Chinese / Asian Brand Info Thread (Headphones, IEMs, Amps, DACs)
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Dec 5, 2014 at 3:04 PM Post #11,868 of 35,472
I also hate the UE6000 and hear the exactly the same way as you do. Gave my pair to my nine year old daughter

I can guarantee you that both the Pro80's and the Doplhins, although they're not neutral by any means, are far superior to the UE6000. Even the HM5 is way better although I never really got into them. They've got some weird hollow'ish in the way they sound that I've never gotten used to. They're more flat than the Pro80's and the Dolphins though but also a lot less engaging........

Why so much hate on the UE6000?
I don't know if it's just my ears being too sensitive to treble but the UE6000 are on my threshold of being too bright. Most of the headphones I bought after recommendations from head-fi turned out to be making my ears bleed. Even MH1/MH1C turned out to be too bright for me even though most reviews point out towards really smooth treble. I have neutral studio monitors and I know how much the treble should be compared to the rest of the frequency range. Where do you think is the problem ?
Dec 5, 2014 at 3:07 PM Post #11,869 of 35,472
Dec 5, 2014 at 3:10 PM Post #11,871 of 35,472
Why so much hate on the UE6000?
I don't know if it's just my ears being too sensitive to treble but the UE6000 are on my threshold of being too bright. Most of the headphones I bought after recommendations from head-fi turned out to be making my ears bleed. Even MH1/MH1C turned out to be too bright for me even though most reviews point out towards really smooth treble. I have neutral studio monitors and I know how much the treble should be compared to the rest of the frequency range. Where do you think is the problem ?

If you hear the UE6000 and mh1c as bright you're certainly not hearing them the same way as the majority but it's your ears and you know what you hear so that's fine. As long as you enjoy them that's enough, whatever floats your boat :wink:
Dec 5, 2014 at 3:16 PM Post #11,872 of 35,472
If you hear the UE6000 and mh1c as bright you're certainly not hearing them the same way as the majority but it's your ears and you know what you hear so that's fine. As long as you enjoy them that's enough, whatever floats your boat

I hear UE6000 in a neutral-ish way (slightly bassy + good detail in the 6k-8k range) and MH1/MH1C in an U shaped way (boosted deep bass and upper treble)...
Probably something is wrong with my ears...
Dec 5, 2014 at 3:19 PM Post #11,873 of 35,472
I hear UE6000 in a neutral-ish way (slightly bassy + good detail in the 6k-8k range) and MH1/MH1C in an U shaped way (boosted deep bass and upper treble)...
Probably something is wrong with my ears...

....or mine :wink:
Dec 5, 2014 at 3:40 PM Post #11,874 of 35,472
I hear UE6000 in a neutral-ish way (slightly bassy + good detail in the 6k-8k range) and MH1/MH1C in an U shaped way (boosted deep bass and upper treble)...
Probably something is wrong with my ears...

If those are bright, then the GR07 or VSD3S would be chalkboard scratches to your ears. STAY AWAY! lol

Zero Audio Tenore, I'd like to introduce you to someone you might serve really well? Meet Alexander.
Dec 5, 2014 at 3:51 PM Post #11,878 of 35,472
Saving for it right now. 
Anyone know if that amazon store would ship s-018s to europe? 

Unfortunately they won't, seems hopeless to get them in Europe so far without spending a fortune in freight from Amazon ca.....
Dec 5, 2014 at 5:16 PM Post #11,879 of 35,472
  So these Soundsouls are definitely another winner for $8. They have a nice crisp bite to them instead of the usual bloated V at this price.
These are exceptionally clear for the price. Impressive.

It appears that these were once $40 over two years ago, so they would hopefully sound better than your average low budget IEM.
Makes me wonder how their other IEMs fare for their price too.
SoundSOUL U10 (Black/Clear)
SoundSOUL M10
SoundSOUL E10
I feel like I've seen the U10 design before but I can't recall where from (similar to the MEElectronics M3P?), and the way the E10's strain relief is designed kind of reminds me of the HAVI B3 Pro series.
Oddly, the U10 on SoundSOUL's website shows a removable cable.
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