Jan 4, 2017 at 5:20 PM Post #3,827 of 4,966
  thanks a lot for your reply ... the thing is i am from outside the US (Egypt ) , i don't have an account in amazon and i have to import all my stuff through intermediary companies and takes about a month to get anything from outside .. so it is one shot 
 i have to choose wisely .. by the way i am not interested in upper models of Cowon ... D is the most appealing to me for the battery, design , price and of course the audio quality and BBE things i have to make sure that the sound sig is what i am searching for ... is there any D alternatives at the same price range that sound slightly bright and forward ? and can i change the sound sig of the D without being artificial ? as i love hardware equalizers not the digital ones and the only digital eq that i liked are : sony walkman eqs and their clear bass or the neutron eq which is so good too .... never tried Cowon BBE stuff 

Oh, that's a hassle.
I don't know of any DAPs with similar batter life.  Also, the EQ on the D is customizable, so you can probably create the sound sig you want.  I think the EQ does a good job of modifying the sound without introducing distortion or other artifacts.
Jan 4, 2017 at 6:48 PM Post #3,828 of 4,966
  Oh, that's a hassle.
I don't know of any DAPs with similar batter life.  Also, the EQ on the D is customizable, so you can probably create the sound sig you want.  I think the EQ does a good job of modifying the sound without introducing distortion or other artifacts.

it seems like that to me too ... thanks for your replies .. think will give the PD a chance soon if i was certain that their is no player with my aimed signature even with lower battery life 

Jan 4, 2017 at 10:09 PM Post #3,829 of 4,966
  thanks a lot for your reply ... the thing is i am from outside the US (Egypt ) , i don't have an account in amazon and i have to import all my stuff through intermediary companies and takes about a month to get anything from outside .. so it is one shot 
 i have to choose wisely .. by the way i am not interested in upper models of Cowon ... D is the most appealing to me for the battery, design , price and of course the audio quality and BBE things i have to make sure that the sound sig is what i am searching for ... is there any D alternatives at the same price range that sound slightly bright and forward ? and can i change the sound sig of the D without being artificial ? as i love hardware equalizers not the digital ones and the only digital eq that i liked are : sony walkman eqs and their clear bass or the neutron eq which is so good too .... never tried Cowon BBE stuff 

Only DAP that would fit would be the Sony A Series A10 to A30 series.  The new A30 series is priced higher but if you can find one the A16 or A17 would be in your price range.  Plus you get bluetooth and some pretty good sound enhancements if that is your thing.  The sound is definitely more neutral than the stock PD sound. 
Jan 5, 2017 at 2:05 AM Post #3,830 of 4,966
Apologies if this came up before. I couldn't find anything by searching.
I make sure to extract the covers to a cover.jpg file in each folder. However, I have some folders with collections of singles, each with its own cover in the tag. Is there a way to get PD to show these covers?
Jan 5, 2017 at 8:04 AM Post #3,832 of 4,966
  Apologies if this came up before. I couldn't find anything by searching.
I make sure to extract the covers to a cover.jpg file in each folder. However, I have some folders with collections of singles, each with its own cover in the tag. Is there a way to get PD to show these covers?

You don't need to use folder.jpg files - all of the files on my PD with art have the art in the tags.  I use jpg images up to 800x800 pixels in my FLAC and AAC files and have no problems with album art being displayed.
Jan 5, 2017 at 10:16 AM Post #3,833 of 4,966
Might be an issue with your tags.  Have you a windows pc you could try formatting the sd card in just to see if that's it (or another card for that matter)? 

I tried using other SD cards but with the same issue. 
There was something wrong with the player itself, it wouldn't even function without the SD card.
Tried putting the older versions of the firmware which didn't work.
It's been bricked for around a week but AdvancedMP3players will be replacing it and I can't wait.
For the first 24 hours which it worked I really enjoyed it.
The UI isn't as slow as people make it out to be, as an apple user for over a decade it was easy to adjust, i put a few greatest hit albums with around 30 songs each and it wasn't difficult scrolling.
I played a few albums on repeat to burn in the device and I loved the sound, I did a quick run through the different EQ settings and I ended up leaving it on Classical for  Dave Grohl's Sound City album. 
I don't have fancy headphones, some old Sony in-ears, B&W P3, Marley in ears but I ended up using my Apple EarPods as they were in my pocket when I got the player. They sounded perfectly fine, now i'm believing a better player/ DAC contributes to the overall SQ rather than headphones (I may be wrong, I don't know much about music players).
I've been forced to use my iPhone again for the last week and I actually miss the sound of the PD which I only used for a couple hours.
I should be getting my replacement in a few days so I can do a better review but all I know right is now my iPhone 5 sounds awful.
Jan 5, 2017 at 11:22 AM Post #3,834 of 4,966
  You don't need to use folder.jpg files - all of the files on my PD with art have the art in the tags.  I use jpg images up to 800x800 pixels in my FLAC and AAC files and have no problems with album art being displayed.

Thanks. I checked again, and indeed some covers appear and some don't. I used mp3tag to download covers from amazon on top of the covers that were already in the tag, and lo and behold, the new covers appear. 
Jan 5, 2017 at 1:52 PM Post #3,835 of 4,966
  Thanks. I checked again, and indeed some covers appear and some don't. I used mp3tag to download covers from amazon on top of the covers that were already in the tag, and lo and behold, the new covers appear. 

Cool.  That suggests a problem with the original tags.  I use mp3tag all of the time to clean up my tags.  It's a really powerful tool once you get into it - I even made a couple of donations to the author.  
Jan 5, 2017 at 5:04 PM Post #3,837 of 4,966
I used mp3tag for the original tags as well, but from various sources. Maybe the original images weren't compatible in some way. 

+1 The images are the issue nothing else. I didn't have artwork for some of my artist and I had to Google it to find some. When I did I resized them and applied them with MP3Tag and still didn't work. I deleted the image and went back to Amazon found the CD and copied that image and resized it and it worked. So yes there is some identification tag in the picture MP3Tag that is needed. I 100% can confirm that.
Jan 5, 2017 at 6:24 PM Post #3,838 of 4,966
So yes there is some identification tag in the picture MP3Tag that is needed. I 100% can confirm that.

To be honest, I am not sure quite what you mean by "identification tag in the picture that is needed".  I sometimes use photos that I have taken of CD inserts, or I use images that I have downloaded from all over the place, but in almost all cases I clean them up / crop / resize / etc using Photoshop or similar, so by the time I have finished with them they are very much plain jpegs without any other specific embedded metadata.  I find that they work well when applied as album art tags to my audio files, and not just in the PD but also in many other players, including iPod, car audio, a number of media streaming devices, apps etc. The only thing I try to be sure of is that the resolution is not too high (I use 800 x 800 since that's the limit for my car audio) and I try to keep the size of the jpeg below 400k - 500k bytes.
Jan 5, 2017 at 6:55 PM Post #3,839 of 4,966
To be honest, I am not sure quite what you mean by "identification tag in the picture that is needed".  I sometimes use photos that I have taken of CD inserts, or I use images that I have downloaded from all over the place, but in almost all cases I clean them up / crop / resize / etc using Photoshop or similar, so by the time I have finished with them they are very much plain jpegs without any other specific embedded metadata.  I find that they work well when applied as album art tags to my audio files, and not just in the PD but also in many other players, including iPod, car audio, a number of media streaming devices, apps etc. The only thing I try to be sure of is that the resolution is not too high (I use 800 x 800 since that's the limit for my car audio) and I try to keep the size of the jpeg below 400k - 500k bytes.

I agree and that is what I do, but there were times when all that did not work when I used a pic I found online. Have no explanation other than when tried another picture it worked.

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