beyerdynamic T5p: Photos and first impressions.

Jul 13, 2014 at 6:16 AM Post #1,366 of 1,963
Lindsey Stirling + T5p (+Me together with Lindsey) = Heaven
Jul 13, 2014 at 6:42 AM Post #1,367 of 1,963
Lana Del Rey + T5p (+Me together with Lana) = Heaven
(Horny Devil)
Jul 13, 2014 at 6:53 AM Post #1,368 of 1,963
I'm keeping the T5p. I'm back in the club.

Jul 13, 2014 at 12:23 PM Post #1,369 of 1,963
:etysmile:   I would kill for a Maytag box, the ultimate in open-baffle living.

HA! Nicely played, sir.

Also, it's about time for the monthly "hey gelocks, how's Martin coming on those woodied T5p's?" inquiry...
Jul 13, 2014 at 2:48 PM Post #1,371 of 1,963
  I think, the tree is already about 20cm high... so it can't take *that* long anymore ;-)
Sorry, gelocks, I couldn't resist. hat tip to your patience.

Jul 14, 2014 at 7:38 AM Post #1,372 of 1,963
I think, the tree is already about 20cm high... so it can't take *that* long anymore ;-)

Sorry, gelocks, I couldn't resist. hat tip to your patience.

Ah, the mighty Redwood... Gonna be a giant someday, and a presumably nice set of cups some day after that :p
Jul 14, 2014 at 11:25 AM Post #1,373 of 1,963
HA! Nicely played, sir.

Also, it's about time for the monthly "hey gelocks, how's Martin coming on those woodied T5p's?" inquiry...

  I think, the tree is already about 20cm high... so it can't take *that* long anymore ;-)
Sorry, gelocks, I couldn't resist. hat tip to your patience.


Almost spit water all over my monitor!
Actually it's almost time for me to inquire as well... I told Martin last time that I would contact him in mid-July and we are almost there so... I'll definitely keep you posted. I'm definitely patient but that's cause I have all these other headphones to keep me occupied (Enigma, Alpha Dogs, Sig DJs, etc. etc.)
Once the T5p's are here, more "thinning of the herd" will ensue... .... .... :)
Jul 14, 2014 at 3:39 PM Post #1,374 of 1,963
Glad you're not offended.
My own collection grew at an enormous rate over the last weeks and I now have the feeling that I can't appreciate all the headphones that came in. In that sense I can understand you're not missing it that much for the moment. Nevertheless its been... quite a while. Hope it will turn out to your liking. I for sure will enjoy the photos...
Jul 23, 2014 at 6:10 PM Post #1,375 of 1,963
Entering the club, all my other portable cans now gone back to their boxes..
This T5P is my portable best buy .....
Thanks for Beyerdynamic for making them and to owners to have convinced me by their reviews...
Jul 23, 2014 at 8:21 PM Post #1,376 of 1,963
This T5P is my portable best buy .....

+1 After a couple weeks with the T5p, I'm quite impressed.  The comfort is fantastic, and I much prefer them over the Alpha Dogs I had.  I drive them with a Centrance HiFi-M8 with low and high res tracks, and think they're great to go.  I wouldn't exactly call them portable, even though Beyerdynamic does, but I like them when I use the open office environment we just opened up at work.  Hands down I prefer my balanced HD 800s, but it's not exactly a fair fight.  Doing it well closed, is no easy feat.  Most of all, I appreciate the comfort factor the T5p has over the competition I've tried.  Now, if I could only get an XLR 4-pin on there...
Jul 23, 2014 at 10:44 PM Post #1,377 of 1,963
  Now, if I could only get an XLR 4-pin on there...

You can! NZTechFreak has, I have, and a few other people as well, I think ;)
Jul 23, 2014 at 10:45 PM Post #1,378 of 1,963
Yeah, requires me to put the time (and skill) into it.  Would love it if someone would do it for me hehe.
Jul 23, 2014 at 11:01 PM Post #1,379 of 1,963
  Yeah, requires me to put the time (and skill) into it.  Would love it if someone would do it for me hehe.

I should probably clarify: a soldering iron, in my hands, is a war crime waiting to happen.  I paid a fella to do mine :p
Jul 23, 2014 at 11:05 PM Post #1,380 of 1,963
Oh, ha.  Well, do tell in that case!
I'd be happy with non-socketed, but since I have two HD 800 cables, I'd sure be fine with having the HD 800 connectors on the headphones!

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