Cavalli Audio - Liquid Lightning
Aug 4, 2012 at 7:52 PM Post #61 of 209
Alex called me this afternoon...I pretty much let him know my will was broken and not to worry when my LF hits the FS forum.
I've made a deal with the ball and chain and I'll be selling almost all my gear soon.

But.....but what about Liquid Glass?...
Aug 4, 2012 at 8:45 PM Post #63 of 209
Welp, that was faster than I expected.  Congrats!  It's a decision I doubt you'll regret.

Totally agree. Morbid, you only have 1 pair of ears and you only need one good desktop rig. If you are enjoying the 009s + LL, then ditch the rest.

Since the HD800 is pretty much my favourite headphone, I shall resist the urge to audition the 009+LL.
Aug 4, 2012 at 8:53 PM Post #64 of 209
Totally agree. Morbid, you only have 1 pair of ears and you only need one good desktop rig. If you are enjoying the 009s + LL, then ditch the rest.
Since the HD800 is pretty much my favourite headphone, I shall resist the urge to audition the 009+LL.

I can't afford to keep both. Anyone want a kick ass rig instantly? Calyx DAC, HD800, LF.
Aug 5, 2012 at 2:23 PM Post #65 of 209

Can you hear me groaning with my trust in your review of the LL+009?
I must have this at some point!!!
Aug 5, 2012 at 2:52 PM Post #66 of 209
I can't tell if that's a good or bad thing. :D
Don't worry, it'll soon as all this stuff sells. Still can't believe it's been almost a month since I listed the Calyx DAC. 
Can you hear me groaning with my trust in your review of the LL+009?
I must have this at some point!!!

Aug 5, 2012 at 2:52 PM Post #67 of 209
After the LL+009 what next, back to speakers?
The real trick in this hobby seems to be in finding our personal threshold, and then being happy with what we have.
There will always be something better around the next corner!
Aug 5, 2012 at 3:01 PM Post #68 of 209
I keep trying speakers and keep getting kicked back to headphones because of apartments and what not. 
The most I'd invest in speakers for years because of this is probably a decent integrated and a pair of entry level bookshelves. Kind of already have it picked out, but the deal I made with the girlfriend will prevent me from getting anything beyond the LL+009 and my turntable. 
After she gets a new car we'll see...I'm thinking the new 851A and some Omen Bookshelves :wink:
After the LL+009 what next, back to speakers?
The real trick in this hobby seems to be in finding our personal threshold, and then being happy with what we have.
There will always be something better around the next corner!

Aug 5, 2012 at 3:09 PM Post #69 of 209
This was inevitable toaster... :)  The combo you are going for is my reference rig for headphones and amplifier at present. Although i did sell the 009, the O2mk1 keeps me plenty satisfied with the LL. The LL hits hard and fast with just the right bit of delicacy..
Upgrading source is the only thing left for me..and man does the LL + stax combo shows up differences in spades between sources.
Aug 5, 2012 at 5:04 PM Post #70 of 209
This was inevitable toaster... :)  The combo you are going for is my reference rig for headphones and amplifier at present. Although i did sell the 009, the O2mk1 keeps me plenty satisfied with the LL. The LL hits hard and fast with just the right bit of delicacy..
Upgrading source is the only thing left for me..and man does the LL + stax combo shows up differences in spades between sources.

Sound wise ..was there any particular reason why you chose to let go of the 009 and keeping the 007 instead.  Did you prefer the 007 + LL combo? 
Aug 6, 2012 at 12:25 PM Post #71 of 209
Sound wise ..was there any particular reason why you chose to let go of the 009 and keeping the 007 instead.  Did you prefer the 007 + LL combo? 

THere is a diffrerence presentation wise from the 009 and the 007. The 009 is undoubtedly the better headphone. 
Only reason i sold the 009 was i couldn't justify keeping it given its price seeing how little time i have to listen to headphones at home. Mostly been mobile and listen at work for a few hours daily. 
The 009 + LL and 009 + 007MK1 combos are the best i have heard given my tastes thus far and this has little if anything to do with my proclivity for Cavalli products. 
No other commercial amp out there that does it better for me.
Aug 6, 2012 at 12:33 PM Post #72 of 209
I feel this would end up being said for me as the 'Cavalli house sound' has been my choice from lower end stuff (like a well built CTH) to the LF and LL...but I'd of course want to try the alternatives to remain objective. Alex knows by now that if it sounds like butts, he'll be the first to hear about it from me.
That being said...If someone wants to send a BHSE my way, be my guest. :wink: After I get an 009 of my own, of course.
EDIT: On the subject of the 007 + LL. It wasn't for me. Detail was fantastic, great speed, etc. The bass just didn't do it for me and there was no physical aspect to the sound. I had pretty much sworn off 'stats completely until I heard the 009 because I hadn't even remotely enjoyed a single one as much as an HD800 or LCD 2.2. So after this I can confirm that for me (and probably a lot of EDM lovers like me) it's pretty much 009 or bust concerning 'stats.
No other commercial amp out there that does it better for me.

Aug 6, 2012 at 12:48 PM Post #73 of 209
EDIT: On the subject of the 007 + LL. It wasn't for me. Detail was fantastic, great speed, etc. The bass just didn't do it for me and there was no physical aspect to the sound. I had pretty much sworn off 'stats completely until I heard the 009 because I hadn't even remotely enjoyed a single one as much as an HD800 or LCD 2.2. So after this I can confirm that for me (and probably a lot of EDM lovers like me) it's pretty much 009 or bust concerning 'stats.

surprised about your no bass comment about the 007 + LL. 
Been using this combo for 7 months now and it has never been an issue. And i am a basshead :p
In fact, the couple of times that i have had folks listen to the combo at Seattle meets (including this last weekend) the comment has always been.."didn't expect the bass to be that good with stats!"
One further thing to note is that the source makes a big difference when you are using such high end gear.
As for my comment on the other commercial gear, the 007 + BHSE combo is slightly ahead. The LL is running high output bias and has no issues like those i find with the stax amps. Heck it burns 80 watts actually.
But not so with 009, LL all the way without a shadow of a doubt for my ears.
Aug 6, 2012 at 12:53 PM Post #74 of 209
I was (at the time) comparing to my own LCD 2.2 + LF, but the source was pretty smooth and should've been bassy enough. It was a tube CD player (can't remember the model). 
It was at a meet but we had an SS Stax amp present as well as a close to production (as I understood it) LL and neither of them did it for on the bass with the 007. The first thing that wowed me on the 009s was the bass. It's usually what I notice first. :D
surprised about your no bass comment about the 007 + LL. 
Been using this combo for 7 months now and it has never been an issue. And i am a basshead :p
In fact, the couple of times that i have had folks listen to the combo at Seattle meets (including this last weekend) the comment has always been.."didn't expect the bass to be that good with stats!"
One further thing to note is that the source makes a big difference when you are using such high end gear.
As for my comment on the other commercial gear, the 007 + BHSE combo is slightly ahead. The LL is running high output bias and has no issues like those i find with the stax amps. Heck it burns 80 watts actually.
But not so with 009, LL all the way without a shadow of a doubt for my ears.

Aug 6, 2012 at 12:57 PM Post #75 of 209
Yeah the production amp is noticeably better in the low frequency response. Quieter and better detailed too. But definitely more tighter, impactful bass than the prototype/pre production model.
Give the 007 another try i'd say with the production version.

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