Amp recommendations for Audeze LCD-2
Jun 3, 2011 at 9:43 AM Post #2,447 of 9,207

How much money do you think it is worth to spend on the 950? I payed $250 shipped. Should I just have it cleaned and replace a few shot caps, and spend say $150 like you eluded to, or do I give it a complete overhall and spend something close to $500. Maybe this is a question for the vintage receiver forum, and if I don't get much input here I will ask again over there. What I mean is it worth $750 for a SX-950 in pristine condition. I could buy a SX-1250 for that. Of course it would also need a cleaning and possibly a repair or two.

The SX-1250 will always have the higher resale value.  And you can buy a recently serviced/cleaned SX-1250 for $600.  Given that, I am not sure spending $500 to overhaul a 950 makes sense from a RESALE perspective.
However, if you like the 950, and plan to keep it, then I would say go for it - a fully overhauled 950 will be a fine, fine piece of kit.
Jun 3, 2011 at 12:54 PM Post #2,448 of 9,207
I had a Pioneer when I was a teenager of the same vintage you're discussing.  My dad later took it over when I moved up and it was used by him for decades and still worked last time I checked, except for a few of the bulbs in the display.  As a speaker amp it actually still sounded pretty good out of the same pair of classic Advent speakers I'd originally used with it (a bit worse for wear, them).  It wasn't heavy metal, just one of the low-power versions (about 20W as I recall).  The appearance never really appealed to me, even back then.  What's the sound signature like on the headphone output of the 70's/80's receivers you guys are using.  I'm curious about what is compelling about having a large, 50-70 lb, butt ugly reminder of an era I'd personally much rather forget visually, where the bulk of the large amount of visual space it takes up is devoted to a useless FM tuner (unless you happen to be lucky enough to be in one of the very few metro areas that actually still has a decent FM station)? No offense, just my personal take on it...obviously it's not for me. But I am curious why would someone would drop $700 on a huge, heavy box with aging components, to push their LCD-2 when one could spend the same money on a (far more clean, compact and light, purpose-designed) Meier, a Burson, or a Lyr with better tubes?  Is there actually a unique sonic advantage, or is it just nostalgia? 
Jun 3, 2011 at 1:12 PM Post #2,449 of 9,207
The inverse way to look at it of course is that for the same price as a Lyr, you can get a device that will drive the LCD-2 well, and will ALSO drive speakers, provides an terrific FM tuner, and a very nice phono preamp, all for the same price!  Yes, takes up more space, but potentially delivers many more benefits.  Now, if those benefits are not useful, then perhaps the extra size will be a big disadvantage.
The sound signature on my Pioneers is very neutral.  And as much as I liked the Meier Concerto, I felt that with the LCD-2, the headphone amp of my SX-1250 was actually better, probably due largely to delivering more power and thus more headroom and a greater sense of dynamic ease.  I paid $500 for the SX-1250; the Concerto was more expensive.  And I DO use it to drive speakers, and sometimes listen to both the preamp and the phono stage

Anyway, a vintage receiver is FOR SURE NOT the right choice for everyone, or even most people, but it CAN be a good alternative.
And I also LOVE the look!

(admittedly those pics are my more expensive SX-1980, but the look of the less expensive receivers is very similar)
Jun 3, 2011 at 2:34 PM Post #2,450 of 9,207
+1 on loving the look - but yes, it's really a subjective thing.
I've been into audio gear since I was around 10 years old, which was in 1981.  As much as I like new gear and the technology that goes into it, I'll always have a soft spot for the gear that got me into this hobby.   It's definitely not for everyone, but personally, there's something very satisfying about the feel of the switches and knobs on well-built vintage gear, more than hitting a rubber button on a remote.  I like the warm look of the lighting, and the look of analog meters.
As for sound, I can't really speak for past gear since it's been so long, but the Pioneer SA-9100 integrated amp I picked up this week sounds great.  I find it to be fairly neutral, maybe just slightly bright.   Compared to my Lyr (with early 60s Mullard 6DJ8s), the SA-9100 has slightly leaner bass (just as extended, just not as full), slightly sharper/more detailed (but not harsh) highs and mids that are a bit more forward.  Considering the sound signature of the Mullards, which are warm and tube-y, it's exactly what I would expect a more neutral, solid-state amplifier to sound like.  I don't necessarily find it better, or worse... just different.   I've also been playing around with using the Lyr as a
When I ordered my Norse LCD-2 cable, I had ordered a second one, un-terminated, thinking I'd use them with speaker taps out of something like this, but I probably should have waited, I can't see wanting or needing any more power than there already is out of the headphone jack.  I may try it just to see how things sound without the resistor in the circuit, but I'm guessing it would only be a slight improvement if at all.
Jun 3, 2011 at 9:56 PM Post #2,451 of 9,207
I'm adding another recommendation for the Burson amps. The HA-160D has transformed the LCD-2 for me. I was contemplating selling the LCD-2, and keeping my HE-5LE. On the Burson the LCD-2 is everything I hoped it would be. The congestion and issues I had with it's soundstage are completely gone. It sounds wonderfully transparent and detailed on this amp. This amp is in a different league compared to the Asgard and HDP.
Jun 4, 2011 at 3:01 PM Post #2,453 of 9,207
I received the Headroom Ultra Amp/Dac today and its absolutely fantastic with the LCD-2s.
Great detail,speed, and transperancy and loads of power. Excellent dynamics and the Bass is just terrific.
The best part is that, although SS, it has an uncanny tube-like warmth.
Jun 4, 2011 at 5:57 PM Post #2,454 of 9,207

 This amp is in a different league compared to the Asgard and HDP.

1.  For ~five and 2.5x the price, respectively.
2. The Asgard is a stand-alone amp, and the Nuforce is not made for power-hungry headphones.  Comfortable listening level for me, at 600 ohms, is about 1 or 2 o'clock.
With those two things in mind, the Burson better be superior to my Nuforce or the Asgard powering an orthodynamic headphone.
Jun 4, 2011 at 7:00 PM Post #2,455 of 9,207

1.  For ~five and 2.5x the price, respectively.
2. The Asgard is a stand-alone amp, and the Nuforce is not made for power-hungry headphones.  Comfortable listening level for me, at 600 ohms, is about 1 or 2 o'clock.
With those two things in mind, the Burson better be superior to my Nuforce or the Asgard powering an orthodynamic headphone.

The HDP is very good for what it is. I was just surprised at the difference. Most of my experience moving up the chain has been subtle but tangible differences. When comparing the HDP as both amp and DAC versus running the HDP as DAC with the Burson doing amp duty, the differences were not subtle. Up to this point, if you ask me if the HDP was a better amp or a better DAC, I would not have been certain. At this point I feel confident in saying the DAC of the HDP is the more superior of it's two components. 
Jun 4, 2011 at 7:12 PM Post #2,456 of 9,207

At this point I feel confident in saying the DAC of the HDP is the more superior of it's two components. 

I agree.  When I get the LCD-2, unless it sounds absolutely phenomenal out of the Nuforce alone, I'm getting a Lyr to power it.
Jun 4, 2011 at 7:39 PM Post #2,458 of 9,207
Those are some pretty strong words.  I didn't really think it was useless.  I liked it more with some good tubes, but oh well.  I have had some pretty lengthy discussions with kwkarth about the Lyr and he really likes the LCD-2 with the stock tubes, from my own brief personal experience, I didn't hate it, just thought it sounded better with some "better" tubes.  I think your ears just might be spoiled by that RSA Apache you have.
Jun 4, 2011 at 7:40 PM Post #2,459 of 9,207

I agree.  When I get the LCD-2, unless it sounds absolutely phenomenal out of the Nuforce alone, I'm getting a Lyr to power it.

Make sure you get the right tubes. The Lyr is useless with the stock tubes especially when paired with the LCD-2.

Then what tubes should I get for it to maximize its LCD-2 synergistic potential?
Jun 4, 2011 at 7:42 PM Post #2,460 of 9,207
There is a whole thread on tube rolling for the Schiit Lyr.  I will say it will all come down to personal preference here, and you should probably listen to the Lyr with the stock tubes first and decide what you like about it, and dislike about it, before going and hording a bunch of tubes.  Unless that is what you want to do.

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