Anedio D2 DAC release
Nov 26, 2012 at 11:56 PM Post #1,111 of 1,417
I'm not impatient, but it's been almost 2 weeks and all I hear are crickets....I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that perhaps they didn't receive my original message and try again.

If your first email got stuck in a spam filter, chances are your second one will too. Yes, I agree, companies that are likely to get unsolicited email from current or potential customers should check their spam filters daily, but it's an easy thing to overlook.

What I would do in your situation is call them, and start the conversation with "I sent you an email a couple of weeks ago, and I haven't heard back yet; could it have gotten stuck in your spam filter?" Give them a chance to recover.

Also, being where it is (central Jersey), Anedio could have been without power for a week or more as a result of Sandy.
Nov 27, 2012 at 10:14 AM Post #1,112 of 1,417
Dang spam filters - I get stuck in them all the time. The worst part is when I'm in the middle of a review, doing some back and forth with a designer. They have been replying a few times a day, then abruptly stop. I usually give them 4-5 days, then contact them again, only to find out that I got bumped to the spam folder - even though we had exchanged dozens of emails back and forth by then. Very frustrating!
Nov 27, 2012 at 10:23 PM Post #1,113 of 1,417
The thing is that I didn't email them - I submitted the message through their website, so unless their own website's messages are being filtered out I don't know how they wouldn't have received the message. In any event I've messaged them again. I would call but there is no phone number as far as I can tell.
Nov 28, 2012 at 12:14 AM Post #1,114 of 1,417
If your first email got stuck in a spam filter, chances are your second one will too. Yes, I agree, companies that are likely to get unsolicited email from current or potential customers should check their spam filters daily, but it's an easy thing to overlook.
What I would do in your situation is call them, and start the conversation with "I sent you an email a couple of weeks ago, and I haven't heard back yet; could it have gotten stuck in your spam filter?" Give them a chance to recover.
Also, being where it is (central Jersey), Anedio could have been without power for a week or more as a result of Sandy.

I don't think they have a contact number.
Nov 28, 2012 at 12:14 AM Post #1,115 of 1,417
Don't suppose anyone has tried using the headphone out as a subwoofer line out? any foreseeable issues? I'd love to add a sub to my 2 channel system, seems like one way to do it? timing seems to be accurate when listening simultaneously to open backed phones at the same time as speakers.
Nov 28, 2012 at 3:23 AM Post #1,116 of 1,417
Yes...I vaguely remember trying to find a phone number for annedio and (as with many small, web-based companies), there was none to be found. Now, in laying out $1600- $1700 for a piece of electronic equipment (no small sum for me), that point did not go unnoticed and was a little disquieting. I mean we are not talking about web purchasing a pair of shoe laces here....but I still have to say that my experience was positive.
Nov 28, 2012 at 7:45 PM Post #1,117 of 1,417
I messaged Anedio again and this time got a response right away. It seems they had responded to me earlier and it was me who didn't get the message. Not sure how as I checked my junk, but the result is that I'm likely going to be getting a D2.
Nov 28, 2012 at 7:50 PM Post #1,118 of 1,417
Don't suppose anyone has tried using the headphone out as a subwoofer line out? any foreseeable issues? I'd love to add a sub to my 2 channel system, seems like one way to do it? timing seems to be accurate when listening simultaneously to open backed phones at the same time as speakers.

You'd probably get better results using the balanced and single ended outputs. Depending on which outputs you're using now just use the others for the sub. You can get XLR to single-ended cables if need be.
Nov 28, 2012 at 10:28 PM Post #1,119 of 1,417
I messaged Anedio again and this time got a response right away. It seems they had responded to me earlier and it was me who didn't get the message. Not sure how as I checked my junk, but the result is that I'm likely going to be getting a D2.

Good - I knew it was just some email gremlin at work. That's happening more and more with me lately... very annoying.
You'd probably get better results using the balanced and single ended outputs. Depending on which outputs you're using now just use the others for the sub. You can get XLR to single-ended cables if need be.

Seconded. You have both sets of outputs so may as well use those. The HP out is low enough impedance but isn't really built for that. 
Nov 28, 2012 at 10:48 PM Post #1,120 of 1,417
I'm stilll using a D1 atm (no xlr out) but do plan to upgrade as soon as Anedio is ready to take payment for the next batch. But definitely good to know, I didn't think of that. So both xlr out and rca out are active at the same time on the same channel? Cool.
Dec 8, 2012 at 10:52 PM Post #1,121 of 1,417
I sold my Benchmark DAC-1 PRE on Thursday and ordered the D2 on Friday. It shipped out within a few hours and I'm really looking forward to it getting here. A nice Christmas gift to myself.
I was really considering the Benchmark DAC2, but part of the appeal of the D2 was it's price. I sold the Benchmark for $1k and paid $1,100 for it 3 years ago, so the cost to upgrade to the Anedio was not that much, and while I like some of the features of the Benchmark like the analog input (which I did use on the DAC-1 PRE initially but haven't in a long time) and the DSD capability, I don't really need them and there were things about the Anedio's design which lead me to believe it may sound better which is ultimately the most important criteria.
Dec 9, 2012 at 2:03 PM Post #1,122 of 1,417
I sold my Benchmark DAC-1 PRE on Thursday and ordered the D2 on Friday. 

where'd you order the D2 from?  they're sold out on the Anedio website...
Dec 10, 2012 at 11:42 AM Post #1,124 of 1,417
I was surprised that this DAC actually has some amp capability too. That's pretty much exactly the versatility I'm looking for. 
I put in a message asking to get on their pre-order list. 
The second surprise is that they are located only about 15 miles from me here in NJ.
Which means I'll be paying sales tax. 

But hopefully not shipping. 


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