Best (timbre) IEM?
Feb 3, 2011 at 11:09 AM Post #16 of 134
I'm surprised you find the IE8mids to be recessed.  I do not hear them that way at all.  What EQ are you using?  If you EQ down the bass at 100Hz and bump up the treble to your liking,a they really open up and the mids become the focus of the entire presentation.  AND they are wonderful sounding mids.  
I did find instrument placement on the W3 to be more precise, but I am not sure I really liked it.  It seemed too mapped out and less involving.
Feb 3, 2011 at 11:12 AM Post #17 of 134
I agree with James and the others that the FX700 is in a league of it's own as far as timbre is concerned. I also agree with lucozade about HJE900 and it's timbre for guitars and bass. The DDM is also one I would throw into the fray as far as timbre is concerned (but it's timbre is strange and very unique onto itself. It's hard for me to compare to anything else).
As for BAs (and keeping it on universals), I tip my hat to the Klipsch Custom 3. The timbre on acoustic instruments is almost dynamic driver-like to my ears. That's the only unique BA timbre to me unless I get into customs (and I only heard one customs, the 1964-Q, which is no secret it's my favorite IEM period at this point).
Feb 3, 2011 at 5:15 PM Post #18 of 134
I'm surprised you find the IE8mids to be recessed.  I do not hear them that way at all.  What EQ are you using?  If you EQ down the bass at 100Hz and bump up the treble to your liking,a they really open up and the mids become the focus of the entire presentation.  AND they are wonderful sounding mids.  
I did find instrument placement on the W3 to be more precise, but I am not sure I really liked it.  It seemed too mapped out and less involving.

hmmm... yeah I was referring to its signature with a flat EQ. I've played around with EQ and it does help suit the IE8 to my preferred signature but I feel that EQing simply knocks up a few dB in the mids to make it sound more "forward". To my ears, the original presentation is far away vocals and near bass but with EQ everything seems "flat", presented with little space between the low, mid and high frequencies. Maybe I need a better source, maybe its the difference between our ears but I dont think the IE8 is for me

I agree with James and the others that the FX700 is in a league of it's own as far as timbre is concerned. I also agree with lucozade about HJE900 and it's timbre for guitars and bass. The DDM is also one I would throw into the fray as far as timbre is concerned (but it's timbre is strange and very unique onto itself. It's hard for me to compare to anything else).
As for BAs (and keeping it on universals), I tip my hat to the Klipsch Custom 3. The timbre on acoustic instruments is almost dynamic driver-like to my ears. That's the only unique BA timbre to me unless I get into customs (and I only heard one customs, the 1964-Q, which is no secret it's my favorite IEM period at this point).

interesting... all the talk about FX700 and DDM is really tempting me. how does the timbre on the 1964Q compare to the FX700? does it actually sound more realistic on acoustic instruments? 
Feb 3, 2011 at 7:01 PM Post #19 of 134

interesting... all the talk about FX700 and DDM is really tempting me. how does the timbre on the 1964Q compare to the FX700? does it actually sound more realistic on acoustic instruments? 

Both sound realistic on acoustic instruments, but both are different. It's almost like trying to compare an acoustic bass in small jazz club to the same instrument being played the same way in an acoustic hall. That instrument is going to sound realistic either way but different. With that said, I like the timbre best with the FX700 for acoustic instruments, but the quad is excellent too. It's just a personal preference, and not to be misconstrued as hating the sound of the other IEM.
Feb 4, 2011 at 12:31 AM Post #20 of 134
This kind of "Best dynamic" thread can't be complete without a mention of the dynamic driver custom Future Sonics Ear Monitor with the new 13mm MG6pro driver.
These have truly great timbre in a professional stage monitor sound. They are neutral, natural and fantastic.
It's not really fair to compare these to universals, of course.  They are the top-tier dynamic.
Feb 5, 2011 at 7:52 AM Post #21 of 134
Seems like I'm learning something new every time I visit this thread. I was saving up for a UE Reference Monitor until I saw the FS MG6pro. I wonder why dynamic customs aren't as popular as the BAs, I'm sure they sound just as good. I'll try to get a FX700 for now and see what "best timbre" really sounds like, then I can decide between the UE RM and MG6pro =)
Feb 8, 2011 at 3:44 PM Post #23 of 134
IMO, the most realistic IEM I've heard so far is Etymotic ER4, especially the S. The timbre accuracy in the mids is spot on! Fischer DBA-02 is pretty close too, but not quite as good.
Feb 8, 2011 at 4:04 PM Post #24 of 134
are you saying the ER4S and DBA02 have better timbre than the FX700?? 
 ..or e-Q7 for that matter..
Feb 8, 2011 at 5:04 PM Post #25 of 134

IMO, the most realistic IEM I've heard so far is Etymotic ER4, especially the S. The timbre accuracy in the mids is spot on! Fischer DBA-02 is pretty close too, but not quite as good.

But pianist, neither of those are dynamics sir, so aren't your comments a bit out of place?
Feb 8, 2011 at 6:21 PM Post #27 of 134

hmmm... Maybe I should change the thread title? How about best timbre period.


Well, you will get really varying opinions then, because I thought the DBA-02 sounded
Feb 8, 2011 at 6:26 PM Post #28 of 134

IMO, the most realistic IEM I've heard so far is Etymotic ER4, especially the S. The timbre accuracy in the mids is spot on! Fischer DBA-02 is pretty close too, but not quite as good.

No offense to you painist but I can't help but take that statement with a grain of salt. I have yet to hear a balanced armature IEM of any sort come close to achieving the timbre of a good dynamic. James444 states that thew new moving armature BAs are better in this regard, and maybe they indeed are, but regular armatures? Well, I have yet to hear a good one when it comes to timbre. Taking it a step further, I found the etymotic sound to be the antithesis of good timbre and realism. Everything was too compressed, too cold, and too fast. There is hardly any decay making nearly every instrument sound artificial. And again, just the simple sound of the instruments Ety does better with electronic music where speed matters, but again, the bass basically falls off a cliff past 60-70Hz so you don't get the lowest notes...*shrug* Too each his own, I suppose.
Feb 8, 2011 at 6:38 PM Post #29 of 134
I don't think that applies to all BA drivers however. I've heard some BA that have fairly good timbre and even beating some dynamics. On the other hand I've heard some dynamics with horrible timbre and sounding like the typical BA :)
I do think HJE900 or DDM would be a good choice as for timbre. The HJE900 sounded much more natural than the DDM as the DDM has something strange with timbre at times. I've yet to hear the FX700 so can't comment about that.

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