CEntrance DACmini DAC/Amplifier Official Thread
Jul 26, 2011 at 10:27 PM Post #406 of 1,412
I'm looking for a sub-1000$ system to power lcd-2. 
Can anyone comment on comparisons between the dac/pre-amp functions of the dacmini and dacport?
Basically, is there a big difference (or any at all) between the dacs of the two?
reason being, i'm thinking about going with either
1. just the dacmini - 800$
2. dacport lx + lyr/ef5 - 800-850$
any help will be appreciated 

edit: price of number 2. is actually 800$... i thought the lyr was 550$ but it's actually 450$.. lol
Jul 27, 2011 at 8:33 AM Post #407 of 1,412

May I know where DACmini strength over BCL?  I use BCL as comparison because I'm very familiar with the sound and then it's easier to imagine how the sound would be.

I'm not saying that one is better than the other -- just that they both work well with the LCD-2 and are both very satisfying.  I think where the DACmini has the advantage for me is that it is a one-box solution with minimal hassle -- a very good DAC and a very good amp in one small box.  Sound wise, I'd say the DACmini and Lehmann are in the same league which makes the DACmini an excellent value.
Jul 27, 2011 at 9:06 AM Post #408 of 1,412

Good question!!!

50Ω load will draw about 500mW per channel
300Ω load is up to 240mW per channel
600Ω load is up to 130mW per channel
Let me know if you have anymore questions RedWarrior191.

Where does the 1.5W come in, is it 750mW per channel at 32Ω?

how come after this long, Jay still haven't got an answer to this question??
Jul 27, 2011 at 2:39 PM Post #409 of 1,412
Sorry Redwarrior.
Yes, you are correct. 1.5W is both channels given 32 Ohm load.  In other words, 750mW per channel, given 32 Ohm load.  750mW + 750mW = 1.5W
And thanks again to all of you who continue to say wonderful things about our products. It really energizes us to work even harder!
Let me know how else I can help!

Jul 27, 2011 at 8:23 PM Post #410 of 1,412
I narrowed my choices down to the CEntrence DACmini and the Grace M903, how does the two of these stack up? I know they are in difference price leagues and all. I do like the styling of the Grace a slightly more than the DACmini. However, with the Grace it's unclear to me if I'm paying for a possible increase in sound quality, the made in the USA factor, or features I don't need like balanced inputs.
I'm planning on the Audeze LCD-2s for easy slip on and slip off headphones, and the Westone ES5s for on the go, gym, or private use. Seems to be the combination I'm going for.
The nice perks of the Grace include a remote option and dual headphone ports, so I could use both of my headphones, give the guest the LCD-2s for movie watching. Since I have no speakers for my 47" passive 3D HDTV (47LW5600), these features are of particular interest for 3D Blu-Ray movies. If the Grace sounds better, it would be the clear choice for me. But I am unsure of the sound quality between the two, and the above features alone can't justify the cost increase between the two. Not logically anyway :)
Also, I noted that although I am limited by the DACmini and Grace M903 digital inputs, I do have 4 HDMI inputs on my HDTV, with optical out. So I was thinking, I could use the HDTV as a digital hub, then feed the headphone amp the optical out from the HDTV, increasing my digital inputs. Would there be any decrease in audio quality in this case?????
Jul 27, 2011 at 10:25 PM Post #411 of 1,412

I'm not saying that one is better than the other -- just that they both work well with the LCD-2 and are both very satisfying.  I think where the DACmini has the advantage for me is that it is a one-box solution with minimal hassle -- a very good DAC and a very good amp in one small box.  Sound wise, I'd say the DACmini and Lehmann are in the same league which makes the DACmini an excellent value.

Thanks WilCox, I'm not saying one is better than other too :) ok, maybe my phrasing is wrong, now ... how do you think the sound signature different from DACmini and BCL?  I know 'better' is really subjective, but sound signature, hopefully can be more objective.
Not many have both amps, so really need your help to describe it so I can assess if the sound signature is something that I like or not.
The one-box-solution advantage, noted.
Jul 28, 2011 at 3:50 AM Post #412 of 1,412
I'm looking for a sub-1000$ system to power lcd-2. 
Can anyone comment on comparisons between the dac/pre-amp functions of the dacmini and dacport?
Basically, is there a big difference (or any at all) between the dacs of the two?
reason being, i'm thinking about going with either
1. just the dacmini - 800$
2. dacport lx + lyr/ef5 - 800-850$
any help will be appreciated 

edit: price of number 2. is actually 800$... i thought the lyr was 550$ but it's actually 450$.. lol

For LCD-2 I think I prefer the DACmini still.  It gives my LCD-2 a better sense of air, ambience and micro-detail, along with delicacy and finesse.  I'd like to re-cap my various posts and impressions below, with what I've posted about the DACmini over the past few months.
At http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/523850/centrance-dacmini-dac-amplifier-official-thread/75#post_7325679 I wrote:
[size=medium]I'm surprised I never saw this thread before.  It will take some time for me to read it all, but in the meantime, here are some links to other posts I've written about the DACmini.[/size]
[size=medium]RMAF 2010 Impressions Thread has basically a mini-review of the DACmini:[/size]
[size=medium] [size=medium]http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/518094/rmaf-2010-denver-canjam-rmaf-impressions-in-case-people-missed-seeing-this-in-the-meet-forum[/size][/size]
[size=medium]  [/size]
[size=medium] [size=medium]DACport review thread with list of things the DACmini improves upon:[/size][/size]
[size=medium]  [/size]
[size=medium] [size=medium]http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/473473/review-more-to-come-centrance-dacport-24-96-usb-dac-amp/60#post_7277929[/size][/size]
[size=medium]  [/size]
[size=medium] [size=medium]LCD-2 headphone amp recommendations thread:[/size][/size]
[size=medium]  [/size]
[size=medium] [size=medium]http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/495631/amp-recommendations-for-audeze-lcd-2/1575#post_7287271[/size][/size]
[size=medium]  [/size]
[size=medium] [size=medium]http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/495631/amp-recommendations-for-audeze-lcd-2/1665#post_7317056[/size][/size]

[size=medium]At http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/523850/centrance-dacmini-dac-amplifier-official-thread/105#post_7374247 I wrote:[/size]
Only in soundstage which is better HDP or dac mini ?

The DACmini is more spacious sounding like my WA6, although I would not call the HDP closed in or anything - it doesn't seem to get as wide when using the stock PSU.  The HDP is maybe a little more forward at times, while my Amphora has a little deeper stage vs the DACmini.  With the Sigma11 PSU the HDP gets closer to the DACmini with a more holographic sound that becomes more transparent, but not quite to that level.  If you already had a HDP then a S11 PSU upgrade is likely worth it, but if you didn't then going directly to a DACmini makes more sense than picking up the HDP with an S11 PSU for a similar price.
The Pico Slim you have doesn't fall under the list as having one of the best volume knobs? 
So I guess that means the Dacmini does hiss, would you say it's on the level of the HDP, uDac2, or somewhere in between?

Sorry, it was late and I was sleepy, the Pico Slim belongs in the list of amps with good low volume channel balance.  I seem to recall that my old RSA Predator also had good channel balance, and I've checked my Protector which is also very good.
I don't think every knows yet that you have bat-like or dog-like hearing ability. [in regards to my saying there was a tiny bit off hiss with my most sensitive IEM, but only a couple of pairs]

At http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/523850/centrance-dacmini-dac-amplifier-official-thread/120#post_7389017 I wrote:
Hey Peking!!!
As of right now, the DACmini will not work with iPad as it would need to be recognized as a 48kHz or lower device. I will chat with the engineers and have them look into the possibility of adding this capability.
Thanks for the inquiry!

I think they changed that with iOS 4.2 for iPad.  I'll test mine tonight, and I can use a powered hub if needed.
UPDATE 12mn - since my new post started on a new page I wanted to add this here.
The iPad 2 with OS 4.3.0 > Camera Connection Kit > DACmini was tested tonight.  No powered hub needed.


IT DEFINITELY WORKS, and iTunes on iPad2 shows that it's connected the the CEntrance DACmini in the spot where a volume control would normally show up.  And it sounds very good with my LCD-2.






I also tried DACmini with an iPad 1 and iOS 4.2.1 (jailbroken but with no special audio software installed) - this also works fine with DACmini and Camera Connection Kit with no powered hub needed.  Sounds great just like the iPad 2 that I first tested.

At http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/523850/centrance-dacmini-dac-amplifier-official-thread/135#post_7413188 I wrote:
Well, so far I am still quite pleased with the DACmini since I posted my last impressions here in March. It's definitely a permanent fixture in my home.  
Since my last report I hardly use any of my other home gear, because the DACmini in my bedroom Macbook Pro rig is so convenient and accessible.  I've been using the DACmini with my LCD-2 mostly, and I also feed the analog out into my SR-71b amp for my balanced IEM and HE-6.  I still use the DACport when I'm moving my Macbook around, but that's about it for the past few weeks.  Since I got the DACmini I've rarely been down to use my high-end rig in the basement.
Don't get me wrong - my high-end rig with Perfectwave DAC & Bridge (aka PWD) > Eddie Current ZDT or Woo WES is still glorious sounding with my re-cabled HD800, Stax O2 or Baby Orpheus.  But they sit in my basement rig away from everything else and I don't get to spend much if any time down there, at least not without being a recluse and feeling detached from my family.  Plus my health problems make going up and down the stairs repeatedly a daunting task.  While the DACmini is not as good as a $3000 DAC plus a $2500 - $5000 tube amp like the above, it's relatively faultless and quite enjoyable.  With the DACmini I don't feel like I'm missing a lot when I can't make it downstairs to the big rig, making it a great bang for the buck.  If it had the weight and impact of my ZDT, it would carry it to a whole new level, but what it offers is still quite good.
If I had to guess based on my previous experiences, I'd say the S/PDIF DAC section is on par with other similarly priced DACs like the Apogee mini-DAC, Stello DA100 or Digital Link III (via single ended output).  The DACmini's USB input actually sounds better than I recall the DA100 or DLIII sounding via USB, but the Apogee mini-DAC has a very nice sounding 24/48 USB input.  Last time I checked, the mini-DAC USB sounded as good as its 24/96 optical S/PDIF with my Macbook Pro.  The DACmini's amp section is not very different sounding from my more expensive maxed Woo WA6 (depending on the tubes), except that DACmini has more power than the WA6.  I haven't fired up my WA6 in weeks!  On the other hand the WA6 can be tuned via tube rolling if you want - If you are one who finds the HD800 to be bright then you can roll in darker sounding tubes to compensate.  In comparison to the more expensive ALO Amphora, the biggest difference is that the Amphora sounds a little more laid back and relaxed with a little deeper soundstage (better suited for HD800), although the Amphora is also less powerful like the WA6 and has more hiss with IEM.  If I had to guess again, the DACmini amp section might perform similarly to the Grahm Slee Solo SRG II and PSU1 that I had on loan for two weeks a year ago, except the SRG II is only $150 less with no DAC and was useless with most IEM due to noise. 
The only thing I'm really left wishing for is balanced XLR line-out for my balanced SR-71b and eXStatA amps.  Also, since I have the fixed RCA outputs going to another headphone amp, it might be nice if the RCA-output wasn't deactivated when I plug in a headphone.  Sometimes I will be listening to the DACmini amp and want to switch to my SR-71b + balanced IEM, and I get no sound until I remember to unplug the LCD-2 rather than just turning down the volume.  I can see where this is an advatage when feeding the DACmini into a set of powered speakers like my Audioengine A2 or A5, so that the speakers shut off when plugging in headphones, but if I were doing that I would go for the optional variable level outputs.

Jul 28, 2011 at 4:43 AM Post #413 of 1,412
Jul 28, 2011 at 11:27 AM Post #415 of 1,412
Unfortunately, features sometimes win over function and performance.
Jul 30, 2011 at 12:03 PM Post #416 of 1,412

Are you specifically referring to the EF5 vs. DACmini or do you have a Lyr now as well?

Sorry, I should clarify that I've never heard the Lyr, but I hope to at RMAF this October.
Jul 30, 2011 at 7:32 PM Post #417 of 1,412

Sorry, I should clarify that I've never heard the Lyr, but I hope to at RMAF this October.

Cool, I'll be looking forward to hearing what you think of the Lyr. I keep tossing around the idea of trying one with the DACmini for use with the LCD-2's but can't quite commit to the idea, curiosity will probably win out at some point though.
Jul 30, 2011 at 8:22 PM Post #418 of 1,412
There is a thread dedicated to discussion of amplifiers for the LCD-2.  Please use that thread to discuss amps other than Centrance products there.
Jul 31, 2011 at 6:51 AM Post #419 of 1,412

There is a thread dedicated to discussion of amplifiers for the LCD-2.  Please use that thread to discuss amps other than Centrance products there.

Seriously? How is this comment even warranted or justified?
First off HeadphoneAddict was replying to a clarification I asked for in regards to his preference of the DACmini with the LCD-2's. Second, the DACmini is both an amp and DAC, my comments regarding trying a Lyr were with the DACmini as a DAC. Both are directly related to the DACmini and far more relevant to the thread than say hamsters would be.
Jul 31, 2011 at 12:27 PM Post #420 of 1,412

Seriously? How is this comment even warranted or justified?
First off HeadphoneAddict was replying to a clarification I asked for in regards to his preference of the DACmini with the LCD-2's. Second, the DACmini is both an amp and DAC, my comments regarding trying a Lyr were with the DACmini as a DAC. Both are directly related to the DACmini and far more relevant to the thread than say hamsters would be.

Sorry, my bad.

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