Cowon Plenue D
Jan 8, 2017 at 11:20 PM Post #3,856 of 4,955
Just got my Plenue D. I'm surprised at the stark difference between it and my aging J3. Very nice build, little bulky though especially with the case. 

Couple sluggish moments already but I imagine I need to update the firmware too. 

Does anyone use a screen protector on theirs? 

Bulky and especially with the case? Are you being serious? Anyways, I have a screen protector on mine only cause to eliminate fingerprints no other reason.
Jan 8, 2017 at 11:26 PM Post #3,857 of 4,955
Sorry, bulky in thickness only. With cases (on both) My j3 is like 60% of the PD thickness wise. So 'bulk' in a pocket is slightly different though not unbearable. 
Yeah primarily for fingerprints. May grab some online
Jan 9, 2017 at 3:59 AM Post #3,858 of 4,955
  Sorry, bulky in thickness only. With cases (on both) My j3 is like 60% of the PD thickness wise. So 'bulk' in a pocket is slightly different though not unbearable. 
Yeah primarily for fingerprints. May grab some online

Suggest you look at camera screen protectors - much cheaper.  One user reported Canon 600D protector as a good fit.  I found Nikon D5100 screen protector is also a very good match.
Jan 9, 2017 at 4:45 PM Post #3,859 of 4,955
Oddly I own a Canon 600D. Hahaha. I wonder if I have a spare protector from that.. Though that was a few years ago, but I tend to get multiple so who knows! Cheers for the advice. Will look around. 
On another note, it is indeed a shame they removed the zoom function, I suppose it's related to processing power? Only a small handful of items per page can be a bit tedious. 
Upgraded to the latest firmware no problems. Hope this lasts me many years like my trusty J3! :)
Jan 13, 2017 at 6:27 AM Post #3,860 of 4,955
I hope I am not doing the wrong thing by posting this in this thread but I wanted to help people who want to use MusicBee specifically with the Cowon Plenue D. I had a hell of a time figuring out how to get MusicBee to send playlists that I made over to the Cown Plenue D, both on hard memory, and on the SDXC card so this will help. Here are the settings you need to send playlists over to the Plenue D from MusicBee. 
Click the MusicBee bar with the drop arrow in the upper left. Select edit preferences. Go down the list to devices. Choose Plenue D and then click configure. Go down to settings. In the box that says music files: type the following: Music\<Playlist><Artist><Title>
Where it says playlist path: type the following: Playlists\
Create a subfolder for each playlist and its tracks: Make sure this is checked
Save as: M3u
Path prefix for tracks: \
To set MusicBee for the SDXC card on your Plenue D: Go back to edit preferences\devices and then choose removeable disk or SDXC card ( by default it usually lists your SDXC card as removeable disk) and then click configure\settings and make sure the settings are exactly the same as described above. If your SDXC (or Micro SD) card is not listed under devices by its proper name, it is probably listed as removeable disk. If you want to be sure this is the correct SDXC card, click removeable drive and then click configure\settings, you should see the correct file path to its proper drive letter listed under storage path. At the top of the screen under edit\preferences\devices: Uncheck the box that says: detect mtp devices. Unless you want to have MusicBee detect a cell phone SD card. Now in your Plenue D go to the root folder (touch the icon for folders at the top of the Plenue D screen) and you should see the SD card listed and all the playlists you created in MusicBee. When you want to send a playlist to the Cowon, right click the playlist and choose send to\device\Plenue D, or removeable storage device. It will now send the playlist and the music files to the proper area on your Plenue D.
Jan 13, 2017 at 4:12 PM Post #3,861 of 4,955
I have a question for all of you PD owners out there, have any of you used the PD with a pair of Noble Katana's or K10's? I am planning on getting some Katanas down the line and would like to know if the PD has enough kick to power these iems. 
I currently use a pair of UE4 with the PD and the player powers them fine. Thanks in advance!
Jan 13, 2017 at 4:47 PM Post #3,862 of 4,955
  I have a question for all of you PD owners out there, have any of you used the PD with a pair of Noble Katana's or K10's? I am planning on getting some Katanas down the line and would like to know if the PD has enough kick to power these iems. 
I currently use a pair of UE4 with the PD and the player powers them fine. Thanks in advance!

 I have the Noble Encore and the PD has more than enough power/kick to drive these, so you shouldn't have any issues with the Katana's.
Jan 14, 2017 at 6:42 AM Post #3,865 of 4,955
 I have the Noble Encore and the PD has more than enough power/kick to drive these, so you shouldn't have any issues with the Katana's.

Hey Man, I see that you've the SE846. I wanted to know how your Cowon performs with it.
Any background noise/hiss? what about the sound quality?

Not from memory but I've not used the SE846 with the PD for a while (it would have only been very minor hiss if anything) - I will get them out and check later when I'm back at home and give you a better reply.....

Jan 14, 2017 at 3:28 PM Post #3,868 of 4,955
Not from memory but I've not used the SE846 with the PD for a while (it would have only been very minor hiss if anything) - I will get them out and check later when I'm back at home and give you a better reply.....
Ok, I look forward to it.

Hey @Limu Shirin - I have just checked and no the SE846 do not hiss to my ears (or it is so slight that you would probably never notice it - YMMV if you had very very sensitive hearing!?) - this applies to both when the player is silent and playing music (I play tracks at about volume level 40 on the PD and even when the music is paused and the volume is turned all the way up to 100, I couldn't detect any noticeable hiss).  
Sound (to me) with the blue (unmodded) filters and with the Shure Olive tips, I find to be slightly warm (normal Cowon sound) but is clear/well defined and has tons of detail (and of course you will get the SE846 bass).  The PD also has JetEffect 5 and it’s EQ capabilities are plentiful, so you can always adjust to your own taste if required (I don't personally use the EQ on DAP's and so can't comment on how this adjusts things but there are about 40+ presets to play with !!)
Hope this helps.
Jan 14, 2017 at 4:40 PM Post #3,869 of 4,955
Hey @Limu Shirin - I have just checked and no the SE846 do not hiss to my ears (or it is so slight that you would probably never notice it - YMMV if you had very very sensitive hearing!?) - this applies to both when the player is silent and playing music (I play tracks at about volume level 40 on the PD and even when the music is paused and the volume is turned all the way up to 100, I couldn't detect any noticeable hiss).  
Sound (to me) with the blue (unmodded) filters and with the Shure Olive tips, I find to be slightly warm (normal Cowon sound) but is clear/well defined and has tons of detail (and of course you will get the SE846 bass).  The PD also has JetEffect 5 and it’s EQ capabilities are plentiful, so you can always adjust to your own taste if required (I don't personally use the EQ on DAP's and so can't comment on how this adjusts things but there are about 40+ presets to play with !!)
Hope this helps.

Thanks for the tips. At first I wanted to go with opus #1 because of balanced,
but I think I would go with PD. really helpful...
Jan 14, 2017 at 4:44 PM Post #3,870 of 4,955
Thanks for the tips. At first I wanted to go with opus #1 because of balanced,
but I think I would go with PD. really helpful...

The PD is good but I don't think it's Opus level. If you are looking at cost the PD is great, but if you want a true DAC Chip the Opus is highly regarded and if cost is not an issue (and I didn't have a P1) it would be on my list to get.

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