Chinese / Asian Brand Info Thread (Headphones, IEMs, Amps, DACs)
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Oct 30, 2014 at 10:32 AM Post #10,006 of 35,472
  ES > EDSE > Pistons 2.1.

The EDSE is a better comparison to the Pistons 2.1 though because of their similar sound. EDSE > Pistons 2.1. Better at everything except soundstage. Better with an equalizer. Better cables. Better plug. Better price. 
I don't have an ED3.

Coke>Pepsi>Dr. Pepper.
Coke has superior effervescence, and is the best cola for sugar heads. Also, on the fizzy spectrum - it is way up there. Pepsi is more neutral in taste, which some may prefer. The problem Dr. Pepper is you can't add ice cubes without reducing the fizz. So if you like to add ice cubes, stay away from Dr. Pepper.
I hope this helps you to make an informed decision.
Oct 30, 2014 at 11:29 AM Post #10,007 of 35,472
Coke>Pepsi>Dr. Pepper.
Coke has superior effervescence, and is the best cola for sugar heads. Also, on the fizzy spectrum - it is way up there. Pepsi is more neutral in taste, which some may prefer. The problem Dr. Pepper is you can't add ice cubes without reducing the fizz. So if you like to add ice cubes, stay away from Dr. Pepper.
I hope this helps you to make an informed decision.

Please don't drink too much of that junk
, a lot of health issues would be solved if people knew what they are eating/drinking.
Interesting documentary about sugar/cola:
I believe the TTPOD T1E made the Pistons obsolete. To my ears the TTPOD has a better controlled bass, a nice soundstage and above all; a present midrange.
The highs of the piston on the other hand are a bit more detailed, but the practically absent midrange ruins that advantage.
Oct 30, 2014 at 11:42 AM Post #10,009 of 35,472
Please don't drink too much of that junk
, a lot of health issues would be solved if people knew what they are eating/drinking.
Interesting documentary about sugar/cola:
I believe the TTPOD T1E made the Pistons obsolete. To my ears the TTPOD has a better controlled bass, a nice soundstage and above all; a present midrange.
The highs of the piston on the other hand are a bit more detailed, but the practically absent midrange ruins that advantage.

No worries I don't touch soda! I actually have TTPOD T1E on order from a certain site I can't mention. Got for a very good price. I agree the Pistons aren't perfect but like a McDonalds Big Mac - it has some good things.  A Big Mac has fat, salt and sugar. The Piston has lots of  bass, highs and some mid range, but maybe not in ideal proportions. Those controls for Android are still compelling. I also don't touch fastfood. Except maybe Taco Bell when on a road trip :)
Oct 30, 2014 at 12:29 PM Post #10,010 of 35,472
Coke>Pepsi>Dr. Pepper.
Coke has superior effervescence, and is the best cola for sugar heads. Also, on the fizzy spectrum - it is way up there. Pepsi is more neutral in taste, which some may prefer. The problem Dr. Pepper is you can't add ice cubes without reducing the fizz. So if you like to add ice cubes, stay away from Dr. Pepper.
I hope this helps you to make an informed decision.

I see where your retort is going. But I'm trying actually to be as objective as possible. Not everyone has studio grade mics and an oscilloscope.

Anyway, I still standby the EDSE over the Pistons 2.1. Aside from being practically a better version of the same thing in terms of sound, you get arguably superior cables AND a balanced TRRS plug (!) on the EDSE. And on the equalizer, adding anything above 4 or 5 dB to a frequency introduces unwanted noise or distortion on the Pistons 2.1. That doesn't happen on the EDSE, which makes it very flexible when playing around with the equalizer. Others who also own the EDSE and Pistons 2.1 can attest to both having very similar sound, so the EDSE does have clear advantages. Did I miss something? Well, aside from the EDSE being under $10 while the Pistons 2.1 are $15. Yes, they're just $15 in countries where Xiaomi sells directly. I pity the people who pay $25 for them. Might as well plop an additional $11 on that $25 for a TTPod T1E instead of a Pistons 2.1.
Oct 30, 2014 at 12:42 PM Post #10,011 of 35,472
Coke>Pepsi>Dr. Pepper.
Coke has superior effervescence, and is the best cola for sugar heads. Also, on the fizzy spectrum - it is way up there. Pepsi is more neutral in taste, which some may prefer. The problem Dr. Pepper is you can't add ice cubes without reducing the fizz. So if you like to add ice cubes, stay away from Dr. Pepper.
I hope this helps you to make an informed decision.

Update. Shortly after I posted this I got a small package - US Mail. The mailman said I got something from China(!), as if something nefarious was going on! I received the KZ ES from AliExpress - the seller wasn't KZ store and the price was $8.70 including shipping.  I took some photos -
The delivery time to the North East USA was 16 days.
The box, described in this thread as "WWII style" didn't bother me. I'm not interested in spending money on a box (One thing I dislike about V-Moda btw). After opening and taking out the ES I noticed these things are heavy, substantial, and the cord is thick. The ear tips (three sets - s, m & l) look like  Sony Hybrids. They are also comfortable, but I need more time to know for certain.  I listened to a  Bonnie Price Billy album (played on LG G3, no amp) - "wolfroy goes to town." I am totally blown away by the sound quality. The recording was made I believe with analog tape and the high end hiss is there in the background. Bass tight, not too much, and the acoustic guitar sounds like an actual instrument and not a plastic-y, electronic sound. All this for less than $9? Yikes! I didn't compare to the Pistons (will in the next few days) but I am impressed with what I heard - with this one sample album. 
Oct 30, 2014 at 1:17 PM Post #10,015 of 35,472
Well, I consider 20 bucks a pretty nice reduction. I'm just passing it along in case anyone is eyeballing at these. 

I agree, 20% off these vsonic offerings is rare. Great deal if you ask me :)
Oct 30, 2014 at 1:30 PM Post #10,016 of 35,472
I agree, 20% off these vsonic offerings is rare. Great deal if you ask me

Yeah, they also have a 17% discount code coupon for everything other than sales or VSD3 or VSD1. Since my VSD1 just crapped out (still works, but the shell broke) I was thinking about finally jumping into the Havi waters since I could get the B3 for around $50. 
Oct 30, 2014 at 1:52 PM Post #10,017 of 35,472
Thanks! They still have adequate bass, but nothing that would please a bass-head. There is not a lot of deep rumble to them, but it still sounds good.

*edit. yup...they are great for classic rock. Listening to 'White Rabbit' as I type.*

Great! Good to hear!
I'm kind of getting tired of my X3 from moxpad. With bloated bass and dull sounding mids they just sound tiring after a while. They're just not enjoyable at all, though they carry detachable cables which is the only plus. I tried swapping so many different tips, but it's just not doing it for me. That's why the ones you reviewed sounds more interesting to me.
.....Might jump on a pair later on.

Oct 30, 2014 at 3:08 PM Post #10,018 of 35,472
Sorry but the TTPOD T1e has lost my support. Very disappointing that a short developed in the jack, but when you look at the horrible way it's connected there, should have put my own strain relief there earlier, but the point is I shouldn't have had to begin with. Less than two months and they are rendered useless? No thanks.

On the bright side, the HiFiMan RE-300, after 24 hours of burn in, are so awesome! The bass is so refined, well rounded, and strong, and those mids!! Baby smooth and lush! Loving these, with incredible comfort and isolation.

Oh I ordered the Narmoo S1, and I it arrives tomorrow! Hope they can at least sound as good as the T1e. That and the never ending wait for my KZ PE. Then I think I'm gonna step up into JVC FX850 type territory?
Oct 30, 2014 at 3:13 PM Post #10,019 of 35,472
  Update. Shortly after I posted this I got a small package - US Mail. The mailman said I got something from China(!), as if something nefarious was going on! I received the KZ ES from AliExpress - the seller wasn't KZ store and the price was $8.70 including shipping.  I took some photos -
The delivery time to the North East USA was 16 days.
The box, described in this thread as "WWII style" didn't bother me. I'm not interested in spending money on a box (One thing I dislike about V-Moda btw). After opening and taking out the ES I noticed these things are heavy, substantial, and the cord is thick. The ear tips (three sets - s, m & l) look like  Sony Hybrids. They are also comfortable, but I need more time to know for certain.  I listened to a  Bonnie Price Billy album (played on LG G3, no amp) - "wolfroy goes to town." I am totally blown away by the sound quality. The recording was made I believe with analog tape and the high end hiss is there in the background. Bass tight, not too much, and the acoustic guitar sounds like an actual instrument and not a plastic-y, electronic sound. All this for less than $9? Yikes! I didn't compare to the Pistons (will in the next few days) but I am impressed with what I heard - with this one sample album. 

Lovely photos, great impressions. Keep us posted as you spend more time with your IEMs, please :)
Oct 30, 2014 at 3:45 PM Post #10,020 of 35,472
Sorry but the TTPOD T1e has lost my support. Very disappointing that a short developed in the jack, but when you look at the horrible way it's connected there, should have put my own strain relief there earlier, but the point is I shouldn't have had to begin with. Less than two months and they are rendered useless? No thanks.

On the bright side, the HiFiMan RE-300, after 24 hours of burn in, are so awesome! The bass is so refined, well rounded, and strong, and those mids!! Baby smooth and lush! Loving these, with incredible comfort and isolation.

Oh I ordered the Narmoo S1, and I it arrives tomorrow! Hope they can at least sound as good as the T1e. That and the never ending wait for my KZ PE. Then I think I'm gonna step up into JVC FX850 type territory?

Sorry to hear about your problems with the T1E. Just a heads up: the S1 doesn't sound anything like the T1E. They're much more darker sounding.
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