Reviews by Mataudiophiles


New Head-Fier
Pros: Sound, quality, price
Cons: No aux input

EarMen- Angel​


EarMen- Angel


For those who already know me, it will probably be no secret that I mainly like mobile solutions. At least that was the case in the past, but recently it has been changing quite a bit thanks to manufacturers such as HIFIMAN or EarMen, reviewed today. Thanks to their hard work and constant striving to exceed the boundaries of perfection, they prove not only to me, but also to other skeptics that big can do more. What if we are looking for great sound without compromise and at the same time want to always have it with us? This is where products such as xDuoo xd05pro or the discussed EarmMen Angel come to our aid. Whether the expense of USD 599 is justified, the answer to this question will be found later in the article, meanwhile let’s start with unpacking:

Unboxing and execution:
In a nice, high-quality cardboard box we will find our device, which is slightly higher and narrower than the mentioned xDuoo xd05plus and has a moderate weight. The manufacturer added two digital adapters and a USB C TO C cable to the set. It’s a nice touch, and the only thing missing is a basic case, which is an absolute necessity for a portable device, fortunately, most larger navigation cases work great in this role. When it comes to connectors, we have a classic 3.5mm output and a balanced 4.4mm output, and in my opinion this is not a bad choice, the device has a lot of power, because 1.8W of power from the balanced output is really a lot. That’s why many people think that a large jack could have been used instead of the 3.5mm connector, but in my opinion it is less functional than the classic headphone output. Additionally, we have a separate USB C for connecting the USB signal and the same for charging. There is no fast charging, but in my opinion this is an advantage because it loads the batteries very heavily. We also have a full range of S/PDIF digital inputs – COAX/TOS is really great news, especially if we want to connect the device as an output DAC to a TV. Additionally, there is a line output, both classic 3.5mm and balanced 4.4mm. The uniform metal casing in a nice shade of blue looks solid and very elegant. EarMen also took care of neat silicone feet protecting the bottom of our device. The only thing missing is an AUX input and the ability to work in standalone amplifier mode, although this is most likely for some reason. Overall, I rate the quality of workmanship as exemplary as one of the best I have ever encountered. However, what is most important, or rather equally important in terms of performance, is the sound, so let’s take a look at how Angel plays and why I consider it the best DAC/AMP from the portable section available on the market, even in 2023! Finally, a few words about volume. First of all, we will certainly not lack power for most headphones, models such as HIFIman Aria organic, Audivana, Ananda nano or Edition XS were very well driven, even from the SE output, and the balance only got better. The potentiometer is stepwise, but the volume levels are well balanced and most IEM headphones had no problem with it. The potentiometer is also a button that turns on the device, which is a convenient solution.



: Neutral, well-defined and served in impeccable quality and quantity. The low tones are exactly as they are shown by the connected headphones – for example, with the Edition XS they were strong and decisive, and with the Tin P1 they became linear and perfectly showed the tuning of our equipment. The low tones in the Angel are not strong and defined with adequate mass, and most importantly, they are not particularly muffled or smoothed. They are also not painfully neutral and balance perfectly between musicality and the analytical image of music. Despite maintaining neutrality, the natural and pleasant color was not forgotten. In fact, many times I found TIDAL sounding as good as my CDs, which is undoubtedly due to the angle tuning. It’s a mature bass full of nuances that makes you want to dance. The bass in the angel is very tight and coherent, exactly what I expect from the sound. As much as I would like to, I can’t find any negative aspects of this tuning, in general the angel is quite bright and with some headphones it may sound a bit sterile, but in the vast majority of cases it fits perfectly with the character of the headphones.

Midrange: Here again, naturalness and analyticity are mixed in perfect proportions with excellent neutrality, no coloration and a virtually unlimited sound stage, perfectly built on a 3D plane. Vocals sound incredibly clear and engaging. Actually, it will not be an abuse if I write that the diameter of the Angel is addictive because it is perfect in every proportion. The amount of detail is amazing and the depth and dynamics are beyond expectations. This is a fully stationary sound that can compete with many more expensive transducers. The realism of the sound is great, and the clarity and lack of noise also allow you to completely focus on the music. I can’t believe how much you can get out of well-implemented components packed into such a small package. This is truly mature and engaging tuning.

High tones: There are a lot of them and they are not hidden or muffled. The neutrality of the treble and the huge amount of embedded information allows me to evaluate Angel as a complete and sonically mature device. The high tones are not tiring or harsh, instead they present the music as the artist intended and adequate to the sound of the connected headphones. I also liked the excellent amount of information and very high purity in the higher parts of the sound. The high tones in the angel are engaging and do not overwhelm with their excessive extension, in combination with the hifiman svanar angel, they perfectly showed how great the treble of these headphones is.


DAC Mode:
The sound of the angel line output is still very neutral and dynamic, full of detail and in fact, quite frankly, putting many full-fledged digital-to-analog converters to shame. A great feature is the ability to choose between a preamplifier output with full volume control and a completely classic line output, ideal for active speakers, for example. We also have both single and balanced outputs in the 4.4mm standard, so we can use both older and newer devices.

EarMen angel is a real monster when it comes to the ability to drive headphones, there is enough power after the SE output, and after the balance it is even better. If that’s not enough, we also have the great Gain Plus mode, which significantly increases the power. The Aria organic, edition On the other hand, the Kinera Hodur and Tin P1 Max felt great and the sound remained clean and smooth. Only with ultra-effective headphones, some people may feel some difficulties with the step potentiometer, but I personally have not found any headphones with which the angel would not be able to get along.

EarMen- Angel ($599) VS xDuoo xd05plus ($289)
EarMen angel is more neutral and linear compared to xDuoo, but if someone prefers more entertaining tuning, in xD05plus, which I personally love, we will find more coloration and magic brought by the velvet sound of the AKM bones. xDuoo xD05plus also has an analog potentiometer and can be a stand-alone amplifier. However, Angel is a class above the sound, which is also reflected in the price. There is no winner here because both devices are great and it all comes down to our individual preferences.


I have reached a stage in listening to music where little can surprise me, but EarMen proved to me that there is no such thing as endgame when it comes to audio. The Angel model is not only well-made, but also functional and has a delightful sound. Its sound is truly angelic and, like an angel’s whisper, it takes away the ability to think logically, making us slaves of music. It is an extremely pleasant and complete sound with an amazing technical layer and pleasant timbre. What would I change? First of all, I would add a case and that’s it because good products don’t change. Finally, a mention about battery life. A lot depends on the headphones connected, but I could easily get a stable 6 hours. I also lacked the option to turn off the built-in battery, because Angel often serves as a stationary device for me. However, the amount of power and unmatched sound quality completely compensated for these microscopic shortcomings and I cannot say otherwise. EarMen angel is an outstanding heavy-duty device and deserves a special place on a pedestal for its incredible value for money. Just warn you, this device is really addictive. Bravo EarMen, a strong 10 out of 10 for your project and the quality you represent. Many people still consider the angel model to be the benchmark for mobile solutions in the audio world. Yes, Angel is large and won’t fit into every pocket, but despite the lack of Bluetooth, it has a number of communication ports, not only classic USB and a separate USB for charging, but also well-functioning digital inputs that allow you to connect it to virtually any device, even a CD player or TV. . The quality of workmanship reminds me of the highest quality products, and yet we are still talking about prices below USD 1,000 and even well below USD 800. We can confidently hear every amount spent and thus really leave with the feeling that the money was well spent on audio.



New Head-Fier
Perfect AMP
Pros: Sound, price, quality
Cons: no power cable

EarMen ST-AMP​




There are companies that simply do not need to be introduced, one of such companies, despite their still young age in the pages of history, is EarMen, proving at every step that a small sea can be beautiful. By constantly breaking the barrier of technological limitations, it proves how important it is to approach each component in order to create and achieve success. Today we will take a look at their next creation, EarMen ST-AMP. Initially priced at USD 599, it is now available at an excellent and very competitive price.


Unboxing and execution:
The rigid cardboard packaging contains the device itself, which is a medium-sized body, and a short operating manual. It’s a pity that there is no power cord, but on the other hand it allows us to reduce the amount of electronic waste. The device itself is elegant and aesthetic, and the quality of workmanship is at the highest level. On the back there is a USB B input, unfortunately also without the appropriate cable in the set, a 4.4mm balanced input and output, an RCA input and a pre RCA output. On the front panel there is a button to turn on the device, a digital-analog switch, a large jack output and a balanced 4.4 mm output, as well as a solid-looking potentiometer operating in the analog domain. Actually, that’s it for technical issues. It is worth noting that the size of the ST-AMP is perfect for placing, for example, a TRADUTTO DAC on it.

DAC Mode:

The DAC implemented in ST-AMP is a well-known solution from ESS, but its selection is not accidental, and the timbre and signature perfectly complement the overall tuning. In this mode, if we use the built-in transducer, we get a complete and entertaining sound, perfect for quiet listening. The amount of information is huge, the detail and dynamics are at the highest level. And the pre output ensures great results.

Bass: The bass itself is fast and dynamic, and its resolving and entertaining character, close to realism and natural-neutral timbre, perfectly reflects the idea of tuning the EarMen. There is a lot of bass, and the base of the lower bands is clearly noticeable. It is an entertaining and engaging musical message that allows us to engage with the music effortlessly. Not for a moment did I feel overwhelmed or overexposed to low frequencies, which I highly praise EarMen for.

Midrange: Extremely clean, close to neutral. Where I could really feel the advantages and craftsmanship of ST-AMP tuning were the vocal sections, where the realism of the sound exceeded my wildest expectations. The amount of detail and information turned out to be more than enough to enjoy beautiful and emotional music. It’s amazing how dynamic and encouraging music can be. The sound stage generated by the st-amp is really large with great width and pleasant depth, which allows me to become an element of my music and its integral part. High neutrality will also allow us to enjoy our music as it really is.

Treble:The highs were smooth and consistent, and the resolution exceeded my expectations for this price point. In the higher tones, in addition to great resolution and neutral transparency, I noticed a lot of air without unnecessary coloration or artificially increasing resolution at the expense of sound. I really like this approach to tuning and it’s something every manufacturer should strive for. Pop and jazz songs sounded extremely engaging, and the separation and resolution of the instruments were exemplary.


AMP Mode:
First of all, let’s start with the fact that ST-AMP only seems to be a simple device, because despite the lack of gain control and a large amount of power in the balanced mode, it is able to detect which socket is currently loaded. We will certainly not run out of power, although the SE output has much less power, which allows us to easily use IEM headphones for which excess power is not always desirable. Let’s move on
EarMen ST-AMP paired with EarMen Tradutto DAC.
As for Tradutto, you can read my full review in the next article. This is one of the best DACs up to PLN 1,000 and one of the best implementations of the SABER converter on the market, in my opinion. ST-AMP itself is quite neutral and perfectly reflects the character of the DAC itself. The sound has become much more resolved, deeper and more musical. Of course, I like the stock ST-AMP configuration, but Tradutto took the sound a few classes higher. The resolution has become noticeably better. I think these devices work great together.
ST-AMP paired with EarMen angel DAC.
In this combination, the sound became even more linear and smooth, the neutrality of Angel translated into an even more analytical and resolving presentation. Tradutto resulted in a more musical and dense sound, while Angel resulted in an even more neutral and technical side of the sound.



EarMen ST-AMP (599USD/200USD) VS xDuoo TA01B (150USD)

I took the liberty of comparing these two amplifiers because the current price of the ST-AMP is close to my favorite DAC/AMP with a tube, which is the old and no longer produced model from xDuoo TA-01B. xDuoo is a darker, more compressed, but also definitely warmer amplifier, so overall, in terms of technology and resolution, the ST-AMP is definitely the winner, but the TA01B defends itself with a tube color, which I personally like very much, but it is not so universal and versatile. like tuning ST-AMP especially when paired with Tradutto.

EarMen ST-AMP (599USD/200USD) VS HIFIMAN EF600 (799USD)
Overall, the EF600 has much more power, which is its huge advantage, but at the same time it makes it unsuitable for in-ear models, in this respect ST-AMP is much more affordable. When it comes to the DAC section, the R2R in the EF600 is definitely something amazing. However, ST-AMP has better technical sound parameters, so it all comes down to individual preferences. Personally, I cannot imagine music without both devices, which are completely different from each other and at the same time complement each other perfectly. That’s why I can’t pick a leader and I recommend both devices as something really worth attention.


EarMen has once again proven its position in the audio scene. ST-AMP at the original price of USD 599 was an extremely interesting proposition, and at the current price it is simply the undisputed number one. It is a great and complete device both as a stand-alone DAC/AMP, as a DAC with a pre function, or finally in my favorite role, i.e. a stand-alone amplifier. The headphone outputs are so well thought out that we can use virtually any type of headphones. The amount of power is more than enough for most headphones. The sound itself is close to neutral, but a realistic and engaging presentation has not been forgotten. This is undoubtedly one of those amplifiers that charms you and makes you addicted to it, just like the EF600. That’s why I highly recommend auditioning. The only thing I would change is to add a few percent to the price and make sure that the buyer does not have to worry about additional accessories. It would be good to see a power cord and at least a basic 4.4-4.4 AUX in the box. However, the sound and functionality completely compensate for this minimal drawback. My final assessment of ST-AMP is as follows: it is one of my favorite amplifiers, so I really recommend it. When it comes to the DAC section, it is well implemented, but it sounded best to me as a trsdutto DAC.


New Head-Fier
best DAC for Saber
Pros: Perfect sound,
Perfect quality.
Cons: No LDAC





Tradutto is a reasonably priced DAC enriched with Bluetooth and fully sealed architecture. More insightful people are probably wondering how I can write that equipment that initially cost over USD 799 and is currently available for USD 499 is reasonably priced. It’s very simple, I don’t see it through the prism of price, but through the price-quality ratio. If you are curious about this ratio in the case of tradutto, see for yourself later in the article.

Unboxing and execution:
Unpacking EarMena products is a pleasant process, in this case we have a clear feeling of dealing with a premium product. Under the cardboard cover there is protective foam and the DAC itself covered with a polishing cloth. Additionally, we receive a heavy metal remote control loaded on the USC C that allows us to remotely manage the device’s functions. Next, we will find a solid quality USB B cable, but I would prefer it to be slightly longer. Additionally, we will find a classic 12V/2A switching power supply with interchangeable plugs that allow us to adapt the power supply to the standards in our country. The last element we have at our disposal is the Bluetooth antenna. Tradutto is a small DAC in the form of a uniform black block with a matte shade. On the front of the device there is a small screen displaying basic parameters and a switch, a Bluetooth pairing button and two buttons for changing operating modes. On the back we have a balanced 4.4mm output and a single classic RCA. As for the inputs, the rear panel has a coaxial, optical and USB B standard input. The DAC itself is really solidly made and weighs quite a lot, the housing is solid, and on the bottom there is raw sheet metal with a ventilation hole and four rubber feet.


Tradutto stands out from other EarMen products because its sound differs significantly from the standard sound house that we are accustomed to from previous products of this manufacturer. In this case, however, I absolutely do not consider such a procedure to be a disadvantage. So what does one of the best DACs based on the SABER chip sound like?

Bass: The low tones are thick and strong, hitting the ear precisely and adding weight to the sound. What impressed me most was the excellent rendering of the mass and weight of the instruments. The tempo and timbre are at the appropriate level, the tradutto retains great naturalness and realism in sound, avoiding either excessive or insufficient speed in the sound of low frequencies. The low tones are strong enough not to be forgotten, and at the same time they are not overwhelming or overly dominant.

Midrange: The mids in the tradutto are astonishing because they sound extremely clean and natural, and the realism and neutrality of the timbre are absolutely beautiful. The midrange is not overly colored, but thanks to the huge stage, dynamics and separation of instruments, it allows us to surround ourselves with music in which we can easily capture every detail and nuance without being overwhelmed or overwhelmed by the sound. Gestures and realistic sound of instruments and vocals are something that puts Tradutto high in the DAC ranking.

Treble: The higher tones are kept in check, but the neutrality and extension of the high frequencies allow you to capture every tiny detail and nuance of the instruments. The high tones are not only resolving, but also extremely clean, and this allows me to understand why the ESS SABER transducer was chosen and not any other. The overall effect is very good and complements the soundstage not only in width, but also in depth.



EarMen- Tradutto (799/499USD) VS xDuoo MT601 (120USD)

I know that this comparison is not entirely fair, but it allows us to draw attention to a very important aspect. Currently, the audio industry is experiencing a golden era and is developing at the speed of light, and devices are becoming more and more affordable. MT601 is also a DAC based on the Saber chip, but this time on the ESS9018Q2M model. xDuoo plays more warmly, with less resolution, in a more analog way and much slower. However, if I had a larger budget, I would definitely go for Tradutto.

EarMen- Tradutto (USD 799/499) VS EarMen Angel in DAC mode (USD 599)
Angel is an excellent mobile device, but its sound is, above all, brighter and less warm. So if we are looking for an analytical and neutral DAC, this is a good direction, but if we prefer something more resolving with more mass, the Tradutto will be excellent. Of course, both devices are very good and it all comes down to individual preferences. Personally, I cannot imagine my audio system without both Tradutto and mobile Angel.


Unfortunately, I did not have support for the LDAC codec in wireless mode. Fortunately, I solved this problem using my xDuoo QX50pro receiver, which worked perfectly in this role. However, if someone is not as focused on the LDAC codec as I am, tradutto will provide Bluetooth 5.1 from QUALCOMMA with full support for other codecs, including APTX HD. When it comes to connectivity, it is exemplary, stable connection and no unwanted artifacts. The sound itself was slightly compressed and lost resolution, but not enough for it to be a significant issue. Therefore, for the sake of convenience, I really appreciate the implementation of bluetooth in tradutto.


EarmEen is a company that deserves respect and recognition for the competences it has. Tradutto has won many awards in the audiophile community. I completely understand this and I join this group in considering tradutto one of the best DAC converters on the market. Its warm, dense and still resolved and dynamic sound is something that perfectly suits my taste. If I had to complain about something, I would like support for the LDAC codec and a 4.4 to 4.4 aux cable included in the set. I will add at the end that Tradutto fully supports the MQA format, which is currently marginal, but if it ever comes back into favor, Tradutto will easily provide full support. EarMen tradutto is an excellent DAC with all the necessary functions. Maybe you won’t find a million filters or switches in it, on the contrary, it’s a very simple device. But these are only appearances, the technically advanced and well-made tradutto does not need anything else to do what every DAC does best, i.e. generate beautiful and amazing sound. Therefore, this is a very good approach, following the principle that a good one does not need to be improved because it is supposed to be perfect.


New Head-Fier
Best headphones under 1000USD
Pros: details, bass, resolution, scene, comfort, quality of workmanship.
Cons: a bit sharp at the edges of the bands.




Those of you who follow me and read my reviews probably know that there are brands that have become legendary. One of such manufacturers is undoubtedly HIFIMAN, whose philosophy and tuning have become a point of reference for many. While testing models of open headphones such as edition xs, sundara, HE400SE, or the slightly more expensive Arie organic, it was time to check out the latest version of one of the more popular models in the mid-price range, Ananda nano. So I invite you to read my review of open planar headphones with a nanometer diaphragm and stealth magnets currently costing USD 599.


Classically for HIFIMAN, regardless of whether we spend 100 or 2000 USD, we receive practically the same packaging made of ecological material, but inside we will find some variety – instead of the classic foam stand, we have a hard and nice transport case for our headphones, identical to the one in Audivana model. Additionally, unfortunately, there is only one cable with classic 3.5mm plugs on the headphones side and the connector is quite long, so it is intended for stationary use. They are standard for virtually all hifiman headphones. Personally, I think this is a good move because standardizing the connectors on all models makes it easier to replace the cable. The stock cable is the same one found in other HIFIMAN headphones models. It’s not the worst, but it’s far from good, so I’d classify its quality as average and acceptable. However, the headphones themselves retained the form and design of the previous generation. Only the graphic design was changed to a bright one, similar to that of the he400se model. Although privately I prefer the color black, such a color refresh brings some variety to the home collection. The ear cups are large and the set includes hybrid pads.


For testing, I used the HE600 DAC/AMP from HIFIMAN and a stock cable from an Audivan with an XLR plug. It is practically the same as the one in the ANANDA NANO box, only differing in its balanced design and XLR socket. As test material, I used high-resolution music from Tidal and Apple Music. So let’s move on to the sound itself:

BASS: Please remember that ANANDA NANO are open headphones, so the lower bands will not be as strong and precise as in the case of closed headphones and models such as Sundara closed back or Audivan. However, despite the open back, the bass is very technical, I didn’t miss it in any song, and its presence was felt and perfectly realized. Although it is rather a monitor sound, strongly focused on the technical layer, the bass quality is at a very high level. The bass is slightly above the midrange line because it is recessed, but this does not cause any discomfort or loss of quality in other bands. The amount of bass was always adequate to my expectations and well above the level expected in open headphones. The speed and tonal accuracy were truly phenomenal

Midrange: The midtones have been slightly moved, but this does not generate an artificial V-shaped effect, rather it slightly enlarges the soundstage, which impresses not only with its considerable width, but also with its excellent depth. Although it is not the width of the zanans from the XS edition, it makes the whole thing sound more realistic. Mid tones are strongly brightened and colder in presentation. The whole thing sounds very sterile and clean – these are definitely headphones that are closer to the analytical side than pure musicality. In return, they compensate us for a certain musical compromise with an excellent technical layer and beautiful and rich details. To put it simply, here is the classic HIFIMAN tuning known from previous, older editions of the headphones. I like this presentation, but remember to avoid pairing ANANADA NANO with excessively cold amplifiers. However, the midrange was not lacking in naturalness and very high resolution. The vocals were not only very engaging, but also colorful and authentic in sound.

Treble:The high tones represent a really high level, although they are also clearly enhanced at the edges of the band, which does not exceed the listenability limit. The entire presentation is very clear and allows us to break down the music we listen to. Despite the boost at the edge of the treble, it did not exceed the listenability limit and remained consistent with the tempo and overall sound. This brightening of the high tones allowed for an increase in the resolution and emotionality of the sound, which I personally liked very much and found it to be a much more interesting presentation than in the case of excessive softening of the upper bands.




Comparing headphones is never easy, especially when we compare such extreme models, and I don’t just mean the price aspect. Aria orgaic is a charming, intimate headphone with much higher resolution and mature tuning. Aria organic is much closer to HE1000 V2 and therefore has an even higher technical layer. However, ANANDA NANO impresses with better bass, which is due to the greater extension of the band edges and a wider soundstage. Overall, is Aria Organic better? Of course it is, if you can afford to spend more and pay extra, then do it. Honestly, if you can, go ahead and invest in both pairs, because their tuning is completely different and allows both pairs to complement each other perfectly. Aria organic is supposed to impress with its speed and accurate hitting the point, and that’s exactly what it does, its natural sound is slightly different from the one we get in the more technical and cooler ANANDA NANO literature. So whether it is worth paying extra USD 700 for the Higher model depends on our expectations and the amplifier we have, because in my opinion the Aria Organic is a bit more difficult to drive.

At the time of writing this review, the price of the Edition XS has dropped significantly. Personally, I had no problems with the ergonomics in the XS, but I know that many people prefer the body used in the Ananda NANO. Edition XS have a wider and less natural soundstage, while Ananda NANO has a brighter and more resolved tuning. Currently, EDITION XS is at a phenomenal price of under 400 USD, which is a great deal for me because these are one of the best, if not the best, headphones under 500 USD. However, ANANDA NANO has several significant advantages worth the extra 200USD. First of all, these are much more comfortable headphones and I can boldly say that they are the most comfortable ones I have ever used. Additionally, the technical layer and recovery of details in ANANDA NANO are at a level dedicated to headphones costing $1000, not $600. Brightened character of the sound with a boost at the edge of the bands.


HIFIMAN ANANDA NANO is, in my opinion, the leader in the world of open headphones, perfectly filling the gap of up to USD 1000 in HIFIMAN’s portfolio. Personally, I consider this model to be extremely successful, and the comfort it offers is one of the best on the market. I will even go so far as to say that these are one of the best headphones under 1000USD! Excellent dynamics, technical layer and above-average details. All this is decorated with a beautiful, bright presentation with excellent bass and emphasized treble, which in general did not turn out to be an Achilles’ heel, but rather a great development of resolution. All this means that, at a price of USD 599, ANANDA NANO would be my first choice if I was looking for value for money. These are completely complete headphones and their strong points include extremely good reproduction of details, natural and still very technical sound and extremely good comfort… What’s not to like? I think that for people sensitive to high tones, ANANDA NANO may seem a bit harsh, but a lot depends on the amplifier or DAC system. These are not particularly difficult headphones to drive, but they scale very well and really like an additional boost of power, so I recommend something more powerful. HIFIMAN is one of those brands that you can’t help but talk about, because they constantly show that the leading position is hard work and they have no intention of giving up the throne. Keep it up. HIFIMAN is a great direction and worth following!



New Head-Fier
The best dongle!
Pros: *sound
Cons: *nothing

iBasso DC04PRO​


iBasso DC04PRO

In my review i used flac files and my own tidal playlist.

Prelude. iBasso is not idle, releasing new series of mobile DAC/AMP like new collections of clothes. And so, with the end of winter, the phenomenal DC06 left, and its place was taken by the improved DC04 with the pro note. Does pro mean better? By definition, it should be so, but as the world has shown more than once, it is not so obvious. Quite recently I wrote to you about a great metamorphosis, which was the unrivaled DAC/AMP DC03PRO at the price of 69 USD. Today I will review and analyze the DC06’s direct successor.

Unboxing: The packaging looks familiar, a piece of plastic, specifications, a detachable usb type-c cable and the device itself. This time we don’t have MQA, instead we have a great chip from Cirrus Logic known from devices such as iBasso DX170 or xDuoo link 2bal and its double implementation was used. The technical parameters are impressive. In addition, two headphone outputs 3.5 and 4.4 mm. But that was already done, iBasso decided on two very important aspects for me, taking the example of devices such as lotoo paw s1 or luxury w1/w2. Finally, a hardware volume control and a fully functional application in which we can freely tune our device have been added.



Bass: In the case of the iBasso DC04pro presentation, I can describe the lower bands as springy and very tight, closer to accurate and punctual hits than to a loose and slow rhythm. They have a very good speed, despite a slight boost, they do not impose themselves on the listener. It’s actually a classic iBasso sound-house. We will not be disappointed by the texture and the really low extension of the sub-bass. At times, despite the great linearity and balance in the presentation, I had the feeling that the drums or the bass guitar, and especially the electronic music literally „makes me dizzy”, which in this context is, however, a compliment.

Diameter: Vocals are getting more and more stunning in iBasso products with each edition, we have here a really neutral and realistic presentation. The voices are engaging and not colored, although they are brought to the fore in a very deliberate way. Which works great with different types of headphones, showing their natural character thanks to the amazing linearity in the DC04PRO. The instruments, in turn, are realistic, especially when it comes to imaging and the amount of information, they are not artificially inflated and plastic, it’s more of a live concert than another disco-polo show. The micro dynamics are on a pleasant and not exaggerated level. And if we take into account really good macro-dynamics, which goes well beyond the price of 119 USD (549 PLN in Poland), then we can pick our jaw up from the floor.

Treble: They are neutral and safe, they do not peak as high as in the DC06, but they are not lacking in any case. We have great stretch and a very large amount of air. Everything is properly separated from each other and well placed in time and space. I liked the naturalness of the presentation, even though the treble is a bit sharper than, for example, in xDuoo link 2 bal or lotoo paw s1. I had no problems with her excessive loudness, which I really liked.

Stage: Here we have excellent width and much improved depth and height compared to the DC06. Which gives you the feeling of communing with slightly more expensive equipment, and yet the price is the same as in the case of its predecessor.

Power: We certainly won’t run out of power on either the SE or the 4.4mm balanced output. iBasso DC04PRO is able to easily drive most mobile headphones.


DC04PRO($119) VS DC03PRO($69)

As for the sonic signature, it is similar, but there is more detail in the DC04PRO, especially in the higher tones. The presence of a balanced output also significantly increases the soundstage and power of the device (almost 3 times 280mW vs 92mW). We get a slightly more technical and resolving product, which justifies the USD 50 surcharge.

DC04PRO($119) VS DC06($119)

The DC04 PRO is not a rival, but a direct successor to the DC06. It abandons MQA for a number of improvements. The DC06 is less natural and has more power. DC04PRO wins with functionality and sound realism. Both products are great and I still love my DC06, but the DC04PRO is a great improvement on its predecessor. I wish a bit that the MQA decoding option was added to the DC04PRO, but it is not noticeable in everyday use. The DC04PRO also puts more emphasis on the midrange and linearity of the transmission.


Noise: The iBasso DC04Pro has a perfectly black background and we have absolutely no noise here.

Summary: iBasso DC04PRO is another novelty in my dongle portfolio. Added hardware volume control, fully programmable FPGA, with the ability to fine-tune parameters in the application. The purity of the signal and the power section has been improved even further. Significantly reduced energy consumption. On top of that, an efficient, very competitive dongle with a detachable cable was created for a price that is downright indecent. Of the minuses, I can definitely include the fingering glass on the housing and the lack of a dedicated case. I hope iBasso will include such an accessory as xDuoo did with the link2 bal model. In addition, I would prefer the ability to change settings from the PC application. However, the whole is very coherent and the build quality is impeccable. If someone is looking for a natural sound with emphasized low end and neutral midrange, then this is the DC04PRO. In addition, the linearity and natural / neutral timbre throughout the tonal range put the DC04PRO very high on the technical and resolving level. Actually, at the price of USD 119 (PLN 549), I can say that this is a very high bar. As in the case of the DUNU DTC-500, I am shocked at how much budget equipment can be refined and I have great respect for such a philosophy. DC04PRO joins my dongle collection and ranks in the top five. He also had no problems with driving most headphones, whether they were very sensitive softears volume headphones or quite demanding ones. Tin p1 was able to cope with them. This is due to the low output impedance. The energy consumption was really optimal for the power. In my tests, I used dense files from the TIDALA DC04PRO, it was great with their resolution and was able to use their potential.

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Yes, thanks 😂
Hi, I have the Simgot EA1000 and Yanyin Canon 2. Would these two IEMs be sufficient enough in the 3.5mm from the DC04 Pro at mid to high volume?
Excellent DAC


New Head-Fier
Really good DAC/AMP with R2R
Pros: Pros: Sound quality
R2R dac
Much power
Cons: No 4,4 balanced output
To much power for IEM earphones





HIFIMAN needs no introduction, they have proven many times how much they can achieve and if I wrote that they fail, I would have to lie. After the great success of the EF400, they decided to present the EF600, a versatile DAC and AMP with several additional functions. The structure was built in such a way that it can also be used as a stand for headphones, which I really like. On board we have two DACs from the himalaya pro series on R2R and a solid amplifier with a power of 5.12 Watts per channel at 32 Ohm load and 1.8 Watts per channel after the SE output. Unfortunately, we only have two headphone outputs: balanced XLR and unbalanced 6.5mm. There are also two low and high gain levels and two digital filters, OS and NOS. On the back we have a USB C and USB B input, additionally two balanced XLR outputs and the same inputs, a coaxial input and an RCA input and output. The device itself also has a high-quality toroidal power supply and full Bluetooth support, including APTX, APTX HD, LDAC codecs, so we have everything except network functions and all for USD 799. The form factor ensures low space requirements and the ability to use the device instead of a separate headphone stand.


Unpacking in this case is not something particularly exciting – it is a standard hifiman packaging, which contains only a cable for the power supply and the device itself, there is a voltage switch at the bottom so we can use our amplifier both in Europe and in other parts of the world. Using the EF600 is very simple, there are two switches and that’s it.
The signature represented by the EF600 is extremely natural, with a huge separation of instruments and channels, so I did not notice any problems, and even headphones as difficult to drive properly as the very bass R9 from hifimnan sound really amazing in combination with the EF600, which proves to me how much this combo can do, providing excellent sound. And this is both using a wired connection and Bluetooth, and even in the case of an aptx connection with Windows.



The low tones are extremely flexible, with great dynamics and a delightfully warm and natural presentation – a bass with a light and pleasant character. You can hear the presence of the R2R system here because the low tones sound extremely light and clear. The songs are very realistic, both when used as a DAC/AMP and as a DAC after the line output. Overall, the DAC section is the strongest point of the EF600 and after the line output the whole thing sounds stunningly good. The resolution and range of the lower registers is one of the best I could expect.

Diameter: What I like most is the natural and very transparent presentation. The separation of instruments and the tonal range are truly impressive. This is due to the excellent separation between the right and left channels. This provides a sense of enormous tonal range and distributes individual instruments around the head. The stage generated by the EF600 is really large, both in depth and width. Vocals sound transparent and very natural, they are also slightly warmed, but overall they sound very good. The midrange is undoubtedly the strong point of this presentation.

Treble: They are resolved and transparent, have the right amount of shine and a lot of information. The midrange is soft and pleasant. The amount of high tones is very good, and their timbre is pleasant and very clear. This is one of the most natural DAC/AMPs I know. We will also have a large amount of information and detailed and colorful sound. This approach to high frequencies makes us listen with pleasure and full involvement.


Wirelessly, the EF600 plays very similarly to a USB connection, the connection stability is very good and I haven’t noticed any problems. Searching for and adding new devices is intuitive and works very well. I also did not notice that the sound after LDAC differed in quality from the USB section, which proves a very good implementation.

As I have already mentioned, the EF600 DAC is impressive and impresses with its excellent naturalness and realism, with excellent channel separation and an excellent amount of information. Here I really have to admit that HIFIMAN is absolutely right in saying that HIMALAYA PRO is a very well-thought-out DAC circuit. Delightful in terms of the correctness and purity of the presented content. Honestly, this is one of my favorite DAC circuits.

As an amplifier, the EF600 works well, has a lot of power and responds perfectly to the nature of the source we connect to it. It handled models such as Sundara, Edition XS and Aria Organic perfectly and had no problems with driving them.


EF600 ($799) VS XDUOO TUBE AMP ($100-500)

When comparing the EF600 with XDUOO tube products, the dynamics and purity of the sound are definitely an advantage for the EF600, while using the EF600 as a DAC for a good-class tube amplifier, you can see the huge potential that hifiman has included in this device.


Hifiman constantly follows the trends it sets and this is also the case with the EF600, it is an excellent DAC and a great amplifier enriched with a fully functional Bluetooth receiver. The only thing missing was a 4.4mm output, luckily we have XLR and can use an appropriate adapter. As an AMP it also performs very well, there is a lot of power and the signal purity is exemplary. In the case of models such as EDITION XS, ARIA ORGANIC or sundara closed, the synergy was amazing. This is a very good product worth the entire price we have to pay for it. Although the amplifier section is good and has excellent dynamics, the greatest potential in the EF600 can be found in the DAC section with even better quality amplifiers, you can clearly feel the increase in quality provided by R2R in this system. Therefore, overall, I think that the EF600 is a very well-priced DAC and headphone AMP at USD 799, with great possibilities in the amplifier section and very large possibilities in the DAC section. I will venture to say that it is worth buying it even as an external DAC because it is difficult to look for such naturalism and realism in sound. in competitor products. So I must say, great work by hifiman, excellent product and quality of workmanship adequate to the budget.
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New Head-Fier
Pros: Sound signature,
Cons: Nothing on this price


Celest phoenixcall


Celest phoenixcall
instagram: LINK

Celest delights again, literally presenting something that I did not expect at all. Belonging to one of the best Asian brands in the field of IEM, the young Celest brand stands for innovative solutions and timeless elegant design. Initial models such as gumitcho and pandamoon were of great quality and very affordable prices. Finally, the celest brand managed to popularize their proprietary F.P.D. transducer. In the PHOENIXCALL model, however, it was decided to completely revolutionize the approach to this solution by creating a tribride with the following configuration. A dynamic driver is responsible for low frequencies, another armature driver for mid-range frequencies, and another armature driver for high frequencies, while two separate dedicated F.P.D. technology drivers with double magnets are responsible for ultra-high frequencies. Additionally, four separate sound tubes and an advanced active and passive crossover system are used. We also took care of beautiful acrylic housings made using 3D printing technology. All in all, there would be nothing extraordinary about it if it weren’t for the price, because this model was valued at only USD 129, which in Poland translates to approximately PLN 599 and can also be purchased in Polish distribution for that amount.

So let’s take a look at what we get for this amount. The set impresses right from the box stage, unpacking Celest products is always a pleasant experience. This packaging opens like a book, and on the front we are greeted by a beautiful legend and a bookmark with a phoenix motif. Then we have our headphones and solid thick SPC cable. Then we find a leather case made of ecological leather, it is small but very capacious. We also have two sets of tips at our disposal: vocal and balanced.

The headphones themselves are not the smallest, but considering the number of transducers they are relatively comfortable, thanks to their excellent profiling. Their weight is really light and I have no problems with using them for a long time. I must admit that they are really well made and very comfortable. I chose the clear variant and what I really liked was the fact that depending on the selected color variant, and we have two of them, the color of the cable itself also changes. The case itself is also interesting because it is very small and fits perfectly in a pocket or a small backpack, thus taking up little space and is made of safe and high-quality materials. The cable itself is one of the best I’ve ever seen in IEM headphones, the only thing missing was replaceable plugs.

Now that we know what Celest phoenixcalls look like, it’s time to describe their most important aspect, which is the sound itself. First of all, I would like to start here with a small introduction. It is not easy to make headphones for little money and also surprise the audio world with something. Phoenixcall undoubtedly belongs to innovative headphones, not only taking into account the complicated system inside, but also taking into account tuning.

Bass: Low frequencies are based primarily on a really large amount of high-quality mid-bass. There’s a lot of it and you can hear the rumble of the bass notes. At the same time, it is not aggressive and obtrusive, although there is less lower bass, it is still present, and although I would not call these headphones strictly bass-oriented, the presence of bass and, in particular, its boost in the mid-range is noticeable. We can observe this in many songs based on a stronger bottom end and it is a desired effect, but if there is no such need, the bass is not present and can perfectly convey the field to other sounds. I missed a bit more variety here, but comparing its quality to the price, for USD 129 it is really very good.

Midrange: Despite tuning with a slight U-plane and a slight recess in the midrange, I didn’t notice anything missing, especially the vocals are beautiful, thick and clear. Their color is pure and natural. They are not muddy or overly insulated. What is really impressive is the amount of detail, details are practically everywhere, and individual instruments are perfectly separated from each other, the headphones play on a wide plane with good depth, there are separated layers and a strong technical side. Thanks to proper tuning, the whole thing is not tiring or discouraging. Details are necessary, but their excessive exposure may have the opposite effect to that intended. That’s why I’m glad that celest took this aspect into account and made sure to turn it into an advantage rather than a disadvantage. All in all, when it comes to the midrange, I have no reason to miss anything at this price, ballads and jazz are really impressive.

High tones: High frequencies are what I really like in Celest phoenixcall because they are saturated with information, resolution and have a natural timbre, of course not as natural as more expensive models, but it really is a pleasant presentation, it is not overly boosted, instead it presents a calm character, full of information and details, but not a headache. Try it yourself, especially on songs with many instruments, and you will definitely notice the difference.


Celest phoenixcall (129USD) VS BQEYZ ATUMN (199USD)

Overall, Atumn is probably the best product BQEYZ has released so far, with an excellent filter system providing three completely different sound signatures. However, when it comes to smoothness of presentation and isolation, the Celest definitely wins here, and the same is true when it comes to the amount of information. Atumn, on the other hand, provide more air and a much wider stage. Both pairs are excellent, Atumn is a great single dynamics, while Celest is a great example of entertaining and smooth playing.

Celest phoenixcall (129USD) VS IBASSO IT01X (129USD)
iBasso is a great company that creates amazing products, they really know how to create great equipment. In the lower frequencies, Celest focuses mainly on mid-bass, while the amount of sub-bass in the IT01X is much greater, the bass in it01X is more punctate, and the bass in the phoenixcalls is more analog. The midrange of the IT01X is the icing on the cake, much more forward than that of the Celesta, while both headphones are remarkably good in midrange, but in a different presentation. Overall, I can’t pick a favorite here, it all depends on our personal preferences.

Celest phoenixcall are headphones that are excellent in terms of resolution and amount of detail, you will feel literally enchanted by the amount of information you receive, and nothing will be tiring. Great bass, focusing on the mid-low range. At a price of USD 129, these are excellent headphones not only in terms of sound, but also in terms of the quality of workmanship and the accessories we receive with them. These are headphones that I fully recommend and it is very difficult for me to find any points where I could criticize or question them. If you like details and a natural presentation, you can definitely try Celest phoenixcall.


New Head-Fier
Really interest closed earphones.
Pros: - good sound with the right amplifier after winning,
- great quality of workmanship,
- excellent comfort,
-huge sound stage
Cons: -at the very beginning they sound unattractive, but this changes after a long heating-up.


Hifiman audivina


Audivin hifiman

Hifiman Audivina is another Hifiman approach to the topic of closed planar headphones. After a quite successful debut in the form of the Sundara closed back, Hifiman has not abandoned his plans to prove to us that he can surprise us with closed back headphones as much as, for example, with the open Sundara or Edition XS. This time the whole thing was created completely from scratch, practically everything in the Audivin model was redesigned, creating a completely autonomous product. Initially, I felt concerned about the amount of negative reviews about this model. Especially since the price of the Audivan is $1,999, which is quite a high budget.


Audivina comes to us in a standard ecological Hifiman packaging, but what is important, the set includes a hard and eye-pleasing transport case made of hard plastic, which is a nice accent and suggests the mobile nature of the headphones themselves. Additionally, we have a set of three cables, with a 6.5mm jack, a 3.5mm jack and a balanced XLR. Unfortunately, the cables are rather basic and identical to those in every Hifiman model. However, they ensure full compatibility with various hi-fi sets. It’s a pity that the cables are not braided like the ones in Aria Organic. However, I consider the set to be completely complete and well thought out. You can also find the headphones themselves made of wood and metal, the ear cups are large, but the headphones themselves look very good and are comfortable. The stock pads can be replaced, for example, with something from Dekoni, but they are good enough to provide an excellent sound experience. The quality of workmanship is very good and the pads are really comfortable. The headphones themselves do not require much current, but they still benefit from a better source.


When designing the Audivan, Hifiman decided to create monitoring headphones with a concert hall effect. At first it was difficult to understand, but after about 200 hours of firing I noticed that it was really well thought out and I was surprised by the one-star reviews. Perhaps some people have run out of patience with these headphones. I had a similar situation with R9 and a closed sundara. At the beginning they sounded not very promising, but after some time they showed an incredibly good level. So now let’s move on and take a look at the sound of this closed model made of wood from hifiman.

Bass: The low tones are a very strong point, Audivans retain an almost completely linear character and are really precise. We can feel them and perceive their presence more clearly due to the closed planar structure. Additionally, their purity and complexity are truly something I expect when making the compromise of a closed headphone design. Although in the case of the Audivan the isolation is not the best, there is also a lot of sound leakage, but it is much better than in the case of open headphones. The subbass is soft and neutral. The whole thing is slightly slimmed down because special acoustic chambers are supposed to provide us with an extraordinary sound stage, and it is indeed impressive. This is because, apart from the large planar transducer, the Audivan also has a reverb effect, which, however, disappears after a few seconds of listening when our hearing gets used to it.

Diameter: The midtones are smooth and clear, a form of communication full of information and detail. We have a lot of natural-sounding instruments, great separation and excellent quality. The midtones are very developed and sound extremely clean and linear. I also like the preservation of the natural timbre of each instrument, the soundstage is not only wide but also deep, which provides a great experience. The vocals sound good, especially the male vocals are extremely well performed, although the female vocals are also good, but they sound a bit thinner.

Treble:They are very holographic, their neutrality really exceeds my expectations. These are headphones that largely focus on an even and monitor-like sound, they are not as musical as other Hifiman products, so I can understand that not everyone likes such a presentation. However, the headphones present exactly the character intended by the manufacturer. The high tones are not exaggerated, rather even and clear, full of various information. It’s a great approach that makes the Audivan unique in its own way.



Audivana (1999USD) VS HIFIMAN R9 (109USD)

Currently, the R9 costs a fraction of their original price, which makes them unrivaled, but these are very bass-heavy headphones with recessed vocals, the Audivan has a monitor-like and very even sound, but the price difference is now almost twenty times higher. R9 are good and entertaining dynamic headphones, while Audivana is a technical and very balanced in terms of tone, where the emphasis is primarily on linearity of playing.

Audivana (1999USD) VS Sundara closed back (229USD)
Sundara is a smaller headphone, without the same depth or breadth, more intimate and less balanced. Audivana is ten times more expensive, but at every step it presents a much higher standard. Sundara closed is a less holographic headphone, but at the same time slightly more musical. At the same time, the Audivan is a handset with more panache and much more impressive against virtually any background.


Audivana is probably the most unusual of all hifiman headphones, which may be liked or controversial. Personally, I really liked it, giving me the feeling of being in contact with excellent equipment for monitoring and working with music. These are not cheap headphones, as their price is already in the high-end of the headphone world, but they are rewarded with an excellent sound stage, full of life and details. They guarantee an even and very dynamic sound with an excellent neutral, but at the same time natural presentation. They provide a lot of space, probably the best I’ve ever seen in closed headphones. With a bad connection, they can turn out to be a bit thin in sound and definitely require a long warm-up before showing their potential. However, in combination with HE600 they showed an incredibly good technical side and successfully defended their position. These are different headphones, the reverberation of the concert hall is definitely something that takes a while to get used to, but in the end it provides a great effect and translates into a great space, which is why I consider the Audivane to be a good pair of headphones, not so much musical but, above all, technical.
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New Head-Fier
Perfect Aria
Pros: Sound quality
The best aria
Cons: Nothing on this price





Is an additional insert in the name in the form of the word „organic” and a slight change in style the only changes from the legendary Aria model that the latest version of these headphones brings? These are definitely not the only changes introduced by the latest version of the legendary Aria model from hifiman. Priced at USD 1,299, the new Aria has something to be proud of. After reviewing the Deva pro, edition xs, sundara and other hifiman models, I am happy to check out the next models. Hifiman is an innovative manufacturer that consistently strives to become a leader in the audio market.


Standard packaging for hifiman is the same as for any other model, classic ecological cardboard. Inside you will find the headphones themselves and a one and a half meter long braided cable with a large jack. The filling inside can be used as a foam stand, which is a very good idea on the manufacturer’s part. It may not be much, but it is enough. I ran out of cases to store our headphones.

The low tones are musical and elastic, and their slightly warmed tone perfectly complements the overall sound. With the EF600, the dynamics of the low tones revealed the enormous technical possibilities offered by the latest aria. Compared to the edition XS, the bass is more natural, linear and much more developed. The low tones have a lot of air and look great with contemporary music, which further enhances the excellent musical experience. The bass is elastic and really fast, showing all the benefits of planar headphones and their full potential. However, these are open headphones, but they have no problems with either the quality or the quantity of low tones, presenting a very high and good level.

Diameter:Mid tones are clear and natural, the amount of information is large and the overall character definitely makes for an entertaining and colorful presentation. The amount of midrange is just right and the vocals are extremely clear. The resolution is excellent and the whole thing is impressive with the amount of detail and information these headphones convey. The midtones are also very extended and have a lot of space and separation, which is especially noticeable on more demanding songs. It can enchant you with its musical and sweet vocals, but also pamper you with beautiful details in the background and excellent resolution. The midrange is very good, full of life and information. The instruments are perfectly positioned and placed in the space, which makes a very good impression; despite the intimate presentation, I didn’t miss anything.

Treble:The biggest change between the classic aria and the organic version can be noticed and even heard in the high tones, where it is much softer. This is an aria that does not attack with high tones, but they are very neutral and extend well to the sides, making the whole thing very resolving. The amount of information is huge and the headphones themselves impress with their natural and very realistic presentation. I like the fact that the musicality of the aria did not harm its tuning and the organic aria is not tiring when listening for a long time, which is very important. The high tones are not subdued or excessively muted, they are a natural image of high frequencies, allowing you to listen to music for many hours without feeling any discomfort.



Aria is a more expensive headphone and costs almost three times as much, which is true in many respects, although the xs edition is a great headphone, it does not match the resolution and detail of the latest version of Aria. Edition


HIFIMAN Aria organic (1299USD) VS HIFIMAN sundara (299USD)

Sundara is almost a legend when it comes to value for money, these are warmer, slightly bassier headphones. While the Aria Organic is a more mature headphone with more panache and much more holography. It all depends on the budget, because although it is undoubtedly worth it, you still need to add USD 1000 to Aria organic.
Is the Aria Organic a demanding headphone?
Although it may seem otherwise, the new aria is a demanding pair of earmuffs. Both in terms of current and DAC. They really gain a lot from better sources, and although they sounded very good with the xduoo xd05plus, with the EF600 they surprised me with an even more amazing musical, but still linear and even presentation.


The new aria is not exactly a revolution, but rather a very well-thought-out revolution that improves all the shortcomings of its predecessor. Too aggressive treble has been fixed and the entire headphone is now made of metal. The comfort and scene they offer are excellent. It is an intimate, but very three-dimensional presentation with a resolving and detailed message. Personally, I think that aria organic likes current very much and scales great with better sources such as xduoo xd05 plus or hifiman ef600 on the R2r system. Aria is a great headphone, but the latest Aria Organic is more musical and smoother, which ensures calmer and more forgiving listening.
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New Head-Fier
The best dynamic driver earphones!
Pros: -sound quality
-build quality
Cons: -cable
- acceories





HIFIMAN is a company that hardly needs any introduction, they are one of the leading audio manufacturers on the market and constantly prove their position as a leader. They are constantly working to release better and better equipment and have a lot of their own technologies. Recently I had the pleasure of reviewing Svanar Vireless, the TWS from hell, which is a continuation of HIFIMAN’s vision in the field of uncompromising audio. The headphones costing USD 499 made a stunning impression on me, which you can read about in my separate review. However, let’s go back to SVANAR in the wired version. These are headphones priced at USD 1999, so they hit a very high target when it comes to in-ear headphones.


In fact, this will be the weakest part of the entire review, while the headphones themselves are made really well, made of a combination of aluminum and brass and gold-plated, unfortunately when it comes to accessories, they are average. The tips are just ok, but I recommend buying something from symbio, for example, the stock cable is acceptable, but the headphones benefit a lot with better cables. Here we are happy to have a 0.78 mm socket, but it has a deep implementation, so you need to have cables with a longer plug, and this does not guarantee that another cable will work properly. The headphones themselves come in a beautiful dust-covered suitcase, which is a very nice aspect, but I would like to slightly improve the accessories and metal case. At this price, every detail is important and if I am greeted by luxury, I expect it in every aspect. It’s nice that HIFIMAN included an extra pair of 0.78 plugs so we can make our own cable if we want. The comfort of the headphones themselves is really great, as is their build quality. I’m talking about the headphones themselves, not accessories.


The Svanars have a shape reminiscent of personalized headphones, but they fit perfectly in my ear, the comfort they provide is so comfortable that I completely forgot about them during long listening sessions. What is very important, the insulation is also at a very good level, well above average.

Test material:
During testing, I used high-quality hi-res files and TIDAL with my own playlist. Lots of jazz, pop and metal music.

Hifiman knows how to tune headphones and has shown it many times, and it is no different in the case of the flagship Svanar model based on a single dynamic range in topological technology.

Bass: First of all, what I noticed is the extraordinary lightness and agility of the bass, it is musical and very engaging, you can hear it clearly, but its texture is highly developed. I like its slightly warmed and engaging character. It has all the advantages of high-class dynamics, is natural and fits perfectly into the overall sound. Hifiman Svanar are headphones with a W-plane sound, so the bass does not detract from the quality of individual bands. The bass has the right speed, it’s not super fast, but it doesn’t linger in the background. Its warmth makes the sound of svanar very engaging. The delicate coloration of the mid-bass adds a sense of realism. The bass goes low, but the boost point is definitely in the midbass and this is the intended effect.

Midrange: The midtones are very resolved and each instrument is practically a separate musical zone, this is due to the very holographic stage. The depth and breadth of the musical presentation are similar to the impressions of a listening studio; it is not a presentation that forcibly stretches the stage, it is rather a sweet and addictive intimacy. We will especially appreciate it in jazz or pop. The vocals are very resolved, natural, as if they were sung live. It’s amazing how natural these headphones sound. They don’t try to bombard us with information, instead they show it as it is. The tonal balance is truly impressive and the midrange sound quality is probably the best I’ve ever heard in dynamic headphones.

Treble: The treble is resolving and completely natural, it is not plastic or cold, it is rather a sound consistent with nature and what I expect from headphones, each instrument sounds engaging and encourages further listening, and nothing is harsh or unpleasant. The high tones have good resolution and are really pleasant to listen to. The instruments are perfectly depicted and very resolved, of course the micro dynamics are not at the same level as in the case of multi-armature units, but the realism and timbre are at a much better level. The high tones are so natural and palpable that it is hard to resist the impression of experiencing live music. It is worth noting here that the Svanars showed their full potential only when connected to higher-class equipment, which in this case was the EF600 from Hifiman.




This is certainly the most frequently searched combination, because both headphones are so close and yet completely far from each other. The advantage of the wireless variant is the presence of R2R modules that drive them perfectly and make the Bluetooth svanars incredibly close to the wired ones. In some aspects they can even be considered better. However, the wired version of Svanar has the advantage that we can pair them with any device and, for example, with the EF600 they gain incredible potential and show a certain advantage. Which headphones we choose depends on whether we want the convenience of wireless ones by agreeing to a certain compromise, or whether we can afford a solid DAC and AMP to properly use the potential of wired Svanar headphones.

Hifiman svanar are headphones whose main disadvantages are based on the basic selection of accessories and not the headphones themselves. The sound we get for 2000USD is analog, dense, natural and literally absorbing. Their strengths are primarily imaging, scenic possibilities and beautiful tuning balancing between balance and the beauty they bring. If we like warm and engaging tunings full of information and details, these are undoubtedly one of the best dynamics on the market. 0.78 sockets require some synergy in the selection of cables, but those with larger plugs fit without any problems (I mean length). The sound stage is ellipsoidal, which means we can hear music practically everywhere. Svanars also like electricity and feel great with better devices. In this case, I used the EF600 from hifiman for testing and it actually allowed me to get much more out of the headphones. These are headphones that, of course, have their drawbacks, one of them is the stock cable, but overall, their sound and what they offer make up for these minor shortcomings by taking us into the world of music that is colored in such a way that we can literally get lost in it. Hifiman is a company that really knows how to tune equipment and has once again shown who rules the market. I hope that in the next version they will correct minor shortcomings with the equipment and we will have the undisputed king of mobility.
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New Head-Fier
Really good QoA earphones!
Pros: -sound
Cons: Nothing
Przeskocz do treści


Quen of Audio Vesper 2


Quen of Audio Vesper 2
instagram: link
Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to listen to the previous model from QoA, i.e. the classic Vesper. However, the new generation of this fairly well-known model interested me primarily with the price and very nice design. We have a choice of a smooth orange color or a hand-decorated blue color. The configuration has undergone a slight modification. We still have 1DD and 1BA driver. This time, however, a very good knowles converter was used, which was carefully adapted to the needs of tuning. For this, hand-polished resin was used, and the whole thing was priced at a fairly decent 79USD. This prompted me to revise my IEM collection and supplement it with a new model.

As for the content, it is quite classic for QoA products. We have a large and rigid case, two sets of tips, a good quality cable with 8 high-purity SPC wires terminated with a 3.5mm plug. The headphones themselves have 0.78mm jacks. That would be it, not counting the paperwork, of course. In my opinion, such a set is completely sufficient in this price range. Many manufacturers do not provide such a rich equipment in much more expensive products, so I can’t say that I missed anything, and the stock cable made a very good impression on me, but it’s a pity that it is not balanced. However, I can understand it, because the headphones are dedicated to everyday use.

: It is even and strong. Feel his presence, but not in an overwhelming or intrusive way. It beautifully emphasizes strong musical accents while ensuring that it maintains a neutral and pleasant character. It is not as bass as in cheap headphones, but it also does not match, for example, the kinera idun 2.0. However, in this price range, its timbre and strong control are a very good point. The complexity of the low frequencies can really delight, showing the smallest details and structure of the tracks. This is a well-thought-out and not intrusive tuning. Low frequencies are dynamic, although their speed is closer to medium than ultra high, I didn’t lack any mass, nor did I have a problem with not keeping up with the music on the bass side.

Diameter: This range is very clean and dense. The natural, slightly dimmed nature of the midrange is very pleasant. However, what impresses the most is the unprecedented and amazing amount of details and information. In more crowded recordings, I have the impression that the instruments literally fly around my head and are present in many places, delighting me with an incredible amount of sensations. At the same time, the vocals are always at the forefront and impress with their emotional and realistic presentation. The vocals turned out to be engaging and full of life and emotions, which I really liked, the whole sounded really clean and that also made a big impression on me.

Treble: The treble is not in the first place, this may be related to the use of a dynamic driver and full-range knowles armature. The result, however, is very interesting, because the whole does not sound dark, but rather neutral, and each instrument can be heard at the same time. So we do not have an exaggerated treble here, but at the same time it was not masked by other frequencies. Such a treatment of the treble translates into calm and relaxing listening for many hours, which is as much a plus as it is a minus for some. I see that as an advantage, but if you’re looking for sparkle and sharper treble shots, the Gimleth will be a bit more advantageous.


QoA Vesper 2 ($79) VS QoA Gimleth ($59)
The QoA Vesper 2 is a more balanced and less bright earphone, while the Gimleth have stronger bass and more highs. Personally, I like both headphones, but when it comes to details and a lot of information, Vesper 2 exceeds my wildest expectations in this price range. Gimleth, on the other hand, charms with beautiful bass and entertaining tuning based on beautiful and shiny highs.
QoA Vesper 2 ($79) VS DUNU DM-480 ($79)
DUNU is famous for its well-tuned headphones and the DM-480 is a V-tuning with strong bass and less emphasis on vocals. The Vesper 2 sound better in the midrange and with greater tonal balance. If you are looking for a natural sound, reach for Vesper 2, if you prefer entertaining and bass tuning, choose dunu.
QoA Vesper 2 ($79) VS iBasso it00 ($79)
iBAsso is an amazing company that creates great equipment model it00 is U-tuning with a warm and pleasant sound. Vesper 2 are more even and less bassy. Both pairs of headphones deserve appreciation and here it is all about what we are really looking for.

QoA is a great brand owned by the kinera family. They have great tuning specialists and can really put out cheap and great products. Vesper 2 proves it perfectly. These are natural-sounding headphones with lively and dense vocals, with an excellent wide soundstage and depth. They delight with the amount of information and details they are able to reproduce. In combination with devices such as: xDuoo XD05plus, xDmt602 + mu601, iBasso DX170 … and high-resolution files, they showed a good technical level and delighted me with realism and sound resolution. Adding good accessories and great workmanship, I can definitely recommend them to everyone. Another strength is the ease of control and noise-free purity. At this price of $79, it’s hard to find real weaknesses, but if I had to look hard, I would like a little more brilliance in the treble and then I would feel completely satisfied when it comes to everyday headphones for listening to music.


New Head-Fier
Really good experiment!
Pros: natural and neutral presentation, great build quality, great fit.
Cons: Nothing on this price.
There has always been a lot going on in the headphone market, but manufacturers of IEM headphones, i.e. universal in-ear monitors, are constantly competing with each other in interesting ideas. Letshouer is a brand known for impeccable workmanship, exemplary approach to its products and innovations. This time they served us a quite unusual design, because their latest DZ4 model consists of as many as three dynamic drivers with a diameter of 6mm and an additional passive radiator with a diameter of 6mm, which, thanks to the semi-open design, is designed to strengthen the whole transmission. It’s all packed into a small resin case and priced at $89. It’s not an easy price range because the glut of products under $100 is huge.

When it comes to unpacking, we have a cardboard box made of slightly cheaper materials than those used to produce the S12PRO packaging. However, it is still very pretty and attractive. Inside we find our headphones, a nice matte and tightly screwed case in the shape of a can, covered with rubber on both sides. It is nice and has the manufacturer’s logo on the cap. However, it is hard to finger and does not protect the headphones from scratches inside. Still, in this price range, the mere presence of a case is a feat, and the more the addition of a case of this class deserves huge applause. In addition, we find a couple of information leaflets, a great braided cable 3.5mm – 0.78mm similar to that of the gaileo model. And three pairs of vocal and balanced tips. Although in my opinion DZ4 are not particularly sensitive to tips. The set is complete and functional, personally I would only give at least one pair of wetsuits, but they are not mandatory for this tuning.

DZ4 are headphones strongly focused on a specific style of musical presentation. They are very close to neutral with a slight mutra of warmth. They don’t play bass, instead they maintain a beautiful tonal balance. So let’s move on to a slightly more detailed description of the sound. Their extreme opinions are caused by rather unusual in this price range „audiophile approach to tuning”, instead of entertaining and warm, which is quite rare and may cause that many people did not expect such a move. After all, audiophiles with much more expensive headphones certainly began to look for similarities, and users of cheaper musical models were looking for the same. In my opinion, however, the DZ4 is a unique product that deserves a lot of recognition. First of all, because of its unconventional and correctness. It’s a specific sound for a specific audience. So who is the recipient and what is the sound you will find out in the next part of the article. So I invite you to continue reading.

Bass: Low tones are neutral, slightly warmed in the sub-bass, there is little mid-bass. Which translates into a certain sense of contour, but it is not a defect. Such a procedure helps to strengthen the analytical and technical nature of DZ4. Yes, the DZ4 are not overly selective, but they remain coherent and well-tuned. Bass is present, but still linear and does not stand out above the overall musical presentation. I will not agree with the opinion that the DZ4 does not have bass, but these are not headphones for lovers of low tones. They have much less bass than the s12pro. Its structure close to neutral works great for music monitoring. This is a rare and innovative approach in this price range. However, if the midrange of the bass was slightly strengthened, on the one hand, the whole would gain weight, but on the other, it would lose its analytical and unusual in the positive sense of the word transmission. These are headphones that play as the artist intended.
Diameter: DZ4 focus on direct and clear musical transmission, especially in the field of female vocals. The males are also well realized in a very direct way, but it is the female vocals that gain extra magic with a bit of warmth in the sound. Imaging and separation are at an average level, but in this price range it is acceptable and correct. When it comes to the separation of instruments, it is just right and it is not surprising that the headphones themselves sound above average well for their price and cannot be outstanding in every context, because investing 89 USD and not 200 USD we have to take into account a certain compromise. In this case, it will be a compromise in terms of instrument separation. However, what I want to emphasize is that the DZ4 still has good imaging, which does not stand out above the price, but is not a disadvantage either. This allows you to reduce the feeling of fatigue and just relax listening to your favorite music.

Treble: The treble is present, but due to the strong neutrality, it does not stand out above the whole, so we can have the impression of their reduced presence. It’s not that the DZ4 doesn’t have treble, because it is present. It’s more about how they’re set up. In rock or pop music, it brings very good results, eliminating the feeling of fatigue or sibilants. The soundstage is of average width, but with a nice and good depth, which I personally like a lot. The highs are clean and smooth to show our favorite music, plus we don’t have any impurities or sibilants here.


Letshuoer DZ4 ($89) VS Letshuoer S12PRO ($139)

At the beginning, I would like to point out that comparing planar and dynamic headphones is hard. The S12Pro are more resolving, faster, but at the same time they have strongly withdrawn vocals, which is not present in the DZ4. Of course, the S12Pro are more expensive and better headphones. However, if you have a limited budget and want to buy something neutral and entertaining, the DZ4 will be a good choice because they are a bit easier to listen to and do not require such a powerful amplifier.
Letshuoer dz4 ($89) VS QoA Vesper 2 ($79)
QoA are headphones with more detail, but also less neutral and balanced tuning. It’s all about our individual preferences. More bass will definitely be QoA Vesper 2, but if we are looking for a quiet tuning, it is worth reaching for Letshuoer dz4.
Letshuoer dz4 (89USSD) VS BQEYZ topaz (89USD)
Topaz are very good headphones that I really like. However, they are very bassy and have almost subwoofer bass. Their scene is similar to DZ4. The DZ4 are definitely more balanced, neutral and calmer in presentation. If we are looking for a quiet tuning, we will find it in the DZ4, and if we prefer entertaining and spectacular tuning, then the topaz will show more claws.

The Letshuoer dz4 at $89 is a great deal. Great accessories and beautiful neutral tuning with minimal warming make them a great deal if you appreciate a calm and balanced tuning. The build quality is phenomenal and the quality control is excellent, which makes me strongly recommend this model. I was also surprised by the good isolation despite the semi-open construction of the headphones. It is worth considering buying the DZ4 if you are looking for inexpensive headphones to work with music or if you like neutral tuning. Let’s not look for $200 sound here, but remember that there are still few innovative headphones under $100. Thus, the DZ4 are a kind of unique, taking into account their advanced design and stunningly good build quality. In my opinion, it is worth taking a closer look at them and listening to them with your own ears.
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New Head-Fier
best wireless headphones in the world!
Pros: sound quality, LDAC, anc, microphone, comfort, ergonomics...
Cons: Big case, no aptx, no application

Hifiman Svanar Wireless:​


Hifiman Svanar Wireless:

Times change, generations of audiophiles too… We are constantly on the go and often we just don’t have time or opportunity to take our favorite equipment with us in the form of a heavy amplifier and headphones. That is why the TWS headphones market is constantly growing and is currently bursting at the seams with the release of new products. Manufacturers are trying different solutions to reach the audience. However, Hifiman went a different way, offering all its best solutions in a really compact TWS earphone housing. This is how the Svanar Wireless model was created. It has been equipped with a number of the latest technologies such as dedicated amplifier modules, dedicated high-power amplifiers in R2R technology known from the bluemini module. In addition, the IPSX5 splash resistance standard has been added, which allows us to take our headphones even in heavy rain. Added world-class hybrid ANC. And three operating modes. It’s all wrapped up in a futuristic look and a very futuristic box.


Unboxing and description of functionality:

The earphones alone currently cost $499 and are among the most expensive TWS on the market. They come to us in a small cardboard box with a charging cable and a large set of tips and foams, so we can easily fit the tips to our ears. We have a choice of two pairs of foams, four pairs of silicones and two pairs of double-flange tips. As for the headphones themselves, they feature a carbon fiber front panel with the same excellent ergonomics as the svanar wired model. The front panel is silver in color and has a high gloss finish. On the very front we have the hifiman logo and touch panels. With their help, we can change songs, switch the game mode between transparent with 7H of battery life, ANC with 6H and HIGH FIDELITY where the amplifier shows its full potential and the volume increases by a few decibels, costing us a decrease in battery life to 4H. When it comes to ANC, it is really effective and in my opinion is even better than that of sony products. We also have a pair of microphones for calls. The conversations themselves also turned out to be a huge surprise. As a rule, this aspect in TWS headphones is very lame. In the case of svanar wireless it was completely different. Even in the very center of the city, I had a great time talking on the phone using headphones as a set with a microphone. From the level of the headphones themselves, we can also turn on the voice assistant, but we will not change the volume of the songs, which is a bit of a hindrance, but it can be easily fixed in the case of future updates. Svanar Wireless supports three bluetooth codecs SBC, AAC, LDAC and here I would like to point out that the difference in the LDAC codec is significant. However, I missed the APTX codec which is commonly used in windows. I hope this will be changed in future updates. One of the more interesting features is the addition of sensors to the headphones that stop the music when the headphones are removed from the ears.

Charging case:
The case itself is large, which is beyond doubt. However, options such as wireless charging have been added to it, or care has been taken to ensure that the energy is enough to charge our headphones 3 times, to some extent justifies its dimensions. Hifiman decided to construct the case in such a way that the headphones with large full-size tips fit in it, and not only those dedicated to TWS headphones. The outer layer of the case is made of a very hard and durable resin material. And the inside is made of a softer white resin.

I already mentioned that when it comes to ANC, it is one of the best currently available on the market. I had no problem to cut myself off from the environment at work and when traveling. Even on a crowded bus, I only heard my favorite music. All this for a relatively low cost of one hour of battery life. I still consider it an excellent result.

The quality of phone calls turned out to be not only amazingly good, both my interlocutor heard me and I heard him perfectly. What surprised me the most was that the quality of the calls themselves was higher than that made from a Samsung s23 phone or other flagships.

Fit and Comfort:
TWS headphones are much more dependent on the quality of fit than any other. After all, no one would want to lose a $499 handset. Here, however, we have an almost exact copy of svanar in the wired version. So the headphones sit extremely securely in the ear. With a weight of only 8 grams, you can really forget that you have them in your ears.

What about the sound? Now let’s get to the sound:

: Overall sonically the svanar wireless are surprisingly close to their wired version. However, they have a strong and firm foundation of low tones. The amount of sub-bass is astounding and the purity of the low tones can make you dizzy. God these headphones have such good bass, few wired headphones for $400 can produce such good lows. We’ve got a lot of moderate speed energy here. The headphones themselves do not play slowly, they are very close to naturalness and warm sound. The bass boost is noticeable, but not nauseating, rather astounding. Rap, Rock, electronic music after LDAC in HIGH FIDELITY mode sounds literally concert. In transparent mode and ANC it is a few decibels quieter, but still very good. However, the amount of low-frequency in high-efficiency mode noticeably increases which is great if you want more bass hits.

Diameter: What distinguishes the wired version from the wireless one in the svanar model is the diameter. In the GRP model, it is more favored, more exposed and pushed to the fore. This makes women’s vocals, thanks to the warming, gain additional brilliance, and men’s vocals become incredibly natural and realistic. Often, closing my eyes, I had the impression that it was a live concert, not a bus ride in a traffic jam. The amount of information and details is huge, but it does not focus on analysis, but rather on fun and listening comfort. The stage is very natural, well spread out in width with a very pleasant depth. Just like at the concert. We can hear and separate each instrument and layer without losing their musicality and smoothness. In the hig fidelity mode, we get even more saturation, emotions and we can completely lose ourselves in the music, forgetting that it is only GRP! It’s a really nice feeling when only a dead battery can free you from the music you love, because you keep telling yourself that this is the last song.

Treble: Treble is not colorized or harsh. These headphones aren’t meant to shine, they’re meant to play music as it was made, and that’s what happens. Resolution is good but not artificially inflated. It’s not about pumping high registers by force, but rather about ensuring listening comfort and listening pleasure. Many headphones don’t understand this and do it wrong. The LDAC mode changes a lot in terms of treble and with this codec the treble gains much in quality. The great advantage is the crystal black background that we have in the headphones, which allows us to completely immerse ourselves in the musical feast.


time, I deliberately avoid comparisons with other TWS headphones on the market, because in my opinion, of course, this completely subjective feeling Svanar Wireless is a few steps ahead of the competition. A few steps is not much, but in this game it’s enough to just give them an undisputed podium and close the stake as of the day of writing this review.

Modes of operation:

presents a great active suppression, but it is not a complete cut-off, but a well-thought-out selective separation of important information from those that disturb our peace. So we will hear, for example, that a car is passing us, but it will be marginal and will not spoil our musical feast. In this mode, the battery life is an hour shorter, but it’s still phenomenal at a solid 6 hours in LDAC mode. The volume here is reduced by a few decibels, but with the addition of ANC, the overall volume remains at a very satisfactory level.

Transparent: This mode does not have any boosters and thus we can bet on a maximum battery life of 7 hours. Passive attenuation is at the level of svanar wired headphones, so better than you might expect.

HIGH FIDELITY: In this mode, the headphones receive the most power. In fact, an additional amplifier is switched on, providing more power to the dynamic transducers in topological diagram technology. Here the resolution and volume exceed the wildest expectations, taking our senses practically to the concert hall itself, which is amazing in my opinion.

When creating the svanar wireless model, Hifiman focused on the latest and best technologies developed by itself. Valuing them at 499 USD, he set the bar high. At the same time, presenting the world’s first TWS on the R2R system that literally plays at the level of good in-ear headphones. I don’t know how they did it, but closing my eyes I often found myself looking for the cable because I couldn’t believe it was still GRP! Great natural and real presentation, warm saturated bass. In addition, a magical and clean midrange and calm treble. Bluetooth 5.2, LDAC and an absolutely black background fully justify the cost we will incur if we decide to buy svanar wireless. Of the minuses, I would love to get an application for this model, support for APTX and volume control then I would not have the right to ask for anything more. This really shows how much strength hifiman has when creating his brilliant projects. Adding excellent isolation and ANC in hybrid mode, I begin to understand why they are priced so high and I can recommend them to anyone who appreciates the excellent comfort of TWS headphones and does not want any compromises. Comparing HIFIMAN SVANAR VIRELESS for USD 499 to FIIO UTWS 5 for USD 140, I can admit that while UTWS 5 provide great freedom in choosing the final headphones, they still require investment in headphones. Sonically, it’s hard to compare them because the UTWS 5 are largely dependent on the finally selected headphones. Despite everything, the R2R in the HIFIMAN headphones really does an excellent job. When it comes to the battery life itself, depending on the mode, you can actually get 7h in transparent mode, 6h with ANC and 4h in high performance mode.


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New Head-Fier
charming edition xs
Pros: price, sound quality, tiny average, resolution, scene spread.
Cons: Stock cable, no travel cases.

hifiman edition xs​


Hifiman edition xs:


Edition XS is a tribute from the hifiman to audiophiles with a slightly smaller budget. Their pedigree goes back to the excellent he1000s. On the other hand, the price of USD 449 puts them lower than the much more expensive Ari. Recently, I tested, among others, sundare and its closed version, they made a very positive impression on me. It was similar in the case of devy pro or r9 and he400se. Thus, having an idea of the quality and class of the sound presented by hifiman, I could confidently start testing the slightly more expensive headphones, which are the XS edition. This is an improved model of the great edition X and in this case the changes are significant. So I invite you to read.

Unboxing and making:
The Edition XS came to me in a classic black hifiman package, where on the fabric we find only headphones and a black classic cable with a large jack adapter. I missed at least the simplest transport case this time. However, it is possible to buy such an accessory on the hifiman website, so this is only a marginal note. The headphones are very light and kept in a black style. The headband is quite large, but in my case it was not a problem because it firmly stuck to the head and did not oppress it. The headphones are made of plastic, but the grill is made of metal which is a good move. The earphones themselves feature large and versatile earcups along the lines of those of the Ari. The whole looks neat and very elegant. The earmuffs are hybrid and made of high quality materials.


During the tests I used xDuoo mt602 and ta01b amplifiers, in the DAC section I used xDuoo mu601 and in the mobile version I used xDuoo xd05plus and iBasso DX170. I used files from tidal, apple music and my own music library. I used a conical cable because I wanted to maintain the consistency of the music reception.
The Edition XS sound mature and clean, which puts them much higher than the Deva Pro or Sundara. However, their sound very much depends on how much power we give them and what quality it will be.

Bass: Moving on to the low frequencies, they are very well shown despite the open design of the headphones. We can feel strong and pleasant bass hits, which are aerated and full of various layers. Its structure is not intrusive, it is set in such a way as to perfectly complement the whole presentation and not dominate it. Despite a slight increase in the midbass, it is a pleasant and very entertaining way of presentation.

Midrange: Mid musical frequencies are smooth and very resolving with lots of space and air. The Edition XS tend to have a very wide soundstage which is impressive in this price range and evokes a great sense of communing with music. In addition, the midrange is very natural and engaging, placing us in the center of the musical experience. The amount of details and instruments is huge, which allows us to hear each instrument or melody line exactly as at the concert.

Treble: The Trebles are boosted and slightly brightened, but not as much as in the Ari, so it’s easier to find synergy with the SX edition. The treble is very resolving and full of details, which we will appreciate especially in the case of instrumental music. The high tones, despite the amplification and noticeable participation in tuning, are still very natural and smooth, which makes them a great musical treat for lovers of more spectacular playing.


1.Hifiman edition xs(449USD) VS hifiman sundara(299USD)
The Sundara sits more securely on the head, while the XS edition construction provides a more comfortable and less compressive position on the head. Edition XS also have larger earcups for slightly more comfort. Both pairs of headphones sound great. Edition XS is more resolving and wider sound. While the sundara has less treble and a bit more warmth.
2.Hifiman edition xs (449USD) VS DEVA PRO (280USD):
Dev pro has great bluetooth functionality associated with bluemini, but sonically it sounds a class lower than the XS edition, which has more details and less bass transmission. When it comes to comfort, both pairs are on the same level in my opinion. Deva is more entertaining tuning and the XS edition focuses on the technical side of the presented content.

Edition XS are very interesting headphones, because for a fraction of the Ari price we can enjoy its truncated version. Of course, the aria will be better at every step, but the price will also almost double. In addition, the XS edition won me over with a lot of comfort and an excellent musical and smooth presentation. The stage turned out to be extremely wide and selective. The amount of details and the quality of the music presented can delight, and more importantly, this delight not only does not disappear over time, but also remains at the same level. Thanks to the smooth and clean presentation, we can enjoy the music. This type of tuning is needed on the market and should not be underestimated. As for the treble boost, it is indeed audible, but this is not a disadvantage because it allows it to be picked up more details and overall is consistent with the musical presentation of the XS model. By creating the XS model, Hifiman once again showed that he knows how to design and tune headphones. The Planarne XS are mature, great-sounding, and well-made mid-priced headphones.

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New Head-Fier
Planar sundara closed
Pros: excellent closed design, amount of details, charming vocals, great build quality, price.
Cons: The stock cable is just ok, it could be better.

Hifiman sundara closed​


Hifiman sundara closed:


On the market, planar headphones are still a solidly developing part of the market, while we have quite a lot of open headphones in this technology, if we want to combine them with a closed design, we have to make a lot of effort to find something interesting. Unfortunately, this is a kind of headphone niche and hifiman should be commended for taking the gloves and releasing a closed edition of one of the most appreciated headphones, which were sundars.

Unboxing and ergonomics:
Unpacking and ergonomics: As for the packaging, it is a classic gray cardboard box with a print, we also have a styrofoam headphone stand and a standard black cable with a large jack adapter. The headphones themselves are made based on the sundar design, so we have the same headband layout and a similar earcup shape. This model, however, is a closed structure, and their back is wooden shells in light wood color. The use of real wood, as in the case of the sivga robin v21 model, and not plastic, is a very good move, and the wood is of very high quality and does not contain any imperfections.

During the tests I used xDuoo mt602 and ta01b amplifiers, in the DAC section I used xDuoo mu601 and in the mobile version I used xDuoo xd05plus and iBasso DX170. I used files from tidal, apple music and my own music library. I used a conical cable because I wanted to maintain the consistency of the music reception.

Bass: When testing the classic sundare, I noticed that it has a well-realized bass for open headphones, but having contact with the closed version, I noticed even better bass quality. Bass is punctual, accurate and fast. He hits hard at the right moment and his speed is very natural. The low tones are deep and well developed. Which is due to the closed type of construction and the use of still great transducers with a planar construction.

Midrange: Vocals and mids are strongly accentuated and set in my opinion much closer to the front than in the classic sundar. Their quality and purity are phenomenal. We can not only hear, but also almost touch every instrument and our artist standing nearby. The bass is in the background and the layer of instruments plays the first violin. This makes us feel like we’re recording our favorite song in the studio. This positive effect is the stronger the better quality spades we serve.

Treble: The treble is less accentuated as in the classic sundar version and the amount of information is still large, the headphones are detailed and technically strong. However, the amount of information is less and the stage has become a bit narrower with still very good depth. The plans and layers are great for a closed-back design. However, they still remain alive, natural and beautifully sounding. Which makes for a great experience. If you don’t like a lot of treble, here you will find a reasonable and well-thought-out compromise.


1.Hifiman sundara closed (220USD) VS SUNDARA (299USD)

The classic Sundara sounds a bit more spacious, with more details but also with more distant vocals. The closed version, in addition to good isolation, is easier to drive and, above all, has better bass and a more direct transmission. The amount of low tones has also been reduced, which translates into a slightly darker presentation.
2.Hifiman sundara closed(220USD) vs hifiman R9(199USD)
The closed Sundara is primarily a calmer, less bass sound, the headphones themselves are also more ergonomic. However, they have a slightly smaller stage because they don’t play on set V like R9. The R9 also benefits from being compatible with the bluemini. Sundara closed, however, sounds more natural and monitor-like.
3.Hifiman sundara closed (220USD vs hifiman deva pro (280USD)
Deva pro are open headphones, so they lose due to the lack of isolation, but they provide a darker and more entertaining sound, putting less emphasis on vocals and more on highs. Deva pro headphones are also larger but also lighter.

The most frequently asked question concerns the differences between the sundara and the closed sundara, and in my opinion they are actually two separate models, apart from the similar design of the headband, they sound completely different. The Sundara is more open and less bassy, and the closed version is more direct and monitory. To be honest, if I was looking for headphones for the city or for a trip, I much prefer the closed version, but if I was looking for something for quiet home listening and I would like more details and a stronger accent on the treble, then the classic sundara is excellent. Overall the closed sundara is an excellent pair of earmuffs with a beautiful natural and charming sound signature. On vocal tracks it literally charms, and on instrumental tracks it relaxes with its smooth and coherent tuning, it all puts this pair of headphones very high considering their current price of 229USD which is a great deal.

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New Head-Fier
Magic sundara
Pros: beautiful sound, light warmth, excellent amount of details, build quality, price.
Cons: Nothing at this price.

hifiman sundara:​


Hifiman sundara:


Hifiman does not cease to surprise me when it comes to value for money, taking into account the great price offer under which we can buy the original sundares of the 2022 edition for 299 USD on the official hifiman website, you can’t ignore its sonic value. The Sundars have had the opportunity to prove their extraordinary sonic value more than once, becoming the subject of many discussions in the audio industry. In my collection there are models such as HE400, deva pro with bluemini, R9, edition xs, sundara in closed version. How does one of the most famous hifiman models compare to them?

In different editions, we can find slightly different packaging. Because I have the latest version of these headphones, they were packed in a classic cardboard box consistent with the latest philosophy of packing hifiman headphones. Inside you will find a styrofoam stand and the same cable as in any other version of the basic hifiman headphones with an adapter for a large jack. That’s actually it, my version was without a transport cover, but you can buy a variant with a hard case.

Hifiman, when designing the sundar model, changed the concept of plastic headphones a bit by creating an all-metal design, so we can be sure about the quality of our audio equipment. Despite the metal housing, I did not feel that the weight was uncomfortable, because the headphones are still very light. The earmuffs are also hybrid and made of flexible, very comfortable materials. The headband with an additional pressure-relieving strap is also very comfortable. However, it should be remembered that the headphones are quite securely attached to the head. Personally, I see it as an advantage.

The sonic value of planar headphones largely depends on the equipment we use to drive them, if someone thinks that a phone with a jack output is enough for sundara, all I can do is wish them a nice listening, it’s like buying a sports car to drive in the desert. I’m not saying it can’t be done, but I think it’s a desecration. So I used xDuoo mt602 and ta01b amplifiers in the DAC section I used xDuoo mu601 and in the mobile version I used xDuoo xd05plus and iBasso DX170. I used files from tidal, apple music and my own music library. I used a conical cable because I wanted to maintain the consistency of the music reception.

Bass: In open headphones, which are classic sundars, one of the most common problems is the lack of good quality bass. Fortunately, world-class manufacturers such as audeze or hifiman are able to deal with this and present us with complete and reliable products. Sundara is not the type of headphone in which the bass is as dominant as, for example, in the dynamic R9, but it is present to a degree that allows very good quality listening. His character is very pleasant and smooth in my opinion. I had no problem with quality listening to rap or rock songs. I could selectively enjoy a lot of midbass and sub-bass tangible hits. The structure of the bass is arranged in a very natural way, its slight distance from the head makes us feel like in a concert hall.

Midrange: The vocal-instrumental range is always a challenge, because placing the midrange too close will translate into a tiring and unrealistic presentation, and moving the midrange too far away will give the effect of sitting in a dungeon or in a container. Hifiman in the sundara model made sure that the midrange sounded natural and very engaging. It is slightly moved away, making the stage more spacious. However, the amount of information is astonishing. Each instrument or voice has its inseparable place and delights with realism and light natural warmth. This is a very good compromise between a warm, entertaining sound and a cool and analytical approach. The vocals are clear, lively and can literally take you to the venue of a live concert. This is a great way that, in my opinion, audio manufacturers should follow.

Treble: They are amplified as is often the case in hifiman tuning, but this is not a disadvantage, because it increases our involvement in the music and the amount of information presented. There are a lot of details and they are spread out on an ellipsoidal, quite wide stage. This gives a nice effect without excessive brightening or too sharp band edges. Although I know that planar headphones do not always like tube amplifiers, I believe that hybrid amplifiers are not an obstacle for them and you can find synergies at a satisfactory level. Although in my case the XD05PLU transistor with the AKM chip worked best.

Now let’s move on to a short comparison of sundara with other headphones.
In this set, everything is mainly about our preferences, because the sundara will sound less entertaining, a bit more technical. The quality of the sundara itself is also better in my opinion. Instead of plastic, we have high-quality metal elements. Deva pro, however, wins with a more bass and entertaining form, and great functionality of bluemini which gives us a really ready-made solution in the field of amplification and DAC for our headphones.

The open version of the sundara provides more air, more space and slightly more details. The closed variant is primarily solid insulation, much stronger and better bass, and a slightly more monitor character of the sound. Closed sundars are also easier to control, which is a strong argument for mobile use.
3.HIFIMAN SUNDARA ($299) VS HE400SE($120)
It will be no secret that the HE400SE are great headphones, whose sonic value goes well beyond the prism of the price, but you can hear that they are inferior to the sundars at every step. Sundara are simply more mature headphones, presenting a higher level of sound.

Sunara are headphones that cannot be missed and passed by indifferently. Great sound, full of details and life is their strong point. Maybe they are not as fast as edition xs or deva pro. However, they make up for it with a very good fit and excellent musical quality. They have good bass, great midrange and a pleasant, slightly more accentuated treble. At the current price of $299, they are a strong contender and a solid proposition for any music enthusiast. Therefore, I will be happy to put them on my list of must-have items. Great headphones worth every sum spent on them.



New Head-Fier
ddHifi BC150B Exelent sound low price
Pros: build quality, price, sound, materials.
Cons: no plugs other than 4.4mm

ddHifi BC150B​


ddHifi BC150B:

There are many headphone cables on the market, ranging from a few to even several thousand dollars. They will certainly be more expensive. Manufacturers are constantly outdoing each other in providing us with better and often more expensive accessories. ddHifi, however, decided to go a completely different way, offering great quality and a decent price. The BC150B model, because that’s what I’m going to talk about in this review, is the latest headphone cable dedicated to large headphones from the stable of this manufacturer. We have many connection options and plugs from classic 3.5mm to elongated, 2.5mm or slightly more specialized. The only thing missing was the xlr or mini xlr variant. The end connector always comes in the 4.4mm option.

Unboxing and making:
The BC150B is definitely a premium cable and comes in a nice cardboard package, if I may ask for something, in the future edition I would like it to receive its own dedicated case already in the set. The cable itself is made of high-quality pure silver with two cross-sections, SPC copper, and high-purity copper, and good insulation has not been forgotten. The whole is implemented in a litz construction with a coaxial structure. In terms of length, we have 145, 195, 295 cm at our disposal, at a price of 119 to 190 USD. The cable itself is well made of high quality materials, additionally we have a nice splitter with the name of the model. The plugs fit very well and are of high quality. At this price, it’s quite a popular practice, but still deserves a mention. ddHifi took care of proper comfort by making our cable flexible and flexible. It may not be as soft as cheaper Chinese substitutes, but this is due to the solid construction and strong insulation used in this model.

When it comes to the sonic aspect, the change was noticeable almost from the very beginning, and it only got better over time. So let’s move on to the descriptive part of the sound. I tested BC150B together with hifiman he400se, edition xs, sundara, sundara closed back, r9, deva pro.

Bass: The low end became more alive and spacious, I noticed a significant and beneficial increase in the amount of low frequencies. At the same time, the quality of low frequencies has increased significantly. The capture of the variety and amount of low frequencies has become phenomenal. The low tones gained power and the bass became deeper and more saturated, which resulted in good results with the tested headphones.

Midrange: It has become closer, fuller and livelier. The voices of singers gained in tangibility and realness of the message, which made a great impression on me. The amount of information has become huge, and the scene is organized and coherent. Despite the use of silver in the conductor, not only did I not observe heat loss, but also its slight increase. I think this is due to the complexity of the composition of the conductor and the use of different materials.

Treble: They were neutral and kept in check, they did not stand out in the foreground and instead opened beautifully, showing their natural and colorful character. In addition, the upper strands gained a delicate brightening and showed their natural character. These are very good results for the price and class of the BC150B.

BC150B is a high-quality cable made of very good materials that combines the advantages of copper and silver, and is also comfortable and functional. I find it really impressive that ddHifi is able to sell it so cheaply. Under $300, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better value for money over-ear cable. All this makes it my basic and necessary headphone cable.

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YES, on my opinion BC150B is more natural.


New Head-Fier
Perfect bluetooth hifiman deva pro!
Pros: Sound, bluetooth, quality
Cons: Not have transport box.


hifiman deva pro



DEVA PRO is an interesting proposition from HIFIMAN because it is based on headphones with a large planar transducer and stealth magnets. They are open and practically protrude slightly from the head. However, what distinguishes them is that in addition to the possibility of a wired connection with a classic cable, a great bletooth adapter based on the R2R bluemini architecture with the original HIFIMAN chip is included. Does this approach to planar headphones make sense? I invite you to read my review!

Unboxing and making:
In the deva pro model dedicated for portable use, care was taken to put a rather rich set in a beautiful black cardboard box on a satin material. The set includes the headphones themselves, a 2x 3.5mm to 3.5mm cable identical to the one in the HE-400SE model. In addition, a large jack adapter and a bluemini adapter as well as a 1.9m USB cable and a handful of cardboard boxes with product information were included. Although personally I missed even the simplest case. After all, the model is dedicated to bluetooth solutions, so it’s nice to carry it safely. However, I can’t complain because the set is complete and the elements are of good quality. The headphones themselves are quite light and handy, despite the large size of the earmuffs, they are flat and very ergonomic. The design and workmanship refer to the he-400se model, but the Deva pro earmuffs are a bit thinner. However, the whole thing has a consistent color scheme and great quality for the current price of 269 USD is very good.

My previous experience with the HE400SE and RE400 was very successful and resulted in many hours of listening. This time, Hifiman in the Deva pro model focused on a slightly different character of the sound. For obvious reasons, I used bluemini as a source for my assessment, but also the xduoo mu602 stationary amplifier with the MT602 DAC and the iBasso DX170 file player. I used my tidal playlist and my own files as references. So let’s get to the sound itself. What is worth noting, the headphones are only visually similar to the HE400SE model because sonically they present a slightly different character.

BAS: The low registers have been strengthened compared to the previous edition, i.e. the DEVA model. Tuning was used here with more bass base, greater resolution and stronger impact. These are still not headphones for lovers of strong sounds. Because the bass here is still kept in check and has a specific place. It does not flood the midrange or capture the entire presentation. Its resolution and tonal range is great, mainly due to the large mass and incredible speed characteristic of planar drivers. In rock songs, the dullness of the bass could delight, and its structure gave a lot of satisfaction. A lot also depends on the source used. These are probably the first headphones that sound better via bluetooth than wired. This is due to a really excellent bluetooth DAC/AMPA based on the R2R architecture in the kit. Initially, I planned to devote a separate article to it, but since it is dedicated to deva pro by default, but not only. So I decided to devote a separate paragraph to it here.

Diameter: The vocals are beautiful, natural, and although the whole presentation is a bit darker, close and direct vocals are what HIFIMAN got me used to. Their engaging and emotional nature is a really good solution. If someone likes rap, this is what they are looking for, jazz will also be found, metal, rock, soul is actually quite universal and spatial playing that will successfully find itself in any genre of music. When it comes to instruments, there are a lot of them, they have a lot of space and air, which translates into great feelings. The saturation of the instruments is considerable, and the stage is not cramped, although it is wider, the depth can also delight. In this price range, i.e. up to USD 300, this is an impressive result. Each instrument has its place while maintaining beautiful consistency and high technical quality.

Treble: The upper registers are not as bright and colorful as you might think, it is a darker presentation with beautiful and natural highs. However, it should be remembered that they are slightly tinted, which is not very noticeable, because it allows us to rest and relax after many hours of listening. The strings and details are at an impressive and very high level, and the whole thing has a lot of freedom and air. Such presentation of music allows you to relax and immerse yourself in natural and beautiful sound. Here I also like the unusual lightness while maintaining weight, which is often missing in headphones in this price range.

DEVA PRO ($269) VS HE400SE ($109)
DEVA PRO is a more mature sound with much more space and air. Less musical, but more technically striking. The HE400SE, however, will appeal to treble lovers and those who do not plan to use bluemini. However, if we care about a better technical layer, and we can pay extra, DEVA PRO is a significant improvement over the still great HE400SE model at its price
DEVA PRO ($269) VS HE-R9 ($199)
The HE-R9 are closed-back headphones with a large dynamic driver. They have a very futuristic look, while still being extremely comfortable and providing above-average sound insulation. Deva pro is a slightly lighter, more open and organic approach to the subject, with less bass and more air. This is due to the differences in the type of transducers used and the design of the headphones. Deva pro is smaller, lighter, but due to zero insulation it is difficult to take it on a bus trip. In the case of the HE-R9, if we do not have any reservations about their design, they are excellent headphones on the R2R system in combination with the bluemini.
Oriole are dynamic headphones with a very balanced and coherent presentation in wooden housings. When it comes to deve pro, hifiman chose a slightly more natural and darker tuning. With a lot of air due to the open design and, above all, as befits a planar driver, huge dynamics. Here, of course, it’s hard to talk about better or worse sound, simply Devy are headphones to relax with your favorite music, and sivga oriole will allow us to work with music thanks to its amazing balance.

The second generation of this amazing bluetooth receiver based on hifiman’s proprietary solutions and the R2R system is above average when it comes to capabilities. First of all, we have full bluetooth 5.0 functionality here, along with an excellent chip from QALCOMA. In addition, a lot of power and amazing, natural sound. The device itself is brilliantly easy to use and provides up to 8 hours of listening to your favorite music. On the downside, I can definitely point out that it has a certain tendency to a very slight hiss at low volume levels or with high resistance headphones like the HE-R9. However, this is marginal and fully compensated by the amazing sounding R2R system with above average naturalness and sonic culture. In my opinion, the price of this module is fully justified, because its capabilities are impressive. We also have the option of using it with LDAC, APTX HD, APTX, SBC, AAC codecs, as well as with a USB cable. In my personal opinion wired sounds even more natural and transparent.

Is HIFIMAN DEVA PRO FOR $269 a product to die for? First of all, they are headphones that, together with the bluemini, offer a complete and amazing show of musical possibilities, without a single cable and without any compromises. These are incredibly comfortable, slightly darker, but very natural headphones with a beautiful and dynamic presentation. Their size is optimal, and weight is not a problem. The open design brings a lot of advantages, but also a compromise between insulation, this should be taken into account when deciding to travel by public transport or walking around the center of Tokyo. In my opinion, this is an indecently good offer for such money. Their quality and functionality appealed to me a lot and guaranteed that I would not give up their freedom and purity of sound for a long time. Their strengths are the naturalness and realism of the sound, along with the incredible freedom and purity of the sound. Of the delicate minuses, I can definitely include the lack of a transport case. However, we must remember that these are planar headphones with an open design and while they sound phenomenal with the bluemini, they require a proper amplifier and a high-quality DAC.

Test material:
Bluemini, Qudelix 5k, xDuoo Poke II, iBasso DC06, iBasso DX170, xDuoo XP2pro, xDuoo mu601, mt602, ta-01B.
Test music:


New Head-Fier
bass monster HE R-9
Pros: beautiful bass, engaging warm sound, lots of musicality, lots of details
Cons: definitely for lovers of bass and warm sound.




Can being an alien be a musical revelation? This philosophical question will start my assessment of quite original and very unusual headphones from hifiman, i.e. the HE-R9 WIRED model costing 199 USD in the wired version on the day of writing this review. A strong aspect is the ability to connect a great bluetooth module with devy pro which is bluemini. Why did I start this article? Because these are very futuristic headphones, which is not accidental. Because the unusual shape of the domes is due to special acoustic chambers.

Starting with the packaging, we have a standard carton the same as in the he400se model. Inside you will also find the same standard cable. Optionally, we can purchase a variant with a bluemini bluetooth modem. However, I have a wired version, but because I have a deve pro I will be able to add to my review the assessment of bluemini as a wireless companion, which is dedicated to the HE-R9. These are headphones with a large dynamic driver with an advanced design. The pads are hybrid and very comfortable. Ergonomically, the headphones provide amazing noise isolation due to the closed design. I had no problems with ventilation thanks to the velor base of the pads. The headphones require many hours of break-in, as they sound quite heavy at first, but this changes dramatically after a few hours of play.

This is a strong and very accentuated aspect of the HE-R9’s tuning. These are headphones for lovers of low frequencies because the mid-bass is strongly emphasized. However, its overall texture and outline are of a very high standard. They present excellent imaging and beautiful sound. In rock or rap music, this gives great results, although the bass can come in really well and is the basis of the overall sound. Giving a lot of mass and softness due to insulation. It’s a bear-like and slightly slower sound, perfect for musical and very smooth listening.

Midrange: here we have a slight withdrawal, it is warm and very dense. It’s a bearish and smooth sound. Although the bass still plays the first violin, the midrange is not flooded or dominated by it. It’s a beautiful and musical adventure that encourages you to listen. I like their resolution and space. These are surprising details and excellent imaging or separation of instruments. I like this combination, but I recommend slightly more neutral sources here. If we are looking for resolution and playing around the head with excellent depth and width, then in my opinion we can stop here for listening sessions.

Treble: Here we have a slight dimming, they are present, but not on the foreground, unlike the bass, they are rounded and subdued, giving a natural, but still more organic sound. In the treble, there will be beautiful violins or violas, but it will not be a symphony full of sharp and strongly accented sounds either. And don’t get me wrong here, it’s not like the treble is missing, it’s just slightly hidden and softened so that the whole presentation can maintain a coherent, entertaining character.


HE-R9 ($199) VS DEVA PRO ($269):

The HE-09 headphones are much warmer and much more bassy. The Deva Pro, on the other hand, is much more balanced and has much less bass. Comparing closed dynamic and open planar headphones is not easy, but the HE-R9 is definitely more fun and entertaining. Deva pro puts more emphasis on showing the musician in a slightly more natural way.

HE-R9 ($199) VS Sivga robin ($149):
This is quite an interesting shot because both pairs of ear cups are closed headphones with a dynamic design playing in the U in the case of the HE-R9 ($199) and V in the case of the Sivgi robin. Sivga has much more treble and less dense bass. It plays a bit faster, the HE-R9s are more analog and denser in sound. Both pairs are very comfortable, however we can capture more detail in the HE-R9, but the Robins have much more brilliance in the high frequencies.

HE-R9 ($199) VS Sivga Oriole ($199):
The Orioles are equal and neutral headphones, less warmth and bass than in the HE-R9, but at the same time they have less space in the sound. These are two different styles of presentation. On the one hand, we have the extremely natural sound of Orioli, and on the other hand, beautiful musical and smooth tuning with a lot of bass in the HE-R9, so it’s all about our individual preferences, in fact both pairs of headphones are really great.

The HE-R9 headphones are clean and very colorful, they strongly color the sound. They have a solid and beautiful really strong bass foundation and a lot of musical warmth which is their strong point. In combination with the bluemini, there was a slight hum due to the enormous power of the amplifier, but the whole thing retained an extremely coherent and colorful presentation. In my opinion, these are great headphones for light music and fun with sound, hifiman in this model focused on fun and achieved a great result. These are great and great-sounding headphones that are simply dedicated to lovers of entertainment and warm sound. I highly recommend them to anyone who is looking for a spacious and rich sound, if you are looking for balance then you should go for the devy pro, but if you focus on fun, dense and warm sound and isolation then these are definitely headphones for you at the price of $ 199 is a great decision.

Test material:
Bluemini, Qudelix 5k, xDuoo Poke II, iBasso DC06, iBasso DX170, xDuoo XP2pro, xDuoo mu601, mt602, ta-01B.

Test music:
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New Head-Fier
the king was born!
Pros: sound stage, balanced sound, beautiful tonality, great musical structure.
Cons: nothing at this price

Sivga oriole


Sivga oriole:
instagram: @mataudiophiles
I have known the sivga brand for a long time. After all, it is thanks to the great position of the v21 robin model. I will not get a better position for PLN 650, however, taking into account the specific character and tuning on the L plan with a boosted bass, I was happy to grab a slightly more expensive position, which is the oriole model. Promising foldable shells and greater sonic balance. At the same time, care was taken to preserve the timeless design and beautiful wooden housings.
In this respect, minimalism still reigns, which is actually quite good. For the price of PLN 999, full compatibility with the v21 model has been maintained. We have the same pads, the same cable and the same fabric pouch and adapter for a large jack. I immediately encourage you to replace the cable with a balanced one, because the conical one is what it is. He’s not bad, but he’s far from good. So much for the contents of the black package.

Moving on to what is equally important, i.e. the way the music is presented, you can immediately notice a much greater tonal balance than in the v21.
Bass: It is clear and felt, but much more balanced and balanced than in the previous model. It spills less, but its spectacularity has also been toned down. In the case of pop, instrumental music or jazz, this is a very good treatment. It translates into a great tonal balance and excellent spatiality of the sound. Personally, I really like this presentation, it is more linear and balanced, which allows you to enjoy the sound to a greater extent.
Midrange: The mids are close to neutral and natural, are well realized and noticeably closer than in the v21 model. Here, the resolution and detail of vocals and instruments are a huge plus. The main difference from the V21, however, is the placement of the vocals on the bass line, which translates into a great effect. If you’re looking for a fairly linear sound, you’ll find it here. It will also not be boring and lifeless, fans of musicality will certainly not miss it in this model. Bass that is bouncy and full complements the presentation perfectly.
Treble: They are present and clear, Although they are not as extended as in the case of robins, they are still great and resolved. For many people who do not like excessively accentuated treble, such a presentation is closer to the ideal. The instruments sound a bit warmer than in the predecessor, which is an interesting and pleasant effect.

Thanks to greater linearity, we do not have such a sense of depth here as in the robins, but we still have a wide and resolved sound. These are headphones that focus on width, not depth. Which is not a bad effect, and certainly not at this price. This translates into a pleasant end result, communing with equipment from a much higher price shelf. The headphones themselves gain quite a lot with more powerful sources, but they are not overly demanding and a mid-range dongle or a slightly better amplifier is enough. Here they perfectly matched with xDuoo XD05pro and iBasso DX170.

Sivga oriole (PLN 999) VS SIVGA ROBIN (PLN 750)

As I mentioned in the previous words, the Oriols sound much more even, less sharp in the treble and less aggressive, but the Robins have more depth and a more entertaining and light character. Both models are great dynamic earmuffs at a great price, but it’s all about our individual preferences.

Sivga oriole (PLN 999) vs Hifiman He400 SE (PLN 599)
Here the matter is not so obvious because we have two completely different models of headphones, on the one hand closed, beautifully made and dynamic oriole and on the other the legendary he400se with an open design. The Oriol are much easier to drive and more linear, on the other hand, the he400se have more space and, above all, a total lack of isolation. The HE400s also require a really powerful amplifier, and the Oriols are much more liberal in this matter.

Orioles are really surprising headphones with above-average aesthetics and excellent workmanship. They impress with their extraordinary linearity and pleasant resolution. They have less depth than their predecessor, but at the same time they control the treble better. As for the price of PLN 999, it is a great proposition worth every zloty spent. On the downside, the depth is somewhat limited, but the great resolution and natural sound go far beyond the price we will have to pay. All this puts this model very high. If you’re looking for a fun and smooth gaming experience, this is where you’ll find it. If you want a strong and entertaining V, reach for V21.

Test Materials:
Equipment used for the review includes xDuoo xp2pro, xp2bal, poke II. Oriolus 1795s, Qudelix 5k, iBasso dx170, dc04pro, dc03, Dunu DTC500, xDuoo ta01b, xDuoo mu601, mt602. The music is songs from tidal, apple music and own files.