Chinese / Asian Brand Info Thread (Headphones, IEMs, Amps, DACs)
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Dec 6, 2014 at 3:45 AM Post #11,896 of 35,472

Haha good way to recycle old gear :p  Its actully a good idea since the lack of a sparkly top end will protect her hearing. I don't mind if they are not neutral, as long as they are not like MOAR BASS BOOM BOOM BOOM. After getting used to the havi it seems like there is a HUUUGE midbass bloat on the ue 6000 that i never noticed before.Its a travesty that the VSD3 at its price point blows the UE6000 away in terms of details, instrument separation and clarity, considering I paid 3-4 times the cost of the vsd3!! That's what makes me hate the ue even more LOL

As for the dolphins and Takstar Pro 80, I would be able to get either one thru penon, but getting the brainwavz pads gonna be a pain in the rear. Thank you for the heads up on the HM5, I am not looking for a lifeless flat headphone, just a more balanced one :) U saved me from buying that one. Almost bought it until I read your post haha.

Would you mind comparing the dolphins and pro 80 if you don't mind? I value your opinion and would greatly appreciate your input 

I suppose everyone hears things differently. I find the UE6000 to be the complete opposite. I find it to be rather well behaved in the treble area. As for the hate, the UE6000 is way overpriced and performs poorly compared to my VSd3 and Havi. The 6000s smears frequencies and everything sounds veiled through it. It is more tolerable in active mode but what little details it has is lost. It is not really comfortable either (to me). Listening to my VSD3 or Havi for a few days and going back to the UE6000 is like listening to a cheap run off the mill headphone you can buy at convenience stores. Granted the ANC is a bonus feature on flights and stuff, but it has no other redeeming qualities in my eyes. Again this is all in my opinion and ymmv.


To me the treble is too polite and it has a mid bass bloat that honestly offends me LOL. Even in passive mode. I used to love my headphones but listening to good headphones has turned me sour against it. Lesson learned I suppose. Do yourself a favor and give one of the sub 100 gems a try. It will rock your world believe me (if you haven't already).


They are alright at best imo. Nothing special and much better headphones can be had at much cheaper prices.


thats the other thing its good at besides ANC. In active mode, edm sounds exciting but I prefer a more detailed sound for vocal trance and such. I find the VSD3 to have a better and detailed soundstage and makes all my EDM music really come to life, without sacrificing details.


I'm 26 mate so my hearing is just fine thank you very much :wink:

I don't know. I've heard more detailed headphones and IEMs that in the beginning give impression for a better sound but after a few minutes of listening I get a really bad headache. The other way I measure how treble sounds is how I hear real world after I take the headphones off. If the headphones have excessive treble after I take them off everything sounds dull for at least an hour - it doesn't happen with UE6000 .Probably the way UE6000 are forgiving to a poorly recorded material and I can listen to a much wider variety of music than with a more treble happy and detailed headphones is what makes me love them. I can listen to them for hours. Probably everyone has a different perceivable frequency response with their ears (mine are less sensitive to bass and more sensitive to treble) ...
Dec 6, 2014 at 3:24 PM Post #11,898 of 35,472
So I've read quite a bit about folks using the hm5 pads with other headphones (seems to be the right thing to do), but I was wondering how does the hm5 itself compare?
the HM5 is superior to all of my headphones in detail and neutrality, and the ATH-M50 which I am borrowing for an upcoming studio headphone review as well. Good headphones, but as has been said, slightly disengaging. Super lovely and smooth treble, extended as far as I can hear though.
Dec 6, 2014 at 3:43 PM Post #11,899 of 35,472
the HM5 is superior to all of my headphones in detail and neutrality, and the ATH-M50 which I am borrowing for an upcoming studio headphone review as well. Good headphones, but as has been said, slightly disengaging. Super lovely and smooth treble, extended as far as I can hear though.

Are HM5 not Full size headphones ? It is kinda unfair to compare IEM vs Full Size ? Reason why I am curious = I am trying to look for something off brands but has better clarity and more natural sounding than my IM70
Dec 6, 2014 at 4:36 PM Post #11,900 of 35,472
  Are HM5 not Full size headphones ? It is kinda unfair to compare IEM vs Full Size ? Reason why I am curious = I am trying to look for something off brands but has better clarity and more natural sounding than my IM70

Maybe Fidue A83?
Dec 6, 2014 at 6:01 PM Post #11,901 of 35,472
I'm currently on the metra train to Chicago, and jamming these Tennmak DIY IE800. This is one of the few hot treble iems that I thoroughly enjoy, main reason being resolution from top to bottom. These things are super detailed and transparent with very little veil and plenty of bass at the same time. It's slightly on the dry and cold side through the midrange which helps reveal a lot of details not heard from warmer and more musical midranged sets.

I really like the signature of these. If you are really sensitive to treble you might want to avoid these. If you don't mind a crisp sound these are right up your alley, and you should expect to be thoroughly impressed with the amount of detail and clarity these have while still having incredible dynamic range.
Dec 6, 2014 at 6:04 PM Post #11,902 of 35,472
  Are HM5 not Full size headphones ? It is kinda unfair to compare IEM vs Full Size ? Reason why I am curious = I am trying to look for something off brands but has better clarity and more natural sounding than my IM70

If you want something that has the same signature as the IM70, but performs better, you're best off upgrading to the next Audio-Technica product since they have a distinctive house sound. 
Dec 6, 2014 at 6:15 PM Post #11,903 of 35,472
the HM5 is superior to all of my headphones in detail and neutrality, and the ATH-M50 which I am borrowing for an upcoming studio headphone review as well. Good headphones, but as has been said, slightly disengaging. Super lovely and smooth treble, extended as far as I can hear though.

Always wondered why not just get a hm5 instead of say a takstar & the pads. I just wanted some general opinions to decide if it's worth looking into them more - their thread is pretty big to quickly skim and mp4nation has them on special right now. If the general consensus is that the best thing about them is the pads, then I wouldn't bother.
Dec 6, 2014 at 6:43 PM Post #11,905 of 35,472
Yeah, that's why I was saying to him that the CKR9 would be the best option for an upgrade to the IM70 under $200. 

 All we need is IM90 with an added BA driver. 
Dec 6, 2014 at 6:51 PM Post #11,906 of 35,472
Any chinese IEM with volume limitation, like Ety Kids?!
My friend is interested in something like it, the problem is that the ones on sale on ebay have a super high shipping cost to Brazil...
Dec 6, 2014 at 7:11 PM Post #11,907 of 35,472
  Any chinese IEM with volume limitation, like Ety Kids?!
My friend is interested in something like it, the problem is that the ones on sale on ebay have a super high shipping cost to Brazil...

Your friend can buy 75/150 ohm adapter for his/her IEM.
Dec 6, 2014 at 8:54 PM Post #11,908 of 35,472
Your friend can buy 75/150 ohm adapter for his/her IEM.

Got these DUNU adapters from Penonaudio to use with AP100 due to its high gain and a few of my sensitive/hissing IEMs - 75 ohm does the trick!
Dec 6, 2014 at 9:04 PM Post #11,909 of 35,472
Yeah, that's why I was saying to him that the CKR9 would be the best option for an upgrade to the IM70 under $200. 

Ever compared CKR9 to CKR10?  Just got these as a loaner for review from AT US (they are finally on sale in US).  Was very impressed out of the box with CRK9... up until I put CKR10 in my ears.  Holly crap!!!  Even deeper and more textured bass rumble, fuller/smoother mids with an even MORE realistic timbre, and better treble extension.  The retrieval of details is amazong!  My only complain is slightly narrow width of staging, though depth is very good.  Usually it's the other way around, but hey - makes the spacing just more intimate.  And this is out of the box from HO of X5.  Keeping my fingers crossed sound sig won't change much after 24hr burn in.  Don't get me wrong CKR9 is great, but when you put CKR10 next to it - it kind of pales a bit in comparison.  And I was all set to start working on A71 review, but now got side-tracked by CKR10...
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