Hi ladies and gents I need some help.
I can't remember were the info is...
My S5 is getting drained fast in my chain.
I just ordered a powered usb hub and want to power the 5V line via that.
Is there any pre made adapters about or do I have to try cutting up 2 USB Cables and practice my soldering...
Cheers for any thoughts or links
Keep smiling
Android device, USB DAC, USB hard drive & USB hub connected using regular USB OTG adapter & regular USB cables:
Android device >> USB OTG cable >> USB hub >>
>> regular USB cable >> USB DAC
>> regular USB cable >> USB hard drive
Android device with micro USB receptacle >> micro USB OTG plug to USB standard-A receptacle adapter + regular USB cable usually provided by the USB hub maker >> USB hub
The insertion of the micro USB OTG plug (i.e. ID pin 4 grounded) into the micro USB receptacle of a dual-role Android device shall configure the Android device to USB host mode, able to work with a standard USB DAC always operating as USB peripheral.
Android device with micro USB receptacle >> micro USB OTG plug to USB standard-A receptacle adapter + regular USB standard-A plug to USB standard-B / mini-B / micro-B plug cable >> USB hub with USB standard-B / mini-B / micro-B receptacle >>
>> regular USB cable usually provided by the USB DAC maker >> USB DAC
>> regular USB cable usually provided by the USB hard drive maker >> USB hard drive
I can't remember were the info is...