ALO The Continental
Dec 18, 2011 at 10:51 PM Post #286 of 456
This deserves a bump. 
Few reviews for the device.
Dec 19, 2011 at 12:40 AM Post #287 of 456
You've gotta love Srajan's photos - very nice - even if his advertorials seem to have been written by the prototype for a thesaurus bot. 'pennies on the dollar' is my personal fave, and he seems to trot that one out every time he does a headphone-related writeup. The problem, Srajan, is that Head-Fiers keep spending those pennies until they start to add up to some very serious dollars. 

Dec 19, 2011 at 12:41 AM Post #288 of 456
This deserves a bump. 
Few reviews for the device.

My wallet deserves a bump

Dec 19, 2011 at 12:48 AM Post #289 of 456

My wallet deserves a bump


Oh tell me about it. I'm in the process of buying a new flat and funds are tight. Especially now that I'm going to have to buy furnishings for it. I was tempted to sell off some of my audio/tech gear to help pay towards bits and bobs, even my beloved T1's. Put them on earlier today along with the Continental, and instead of selling them off, here I am back on these forums singing their praises.
I just can't bring myself to sell these expensive but amazing marvels. This hobby is a serious waller cruncher indeed, but you'd be hard pressed to replicate some of the bliss and escapism they can offer if you're a music lover. New comfy sofa or the T1's...hmmm...I'll stick with the T1's for now lol.
Dec 19, 2011 at 12:05 PM Post #290 of 456
Oh tell me about it. I'm in the process of buying a new flat and funds are tight. Especially now that I'm going to have to buy furnishings for it. I was tempted to sell off some of my audio/tech gear to help pay towards bits and bobs, even my beloved T1's. Put them on earlier today along with the Continental, and instead of selling them off, here I am back on these forums singing their praises.
I just can't bring myself to sell these expensive but amazing marvels. This hobby is a serious waller cruncher indeed, but you'd be hard pressed to replicate some of the bliss and escapism they can offer if you're a music lover. New comfy sofa or the T1's...hmmm...I'll stick with the T1's for now lol.

Haha, ya things are hard out there even with it hard for people to buy new $800 cans. Even when im selling stuff on here, its hard for people to shell out the cash for it especially when its over $500. What type of couch are you planning to get?
Dec 19, 2011 at 3:47 PM Post #291 of 456

Haha, ya things are hard out there even with it hard for people to buy new $800 cans. Even when im selling stuff on here, its hard for people to shell out the cash for it especially when its over $500. What type of couch are you planning to get?

Very true. And I haven't decided on the couch yet, just looking around with my other half. Never done furniture shopping before so feel like a complete fish out of water!
Dec 19, 2011 at 5:45 PM Post #292 of 456
Very true. And I haven't decided on the couch yet, just looking around with my other half. Never done furniture shopping before so feel like a complete fish out of water!

I have a wonderful Henredon Cavalier chest and its amazing build quality. I bought Bernhardt furniture 5-7 years ago and now, legs are falling off, the fabric is getting very loose, etc. Im not sure id get Bernhardt again, but with the quality of my Henredon id definitely pursue them if i were you. Unless of course you are going to look at some "very high quality" furniture which i know i cant afford, and is an investment.
Dec 19, 2011 at 6:30 PM Post #293 of 456
I own a lot of 90s Henredon, Widdicomb and Karges. Personally not my style anymore. Some great repros (Barcelona chair, have one) from Alphaville Designs. Fantastic quality:  I have a Knoll Barca and the Alphaville and I prefer the latter.
Dec 21, 2011 at 7:40 PM Post #294 of 456
Just received my ALO Continental V2 this afternoon with the ALO Cricket Line out doc.  This has some weight to it.  I will have to wait till I get my ALO interconnect tomorrow before doing a comparison between my HP-P1 amp and this one using the HP-P1 DAC line out.  At first blush it is very airy and has quite a bit of weight to the sound using my DT1350. I am using the high gain switch and lossless files.
Dec 21, 2011 at 9:12 PM Post #295 of 456

Just received my ALO Continental V2 this afternoon with the ALO Cricket Line out doc.  This has some weight to it.  I will have to wait till I get my ALO interconnect tomorrow before doing a comparison between my HP-P1 amp and this one using the HP-P1 DAC line out.  At first blush it is very airy and has quite a bit of weight to the sound using my DT1350. I am using the high gain switch and lossless files.

Nice! Very interested to hear your thoughts.
Dec 21, 2011 at 10:08 PM Post #296 of 456
I'd like to hear what you think of the 1350/Conti combination as well.  I haven't tried that pair yet, but I read some reports that others were not liking it... Interested to see what your ears tell you.  When I get my 1350's back I'll give it a try as well.
I've been listening the last few nights with the iPad/Ipod->CLAS->Continental->HD600 combination while staying at my girls house.  I've really been enjoying this combination.  So much so that I'm bringing the same rig to her place again tonight.  I found that low volume listening was just fantastic.  I like this amp more and more as I give it more time and try it with different headphones.

Just received my ALO Continental V2 this afternoon with the ALO Cricket Line out doc.  This has some weight to it.  I will have to wait till I get my ALO interconnect tomorrow before doing a comparison between my HP-P1 amp and this one using the HP-P1 DAC line out.  At first blush it is very airy and has quite a bit of weight to the sound using my DT1350. I am using the high gain switch and lossless files.

Dec 22, 2011 at 3:03 AM Post #297 of 456
Hello Guys ,
I am using almost same setup :
Source: iPod classic (lossless encoding) 
DAC : Fostex HP-P1 ( with Moon Audio Silver Dragon V3 LOD)
Amp: ALO continental V2 
Headphones : DT1350 / Ultrasone Edition 8 
adding continental V2 to the setup , one major findings is "Weight" is added . making sounded thin and clinical sound from just connecting HP-P1 sound full bodies.  
Imaging this . voice from Michael Buble transform from very young thin sound to warm , sexy , emotion voice... very welcoming improvement indeed. 
soundstage is also extended to left-right / right back .... one thing for sure, it makes DT1350 sounded like full size Headphone. ( on high gain at continental ) 
it also bring up more level up from already amazing sound from Edition 8 . (on low gain at continental ) .
Looking forward to hear what you hear from your setup .
I am going to listen how it does to my AKG Q701 and Grado RS1i .
Raymond Lim 
Dec 22, 2011 at 5:51 AM Post #298 of 456
Just received my ALO Continental V2 this afternoon with the ALO Cricket Line out doc.  This has some weight to it.  I will have to wait till I get my ALO interconnect tomorrow before doing a comparison between my HP-P1 amp and this one using the HP-P1 DAC line out.  At first blush it is very airy and has quite a bit of weight to the sound using my DT1350. I am using the high gain switch and lossless files.

Great! (I actually just requested this in the other thread.)
Dec 22, 2011 at 8:05 AM Post #300 of 456
I found an old interconnect that I am using.  I will use the ALO one later for some more testing when it comes in, hopefully today.
I agree completely with what was said by Raymond. The bass of the DT1350 is amazing with the V2 being feed with the HP-P1.  While not up to the HD800 out of my SPL Phonitor the sound is even better than the HP-P1 by itself listening to orchestra[size=small] [/size]music.  One could say that having these two allow for a much greater range of choices depending on the music being listened too.  Some music may need a sound faster less "weightily" and for that the HP-P1 is great not that I have found it yet since my listening has yet to mature that much this this setup.  
For example; Lamentate  Minacciando by Arvo Part is something listening to either of my systems.  The distance between them (the HD800 with the SPL and the V2 with the DT1350 recabled using Moon Audio IEM Silver Dragon cable) is significant but when using the V2 setup one can see how the DT1350 plays into the strengths of the V2 much better than when using only the HP-P1. The bass dynamics are amazing.  Another one to test out the bass is Also Sprach Zara.....very good indeed with great spatial placement of the instruments.  One group that I am very familiar with is Hiroshima and again the V2 does the DT1350s good.  The air and weight of the sound is amazing. 
Jim Croce's Alabama Rain voice is up front and the instruments are set just right around his voice.  The voice is very deep and full.  Instruments are well separated well spatially away from the voice nicely. Don't worry female voices are given good rendition as well.  Much of this is due to the Fostex HP-P1 DAC surely.
 I would like to say as good as the HD800 but I know better.  These are just as enjoyable using this setup and maybe more useful since this is now a high end transportable sound. Yea, I know it is getting near an investment of 2500$ given the cabling iPod Touch 64GB + Moon Audio IEM USB doc + Fostex HP-P1 + ALO SXC 22 interconnect (to be introduced later today) + ALO Continental V2 + Beyerdynamic DT1350 with Moon Audio IEM Silver Dragon cabling but what do you do when you want something near the best sound when on the move?  Hey, my HD800 with the SPL + Lavry + Squeezebox Touch new is less than twice that and when purchased used even less...but is it twice as good?  Can't make that kind of comparison, just do not know what twice one great sound is or isn't.  There are diminishing returns I am sure.
I do still enjoy the HP-P1 by itself but with the V2 the sound is moved up at least a notch maybe a bit more for most of the music I listen too.
No testing for imbalances have been done since I don't adjust the sound so that I can't move the volume knob and I am not sure that I could detect any anyway.  This has never made any since to me setting the configuration up so that one can't adjust the sound more than a very slight move on the volume knob.
No the HD800 has not been put into this configuration, another thing that seems strange to attempt in my mind.  The HD800 is not portable and the DT1350 is soon good anyway and built for hard handling so why attempt to handle the HD800 in such a way, just my opinion.

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