
  1. magicalmouse

    iem with synergy for fiio x5/e12

    Hi i am interested in any ideas (from personal experience) as to the iem with the most synergy to the fiio x5/e12 - i like lush but detailed sound with good rhythmic drive and much of the material i listen to is older and not exactly recorded to audiophile standards ranging form 1920's...
  2. EthanHarte

    Need a good IEM to pair with the X5. $200-300 range.

    So I just got the new FiiO X5 and I reallly love this player! I feel like im not getting all out of it though with just my Klipsch X7i's. I want to upgrade and get a good IEM that pairs well with the FiiO X5. Im not to sure how to search for this so this is why I am making a post here. Hopefully...
  3. Nicolas2305

    Fiio X5 - Custom/Modded firmwares

    The mods available in this thread are free of charge and provided by the community. All of these are built on the official FiiO firmware.   When you flash a firmware I expressly linked to the post where the firmware was posted in addition to the direct download link. If you like what you see...
  4. Joe Bloggs

    FiiO X5 firmware 2.20 download and discussion

    Thanks to volunteers' efforts in beta testing firmwares 2.01 through 2.07, official firmware version 2.20 for the X5 is now available! The following changes and improvements were made to firmware 2.20 compared to FW2.0: A. New...
  5. Synthyss

    IEM Upgrade for Fiio X5 + Fiio E12 AMP!

    I recently bought Fiio x5 and Fiio E12.. I need a pair of iems to go with them. After reading tons of reviews I found these: -ETYMOTIC ER4PT or ER4S (Dunno the difference smt with frequency I suppose) (290 USD) -Ultimate Ears Triple Fi 10 pro or classic (300 USD) -DUNU DN-1000 (200 USD) -UE...
  6. musikaladin

    Toys for Boys

    ...returning home after a long and hard working day you quickly rush to the shrine and ...there it is... your favourite toy...errrr... or second favourite, or whatever...   Anyway... your set-up is more than just about listening music? It is passion for design, fine mechanics, precision...
  7. IaHawkeye

    Which DAP pairs best with Roxanne's?

    As the topic suggests, I have a pair of JH Roxanne's that I am currently using in conjunction with a Iphone5...I am a subscriber to Beats audio app and love it (this is similar to lose less music, correct?) and am looking to upgrade my dap to bring out the perfectness of the Roxanne's I'm not a...
  8. gandt10

    Where next after Momentums?

    Taken a look around and suspect I may be more or less at a brick wall. I have a Fiio X5 and Momentums. Love the sound but, in the nature of these things can't help wondering if there is even more to be got from the Fiio. Maybe I'm spoilt but there are a few things I imagine could be better.  ...
  9. Currawong

    DAP-off! Astell&Kern, Sony, HiFiMan, Chord, FiiO, Lotoo, Soundaware, Hiby, Cayin & others

    Round 1: Anakchan kindly lent me some of his gear and I already have a couple of great DAPs on hand, so I thought I'd do an ongoing shoot-out between them. Anakchan lent me: HiFiMAN HM-901 with balanced card. Sony ZX-1. Getting music on to this will be interesting, but I'll figure it...
  10. zzffnn

    The Fiio X5 Thread

    Fiio's official product page for X5: This thread is for discussion of Fiio X5, which is expected to be in production in end of 2013 (edit: Mass production of X5 will start in China in around mid December and X5...
  11. magicalmouse

    hifiman re400 versus se530/5 - (from fiio x5)

    Hi, I bought a fiio x5 and am very pleased with it, my question relates to iems.   Does anyone have experience of the hifiman re400 with the x5 and can discuss synergy, I am wondering whether to buy the re400 to use in conjunction or are they nothing like as good as the se530/535 and it would...
  12. Jooce

    Suggestions for Headphones + Amp for Portable + Home use.

    I'd like to start off my first post by saying. I love music and I love playing games with friends. I'm a student who has been off school for quite sometime and now working full-time. I'll usually be taking the bus to work so I can definitely get my daily dose of music in  with whatever...
  13. InstantAli3n

    Non Android player with reliable alarm function? Does it exist?

    I am currently using this I know, shameful. But don't worry, I also own a Cowon Z2. I have my eye on the Fiio X3 and X5 BUT I can't upgrade to something that will be "useless" (I don't know it's full features...
  14. Fungus

    opinions needed for better portable setup

    Which combo would be better suited for iems? Don't necessary require a lot of power.   My main priorities is to have no background noise/hiss at any volume, channel unbalance (at low volume) or IF interference when outdoor.    I already own the Fiio E11 and using it with a L9 LOD to my ipod...
  15. XxJoeyxX

    FIIO X3 X5 Hebrew/Arabic support?

    Hello All     This is my fist post, I was a long time COWON user, I ended up breaking up with COWON because most of my MUSIC LIBRARY is tagged in Hebrew/Arabic Text. COWON did not support displaying these languages properly, I was wondering if the FIIO players can display these languages?  ...
  16. artguide

    recommendations please-- DAC/DAP players portable

    I am thinking of getting a fiio X3/X5 - Dx 50 or Ak,-- i want to listen to my hires music AS hi res music on my Grado ps 500's and also on my car stereo.   can any one guide me in this choice..   I would like to spend less and get more, obviously, but  i am really confused by al the internet...
  17. DanthePolishman

    Need help choosing a media player that can power 63 Ohm headphones - $300 and less - At least 32 GB

    Hey Head-Fi,   I'm looking for a quality media player to replace the iPhone 3G. I have the Sony MDR-7506 headphones which are ideal for my monitoring needs, and that I double for music listening. The community so far has been awesome in helping me, and informed me lots. That being said, I'll...
  18. musefanatic

    where can I buy fiio x5??

    Hello can anyone link me to a reliable website where I can purchase the Fiio x5?? I live in California thanks everyone!!
  19. Yukicore

    FiiO X5 for MP3 listening.

    Hi, I am looking for a portable MP3 player, and I won't find myself moving to any other format any time soon, since rarely the music I'm listening to is available in other formats than MP3. So I'm stuck with MP3...   Anyway, I am wondering if it would be worth getting Fiio X5, It's quite...
  20. Stuff Jones

    Looking to "compactify" my home audio setup

    Right now I'm running PC (FLAC) to Music Streamer II to Yamaha Ax-596 to BW-602 speakers. However I'm thinking of getting a more portable setup, skipping the amp all together and going with smaller active speakers. I might sell that stuff, buy a Fiio X5 (DAC feature) when it becomes available...
  21. Joe Bloggs

    FiiO X5 preview world tour--tour members, claim your souvenir for the X5 tour! p.123

    Tour members, claim your souvenir for the X5 tour here! X5 has started shipping worldwide<--click to see details [size=4]All preview impressions by tour members can be found here [size=4]First arrival :beerchug: (click me) X5 arrives at lee730's door, first impressions (click me) First...
  22. j1992

    FiiO X5 vs iPod 7th Gen + FiiO E11 Amplifier

    I currently have a 160GB iPod 7th Generation with a FiiO E11 portable amplifier and was thinking of replacing them with a FiiO X5. Is there a big difference in sound quality between the two and is it worth upgrading?
  23. ashton18

    FIIO X5 combined with FIIO E12?

    Hey guys, I preordered the new FIIO X5 DAP that comes out next month and I was wondering if it's worth pairing it with my FIIO E12 portable amp. Or should I ditch the E12 and use the headphone out port and internal DAC directly? Thanks!
  24. Sound Eq

    shure se 846 is there any warmer iem than it

    hello guys   I bought the shure se846 and its a great iem and it has nice bass, but sometimes I feel when lsitenning that the mids and highs can sometimes be bright and I need to lower the volume, I tried the shure on 2 setups ( used both black and blue filters )   1- chord hugo connected to...

    Astell kern ak120 help or advice needed

    Hi everyone first time for me on this forum. I'm looking to buy a Astell Kern AK 120. Can this be connected to a tube amplifier that has no digital out rca but just has cd out Rca's and a couple of AUX. Also can I record my cd collection on this player in high resolution and not compressed like...