Might be an issue with your tags. Have you a windows pc you could try formatting the sd card in just to see if that's it (or another card for that matter)?
I tried using other SD cards but with the same issue.
There was something wrong with the player itself, it wouldn't even function without the SD card.
Tried putting the older versions of the firmware which didn't work.
It's been bricked for around a week but AdvancedMP3players will be replacing it and I can't wait.
For the first 24 hours which it worked I really enjoyed it.
The UI isn't as slow as people make it out to be, as an apple user for over a decade it was easy to adjust, i put a few greatest hit albums with around 30 songs each and it wasn't difficult scrolling.
I played a few albums on repeat to burn in the device and I loved the sound, I did a quick run through the different EQ settings and I ended up leaving it on Classical for Dave Grohl's Sound City album.
I don't have fancy headphones, some old Sony in-ears, B&W P3, Marley in ears but I ended up using my Apple EarPods as they were in my pocket when I got the player. They sounded perfectly fine, now i'm believing a better player/ DAC contributes to the overall SQ rather than headphones (I may be wrong, I don't know much about music players).
I've been forced to use my iPhone again for the last week and I actually miss the sound of the PD which I only used for a couple hours.
I should be getting my replacement in a few days so I can do a better review but all I know right is now my iPhone 5 sounds awful.