Chord Hugo
Sep 26, 2016 at 4:40 PM Post #13,756 of 15,701
  Looks like you have it all figured out and rationalized to a T, Not a TT tho. 
 I forgot sideways ya thats the ticket, good luck anyways, but the suggestion was for the concept and a viable alternative that will guarantee positive results.  

The TT is not an alternative due to cost, twice that of the Hugo.  Besides, I think the Hugo has some room to improve with a little simple DIY, that if implemented correct may rival or surpass the TT. 
Sep 26, 2016 at 6:10 PM Post #13,757 of 15,701
For the Hugo Bluetooth that a digital input? I always thought Bluetooth transmission was audio.

If digital, what sample and bit rates does it accommodate? CD rates? Higher resolution? Thanks!
Sep 26, 2016 at 6:35 PM Post #13,758 of 15,701
  Looks like you have it all figured out and rationalized to a T, Not a TT tho. 
 I forgot sideways ya thats the ticket, good luck anyways, but the suggestion was for the concept and a viable alternative that will guarantee positive results.  

The TT is not an alternative due to cost, twice that of the Hugo.  Besides, I think the Hugo has some room to improve with a little simple DIY, that if implemented correct may rival or surpass the TT. 

I'll be watching your progress.  Unlike some, I can't just forgo shoes for the kids and such for a TT.  My warrenty should be up by 06/17, so if you end up figuring something out, I might be able to find some local guy to do the soldering in my place.
Sep 28, 2016 at 3:15 AM Post #13,759 of 15,701
The TT is not an alternative due to cost, twice that of the Hugo.  Besides, I think the Hugo has some room to improve with a little simple DIY, that if implemented correct may rival or surpass the TT. 

For me also the TT was not an alternative since it has the exact same DAC that my Hugo has and also the exact same power (the Mojo also has the same power as the Chord Hugo and Chord Hugo TT). Not paying so much money for that. 
Sep 28, 2016 at 6:21 PM Post #13,760 of 15,701
The Chord TT is a huge improvement over the Hugo,I have both.....I am a big fan of the hugo and it travels with me but the TT is dramatically better in pretty much every way....
Sep 28, 2016 at 7:34 PM Post #13,761 of 15,701
  The Chord TT is a huge improvement over the Hugo,I have both.....I am a big fan of the hugo and it travels with me but the TT is dramatically better in pretty much every way....

Implementation is everything.  How do you have the TT implemented compared to the Hugo?
Sep 28, 2016 at 8:11 PM Post #13,762 of 15,701
I have both Hugo and Hugo TT. I bought the Hugo used and now its battery is dead. I have searched online stores to buy the replacement, but looks like the battery is only sold in UK and it can't be shipped to my country.

Looking forward to your lps mods for Hugo. I have HDplex lps which I don't use currently.

Btw, to my ears, Hugo TT has more body and details compare to Hugo.
Sep 28, 2016 at 9:02 PM Post #13,763 of 15,701
I have both Hugo and Hugo TT. I bought the Hugo used and now its battery is dead. I have searched online stores to buy the replacement, but looks like the battery is only sold in UK and it can't be shipped to my country.

Looking forward to your lps mods for Hugo. I have HDplex lps which I don't use currently.

Btw, to my ears, Hugo TT has more body and details compare to Hugo.

Hi Alubis,
In your comparison from TT  to Hugo.  What input did you use?  If usb, did you use galvanic isolation on the Hugo?  Note:  My Hugo when using galvanic isolation has far more body and details when not using galvanic isolation.
If you wanted to, you could use the variable output of the HDplex set to 8.10V hooked up in place of the batteries.  Personally I don't find the HDplex a great LPS.  It's adequate but probably not better than the batteries in place on the Hugo.
Sep 28, 2016 at 9:33 PM Post #13,764 of 15,701
I have tried lots of usb transports:tweaked mac mini, various single board computers running various linux distro, and even the highly regarded Melco N1A with and without usb decrapifier. IMO, the problem of USB is not only galvanic isolation, but the protocol used to transfer audio. I have since moved to AOIP using focusrite rednet d16 and this gives best sound quality to both Hugo and Hugo TT. But yes Hugo TT still have more body and details compare to Hugo using the same transport. Might be due to power supply, hence my interest.

Thank you for the tip on the lps, I might try it with Hugo. If I managed to set the voltage to 8.10V, do you think it would work (ampere wise)?

I haven't tried any lps aside from HDplex so I don't know how good HDplex is compared to others.

Hi Alubis,
In your comparison from TT  to Hugo.  What input did you use?  If usb, did you use galvanic isolation on the Hugo?  Note:  My Hugo when using galvanic isolation has far more body and details when not using galvanic isolation.

If you wanted to, you could use the variable output of the HDplex set to 8.10V hooked up in place of the batteries.  Personally I don't find the HDplex a great LPS.  It's adequate but probably not better than the batteries in place on the Hugo.
Sep 28, 2016 at 10:18 PM Post #13,765 of 15,701
Thank you for the tip on the lps, I might try it with Hugo. If I managed to set the voltage to 8.10V, do you think it would work (ampere wise)?

I haven't tried any lps aside from HDplex so I don't know how good HDplex is compared to others.

Yes, not a problem.  The Hugo needs 1.8 watts of power which translates to about .25A.  The HDplex variable output is more than enough.  Chord mentioned 8.1V as being the full charged amount with the batteries, optimal input.  They didn't give any range, but did say a 7V input would work.
I could do the same, having that HDplex here and the variable output.  But my batteries work fine on the Hugo and I don't think the HDplex will be any better than the batteries????  But would love to hear about your experience if you do so. 
All that could change if the batteries die.  But I'm thinking the new Uptone LPS-1 is the ticket.  Obviously I'll try out both when the time comes.
Sep 28, 2016 at 10:22 PM Post #13,766 of 15,701
I think there has only been the Hugo v1, however on later batches the plug sockets were enlarged, to allow the easier insertion of plugs.
So if you can physically hold the hugo, then checking the plug sockets is probably your best clue.

  Your pic looks like the new, as the RCA opening around the jacks appear to be enlarged. New version also inverted the USB jacks to secure them more solidly to the frame.  Picture below is the new.


Thanks everyone for your input. It seems to me that only the exterior is changed and the sound has always remained the same?
Sep 28, 2016 at 10:46 PM Post #13,767 of 15,701
  The Chord TT is a huge improvement over the Hugo,I have both.....I am a big fan of the hugo and it travels with me but the TT is dramatically better in pretty much every way....

Don't bother...its been explained to him several times why there's a big difference both technically and sonically by myself, others (and Rob Watts too). I strongly suggest a listen before anyone makes such comments.

BTW, here's a great review from Chris Marten's on the TT:
Sep 28, 2016 at 11:49 PM Post #13,768 of 15,701
I read Rob Watts reply about TT compared to Hugo.  Came away with 2 big reasons for superior SQ.  Galvanic isolation and power supply.  That is what I am going to DIY on the Hugo .  Got the Galvanic isolation covered with the Intona, which by the way is more than likely superior to the galvanic isolation on the TT. 
Then there is power supply.  Soon to be!!!
Obviously we can never make the Hugo as feature rich as the TT.  That's what your paying for.  But SQ???
Sep 28, 2016 at 11:56 PM Post #13,769 of 15,701
Read page three of the review I posted...the superior batteries make a difference as well with regards to the power on tap. Matches my experiences as well.

It's certainly not just features...I was never in love with the Hugo's sound, and my wallet wanted me to feel the same way about the review TT I had, but it certainly passed the put your $ where your mouth is test and I ended up buying the review unit.
Sep 29, 2016 at 12:00 AM Post #13,770 of 15,701
I guess Rob didn't use the batteries with the DAVE because of their superiority.  NOT.   Even the TT could probably do better with a better power supply.

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