AKG K702 65th Anniversary Edition
Jan 12, 2013 at 3:30 AM Post #662 of 3,397
Just got my pair in, burning them in right now.  So far out of the box, there is a substantial amount of bass compared to my Q701 which was very surprising (which is good, I've always had to EQ my Q701's lol). 
Jan 12, 2013 at 3:40 AM Post #663 of 3,397
Just got my pair in, burning them in right now.  So far out of the box, there is a substantial amount of bass compared to my Q701 which was very surprising (which is good, I've always had to EQ my Q701's lol). 

How many dBs difference in midbass would you estimate?
Also, has anyone owning both K702AN and Q701 in this thread tried swapping earpads to see if those are at least partially responsible for the sound signature differences?

Funny, he has 910, and Hifiguy has 911

Now that's a nifty #. I wonder if Hifiguy specially requested for it or if he was just lucky.
Jan 12, 2013 at 4:07 AM Post #664 of 3,397
Just got my pair in, burning them in right now.  So far out of the box, there is a substantial amount of bass compared to my Q701 which was very surprising (which is good, I've always had to EQ my Q701's lol). 

Thanks for the brief impression. What number did you get?

Glad to hear that someone else believes the bass to be quite fuller than the Q701. I mean, I dunno how people can say its subtle. For me the Q701 had bass that was slightly below neutral. The Annie definitely goes the opposite direction, filling out the bass quite well, but being borderline neutral. Not a basshead can as I stated earlier, but fuller and present. Its a slight tip up, not hitting over emphasis, but not being neutral either. The Q701 off memory has similar impact, but not nearly the same presence and fullness.
Jan 12, 2013 at 5:10 AM Post #665 of 3,397
Maybe it's too early to say, but I wonder if the K702AN is different enough from the K701 so that it might fit better with other amps? For instance, with the K701 the M-Stage has been very popular, partially because of its warmth, but would it be too warm with the K702AN?
Jan 12, 2013 at 5:24 AM Post #666 of 3,397
I doubt it. I have paired it up with a pretty warm amp, and it sounds glorious. It may not be as detail oriented as the K701, but its still incredibly detailed in addition to its musicality.
Jan 12, 2013 at 6:09 AM Post #667 of 3,397
I tried swapping the pads on the q701/annies. And the annies still sounded noticeably fuller and warmer than the q701 with the q701 pads. I'm not sure who said these were just repackaged q701's but it would be hard mistake one another side by side in any state. Even days apart I could blindly label the q701 and annies regardless of which pads are used imo. They're similar sounding ofc but, at least my pairs, are distinctly different. And for my tastes the annies are a true upgrade to the q701. It's worth noting that I preferred the q701's with the annies memory pads to the stock q701 pads, but I wouldn't pay more than 40 usd for them.
Jan 13, 2013 at 3:54 AM Post #669 of 3,397
How many dBs difference in midbass would you estimate?
Also, has anyone owning both K702AN and Q701 in this thread tried swapping earpads to see if those are at least partially responsible for the sound signature differences?

Now that's a nifty #. I wonder if Hifiguy specially requested for it or if he was just lucky.

Hmm not entirely sure lol but maybe about 3db?  It is about (maybe a tad less mid bass) as level 2 on my E11 to the Q701, but there is more sub bass and the bass overall sounds much better (more refined - less muddy) than the Q701 with the E11 EQ IMO...  I love it as I can drive it on my much weaker portable sources without sounding bass deficient, unlike the Q701.  I would still consider it very neutral overall (still not as bassy as the Senn's I've listened to - PC360, HD650) and the sound signature is still the same AKG 70X sound, just with the much needed (IMO) extra bass (but it is definitely NOT a basshead's headphone).  Then again, I have mostly portable DAP's and a crappy little Fiio amp which rarely gets used so maybe on much more elaborate sources the difference may not be as big...
Thanks for the brief impression. What number did you get?

Glad to hear that someone else believes the bass to be quite fuller than the Q701. I mean, I dunno how people can say its subtle. For me the Q701 had bass that was slightly below neutral. The Annie definitely goes the opposite direction, filling out the bass quite well, but being borderline neutral. Not a basshead can as I stated earlier, but fuller and present. Its a slight tip up, not hitting over emphasis, but not being neutral either. The Q701 off memory has similar impact, but not nearly the same presence and fullness.

I got number 802.  911 would have been a sick number to get as I love Porsches hahaha.  Yeah the difference in bass is nowhere subtle, I was shocked when I heard them right out of the box as I thought they might have just been a tiny bit more or worse yet, the exact same as my Q701's. 
EDIT:  Don't know if it's new toy syndrome but I just love the sound so much, might have to grab a 2nd pair for backup and maybe offload some of my other gear as they definitely won't be getting much headtime anytime soon... hahaha.  They are also more comfortable during long listening sessions as the bumps on the Q701 headband start hurting my head after about 4 hours.
Jan 13, 2013 at 4:18 AM Post #670 of 3,397
EDIT:  Don't know if it's new toy syndrome but I just love the sound so much, might have to grab a 2nd pair for backup and maybe offload some of my other gear as they definitely won't be getting much headtime anytime soon... hahaha.  They are also more comfortable during long listening sessions as the bumps on the Q701 headband start hurting my head after about 4 hours.

Hahahaa awesome! I've been also thinking about selling my K550s since the ANV are the only headphones I really need. Just need a better amp to unleash their full potential.
Jan 13, 2013 at 9:49 AM Post #671 of 3,397
I think the K550 sounds better than the K702AN, but ONLY when you can get a right fit, which is really hard. You have to keep adjusting the K550 and pushing with your fingers a while before you get the right fit, but when you do, it sounds GREAT! Better to me than K702AN. Also keeping the fit with K550 is hard, a shame really.
Jan 13, 2013 at 9:57 AM Post #672 of 3,397
I think the K550 sounds better than the K702AN, but ONLY when you can get a right fit, which is really hard. You have to keep adjusting the K550 and pushing with your fingers a while before you get the right fit, but when you do, it sounds GREAT! Better to me than K702AN. Also keeping the fit with K550 is hard, a shame really.

The K550 is a decent phone, but I liked the K702 Anniversary better, regardless of fit.
Jan 13, 2013 at 12:40 PM Post #674 of 3,397
I think the K550 sounds better than the K702AN, but ONLY when you can get a right fit, which is really hard. You have to keep adjusting the K550 and pushing with your fingers a while before you get the right fit, but when you do, it sounds GREAT! Better to me than K702AN. Also keeping the fit with K550 is hard, a shame really.

Seriously? There are definitely similarities between these cans but the ANV just do almost everything so much better. Even though K550s are one of the best closed headphones I've tested they are no match for annies in my opinion. I get great fit with both headphones which is always nice.
Jan 13, 2013 at 1:01 PM Post #675 of 3,397
Seriously? There are definitely similarities between these cans but the ANV just do almost everything so much better. Even though K550s are one of the best closed headphones I've tested they are no match for annies in my opinion. I get great fit with both headphones which is always nice.

I owned K550's as well as sold them as I did not like them, the fit seemed good for me as well.

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