1000+ Head-Fier
Vention usb 3 otg from Aliexpress.
Takes a while to come but cheap an sturdy with a flat cable....
Good luck mate
Takes a while to come but cheap an sturdy with a flat cable....
Good luck mate
I am not able to use Fiio Q1 DAC with my Oneplus One & UAPP..
UAPP always shows error that DAC is not found whereas this website says that OPO and Fiio Q1 are compatible
CAn anyone help me in the right direction
Hello you very helpful bunch,
I have an LG G5 and the "martin" hybrid valve headphone amplifier with DAC (Kickstarter).
So I have sound working fine.
The problem is when I connect the phones USB-C to the DAC's micro-USB my phone starts charging the DAC's internal battery, I lose 1% phone battery charge for every minute the DAC is connected, not useable.
So, if it's possible, I need a cable that will block my phone from charging the DAC/Amp battery, can anyone please help?
I have ana android phone and I dont love the way it sounds. I wnat to go for a dac/amp for it.
What are the best options under 200 euros?
The android is 5 version so it works with dac.
I have ana android phone and I dont love the way it sounds. I wnat to go for a dac/amp for it.
What are the best options under 200 euros?
The android is 5 version so it works with dac.
Head-Fi to the rescue - after two unsuccesful attempts with cheap Android phones, I finally got something that works straight up :
Lenovo Tab3 A7-10 -> Onkyo HF Player -> Dragonfly Black -> Beats Solo2
All up, probably one of the cheapest rigs here but I like what I'm hearing and that's the main thing. A big thank you to those who've kept this thread current - its a lifesaver for those of us who cant afford flagship phones or the iPad.
Thanks again, @H20Fidelity
- the only downside is that I now find myself looking at 600--ohm Beyers and cheaper planars (T50RPII 'cheap', not SH LCD-X :d) to see just what the DFB will drive at anything above very low volume on my tablet. Manufacturers clearly read Head-Fi - understandable if they want their product to sell - but I suspect that they've over-estimated the number of people who need to drive HD800s from a portable device (or perhaps I've just under-estimated that group !).
That sounds like a task for a demo store near you to test.
Hi ladies and gents I need some help.
I can't remember were the info is...
My S5 is getting drained fast in my chain.
I just ordered a powered usb hub and want to power the 5V line via that.
Is there any pre made adapters about or do I have to try cutting up 2 USB Cables and practice my soldering...
Cheers for any thoughts or links
Keep smiling