Amp recommendations for Audeze LCD-2
Oct 17, 2012 at 1:36 AM Post #5,044 of 9,207
anyone here have tried the lcd 2 with the schiit mjonir or with the new alo audio pan am?thanks

I've LCD-2 R2 w/Pan-Am
Pan-Am isn't the best for sure, but it bring musical voice that I'm enjoyed.
And it's power cord free rig., I like it's moveable and listening anywhere in house.
Oct 19, 2012 at 8:42 PM Post #5,046 of 9,207
CSP2+ (preamp) > Decware Taboo > LCD 2 is the best I've heard them. Better than my Beta 22, Zana Deux, Marantz 2285, Lyr and WA6SE I tried. Takes the LCD's to a whole 'nother level of clarity and transparency that I never realized they had. Tubes of course play a part here, but I don't remember ever feeling so differently about a headphone before and after as I have with the LCD's.
Oct 19, 2012 at 9:24 PM Post #5,047 of 9,207
CSP2+ (preamp) > Decware Taboo > LCD 2 is the best I've heard them. Better than my Beta 22, Zana Deux, Marantz 2285, Lyr and WA6SE I tried. Takes the LCD's to a whole 'nother level of clarity and transparency that I never realized they had. Tubes of course play a part here, but I don't remember ever feeling so differently about a headphone before and after as I have with the LCD's.

Gotta love Decware gear!
Oct 20, 2012 at 12:16 AM Post #5,048 of 9,207
CSP2+ (preamp) > Decware Taboo > LCD 2 is the best I've heard them. Better than my Beta 22, Zana Deux, Marantz 2285, Lyr and WA6SE I tried. Takes the LCD's to a whole 'nother level of clarity and transparency that I never realized they had. Tubes of course play a part here, but I don't remember ever feeling so differently about a headphone before and after as I have with the LCD's.

Care to share your favorite tubes with us? (or maybe on the decware thread...)
Oct 20, 2012 at 12:56 AM Post #5,049 of 9,207
CSP2+ > Sylvania 5U4G Rectifier, 3 Genelax 6922 Gold Lions 
Taboo > Sylvania EL84 Backplates, Sylvania 5U4G, Mullard 12AT7 
Oct 20, 2012 at 7:54 AM Post #5,050 of 9,207
I am also using the JAN Sylvania 5U4G, and I have a Golden Lion in the Driver slot with two 6N1P's on either side...

Oct 20, 2012 at 5:28 PM Post #5,051 of 9,207
Still experimenting with my CSP2+/Taboo. Eric struck the tube-jackpot right from the start!
Different tube combinations bring different levels between neutral and warm. Many though seem to bring out a live, being there feel to (well-recorded) music.
Regardless of the exact tubes, dynamics and micro-dynamics are very good (exposing fine detail - e.g. vocal nuances - I hadn't noticed before), decay is natural and instruments and textures well-separated.
Decware + LCD2 is a great combination - well, what Eric said...
Oct 21, 2012 at 12:22 AM Post #5,052 of 9,207
Im thinking of using a speaker amp for my LCD2s.
This one in particular:
What do you guys think? good/bad idea?
Reason why I want to use it is because I really love how that amp looks.
Oct 21, 2012 at 12:28 AM Post #5,053 of 9,207
From a power standpoint it's adequate, around 1.5 watts into 60 ohms. And you should be fine without resistors as the amp is hybrid and not OTL. How much is it?
Oct 21, 2012 at 4:00 AM Post #5,054 of 9,207
Nice. Thanks for the info.
Its about $900, but then there is freight from Japan. So I am guessing its going to be about 1K.
Oct 21, 2012 at 4:23 AM Post #5,055 of 9,207
Have you considered the new Woo WA7? It has a built in DAC, and is less expensive with the introductory price. Aesthetically it's another beautiful (in a different way) two-tube amp and comes in silver or black. And it's a headphone amp, made in the USA.

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