1000+ Head-Fier
... I am confused why I need this program since I thought since Android 5.0 USB Audio was natively supported. ...
Hi ! i thought exactly the same. And actually from what i have read some usb dacs with some Android Lollipop devices can indeed work without drivers. Maybe not all unfortunately.
Sadly to say...NO
Hi ! thank you very much.
This is for me a very sad show stopper because it means that i will not be able to use the usb dac with other media player apps like Kodi, VLC, Youtube or Chrome
i would not want to find myself in this situation i have already experimented with the USB Audio Player PRO v2.5.7 app i bought recently for an Android 4.4 device.
USB Audio Player PRO v2.5.7
Warning: this is not a generic driver, you can only playback from within this app.
It is not possible to use your USB audio device using this software with other apps!
I really do not understand why they make life so complex to consumers. It is so nice plug and play.
I have a proposal.
Is it possible to open a specific thread with a list of the usb dacs that are proved to work without drivers ?
I think that many here are not only interested to music but also to video streaming ?
Thanks a lot again
Have a nice day