1000+ Head-Fier
Onkyo HF:
Thank you very much indeed for your very kind and valuable reply.
Lately I read also about another app .... Black Player EX
All have USB support. Like the first two.
But if your smartphone supports USB DAC thru OTG natively, practically all you can throw at it.
Like my tablet. ....
This is much more interesting to me. I thought it were an issue with the dac.
Actually to be more precise i would like to use the dac with all media player apps like VLC, Youtube, Kodi and so on ... not being limited to a specifici audio player app.
So in the end i think i really need a dac that connected to the OTG is recognized by the Android device without having to load specific drivers.
like this one for instance already mentioned above ...
Works with Android (4.1 & above with OTG), iOS (with camera adapter USB cable), Windows 7/8/10, and Mac.
Windows device driver download is required, other devices do not need driver !!!
For my audio video system i use Android media players. Just now i have bought the one in the link ...
MXIII-G MX3 KODI 4K 2GB+16GB Quad Core Android 5.1 WIFI+BT Smart TV Box+Keyboard
I am sure the resulting sound would be exceptional. I believe in this approach a lot.
Usual pc computers have OS too much loaded with features/subprogramms that load the computer HW in an unbelievable way.
Android is a slimmed down Linux derived OS ... it can make wonder with music.
The evidence of this is by looking at the HW requirements of different OSs.
Android (but i think also Linux) runs perfectly on very very poor HW while a Win 10 needs a lot of resources in order to work smoothly.
Thanks a lot again.