Beyerdynamic T90 Discussion and Support Thread
May 6, 2013 at 6:41 PM Post #616 of 4,487

That is exactly what I was checking for lol!
The T90 are deeper in soundstage.
They are also sound larger by about 4x.
They are also twice as loud on same amp.

They demoish the q701 wich I like.
I would considet the q701 more balanced and laid back and the t90 more forward and immersive.

They q701 seem dainty compared to the t90.
The imaging in mids on the T90 is best I have herd so far ,
Reminds me of an audio technica quality in mids.
But I haven't had better so would need someone to lend me a better can lol.
May 6, 2013 at 7:54 PM Post #617 of 4,487 is the  Beyerdynamic T90 thread

The T90 has been my new go to headphone since Dec. '12
used the Decware CSP2/ Senn. HD650 combo for 4+ years
and AKG 701's that never sounded great with the OTL Decware CSP2, so they sat on the side-lines
the T90 combines both of the best aspects of the HD650 and the AKG 701 into one headphone
I am not so great with descriptive words for the way I can describe the T90 is that is does more of everything a little bit better than the other two headphones in my collection
May 7, 2013 at 8:24 AM Post #618 of 4,487
That is exactly what I was checking for lol!
The T90 are deeper in soundstage.
They are also sound larger by about 4x.
They are also twice as loud on same amp.

They demoish the q701 wich I like.
I would considet the q701 more balanced and laid back and the t90 more forward and immersive.

They q701 seem dainty compared to the t90.
The imaging in mids on the T90 is best I have herd so far ,
Reminds me of an audio technica quality in mids.
But I haven't had better so would need someone to lend me a better can lol.

Thanks, this helps a lot. But, what do you mean by "the sound larger"? As in scale of the soundstage? Because that's my biggest fault of the K701, they sound somewhat small.  Even though soundstage is big and things seem to come from a distance, if I close my eyes, in front of me I can never imagine a huge piano taking up half of space inside the room, its more like a small piano far from me. If that makes sense.
In my country the Q701's cost almost exactly the same as T90's, so I guess its a good value.
May 8, 2013 at 4:18 PM Post #619 of 4,487
Yes exactly what you say is what I mean.
They sound huge. They also have a very realistic sound in the mids.
I haven't been home long enough to hear more but mine are still burning :)

Those are my best home cans and it's hard to see anything replace them.
May 13, 2013 at 4:34 PM Post #620 of 4,487
The Graham Slee ULDE amplifier that I'm borrowing from GS arrived a few days ago. First impressions with the T90... sounds pretty much the same as my vintage amplifier without the background hiss. Depending on your situation this will either be good news... or bad. The good is that it means that you don't need an expensive amplifier to get the most from the T90s. They're very easy to drive.

The bad news is that after I got over the 'new toy' phase I started noticing things that I didn't like about the Beyers.The bass isn't quite as tight as I like, the treble a bit boring(fortunately I didn't notice any of the sibilance others have reported), the soundstage sounds artifically large(has a weird sort of reverb like you're in a cave. The AT A900 had a similar coloration. It makes things sound lush and larger than life) and vocals in music can get a bit buried under the rest of the instruments when things get complex(though bass lines were still audible so the headphones were keeping up with the music just fine.) I thought that this meant that they weren't being sufficiently amped so I put off listening to them seriously until the GS arrived.

On a technical level they thrash my STAX SR-5s as I said earlier; but I find myself reaching for the STAX more often. The Beyers are more high definition; when vocals do take center stage they are downright impressive. The tonal balance is more pleasing and everything smoother. Maybe I have just grown used to it's slightly-grainy, bass-light sound? I suppose I am the kind of person that would rather reach for a VCR than a DVD; a cassette over a CD, an indie game over an AAA title. In summary the T90 reminds me very much of the Schiit Bifrost in tonal balance. Some will find it neutral and fall in love with it immediately; guys like me find it dull and boring. Once again I'm reminded that it's more important to find a tonal balance that you can live with than it is to find a good performer.

My impressions are the opposite of those who reviewed it earlier. I'm looking for less bass and more treble. Has Beyer modified these phones based on prior complaints? Or are our tastes in sound really that far apart? Just goes to show, you'll never know until you try something for yourself. Which unfortunately for those like me involves a lot of buying and selling.:frowning2:

Addon: Well, color me surprised. I decided to try these out of my rockbox'd Sansa Fuze to see just how 'easy to drive' they are. My portable AKG K81s sound a teeny bit underamped right out of the Fuze; the T90s sound fine. In fact the tonal balance is much more 'accurate'. My DAC and amplifier are both pretty warm(provides a good balance for the bright STAX), the Sansa is just a tad warmer than neutral. The Beyers sound great out of the Sansa; sure they could do with a better DAC but they don't need one like the STAXs do. I've tried running my STAXs with the Sansa as the source(using the vintage receivers as an amplifier of course.) It's not pretty. I'm wondering how these would sound out of my old Esscence STX now. I think there would be some synergy in that pairing. The T90s lose the veil with the Fuze, and I'm sure the STX would wake them up entirely. Don't get me wrong; the Fuze isn't an ideal pairing. I am noticing more sibilance and the bass is going to be underwhelming from a portable source; but it's better sounding than it has any right to be. Still it is better than with my home system and I'm getting chills down my spine with a few of the songs I've sampled so far, I almost wouldn't mind picking up one of the Tesla series designed for portable use. Volume wise the T90s take under 5db more than my K81s.
May 17, 2013 at 4:13 PM Post #621 of 4,487
I have had my DT990 250 ohms for a whle now, how does the T90 compare?
May 17, 2013 at 4:30 PM Post #622 of 4,487
I have had my DT990 250 ohms for a whle now, how does the T90 compare?

That's what I'd like to know. We still haven't seen any comparisons between the DT series, T90 and T1. I wonder if the T90 is closer to T1 league than the DT league, since it's a brand new headphone, unlike DT series which are fairly old headphones based on inferior technology and design.
May 17, 2013 at 4:37 PM Post #623 of 4,487
That's what I'd like to know. We still haven't seen any comparisons between the DT series, T90 and T1. I wonder if the T90 is closer to T1 league than the DT league, since it's a brand new headphone, unlike DT series which are fairly old headphones based on inferior technology and design.

Indeed, I have been happy with e DT990s so I would love to stay close to the same sound signature there.

May 17, 2013 at 6:21 PM Post #624 of 4,487
They don't sound like DT990 as much as T70 is different from the DT770. The new Tesla series is not a successor to the DT series but a whole new line.
I would say IMO the T90 is the same level if not slightly below of T1. They're definitely a whole new level better than the DT series. If you have a DT880 and would like to have better bass, details etc I think you would like the T90, it has been the case for me.
May 17, 2013 at 6:57 PM Post #625 of 4,487
They don't sound like DT990 as much as T70 is different from the DT770. The new Tesla series is not a successor to the DT series but a whole new line.
I would say IMO the T90 is the same level if not slightly below of T1. They're definitely a whole new level better than the DT series. If you have a DT880 and would like to have better bass, details etc I think you would like the T90, it has been the case for me.

How is the soundstage on the T90 compared to DT880?  Much bigger / deeper? And do the headphones sound big in terms of scale? That's what some people say, that they sound artificially large.
May 18, 2013 at 2:01 AM Post #627 of 4,487
How is the soundstage on the T90 compared to DT880?  Much bigger / deeper? And do the headphones sound big in terms of scale? That's what some people say, that they sound artificially large.

Yeah, it does present things a little larger than life. I suppose that may be one of the reasons I like my STAX better. The two headphones have a similar size soundstage but the Beyer presents things in a way where the images are large and close together while the STAX is the other extreme. With vocals this is a nice effect on some tracks(where the vocals seem just like a floating voice. . It helps give them a body) It's annoying on ambient music and atmospheric metal. I don't think anyone could ever accuse the T90s of being a thin or ethereal sounding headphone, that's for sure.

They kind of have a tube sound... smooth and thick; but rather than sounding sweet they sound velvety. It's a [polite' sound, similar to what you'll get with a Senn but without sounding too warm. Probably why it doesn't work so well with the Graham Slee amplifier. It has the same sound signature as the GS products. It becomes 'too much of a good thing' and I wasn't much of a fan of this signature in the first place.
May 18, 2013 at 3:29 AM Post #628 of 4,487
I'm not sure if this is in connection with the sound stage, but I really like how the T90 sounds like its not shooting music directly in your ear but a little away from them...creating the feeling that I'm not listening to headphones but listening to speakers. It makes it much smoother and less fatiguing listening experience than other headphones I've heard.
May 18, 2013 at 8:46 AM Post #630 of 4,487
How can we say theres not enough bass when they supposidly go as low as 5 hz? Perhaps there isn't that much bass in your music as you think?

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