
  1. librarian

    Headphones to match Hifiman HM-602

    I recently got the HM-602 and I have sold out almost all my portable gear. I just find the sound of this dap to be simply great! The analogue-like sound of the non oversampling td1543 dac chip is just what I have been looking for. I enjoy it very much with Yuin G1A. This is my favourite. The 150...
  2. TeamHiFiMAN

    Hifiman is looking for the Amp designer

    Hifiman has a long product line of amp module working for HM-901, HM-802, HM-801 and the coming mid-range HM-650. At this time, we want to move them forward, and we decide to take an amp design competition. If you are interested about it, please show your idea to us. We prepare 6 prize to the...
  3. DanthePolishman

    Need help choosing a media player that can power 63 Ohm headphones - $300 and less - At least 32 GB

    Hey Head-Fi,   I'm looking for a quality media player to replace the iPhone 3G. I have the Sony MDR-7506 headphones which are ideal for my monitoring needs, and that I double for music listening. The community so far has been awesome in helping me, and informed me lots. That being said, I'll...
  4. Bestial_Analog

    I GREATLY appreciate recommendations - carry case for HiFiMan 602

    You ever drop your iPod down stairs or wherever, and there is that moment when your heart stops, anticipating it to break into pieces or never work properly again. Well, I'm getting a HiFiMan 602 and I absolutley dread the thought of dropping this baby. I would greatly appreciate any...
  5. rudiraith

    Great service for Hifiman 602

    Just broke the display glass on my 602, mailed the manufacturers in China, got great attention and received a free pane a few days after. This is how business is made!
  6. AndrewG

    how does hifiman 602 function as a USB DAC?

    I am considering portable Dacs in that price range. should I just get a hifiman 602 which can be a DAC as well as a player? Is it copmarable to pico, dacport, streamer + ?
  7. Heartsmart

    What Hifiman IEM to Hifiman 601?

    I have a Hifiman 601 and want IEM to use with it. Is there anyone who have tested different Hifiman IEM with 601? I use Grado SR 80 today and really like the open airy warm sound that combo gives.   There is no hifiman dealer where I live, so I cant listen to them. Hoping for your help.
  8. Beejohn

    BEST solution for airplane (JH13Pro custom vs FitEar universal), money is no object but sound quality, comfort, and lastly portability are

    Hi All, This is my first post on head-if, hello Everyone! I have been reading a lot on the forum, but now I come to you all with a question as to which you all woud think is the best solution for me. I would like a setup for international airplane travel that provides the best sound quality...
  9. xinhang

    Hifiman HM-602 Batter Specification (After market battery)

    I tried replacing the battery on the HM602, which seems like a simple process because there is a simple connector for the battery on the board. I read some where that it takes a 15V battery, so I bought one on Ebay, but it does not work for some reason. Can someone let me know the specification...
  10. Alias Gu

    Any great portable digital players?Just got SONY EX1000, but also got frustrated.

    I just got EX1000 by SONY. It seems the majority that owns EX1000 doesn't use Ipod Classic to pair them. Ipod Classic really can't drive EX1000 very well, maybe only up to 50%? But this pair sounds no good. Singers' voice is awkward in some points; sounds go very awkward when i play some...
  11. adonohue

    HiFiMan 602

    Hello,   I recently ordered a HiFiMan 602 on Amazon in the US (shipped from local store).  When I got the box I noticed that it didn't have a USB cable and the AC adapter was for Japan.  I am a little concerned that this is not the version intended for the US and may be an older batch or is...
  12. harithg

    HRT Headstreamer VS HIFIMAN HM 602

    HI All,   This is my first post on Head-fi but I have been a long time follower and appreciate all the hands on info and feedback on this forum.   As I live in Sri Lanka I dont get a chance to try out hifi equipment so your feedback is invaluable.   I currently am looking for 2...
  13. LosslesslyHope

    Sell Beats, (yes Beats) and buy HiFiMan RE-262?

    Currently have Dr. Dre Beats. (They were a gift). I was wondering if it would be worth selling them, and buying the headphones mentioned in the title (HiFiMan RE-262). Also, if I could get enough money for the beats to purchase them. They are used, but have 0 signs of being used. Would also be...
  14. Kerraine

    Daily Commuting With Your Gear ! (Pictures Please !)

    Hi guys and gals...   Just wondering how do you guys travel with your headphones and portable rigs while commuting. Especially more so for those traveling and using headphones with coiled cables.   By no means an elegant way of transport, here is how I go about with my Sony MDR-7505...
  15. dungie

    Advice needed on ultimate transportable setup

    Hi everyone,   Suppose I have a backpack ready for hi-end audio. Suppose I'm not strong enough to carry things like RWA Isabellina HPA with me. For simplicity, let's limit setup with 4lbs. What components should I choose?   Source: is there anything better than battery-powered Apogee...
  16. Chawanwit

    iPod touch first generation upgrade

    Hi I have a iPod touch first generation and am wondering what would be a better investment to have a higher quality source. 1) Getting a fiio amp (please recommend one) 2) buying a new iPhone or iPod touch (latest generation) 3) buying the cheaper models of the hifi man player such as hm 601/2...
  17. Alan2012

    Hifiman 601 vs 602

    Hi Everyone,   This is my first post here. I'm looking to buy a hifiman player. Can anyone tell me what is the difference between the hifiman 601 and 602 ? is the 602 worth the extra money ?   I already have a cowon J3 and I am looking for a better sounding player.
  18. jrazmar

    Just Pure SQ & Power: Studio V 3ANV or Hifiman 602 or Fiio X5

    Hi Fellow Head-fiers,   I'm currently in search of my next DAP after my beloved J3 and need the help of the lovely people out here who have experience with either or all of the mentioned players. I have already made some self research on this but with the vast information that one could get...
  19. javahut

    HIFIMAN HM-602 Firmware v0.10 Update

    Anyone brave enough to try the latest HiFiMan HM-602 v0.10 firmware?   http://head-direct.com/News/?act=Detail&id=249   If so... how is it? Improvements? Problems? New features?   Thanks.
  20. mfriend

    help me chose between Hisound Studio V vs Hifiman 602 slim pair with Yuin G1a?

    help me chose between Hisound Studio V vs Hifiman 602 slim pair with Yuin G1a? which one should i buy? tell me your choice , and reason  thanks
  21. cancam

    $350-$400 budget for gears

    Hi there, I have a Cowon D2 (listening to flac) with a Klipsch X10 at this moment. I have decided to spend USD$350-$400 for upgrading and I have some ideas and see if you guys can give me some advice. I seldom listen to ROCK, METAL and CLASSICAL in my D2 and I am seeking for an overall upgrade...
  22. cbell

    Hifiman 602 will not recognize flac files

    I have a windows xp system.  I have used the Exact Audio Copy software to create flac files from my cds.  When I hook up the usb cable to transfer these files to the 602 or use a memory card to transfer the files to the 602 nothing happens.  The 602 will not accept the files, the screen says "No...
  23. cbell

    Hifiman 602 will not recognize flac files ( # 2 thread)

    I have a windows xp system.  I have used the Exact Audio Copy software to create flac files from my cds.  When I hook up the usb cable to transfer these files to the 602 or use a memory card to transfer the files to the 602 nothing happens.  The 602 will not accept the files, the screen says "No...
  24. DarthMarth

    Comparison of Hifiman HM models

    I am looking to upgrade to something better than a first-generation iPod touch for playing music when out and about. Specifically, I've been hearing about the Hifiman players for a while and they look like a great alternative for audiophiles. I am thinking the HM-601 looks like a great buy for...
  25. buhhrahhyann

    Cowon vs Rocoo vs Hifiman

    Hey guys I'm a newbie when it comes to audio-tech and so forth.   I've been reading up on music players with DAC + amp. The rocoo P and hifiman 601/602 are advertised as DAC + amp players. However I dont see cowon advertising it that way. Does cowon have a good DAC in it? (mainly...