Crack;Bottlehead OTL
Aug 15, 2014 at 6:12 PM Post #5,778 of 12,352
  After you did the headphone jack mod did you do a voltage reading and did you noticed any voltage changes from the previous reading you have.Mine some went up 10V and some went down 3V.Thanks!

I did noticed some voltage changes in some readings, didn't write it down so I didn't remember but all were very slight around 1-2 V, and as far as I know as long its in the 10-15% range its ok, the only drastic change was that terminals 6 and 10 are now grounded and in the resistance test the result is 0.
May I know why Modi?

My 2 candidates were Modi vs ODAC, after reading and asking quite a lot about them I decided it that I might not like how the ODAC sound, I like the modi's looks and price, the crack build and the headphone emptied me from cash :) 
I can see in your signature you have the Modi, are you asking that because you don't like what you got? 

Thanks!the voltage changes are slight and still with in the spec. and T6,T10 are now 0 before they are 2.4K.
Aug 15, 2014 at 6:33 PM Post #5,779 of 12,352
 I found the problem why both tubes spark during start up.A piece of small cut-off wires that i cut after soldering got stack somewhere under the amp so when i flipped the amp again that small piece of wire fell off,No more tube sparking during start up.Speedball time

Aug 15, 2014 at 9:18 PM Post #5,782 of 12,352
  Ok, moving forward!
If one would compare T1 and HD800 on Crack SB?
Are both of them significantly better than T90 and HD700?

Yes, they both are significantly better than T90 and HD700.

Agree that T1 is superior to T90. Can't comment on HD700, but the T1 with the Crack is simply outstanding and may be more enjoyable for many than the HD800 despite HD800's technical superiority. T1 is just such a good balance of technicality and musicality
Aug 15, 2014 at 10:01 PM Post #5,784 of 12,352
 For those of you who upgraded the Electrolytic to Film Caps how did you guys attach those big caps on the plate and what materials did you used?I have 2 Mundorf 100uf 400V film Caps that i need to install,these things take up a lot of space.Thanks!
Aug 15, 2014 at 11:40 PM Post #5,785 of 12,352
   For those of you who upgraded the Electrolytic to Film Caps how did you guys attach those big caps on the plate and what materials did you used?I have 2 Mundorf 100uf 400V film Caps that i need to install,these things take up a lot of space.Thanks!

You can buy various adhesive tie-downs like this one - you'd need a longer cable-tie that the one shown though. One small recommendation is to mount the anchor point in advance and give it some time before attaching the weight of the capacitors so that the adhesive can really grip to the chassis plate before being pulled on.

Aug 16, 2014 at 12:25 AM Post #5,786 of 12,352
  Ok, moving forward!
If one would compare T1 and HD800 on Crack SB?
Are both of them significantly better than T90 and HD700?

Get both of them and you're more than ready to rock all night with your Crack

Aug 16, 2014 at 1:47 AM Post #5,787 of 12,352
You can buy various adhesive tie-downs like this one - you'd need a longer cable-tie that the one shown though. One small recommendation is to mount the anchor point in advance and give it some time before attaching the weight of the capacitors so that the adhesive can really grip to the chassis plate before being pulled on.

Or scrape off the foam adhesive and epoxy that sucker down.
Aug 16, 2014 at 4:40 AM Post #5,789 of 12,352
Agree that T1 is superior to T90. Can't comment on HD700, but the T1 with the Crack is simply outstanding and may be more enjoyable for many than the HD800 despite HD800's technical superiority. T1 is just such a good balance of technicality and musicality

Thank you! Could you comment on this article of comparison between T1 and HD800 ?
Get both of them and you're more than ready to rock all night with your Crack

Yeah, that is a good Idea! If I only had enough money... And I generally prefer to have only one pair of headphones. 
Aug 16, 2014 at 6:27 AM Post #5,790 of 12,352
I don't know what is your sound preferences but I would pick ODAC anytime. Modi is a good DAC for it's price but IMO ODAC is better. I did post about my impressions for these two DAC few pages back. But I damn agree Modi looks better than ODAC.
BTW, I understand how your wallet become thin in short time. Lol...

What do you like in the ODAC over the Modi ? 
I basically like deep bass and wide sound stage, I am afraid the ODAC will make my sound dry, bright and boring :O 
I mostly listen to electronic, and only in this genre I currently not fully satisfied.
And the most important thing for me is SILENT, I have a terrible hum from my laptop right now It drives me crazy, but I assume both ODAC and Modi will fix it so.. 

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