someone is screwing with it and should be knocked off the list for consideration. Don't use components for EQ. Either use an actual EQ, or buy headphones whose sound signature you like. If nothing else, that saves you money not having to buy a different dac if you swap amps, or whatever changes you might make down the line. 

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