Cavalli Audio - Liquid Lightning
Aug 2, 2012 at 12:23 PM Post #46 of 209
Gents, I'd like to provide some info based on things I have learned recently.
A purported schematic of the LL has been published on another forum. I have seen the schematic from the original post, but I have not followed nor read any of the ensuing discussion about it.
Some things to know...
The schematic that I saw seems to be believed to be reverse engineered from the proto LL that was at RMAF. It is, in fact, not the schematic of that amp. It is, however, a very early schematic that I drew several years ago noodling on how to make a stat amp from HV mosfets. I don't know exactly how the schematic made it into the public domain except that someone I used to work with gave it out to others (but, honestly, I don't really know).
I any case, the posted schematic has a number of flaws in it and, in particular, it is a very slow amp for a variety of reasons. But, again, it was just a preliminary design concept not a final. Any amps built from this schematic will suffer from the things that are wrong with that early concept design. There are a number of obvious improvements to be made to that design.
The pre-production and production LLs have quite a few improvements/changes including different component values, different mosfet selections in critical locations, and different balancing and offset schemes. No input was taken from ANYONE on what or how to make these changes.
I am posting this so that if you read or hear that DIY LLs based on that schematic or "improved" LLs based on that schematic are being made and measured, these are not representative of the current production LL amps.
Aug 2, 2012 at 4:45 PM Post #47 of 209
Thanks for the thoughtful, polite and measured response to a truly abhorrent situation.
Aug 2, 2012 at 5:06 PM Post #48 of 209
Alex, with all due respect, it was fairly easy to tweak the LL into a better amp when it was in my possession.  While the sound and aesthetics were both top notch, there was a conspicuous lack of cowbell.  At first I thought it was just me not hearing things but I went back over the measurements and cowbell was indubitably not there.  Far be it from me to tell an amp designer how to do their job, but as I see things it wouldn't be too difficult for you to incorporate some cowbell into your designs.
Aug 2, 2012 at 5:16 PM Post #49 of 209

Aug 2, 2012 at 6:14 PM Post #51 of 209
Agreed.  Also I was expecting the LL I made out of bike tire tubes from papers stolen out of your trash can six years ago that may or may not even be the LL, to deliver Burritos.  AND I HAVE YET TO RECEIVE A SINGLE BURRITO!!!!!!!!!!
Aug 2, 2012 at 6:30 PM Post #52 of 209
Agreed.  Also I was expecting the LL I made out of bike tire tubes from papers stolen out of your trash can six years ago that may or may not even be the LL, to deliver Burritos.  AND I HAVE YET TO RECEIVE A SINGLE BURRITO!!!!!!!!!!

Damn, now I have a hankering for burritos.  No joke.

Aug 3, 2012 at 12:24 AM Post #54 of 209
The problem is unfortunately there's no actual fix for the situation, and it's hurting a great guy as well as a great amp designer. 
Even when there's an explanation there's always some people that will never believe anything past the first negative thing they hear. 
That being said I really with more people were posting impressions and comparisons about the LL.
It's a shame that it got to the point Alex mentioned, but kudos to him for being quite the gentleman about it.

Aug 3, 2012 at 5:26 AM Post #55 of 209
okay i have spent a good 3 hours tonight going back and forth between the prototype LL and the production LL..I wouldn't have believed it if i weren't hearing it myself.
The two amps have a near identical sound signature.
However, the production LL is smoother , even more effortless, more detailed and a much tighter defined bottom end response. Loving it with the SR-007mk1.
Kudos Alex. Am impressed. This amp has come a long way and am extremely happy for you in the way you have designed and put it together.
Aug 3, 2012 at 6:53 AM Post #56 of 209
The problem is unfortunately there's no actual fix for the situation, and it's hurting a great guy as well as a great amp designer. 
Even when there's an explanation there's always some people that will never believe anything past the first negative thing they hear. 
That being said I really with more people were posting impressions and comparisons about the LL.

Yes MorbidToaster i totally agree, Alex is a really nice and honest guy and if you only believe one thing then it is always speak to the source and never believe in hearsay. I admire Alex for not lowering himself to there level and games..
I will post my views and more on how it is received when i have one for the UK Head-Fi meeting and the UK Hifi Show in Silverstone
Aug 4, 2012 at 2:17 PM Post #57 of 209
First of all...I hate Alex and anyone involved with this project because damn it you've now made my current system 'good enough' rather than 'the best' that I so (ignorantly) thought my current system was.
Secondly...I want one. Everyone had been telling me that the 009s were everything a great dynamic can was with all the best parts of stats but every other stat design had led me to believe otherwise. When those drums started to kick and thump like a dynamic can I knew I was in trouble. This is absolutely the best way to listen to every song in my library.
At first I didn't really think it was that much better. Sounded pretty similar to my HD800 (and still does) as I had initially thought it would. Better, but not that much better. I then started to switch between systems after a few hours and the differences started to become more and more apparent. The first thing I noticed being significantly better was the piano on my Bocelli tracks. It was more natural, forward, and just plain gorgeous...Then I put on some Beatles. This was the moment of epiphany. Hey Jude really did it for me. The drums absolutely sound like I'm sitting there next to the dork that is Ringo. It's amazing...
The best way I can describe it is this...A slightly more instrument focused HD800 that improves about 10-12% across the board.
As for the amp I have nothing compare it to but I can say that it's well built, pretty, and pretty much no-nonsense. There's plenty of room on the dial to not have to worry about under powering something and the sound in my system is just stunning. 
The 009s change the rules I've come to understand from stats and the LL would give me all this glorious sound for years to come. 
tl;dr - I want one and my girlfriend has forbidden it (mainly because she's still driving a '93 Honda that needs quite a bit of repairs). 
This is going to tough to get back from me, Alex.
Aug 4, 2012 at 7:43 PM Post #58 of 209
Effin' pwnd.  Didn't I tell you to just get the SR-009 and the LL?
Now your mind has been poisoned forever, with the idea that there is something better out there.  The way I see it, the little nag in the corner of your mind will get worse and worse, until in the end the concepts of "freedom of choice" and "willpower" will simply become illusion.  You'll realize there is no choice.  You will become a slave to your upgraditis.  Just a matter of time now.
Welcome to Head-Fi, and sorry about your wallet.
Aug 4, 2012 at 7:48 PM Post #59 of 209
Effin' pwnd.  Didn't I tell you to just get the SR-009 and the LL?

Now your mind has been poisoned forever, with the idea that there is something better out there.  The way I see it, the little nag in the corner of your mind will get worse and worse, until in the end the concepts of "freedom of choice" and "willpower" will simply become illusion.  You'll realize there is no choice.  You will become a slave to your upgraditis.  Just a matter of time now.

Welcome to Head-Fi, and sorry about your wallet.

Alex called me this afternoon...I pretty much let him know my will was broken and not to worry when my LF hits the FS forum.

I've made a deal with the ball and chain and I'll be selling almost all my gear soon.
Aug 4, 2012 at 7:50 PM Post #60 of 209
Alex called me this afternoon...I pretty much let him know my will was broken and not to worry when my LF hits the FS forum.
I've made a deal with the ball and chain and I'll be selling almost all my gear soon.

Welp, that was faster than I expected.  Congrats!  It's a decision I doubt you'll regret.

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