beyerdynamic T5p: Photos and first impressions.

Jun 25, 2014 at 9:58 AM Post #1,336 of 1,963
  After listening to the T70, ER-4S and Tzar 350 for some time I thought the T5p had too much bass and was too dark sounding in the beginning. I was debating with myself for some time whether I could live with T5p or if they were too dark for me. So when people say headphones sound bright or dark it is alway relative to what they are used to. After some time I got accustomed to the T5p sound and I couldn't imagine selling them ever again. 

I actually thought they sounded a bit thin.  I was comparing them to a T1 at the time.
Like you, I will never consider selling them either.
I find the t5ps have similar characteristics to the k702, but they are bigger in sound with less hf content and a more accurate bass response. I just wish the t5p soundstage was better in imaging, other than that i think they sound great

This is a good description.  The T5p sound like an improved AKG (everything is better except the soundstage).
Jun 25, 2014 at 2:10 PM Post #1,337 of 1,963
... This is a good description.  The T5p sound like an improved AKG (everything is better except the soundstage).

That would be awesome if it was, but T5p can't compete with K701's detail and transparency; and neither bass or midrange is as tight, fleshed out, and well-defined as K701's.  They're in totally different leagues.
Jun 25, 2014 at 2:51 PM Post #1,338 of 1,963
That would be awesome if it was, but T5p can't compete with K701's detail and transparency; and neither bass or midrange is as tight, fleshed out, and well-defined as K701's.  They're in totally different leagues.

I agree with you -- the K701 is a couple of leagues bellow the T5p. 

Jun 25, 2014 at 7:57 PM Post #1,339 of 1,963
Interesting to hear the comments about the T5p being bass heavy. I've only ever heard the one I own, and I find the bass to be exquisitely well rendered and textured; but I do find there to be precious little of it. That's actually my one real reservation about the sound (I don't care much about soundstage), everything else is just fantastic! Wouldn't mind getting to do an in-depth comparison with the Alpha Dogs some day...
Jun 25, 2014 at 11:45 PM Post #1,340 of 1,963
I find that it depends on how good of a seal the earpads get on your head.
Jun 26, 2014 at 4:04 AM Post #1,341 of 1,963
That would be awesome if it was, but T5p can't compete with K701's detail and transparency; and neither bass or midrange is as tight, fleshed out, and well-defined as K701's.  They're in totally different leagues.

I was referring to the k702 characteristics in sound. Where the k702 lack is in energy, that is where the t5p really shines. Detail and transparancy and soundstage and imaging is where the k702 really shines
Jun 28, 2014 at 7:53 AM Post #1,342 of 1,963
Hi everyone, I just ordered a T5p and wondered the varying choices for trying balanced.  I have a HeadRoom amp with dual 3 pin but I have a nice dual 3 to 4-pin adapter as well as a Centrance HiFi-M8 with 4-pin, so I'm looking to see if I can go to that.  I saw Theogenes has a newly balanced pair and am sending a PM to ask for pics.  All in all, I don't see many of balanced/XLR discussions in the thread, so I suppose most don't go with that.
Jun 29, 2014 at 2:57 PM Post #1,344 of 1,963
I guess these are not the perfect pair for a blind purchase as they are highly dependent on your preferences and taste in music... What did you pair them with (i.e. which DAC/amp) and what kind of music are you listening to?
In my opinion they go quite well with an amp that is a touch warm. I like them with electronics (but that may be me ;-) and with classical music, e.g. Chello & piano works. Overall I have to say I prefer the T1 by quite a margin as they are much more versatile, but of course semi-open. Both pair very well with the Beyerdynamic A2 amp btw (but that should be expected I guess). The T5p is positioned as an option to mobile devices and while it works OK with an iPad, its capable of much more and can sound rather harsh when driven by an underpowered device.
Jun 29, 2014 at 6:21 PM Post #1,345 of 1,963
Hi everyone, I just ordered a T5p and wondered the varying choices for trying balanced.  I have a HeadRoom amp with dual 3 pin but I have a nice dual 3 to 4-pin adapter as well as a Centrance HiFi-M8 with 4-pin, so I'm looking to see if I can go to that.  I saw Theogenes has a newly balanced pair and am sending a PM to ask for pics.  All in all, I don't see many of balanced/XLR discussions in the thread, so I suppose most don't go with that.


T5p's cable is 4-conductor, just reterminate it for balanced drive and let the gang here know how it goes. :D
Jun 29, 2014 at 8:28 PM Post #1,346 of 1,963

Sounds worth doing, but I confess I haven't done soldering in a very long time and doubt I'd be good enough at doing it.  How would you know which conductor is which?
Jun 29, 2014 at 8:41 PM Post #1,347 of 1,963
  In my opinion they go quite well with an amp that is a touch warm.

My T5p sounds great from anything I've plugged them in.
Overall I have to say I prefer the T1 by quite a margin as they are much more versatile, but of course semi-open.

But together they make for a formidable one-two punch.  One open, one take care of every situation.
I paired my T5p with a HD800 instead of a T1.  I'm extremely happy and I don't see any changes with this setup in the future.  I add headphones to spice things up and to to hear different models, but I usually sell them after a couple of weeks.  I just bought a D2000 -- the T5p totally destroys the Denon (in sound quality as well as isolation). 
Jun 29, 2014 at 11:03 PM Post #1,348 of 1,963
Sounds worth doing, but I confess I haven't done soldering in a very long time and doubt I'd be good enough at doing it.  How would you know which conductor is which?

Grounds are uncolored, red is right channel like any other cable, and both channels are separate from each other so you can't get it wrong. 

Just make sure that you have the pin out right for whatever XLR(s) that you will use.
Jun 29, 2014 at 11:42 PM Post #1,349 of 1,963
Pics I took of the post-op T5p for schalliol, if anyone is interested: 






Consider the toe shots a bonus for you weird foot fetishists out there...

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