Mar 21, 2016 at 9:21 AM Post #7,937 of 9,526
Mar 21, 2016 at 11:25 AM Post #7,938 of 9,526
I really wish there was a way to stream bandcamp/youtube to chord mojo without upsampling from my s7 edge. The upsampled sound quality through my DAC is horrible and I know because I had an iPhone before and it send out everything to the day without upsampling and sounded amazing. If anyone uses bandcamp on android like me and also wants this feature please email Bandcamp support and suggest they add an option to output bit perfect to a DAC.
Mar 21, 2016 at 2:16 PM Post #7,939 of 9,526
Maybe I have to keep my iphone as well and use it for when I want to listen to bandcamp, just swap the sim cards back and forth.
Mar 26, 2016 at 11:41 PM Post #7,940 of 9,526
For Australian / NZ members, Addicted to Audio is selling Astell & Kern AK10 for $150 AUD reduced from $399.
I picked up one to have a play with my Note 3 and Tralucent hybrids.
Mar 31, 2016 at 6:08 PM Post #7,942 of 9,526
How does the s7 sound with and without external DAC? 

Higher quality music rendering with external XMOS USB 384K/32bit DAC / amp to my ears.

I have the same question since I'm waiting on the delivery of my oppo ha2 to use on my exynos s7 edge. Do you hear difference with and w/?also what IEM are u using ?

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
Mar 31, 2016 at 9:25 PM Post #7,943 of 9,526

Anyone have luck connecting a schiit Modi DAC to an adroid device? I just recieved a Modi that I purchased from eBay, and for some reason I can not get it to work with my phone or tablet ( LG G3 and Nexus 10). My LG has android 6.0 and my Nexus still has 5.1. I am using a OTG adaptor that plugs into the DACs USB cable. When I plug the OTG adaptor into my phone or tablet, the Modi's indicator light lights up nice and bright, but when I try to play a song from spotify or the google music app, there is not any sound from my amp, and after about 10 seconds, my phone shuts down and reboots itself. I have a fiio e07k also for a more portable setup and it works fine, so I am a bit confused why the Modi will not. My original thought was that I might need a power usb hub, but the DAC seems yto be powered fine from both devices as the indicator light lights up as soon as it is connected.

Thanks in advance to anyone that responds.
Mar 31, 2016 at 9:51 PM Post #7,944 of 9,526

Anyone have luck connecting a schiit Modi DAC to an adroid device? I just recieved a Modi that I purchased from eBay, and for some reason I can not get it to work with my phone or tablet ( LG G3 and Nexus 10). My LG has android 6.0 and my Nexus still has 5.1. I am using a OTG adaptor that plugs into the DACs USB cable. When I plug the OTG adaptor into my phone or tablet, the Modi's indicator light lights up nice and bright, but when I try to play a song from spotify or the google music app, there is not any sound from my amp, and after about 10 seconds, my phone shuts down and reboots itself. I have a fiio e07k also for a more portable setup and it works fine, so I am a bit confused why the Modi will not. My original thought was that I might need a power usb hub, but the DAC seems yto be powered fine from both devices as the indicator light lights up as soon as it is connected.

Thanks in advance to anyone that responds.

When you connect the DAC, does a pop-up appear asking you whether to sync with USB device, is so press 'cancel' and then play.
Apr 1, 2016 at 8:46 AM Post #7,945 of 9,526
Thanks for the response! I was not getting a pop up until I download the trial of USB Audio pro. Now everytime i plug it in it opens that program and asks if i could allow it to have access to the USB device. The Modi works when playing through USB Audio Pro after giving it access. I am confused why I need this program since I thought since Android 5.0 USB Audio was natively supported. Its nice that i can get it working with thus program, but would really like to get it working system wide so I can play through Spotify.
Apr 1, 2016 at 1:28 PM Post #7,946 of 9,526
Did you ever find a fix for the interference?  I have a Ulefone Power and get bad interference with a Mojo when the screen is on and especially movement.  It generally sounds fine when screen is off.  Only thing i cant rule out is phone, tried a different OTG cable and a normal usb sound card.  Really want to keep the Mojo as dont want to carry a dap around any more.  Althought the phone is otherwise great so dont want to change that neither.   
Apr 1, 2016 at 2:09 PM Post #7,947 of 9,526
Apr 1, 2016 at 3:28 PM Post #7,948 of 9,526
Apr 1, 2016 at 3:48 PM Post #7,949 of 9,526
It is a hit or miss thing....(USB DAC compatible to your Smartphone)
And IF your Smartphone / Tablet  supports your USB DAC thru OTG big chances is that HD Audio will be supported only at 16bit/48Khz or some at 24bit/192khz.
Smartphones than I can think that/may support natively DXD or DSD are Vivo X6 Plus and LG G5 using the ES9028 DAC, LG V10 w/ ES9018.
Apr 2, 2016 at 11:05 AM Post #7,950 of 9,526

How does the s7 sound with and without external DAC? 

I have the same question since I'm waiting on the delivery of my oppo ha2 to use on my exynos s7 edge. Do you hear difference with and w/?also what IEM are u using ?


Yes, I hear difference (i.e. higher quality music rendering) with my XMOS USB 384K/32bit DAC/amp pairing with my Alpha Dog headphones / VE Monk earbuds.

As DAC/amp, headphones and human ears are not perfect; some combination of DAC/amp – headphones – ears provides better music rendering quality.
As a smartphone has only one internal DAC/amp and it can be paired with a lot of external DAC/amp, statistically an appropriate external DAC/amp should have the best synergy with your headphones and your ears.

Furthermore, an external USB DAC allows use of third party USB audio software like USB Audio Player PRO (UAPP).
And UAPP doesn’t interface with the Android audio subsystem (i.e. Android media player framework) which currently resamples / "molests the bit rate".

Lastly, computing devices (i.e. PC, smartphone, ...) introduce noises:

Intentional 4G/3G/2G/WiFi/Bluetooth radio frequency emitters and receivers with a high electronic integration density within a very limited small volume like smartphone should create a lot of EMI/RFI noises.

 A solution: moving the DAC/amp from the noisy Android phone
"A tale of two DACs
In the example diagram below, we compare two designs. First we have a mobile device with Application Processor (AP), on-board DAC, amplifier, and analog TRS connector attached to headphones. We also consider a mobile device with USB connected to external USB DAC and amplifier, also with headphones.

Which design is better? The answer depends on your needs. Each has advantages and disadvantages.
The first design A is simpler, less expensive, uses less power, and will be a more reliable design assuming otherwise equally reliable components. However, there are usually audio quality tradeoffs vs. other requirements. For example, if this is a mass-market device, it may be designed to fit the needs of the general consumer, not for the audiophile.

In the second design, the external audio peripheral C can be designed for higher audio quality and greater power output without impacting the cost of the basic mass market Android device B. Yes, it is a more expensive design, but the cost is absorbed only by those who want it.

Mobile devices are notorious for having high-density circuit boards, which can result in more opportunities for crosstalk that degrades adjacent analog signals. Digital communication is less susceptible to noise, so moving the DAC from the Android device A to an external circuit board C allows the final analog stages to be physically and electrically isolated from the dense and noisy circuit board, resulting in higher fidelity audio.

On the other hand, the second design is more complex, and with added complexity come more opportunities for things to fail. There is also additional latency from the USB controllers."
[Android audio team]


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