
  1. jag88

    Noob looking for solid portable DAP to push B&W P3/P5 headphones

    So I am new to all this audiophile gear, no idea what most of the tech specs mean so I am having trouble finding appropriate gear.   I am looking for a portable DAP with a good built in headphone amp. I have a set of Bowers and Wilkins P3's and may purchase a set of P5's in the near future (or...
  2. davidsdiego

    Klipsch Image X10 (Amazon)

    Has anyone bought the Klipsch Image X10 from Amazon recently? They are still on sale for $90. I believe sound is subjective and it probably wouldn't help me to ask. Does anyone know how durable the X10s are for home use? Do they seem worth the money?   My first and last expensive pairs of in...
  3. France00

    Seeking advice for good portable bass heavy Headphones-help please!

    Hi everyone,   I'm looking for an advice, I need to buy some headphones as a present and I am literally going mad as there is so much on the market and I am not really into this to be able to make a good decision.  Here is what I am looking for: 1. Good bass, the person I am buying the...
  4. RestlessIP

    Burning in Kef M500?

    Heya everyone,   After long deciding between the ATH M50(X) and the ML Micros 90 and then the DT770 and Beyer COPS. I went in a total different direction and bought the Kef M500! I've listened to them and they sound very nice, the COPS weren't portable enough for me, and the DT770 without...
  5. JulesK

    Recommendations for full-sized headphones for use with an iPhone?

    All - I've enjoyed this site tremendously, and it led me to the purchase of my Westone ES5.  I went with a custom IEM because I've been completely deaf in one ear since birth.  I could get a single IEM with a custom-cable that combined both channels, so I saved quite a bit of money.  As much as...
  6. TyTB

    Friend looking for stylish phones with good sound quality for < 300

    Hey Head-fi,   A friend of mine is looking for some headphones, and was considering getting Monster Beats, but I suggested otherwise, saying that she can get much better SQ, for a much lower (or at least, equal price).   To her, the most important quality is Appearance, and the second...
  7. xnor

    Headphones sensitivity, impedance, required V/I/P, amplifier gain

    The following table is based on measurements, not manufacturer specs.   Target SPL is 110 dB SPL. The source is assumed to output 2 V. The amp is assumed to be a voltage source (0 ohm output impedance). Voltage, current, power are RMS figures.   What do the columns mean? S@1V is the...
  8. lamboman

    Sennheiser Momentum, Harman Kardon BT, and a few others...

    Hi all,   After a rather poor customer service experience with Apple, they have offered me £100 to spend on anything that I would like from their online store (which of course means a limited range of headphones). This should mean that I will be able to essentially get a substantial discount...
  9. Aslfrasle

    Headphone Deathmatch

    Alright, now I've got about six different headphones, and no clear decision between them so I want to set up a comparison between them to declare a winner. If everyone could rank these six headphones on four criteria that are important for my headphones, I would be eternally grateful.   The...
  10. Chrontius

    $300 Gift Certificate

    I just got $300 to spend at the Apple store.  I think I want headphones, and they sell what have been my Holy Grail, the B&W P5.  But I'm going to open this up to anything the Apple store sells in the same price range.  Audio source is an iPhone 4, and I have no interest in keeping an amp...
  11. Redwing188

    What Headphones should I get for $300? B&W P5's vs BOSE QC15 vs Anything?

    Hey everyone! I've been looking around online and I'm debating what type of over ear headphones I should get. I have the Denon AH-NC800's and they are alright, but I'm looking for something new now. For a while I've been really looking at the B&W P5's, they look great, I went to the store to...
  12. beertots

    looking to replace my B&W P5. suggestions?

    Hello. I've been lurking these forums for quite a few months now and have learned quite a bit from you all. I have to say that the community here is great, respectful, and very knowledgeable. Years ago I started out with (what I initially thought was excellent) Studio Beats by Dre. Shame on me...
  13. SingleDriver

    Looking for a good HD25 replacement, or companion

    Hi everyone ! I'm currently the happy owner of a Sennheiser HD25-1 II, an old one but in very good conditions, i'm overly satisfied with them and could go for another 10 years with them, however I'm considering the purchase of a new set of high end SEALED, and if possible over ear portable...
  14. aerodrew

    Bowers and Wilkins P5 with Samsung/android phones

    I've been contemplating on a set of headphones for casual listening that are of substantial quality and portability, and I've found the B&W P5 to have some very nice quality, both with build and sound. I was wondering however, if the inline mic was also compatible with android phones such as the...
  15. wigz81

    Help With New Cans

    Currently looking to pick up a new set of cans this Friday to replace my current ailing set. At the moment I'm practically pulling my hair out between 3 sets. Currently debating between AKG K550, Sennheiser Momentum, and B&W P5. Between the 3 I think the real battle is between the K550 &...
  16. ubs28

    IEM overrated?

    So I bought the Shure SE535 expecting that it would destroy my designer B&W P5 (much cheaper than the Shure SE535), however it doesn't. It has got a different character but I wouldn't say it's better. ( the shure sounds cleaner, thinner but more seperation while the B&W sounds full and warm )...
  17. Xtralglactic

    Heads up! Dick Smith "Premium headphones VT H68" aluminum and leather construct Just letting headfi know about this possible hidden Gem of a headphone for Australian consumers. Its on sale at $20 now (16/12/14) at DS electronics. These actually remind me of phonak PFE 132's (grey tips) when i listen to...
  18. lofthanza

    Best closed-back on-ear headphones (Supra-aural headphones) under $250 for Ipod or Macbook use!!

    As the title says, I have been trying to find a good on-ear headphones to use directly through my ipod or mac (unamped)! I already own the ATH-m50 which I like very much, but I can't use them outside since they are a bit huge. I prefer the new cans to be closed since I want to mute the external...
  19. Housebliss

    An idea for B&W P5 circumaural headphones.

    Considering the pads are detachable and are connected magnetically, couldn't B&W make replacable full size pads, making them a full size circumaural set?  Or am I way off!
  20. rhys1989

    B&W P5, Sennheiser Momentum On-Ear, Or Philips Fidelio M1 (or other suggestions)

    Hi Guys, I have been looking into which headphones to buy for the last two weeks (mainly for on the go) and have narrowed it down to the above (also saw some Denon headphones that sounded quite good but forgotten the make). After trying on the P5's, the sound seems a little canned, closed but...
  21. moot11

    How To Tell B&W P5 Knock-offs?

    Hi there,    I recently bought a pair of B&W P5 to use with my phone/when I'm out and about. The price was $210 and I got it used off of ebay. I'm hoping you guys can provide a few pointers, so that I can check to make sure these headphones are not knock-offs.    Also, on another note...
  22. Dragonzeanse

    Your favorite looking headphones?

    Feel free to share which headphones you like the look of best!   I did a search of a similar thread and it showed a 61 page thread of people posting their favorite-looking headphones... in response to a guy who asked, himself, what the best-looking headphones were. In 2011. And the thread...
  23. thinkpol

    B&W P5, Apogee One, iPad

    Any thoughts on this combination?  I need to be able to record sound (guitar, vocals, lectures, skype), and have a DAC / amp. Will the Apogee be the "one" to do all of this well and pair nicely with the P5s? Wasn't quite sure where to post this as it's sort of an all-in-one rig.  The P5s are...
  24. WILLDQ


    I am trying to patiently wait to buy a pair of the B&W P5S2 from BEST BUY, but they have not received them. Has anyone seen them in the US YET?
  25. charlie875578

    Upgrading My Bowers Wilkins P5

    I have some P5s that I use mostly for travel, gym but I find I'm using them for home use much more than I thought I would when I bought them. This has me wanting to upgrade to something nice to use for home only and just continue to use the P5s at the gym and when I'm on the go. I like the sound...