
  1. cptkron

    new to iems need some advice

    As the title states I'm new to iems and would love some advice. I am looking for something for when im at work. I currently have a cheap pair of sony MDREX-10LP. I had stumbled onto the klipsch image s4a ii however I wanted to do some research and found this amazing site. So I have been reading...
  2. patthebaker17

    getting back into iem's for around $100

    I know theres a million threads about people asking what iem to get especially for around 100. I've done my research and as with many audio enthusiast its hard to make a decision based on reviews/ impressions alone.  I haven't kept up with iem's for about 2 years and as I grow older i need...
  3. disastermouse

    Suggestions: Gaming earbud headset for PS4 Dualshock?

    So you can run all sound and chat through headphones/headsets plugged into the PS4 Dualshock 4 controller. Apple-type headsets work. Can anyone suggest a particularly good set between $100-200? *(EarPHONE, not earbud).
  4. Shark

    Wood IEMs: What do you suggest?

    I'm looking in to picking up some wood earphones.    So far, I'm looking into The House of Marley (People Get Ready), ThinkSound (ts02), or something by Woodies...   Does anyone have experience with one, or all, of these? What's my best bet for sound? I've heard some people say that wood...
  5. cjp87

    New supraaural headphones from Thinksound: On1.

    Earlier this spring, Stereophile released an article saying that Thinksound was working on a set of on-ear headphones. I got an email from Thinksound today announcing they're now on sale. The On1 headphones look pretty gorgeous in my opinion, but I'm also partial to the wood design. I'm a...
  6. Gunmetal

    IEM under $150 for Alternative Rock

    Hey Guys  Im no audiophile but ive been experimenting with a few mid-fi iems under 120$ but somehow i couldnt find the right sound signature  Ive searched around here on head-fi but most of the options mentioned here are really expensive for the genre i listen to  I listen to alternative rock...
  7. gr4v1ty

    IEM with controls

    I know you don't like those kind of threads, but keep reading and you'll understand! Thanks.    I don't know much about IEM but I am a little bit audiohphile! Being a DJ, I've searched some good over-ear headphones, but I am now looking for the more day-to-day use of some IEM for sports...
  8. Chikolad

    Looking for an upgrade from Nuforce NE-700M

    Hey guys, I wonder if you could help me.   My NE-700M broke for the second time in less than a year and I'm fed up. Plus I've been thinking about upgrading them anyway. So I'm looking to buy new in-ear monitors to have on-the-go and I want an upgrade sound-wise. Regarding the budget -...
  9. TomSawyer

    IEMs ~$100

    Hi guys, another recommendation thread to follow the plethora of existing ones.. Basically, I recently had my jacket stolen whilst at a pub (shouldn't leave things sitting aside, my own fault). In the pocket of said jacket were my Ultimate Ears (UE 700s), something I'm not as irritated about...
  10. DocBox

    IEM Shoot-out - Need honest opinions on some IEM's

    Hey everyone, new to these forums. I'm looking to buy myself a nice pair of in-ear headphones. I'm not an audiophile, however I want a really high quality sounding pair of headphones. Previous pairs of headphones I've owned, include Beyerdynamic MMX 101iE's and Klipsch Image S4i's - Just so you...
  11. purplestallion

    Looking for something very specific....and not finding it.

    I'm looking for something very specific and can't seem to find it.  The microphone/button on my Klipsch s2m went out and I'm looking for a replacement, but I'm kind of picky.  Unlike most on here, I'm not necessarily looking for the absolute best sound.  The Klipsch certainly didn't give it to...
  12. hudoe

    Noob here, headphones for $150

    Hey guys My friend asked me the other day about my headphones (beats solo's, the regular ones) which i got free with my phone (HTC sensation XL) So i told him that i might be up to sell them for $150 and he said yes.   I guess my question is, are there better or equal headphones to beats...
  13. mistarobotics

    Beats by Dr. Dre

    Ok, let me just start off saying that I am not a big fan of beats (I used to 'til I did more research.) A lot of people that I know either own beats or want beats. My brother already bought beats tour and is planning on buying studio beats. I keep telling him that there are way better...
  14. qingliu

    Thinksound vs ATH CKS90

    Hello Guys, i am thinking to buy a new pair In-Ear headset. I saw the forum that people recommend Thinksound, and my friend he strongly recommend ATH CKS90.   I often listen pop music and sometimes Jazz. I used my Sony Xperia S phone to play music.   What do u think guys...
  15. themachina

    Advice needed: <$150 IEMs, between Ety ER6i and TS02

    Hey all!   First, this is an awesome forum, super helpful!   So my ER-6i's finally bit the dust after many faithful years.  Overall, liked them, though they were a bit light on the bass for me.   Just picked up a pair of TS02, after reading about them here.  Initial impressions is...
  16. Robgo

    Best IEM ~$100 with specific sound signature.

    Wondering if anyone can help me with my pursuit of >$150 IEMs. (might be willing to push it that far).    I'm looking for a pair of IEM ~$100 that are quick, have a warm dark sound, slightly rolled off highs so there isn't any shrillness or fatigue or clinical sound, good separation without...
  17. TyShawn

    Is it worth the upgrade UE 500vi

    I currently have a pair of 500 vi's I got a second pair as a gift. Being i already had a pair I returned the second pair. Being I have the extra cash is it worth adding a bit of cash and upgrading and use my current pair as back up? I was looking at the UE 700's or the triple fi's. I listen to...
  18. kenman345

    Picking between NuForce NE-700X or HiFiMan RE-0

    I am a basshead and looking in the sub-$100 range for a nice pair of earbuds. I want something that can handle decent bass and generally play all different types of music as well. Anyone own any of these earbuds and can give me some advice?
  19. greendream

    Help with my IEM search, detailed, but also fun? Info within.

      Hi all, sorry if this post is a repeat, or retreading old ground, but I did some searches and didn't find anything particularly similar (particularly in my price range). Anyway, here goes. I have trying to find a good solid pair of IEMs for general commuting/walking around use. I suppose...
  20. Hente

    Problem with ears itching & tri-flange tips.

    Hiya, i'm using the Thinksound TS02s with the tri-flange tips that came with my MEElectronics M6. As soon as I put these things in my ears they start to itch like crazy. I can stand it for around 10 - 20 mins before I go and scratch them, I look like an idiot whenever I do this and it feels so...
  21. BuffaloDave

    Looking for an IEM < $100 that has a solid low-end.

    I have researched this before and came to the conclusion of the Fischer Audio Eterna's and I ordered them from Bugden Audio.  However, they never shipped them to me and their customer service rep stopped responding to my emails, come to think of it im not sure if he ever replied to one.  But I...
  22. Pin

    IEMs with wood housing- where to start?

    Recently I tried a pair of my friend's open over-ear headphones that were custom modified with wood housing. As soon as I put them on I was absolutely blown away by the sound: ultra clear while being very warm at the same time. It just made for a very relaxing listening experience.   I knew...
  23. wilzc

    [REVIEW] Feels Pro 900

          Now here is quite an interesting product in hand.   The Pro 900 in ears by Feels, a Korean company. This is quite a brand new IEM and not much information is available on them in the web, so I have no idea how they look like, or how they sound, only that they’re a single balanced...
  24. cruizin caleb

    IEM with detailed and impactful bass. (Etymotic vs Thinksound vs Head-Direct vs Xears)

    My old iem's (Thinksound Rains) went through the wash after a couple years of use, so it is time to buy new ones. My budget is about $100 which somewhat sucks because when I'm at home I listen through Grado RS-1s -- but I have to make do...   One of my favorite things about my RS-1's that...
  25. metman

    IEM rear ports/holes

    So I have some RE0s and some TS02s that I use, and I really like them, except for the fact that the holes on the back of the earpieces act like whistles with even the slightest breeze blowing over them, and this can be really annoying since one of the primary uses I have for them is to listen to...