Amp recommendations for Audeze LCD-2
Oct 26, 2012 at 10:43 PM Post #5,072 of 9,210
I am very interested to know how to widen LCD-2's soundstage. What amp/DAC/tubes/etc?

Do what sound guys do: EQ the s--- out of them! :¬)
But seriously, I use a bit of EQ to widen and deepen the stage on my LCD-2s - although that’s probably heresy around here... I have a bit of DJ experience in me and when I used to rock the dance floor, I kind of stuck to a signature, a style if you will... so the EQ was my friend. That’s why I have the equipment (which is very affordable by the way) on hand but since you mention on your profile that you are using a computer, there a lot of good software EQs you can try and see (or should I say hear) if you can achieve a wider/deeper stage that would appeal to you.
Now if you will excuse me, I will go and make sure my fire extinguisher is still in working order ;¬)
Oct 27, 2012 at 6:46 AM Post #5,073 of 9,210
It's a shame, I like almost everything about LCD2, but the soundstage. Maybe I will have to try this EQ-ing, but first I am going to upgrade my source and change the tubes in my Lyr. I believe it might a bit, but I don't expect the soundstage to be big enough after the change. So EQing might be the only solution to really enjoy some spacious electronic music or soundtracks like Tron or Dark Knight.
By the way, what are the biggest disadvantages of using software EQ or software DSP features like crossfeed (e.g. increased spatialization)?
Do what sound guys do: EQ the s--- out of them! :¬)
But seriously, I use a bit of EQ to widen and deepen the stage on my LCD-2s - although that’s probably heresy around here... I have a bit of DJ experience in me and when I used to rock the dance floor, I kind of stuck to a signature, a style if you will... so the EQ was my friend. That’s why I have the equipment (which is very affordable by the way) on hand but since you mention on your profile that you are using a computer, there a lot of good software EQs you can try and see (or should I say hear) if you can achieve a wider/deeper stage that would appeal to you.
Now if you will excuse me, I will go and make sure my fire extinguisher is still in working order ;¬)

Oct 27, 2012 at 8:56 AM Post #5,075 of 9,210
I visited the LCD-2 in recent weeks and felt no soundstage width limitation. The soundstage depth is very good, indeed. We should verify whether it's a headphone issue or something else.

Majkel, I don't think it is this specific headphone issue as there are more people who agree LCD2 doesn't have big soundstage width (depth is OK). You can check out this thread, too:
Also Tyll Hertsens from innerfidelity told me (on another forum) that "this is the nature of the beast" when asked about the LCD2 soundstage width issue.
Have you tested the LCD-2 with your own production (Sonic Pearl) or another amp?
We can meet some day and make the comparison with my Lyr. Just let me get the right tubes for it first. I might also get Bifrost in the meantime as I don't have a proper source at the moment.
Oct 27, 2012 at 10:09 AM Post #5,076 of 9,210
By the way, what are the biggest disadvantages of using software EQ or software DSP features like crossfeed (e.g. increased spatialization)?

IMO, the biggest disadvantage is listening to other opinions about YOUR sound preferences. If you use either software or hardware EQ's and you are satisfied then it is the correct choice....for you.  Some opinions will claim any EQ is bad and then use another means to achieve their preferred sound. (Amp switching, DAC switching, tube rolling, etc.)
Friends are gone, lights are out, music is on and you are happy....That is the point..... 

Oct 27, 2012 at 10:21 AM Post #5,077 of 9,210
Have you tested the LCD-2 with your own production (Sonic Pearl) or another amp?

Yes, I have, and then both went for review to another guy (whom we both know at least online).
We can meet some day and make the comparison with my Lyr. Just let me get the right tubes for it first. I might also get Bifrost in the meantime as I don't have a proper source at the moment.
There is no hurry but sure I'm interested in such comparison. I have a DAC good enough to pair with your converter in case you don't buy one soon.
Oct 27, 2012 at 10:31 AM Post #5,078 of 9,210
IMO, the biggest disadvantage is listening to other opinions about YOUR sound preferences. If you use either software or hardware EQ's and you are satisfied then it is the correct choice....for you.  Some opinions will claim any EQ is bad and then use another means to achieve their preferred sound. (Amp switching, DAC switching, tube rolling, etc.)
Friends are gone, lights are out, music is on and you are happy....That is the point..... 

That's a wise advice. Thank you!
Still, it's sometimes good to ask others to make a 'reality-check' for yourself...or maybe not...
Oct 27, 2012 at 10:32 AM Post #5,079 of 9,210
Yes, I have, and then both went for review to another guy (whom we both know at least online). There is no hurry but sure I'm interested in such comparison. I have a DAC good enough to pair with your converter in case you don't buy one soon.

Cool! Will be in touch.
Oct 27, 2012 at 10:59 AM Post #5,080 of 9,210
It's a shame, I like almost everything about LCD2, but the soundstage. Maybe I will have to try this EQ-ing, but first I am going to upgrade my source and change the tubes in my Lyr. I believe it might a bit, but I don't expect the soundstage to be big enough after the change. So EQing might be the only solution to really enjoy some spacious electronic music or soundtracks like Tron or Dark Knight.
By the way, what are the biggest disadvantages of using software EQ or software DSP features like crossfeed (e.g. increased spatialization)?

Did you try some boutique/HiFi cables? Sometimes they works.
Oct 27, 2012 at 10:48 PM Post #5,082 of 9,210
IMO, the biggest disadvantage is listening to other opinions about YOUR sound preferences. If you use either software or hardware EQ's and you are satisfied then it is the correct choice....for you.  Some opinions will claim any EQ is bad and then use another means to achieve their preferred sound. (Amp switching, DAC switching, tube rolling, etc.)

Friends are gone, lights are out, music is on and you are happy....That is the point..... 


(I feel like hugging you)

But to me, the main problem is that you can over-focus on the EQing part of your music appreciation sessions and forget about simply enjoying the various sounds coming in your ears. So in my mind, it needs to be used parcimoniously (is that a word? If not I claim the rights to it:)
Oct 27, 2012 at 10:56 PM Post #5,083 of 9,210
EQ, Tubes, Caps, Amps, DAC's.....No end to tweaking. Heck that is part of the fun at times. However, sometimes you need to step away from the adjustments and listen to good music. Life is busy almost all the time. Music is a refuge. Glad we have one!
Oct 27, 2012 at 10:59 PM Post #5,084 of 9,210
EQ, Tubes, Caps, Amps, DAC's.....No end to tweaking. Heck that is part of the fun at times. However, sometimes you need to step away from the adjustments and listen to good music. Life is busy almost all the time. Music is a refuge. Glad we have one!

Oh Testify, Brotha!
Oct 28, 2012 at 12:05 PM Post #5,085 of 9,210
Hi Everybody,
I am a newbie and need a little help. I recently purchased a LCD2.2 after reading the praise that the forumites/experts/reviewers have showered upon it. It is indeed a terrific peice of gear and i really like the sound signature. I also listened to various DAC/Amp combinations but couldn't make up my mind except that I will go for SS and not tubes. (Why? .... Dunno ... probably the form factor, suits my lifestyle, ease of use, no hassles with tubes, less noise, my music taste - rock/pop/country/occasional classical.......etc)
Anyway, so along with the LCD2.2 I bought a Yulong D100 Mk2 just to start off (again, I chose the D100 after reading some of the good things written about it in the forums). The idea behind purchasing the D100 is to start enjoying my music with this while I keep searching for better alternatives. I presumed that at that price i can't go wrong .....and later, if and when I upgrade, I can still use the D100 as a "portable" DAC+Amp to carry around the house (listen to my music sitting at the balcony and watching the sunset, or set up camp in the attic when my daughter and his friends are having a sleepover). Now guys,  I must say that I am really surprised at the great performance of the D100.
Now that you know the background, here are my questions:
1) I am pondering if I can use the D100 as a DAC and get myself a Meier Corda Classic for an amp. Is that crazy or is it a workable idea? Will it substantially enhance what I am hearing now or should I just continue with the YulongD100? (I heard the Corda Classic and liked it, but the shop was using a Calyx 24/192 DAC with it and not the Yulong. Personally, I was not wowed with the 2000USD Calyx because I couldn't really distinguish any substantial improvement in SQ over the 500USD Yulong. Probably my ears are not trained yet to tell the subtle nuances............but I'm learning.)
2) If the D100 plus Corda Classic idea is OK to go ahead with - then what about getting the Corda Concerto? From the specs both looks the same with the Classic having marginally more power. The reason to ask this question is obviously because the Concerto (500USD) is now cheaper than its  successor Classic (800USD). Anybody has any input on the performance of the Concerto compared to the Classic?
I want the sound signature of the LCD2 to remain unchanged.
Any help will be highly appreciated

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