Crack;Bottlehead OTL
Aug 14, 2014 at 12:45 AM Post #5,746 of 12,352
Are you 100% sure you don't have a loose connection on the socket, or elsewhere?  This is the most common cause of the issue you describe.
You can also tighten the socket connections by gently prying the pin forks together a bit in the socket.
Several builders have had issues in their Cracks from "high quality" teflon sockets, so I wouldn't recommend them.

I've resoldered the joints twice and the tube is still sensitive to positioning so I'm going to try and replace the socket.
Aug 14, 2014 at 2:16 AM Post #5,748 of 12,352
Are you 100% sure you don't have a loose connection on the socket, or elsewhere?  This is the most common cause of the issue you describe.
You can also tighten the socket connections by gently prying the pin forks together a bit in the socket.
Several builders have had issues in their Cracks from "high quality" teflon sockets, so I wouldn't recommend them.

I was thinking about upgrading the sockets in my next kit with teflon ones, what are the issues people have had with them?
Aug 14, 2014 at 7:29 AM Post #5,749 of 12,352
To install the speed or not to Install the speed:  that is the question :)
finally got a normal camera so a few more photos 


Aug 14, 2014 at 12:56 PM Post #5,751 of 12,352
Hello everyone!
Recently I ordered my Crack with Speedball upgrade. Few days ago I get Sennheiser HD700 and found them awesome. Now I listen to them through Schiit Modi/Magni and Audinst mx2. The reason I ordered Crack was the article on, there Crack was called almost perfect amp for HD700. As it is mentioned on, their amps are mostly perfect for Sennheiser headphones. 
BUT, about 50 pages before, here in this thread, it was said that HD has 150 Ohm Impedance which is close to 120 Ohm in Crack. That is why HD700 would not sound good, and for Crack I do need some headphones with 250-600 Ohm. 
In the threads of Sennheiser HD700 and Beyerdynamic T90 I found an opinion that HD700 does not profit from Crack as much as T90 does. Therefore on a system like Modi/Magni T90 and HD700 are comparable and are in the same league, while with Bottlehead Crack T90 became superior to HD700. 
Can you dispel my doubts? 
Aug 14, 2014 at 1:23 PM Post #5,752 of 12,352
  Oh that should not even be an option, IMO. You SHOULD install it.

O.k I couldn't help it and I glad I did, everything is just better !
The highs are more crisp maybe too crisp? especially in electronic music maybe, I can't decide yet if its bad or good :O

Aug 14, 2014 at 2:28 PM Post #5,753 of 12,352
  Hello everyone!
Recently I ordered my Crack with Speedball upgrade. Few days ago I get Sennheiser HD700 and found them awesome. Now I listen to them through Schiit Modi/Magni and Audinst mx2. The reason I ordered Crack was the article on, there Crack was called almost perfect amp for HD700. As it is mentioned on, their amps are mostly perfect for Sennheiser headphones. 
BUT, about 50 pages before, here in this thread, it was said that HD has 150 Ohm Impedance which is close to 120 Ohm in Crack. That is why HD700 would not sound good, and for Crack I do need some headphones with 250-600 Ohm. 
In the threads of Sennheiser HD700 and Beyerdynamic T90 I found an opinion that HD700 does not profit from Crack as much as T90 does. Therefore on a system like Modi/Magni T90 and HD700 are comparable and are in the same league, while with Bottlehead Crack T90 became superior to HD700. 
Can you dispel my doubts? 

I did find the Crack a perfect amp for the HD700; the Crack I had tried, didn't have the Speedball upgrade though. 
Aug 14, 2014 at 3:57 PM Post #5,754 of 12,352
O.k I couldn't help it and I glad I did, everything is just better !
The highs are more crisp maybe too crisp? especially in electronic music maybe, I can't decide yet if its bad or good :O

If you want to tame the treble a bit, you can try rolling in an RCA 6as7g.  They are pretty cheap and seem to mellow out the sound of the Crack (to my ears at least).
Aug 14, 2014 at 5:04 PM Post #5,756 of 12,352
  Hello everyone!
Recently I ordered my Crack with Speedball upgrade. Few days ago I get Sennheiser HD700 and found them awesome. Now I listen to them through Schiit Modi/Magni and Audinst mx2. The reason I ordered Crack was the article on, there Crack was called almost perfect amp for HD700. As it is mentioned on, their amps are mostly perfect for Sennheiser headphones. 
BUT, about 50 pages before, here in this thread, it was said that HD has 150 Ohm Impedance which is close to 120 Ohm in Crack. That is why HD700 would not sound good, and for Crack I do need some headphones with 250-600 Ohm. 
In the threads of Sennheiser HD700 and Beyerdynamic T90 I found an opinion that HD700 does not profit from Crack as much as T90 does. Therefore on a system like Modi/Magni T90 and HD700 are comparable and are in the same league, while with Bottlehead Crack T90 became superior to HD700. 
Can you dispel my doubts? 

 The Crack amp excels with high impedance headphones (>300 ohm).
Aug 14, 2014 at 6:49 PM Post #5,759 of 12,352
  If you want to tame the treble a bit, you can try rolling in an RCA 6as7g.  They are pretty cheap and seem to mellow out the sound of the Crack (to my ears at least).

which one are you talking about there are many RCA 6as7g, clear top, Nos, gray plates... whats the different between them :O 
The Russian 6Н13С winged C's should be a good substitute for the RCA's the ones I have tried have all been dead quiet they have the advantage of being inexpensive.

Hum is really an issue for me I need the amp dead silent currently i have hum due lack of DAC and its driving me crazy..
another thing beside taking the edge of highs i want something to really help the bass to go lower and deeper and i want it to "rumble" my ears
How is the bass in the  6as7g or  6Н13С? 
I can't seem to find the The Russian 6Н13С winged C's for sale :O 
Since I am new to this do you usually tube roll the input tube as well? 
Aug 14, 2014 at 7:02 PM Post #5,760 of 12,352
  which one are you talking about there are many RCA 6as7g, clear top, Nos, gray plates... whats the different between them :O 
Hum is really an issue for me I need the amp dead silent currently i have hum due lack of DAC and its driving me crazy..
another thing beside taking the edge of highs i want something to really help the bass to go lower and deeper and i want it to "rumble" my ears
How is the bass in the  6as7g or  6Н13С? 
I can't seem to find the The Russian 6Н13С winged C's for sale :O 
Since I am new to this do you usually tube roll the input tube as well? 

Yes you can roll both tubes probably a good start would be to sort out you dac before spending out on a heap of tubes .
Here is a link to  Bottleheads Crack tube rolling thread, if it can run in a crack its most probably in the thread you might come across a description of the perfect combination for you
have fun,663.0.html

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